
$100million in diamonds!

Now here is what $30,000,000 looks like 240 carrot pear-shaped diamonds a 20 Carat D flawless and a 10 carat pink and A Richard Mille are an 1103 30 million dollars can you believe that Folks so remember Peter was talking About these ridiculously large diamonds 40 carats 10 million dollars I want to See these I think you probably do too Let's go take a look So these are the special ones that you Got into Christmas a lot of this we have Here all year round but some of them Yeah it's not even Christmas it's just a Matter of when they come out from Production when they're done with Cutting round we bring them in yeah we Get them certified by GI a and then Bring them in so we get you know all Year round like this this is how much my Balancing on the back of my hand right Now oh really Ten billion these 82 carats like that It's stupid what Coverley g-p-s once Well I would never be a hand model there So you want it that way or you want this Way what do you think's better mmm the Other way Yeah is this how you present these then Is this yeah yeah that's what you do Isn't it yeah just like that that's Stupid Take that and and I was keeping the rest You don't understand Adam this is like

Michael will tell you you can go all Over the world to do this and not see This really yeah when how did you come By these I'm a good boy Now here is what thirty million dollars Looks like 240 carrot pear-shaped Diamonds a 20 carat D flawless and a 10 Carat pink and a Richard Mille are an 1103 30 million dollars can you believe That folks so this is what for Oh Karen Yeah For 31 I'm good I think intense green Okay so this is two and a half million Four million dollars I'm guessing four Million oh you know it's heads and There's no secondary color due to my Finger a lot of times with colored Natural colored diamonds is you have Secondary colors so in this case a green Would have yellow in it or brown in it Or gray in it this on the GI a serve Says straight green there are no Secondary colors event like weed pink Diamonds you can have orangey pink Purplish pink brownish pink or you could Have it is brown pinkish Brown pinkish Orange pinkish purple the most expensive Would be straight pink these are Straight Pink's straight green right no Secondary colors well and what is it it Dictates the color of a diamond just how It comes out and find them yeah it was Explained to me by an old-time I can Tell you I know do you no no okay so

It's the content of boron and nitrogen In the stone and the depth of the stone Is found out so the more night In the stone the more color it's going To have and that can be good and bad Because in a white stone it will make it Go a little on the yellowish side which You don't really want but on a colored Stone you want as much as possible and Then the deeper it is the longer it's Been in the ground the less chance it Has of having fluorescence so if you Might want to explain the fluorescence And that is very accurate because there Are less than two percent of the white Diamonds in the world that have a Separate certification that would stay State type 2a which means that there's Less boron correct in the stone and That's why it's extremely rare and Valuable and valuable okay interesting That some of these sorry this should be Vivid it cracked you'll make your eggs It's not big enough it's nearly as big As my watch that's a rock so this goes Very well together what do you think Maybe I should maybe I should add this To a bracelet that I recently purchased Black diamond bracelet would look good With a big yellow rock in the middle Dating I would but I'm not sure if I Like that yellow rock so maybe we should Have one of the easier it rocks good Grief what is this let's say 45 carat

And I think you've got another Wow How many have exist 30 so altogether What are we looking at here well let me Add one more stop That's your L my word blue fancy intense Blue no less Am i right incredible it should be a Vivid very strong intense three carriers Three and a half yeah how much is this It's about three million a carat so it's Just Ten million Wow very interesting well Ten million ten million seems very Interesting yeah it's blue yeah that is Absolutely insane so the blue is rarer Than these two then given that the blue Is the second most expensive color in The diamond race the most expensive is Red I kind of sort said that where it Would also be up there it's up there Yeah the way it was explained to me by a Very prominent a very large manufacturer Of diamonds in the world is if you look At a ski slope like Aspen or Vail or one Of these huge mountains all together That's how much dirt the world will mine A year so they start out with a mountain Like that at different parts of the World in the countries and they level it To where it's totally flat that amount Of dirt that's might in that they will Find ninety six percent of all the Diamonds would be commercial there would Be something the commercial quality

Wouldn't be something that any of us Would want in there would be that three To four percent of white material which Is really nice material in there there Might be twenty yellows I'm told that There might be two to three Pink's if You're lucky one or two blues and if You're extremely lucky one green of one Red so it puts in perspective how much You work and effort goes into you know Moving a whole mountain to find one stop And just sue I don't to that and I'm not A diamond expert since I bought a few I've learned the pink diamonds and the Blue diamonds only come from one place In the world that's Australia called Argyle mine and I believe they're just Closing it down which means there won't Be any more which in turn will put the Prices to the sky the true not like They're already not to be described Michaels correct I think the print Shin is 92 and 93 percent of all the Pink diamonds in the world to come out Of the Argyle mine and Michael is right When that mind closes that produces 90 Better than 90 percent of the Pink's of The world whoever has a pink it's just Gonna go up tremendously so talk us Through these then you tell us about how Much he a carat they are these colored Diamonds are then I need a calculator Like for example a blue diamond does a Green then where's the blue one here the

Blue one So this it's a small issue looking Diamond when you compare it with Something like this but this costs the Same amount resistance correct or more This costs the same amount as two of Those there you go that's what you Explained that yeah so what's Interesting is when you look at Something like this which is three and a Half carats but extremely rare the cost Of this stone is equivalent to the cost Of this pair and this pink diamond is More expensive than all of this and so Run me through the price then of each Each one of these okay so the pair of Shapes are ten million dollars for the Pair yeah this is five million this 20 Carat d-flawless this blue is nine Million this pink is 15 million This green is 5 million and then your Yellows are 4 million 5 million this is A fancy this is an intense and this is Two and a half million so if we add all Of these up together we have about 5 10 15 25 30 55 and which is this one 30 and 15 is 45 35 45 50 60 60 million 2 Million joules yeah where's my credit Card the last time the card was declined I'm sorry to inform you mr. Blakey but Your card is declined That's insane that is incredible and so The so this one obviously isn't set in Anything yet does the value go up

Dramatically when there tend to really Going to no no no it's a matter of Preference okay um what someone wants to Do with something of this value and Quality it's it's an individual decision I may be as bold as saying if somebody Buys this you'll give them whatever Setting they want absolutely absolutely Yeah and so do you find the people well Because this is all completely new to me Where people buy a diamond like that so You put into jewelry or they buy it just To own the diamond a combination of both I always tell everyone it's an Investment this the money is made on the By being that I'm not corporate and I Have no one pulling my strings I work Very close I work you know almost like a Broker here on a day with Drive in Beverly Hills so we offer very very good Values so I always tell the client wear It and enjoy it and it's an investment At the same time it doesn't have to sit The safe deposit box you can wear it Enjoy it and love it and it can bring You happiness yet it's still going up in Value it's almost like having a home and Not living in your home live in the home And enjoy and it's still going up in Value what's this there's no shortage of Goodies here wow that's crazy so this Just went up now to about 70 million and I don't know what to say I'm speechless I'm never speechless no it's very true

No never speechless I mean out of Species by just speechless oh there's More Hey I want to see this train go to a hundred Million dollars okay can you do it Absolutely How would you like me to slice the pie Would you like to bring out one more Item would you like me to bring up oh Okay I love this what's coming now Every single diamond is over three carat And every single diamond is GI a Certified graded as a triple excellent To cut the symmetry and the polish so People don't work what's G IA j DH would Be the highest certification Authenticity in the world it's also a International certification so yeah Wherever you went in the world whatever Country they would recognize like an Homage GI a shear biologically excuse America of America yes how does this Open you have the combination don't Shoot me yet you have to weld it on Itself well see oh that's okay I have to do this yeah yeah do the Honors yeah how much is it little puppy So I need to back up you say it first Wow where's Maricruz america yes sir oh Man yeah That's just silly love it Wow that is gorgeous take it off please Making me nervous Well let's do it let's do a three carat

Each every stone is de flawless to vvs1 So with this bracelet you would receive 25 G ia certs how much is it this one What a shame my wrist is too might have To add one more stop but it'll fit You'll make you hear ah stop my Circulation okay we won't stop a Circulation today how much is it on this Bracelet I need four and a half million Dollars so I would have taken this right Now but unfortunately doesn't fit so I Have to pass so wait one hour I can add Another so let's put that on here as Well then and let's see what we'd go all Together yeah can you please remove this As much as I don't want to remove it but I guess it needs to be removed Thank you And just do another running total for me Just one more time Well let's get some more stuff to Because it not quite a hundred million Yet right I lost count let's have it up So 10 20 35 40 45 50 60 65 70 75 all right on this one 78 78 all Right 78 I put my watch back in there to Helping 2022 to make up yet to get sure Them 22 we have to make a microwave Another round numbers okay I'm gonna get Something very very special okay like This is special we kept yeah extremely Special oh my word what can I tell you Here we go what do you have always oh my God whoa

So this is a 47 carried d-flawless oh That's ridiculous How much over 10 million how much over 10 million I would need 12 and a half Million for that stuff okay so we're at 7890 you didn't do it yeah I'm Disappointed ten million more please I Know you bought okay come on I want you To know I'm worked at least 10 million So you won't film that trailer Hmm every single diamond is GIS Certified every single yellow is over a Carat all handmade yellow this is a big One and that's 20 how much is that guy I need 7 million for this here only in 97 million he's so sure that every Million dollars I'm so disappointed you Have no idea Am i lot to go over yeah we'll go over That if you give me a discount for the Trade so I need 3 million you need 3 Million would your preference be a drop Probably to start this week about now You're over a hundred million a hundred Million dollars isn't it it's insane That if we have five of these trays laid Out here you would be able to swap them For that the biggest house most Expensive house in the United States but This alone if you think about it what You could buy how many super cars is This might goodness me so any one of These I mean this is what 24 Ahri's Crazy yeah I'll take it

Thank you yeah look this is what we do Spectacular I honestly find ourself on An inventory that no one else in the World has which is where I was gonna say I mean you know me a long time and I Like most things I've traveled all over The world bought many nice things never Have I ever seen a collection of jewelry Like this New York Paris London Tokyo it Doesn't matter where you go I want to go Out and we've traveled together Everywhere 25 Different countries yes never have we Come across a store that has anything Like this Harry Winston Lewis Tiffany's Conrad Cartier you put them All together and they don't equal this Tray and this tray is about two percent What's in this store it's quite annoying Something quite something I mean I don't Know what to tell you it's amazing Make it truly amazing thank you so much Compliment thanks for sharing this with Us and there's a lot of people are going To get a thrill out of this bill also be Some people that will hate you for it Hate me for it and you know what I feel Really sad for those people they will Always exist they live lives where they Don't believe in themselves and they Believe they can do something for Themselves and any time they see Somebody they're successful they hate on Them and that's very sad if they would

Change that energy into believing in Themselves and doing something with Their lives maybe they could walk in Here buy something yeah so for all the Haters out there you're all great people I wish you the very very best tell you Something you can do it give yourself a Little bit of empowerment go out and Make a good living you could do it this This was acquired through hard work I've Been working since I'm 14 years old I never inherited a nickel I never took A nickel from anyone this is all hard Work tell them what you used to do I Started in New York cleaning Laboratories at 14 years old for a very And jewelry company in Manhattan so talk About starting a from the bottle from Cleaning bathrooms to dusting and Vacuuming and then being a messenger boy And then working my way up and it just Shows you that it can be done I wash Dishes for the British Army very very Unpleasant out of 19 years of age and I Saved every dime I made it stuck it into My education it pays off so again Anything is possible here's the living Proof two guys that literally had Nothing and we can have anything through Hard work you could do it Oh So we're showing you this stuff to let You know these beautiful things are Obtainable I can't afford everything

That's on this tray maybe a couple of Pieces of it but going back in time I Couldn't afford a hamburger I worked my Butt off to do this he cleaned toilets He couldn't afford it too He's worked his butt off and we can all Do that you just have to believe in Yourself you have to give yourself a Target obtainable target and grow from There guys we can all do this so get out There put all the effort in the world Into it make it happen I hope you've Enjoyed this video I hope you've enjoyed Seeing these beautiful pieces of jewelry Hit the subscribe button if you really Like to hit the little bell which tells You and there's a new video uploaded and There's a lot more goodies to come Thanks again bye

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