

After at least two maybe three years we Are back with the one and only Mr Smiley Peter hey guys good to see you all again So listen wait wait give me give me Good to see you on YouTube yes it's been A long time it's been too long way too Long so way too Michael cheats on me With other Jewelers but he always comes Back to his first love all right he Always comes back to the best so happy To have it we've been Friendsville for 25 years 30. he's he doesn't want to Give our age away I got some great stuff hold on it's so Good to be back in this store it really Really is don't know why we stayed away So long Peter we had to build up our Inventory again okay so first let's Start off with a 40 carat intense Flawless yellow Flawless 40 carat Clunker That name originated right it did 40 Carrots guys you don't walk into too Many stores and see this Peter that's The size of a watch it's it's incredible The color's intense the shape it's full Of life and the big question is How much is it this one we would sell For six million that's actually way less Than I thought you were going to say Well that's your price I always got to cut things in half for Michael [Laughter]

That's a fortune but 40 carats yeah Flawless well don't forget how Peter Marco sells things and how other Jewelers sell things are differently That's the truth that that's the truth We're not a transaction store we're a Relationships store there's a million Jewelers out there and I'm always Grateful very grateful for the Opportunities and I want to keep my People forever well amazing like I'm Going to keep you forever I hope so yeah I hope so okay honestly I forgot just How ridiculous the stuff was here okay So now oh my gosh they're getting bigger Oh yeah this is over 60 carat Flawless Intense come on over 60k right and now To give you a an idea that's what 50 More looks like That's insane Exponentially more expensive as they get Bigger yes yes so right now here on Michael's little tiny finger there's 100 Carrots in two stones think about that That is insane okay how much is it nine Ten well what you over 10 million over Ten because that's exponentially more Yes you wanna play catch and and then The problem is you know if I search high And low I might find another 40 you know But to find another 60 would be very Rare nobody has a 60 carat yellow Diamond thank you I have two round Diamonds that are over 20 carats each

They're the flawlesses Flawless type 2A type 2 a type 2A Incredibly rare So pair of earrings less Than two percent now these are Big Dollars less than two percent of the Diamonds in the world are type 2A I'm Gonna say that these are more money than Those am I right as a pair yes yes for Sure Wow look at come on guys where'd you Find where'd you find Diamonds of this quality this size I'm a Very humble guy that came from humble Beginnings Graf doesn't have this Harry Winston doesn't have this yeah yeah so We are I'm in the business since I'm 15 I'll be 62. he's older than me by the Way just so your camera knows I gave his age Away by a month So was that was that 47 years yeah and I Know every site holder and every cutter In the world and I I I get incredible Support and Trust That's unbelievable so how much is this Pair wouldn't take less than 12 million Can you explain to people that might not Know like me what type 2A means it's two Percent or less of all the material in The world that I believe has less Nitrogen in it less nitrogen makes it More rare more special and that's why it Also reflects they say refracts light Faster which gives it more Brilliance do I know yeah so these are literally

Bending physics so so the best you can Get in a diamond is D Flawless right and Then after you deflorish you get your Your cut your clouds right no Fluorescence type 2A takes it to a whole Nother level I mean it it really does They're so rare I've never heard us talk About it in all of the years that we've Been doing Diamond videos I've never Heard that no Jeweler will mention to You because they never have type 2A Paperwork right let's continue so how Much have we got here right here we've Got uh well 12 12 and 12 is 24 four and Six thirty million is that right so it's Just fasten your seat belt because we're Going for hundreds and hundreds of Millions today so this is a 20 carat D Flawless this is a cushion Wow So we changed it up now the shape is a Cushion Not everybody loves rounds this is a d Flawless over 20 carat so a cushion is Basically a Cut cornered radiant no it's not it's a Rounded corner of radiant right yeah Radiance yes so eight sides all cut Corners cushion is technically Four-sided because it's rounded Corners Beautiful stone beautiful okay okay how Much how much That I would do for five million four And a half million yeah it sounds like

Monopoly money right I mean all right so That's a 20. This is over 30. Big Brother Okay let's try this one This is really unheard of like seriously People buy these We just sold one this week yes and you Got to have it to sell it that's true You gotta have it so what am I looking At here 30 carat over 30 closer to 35 Carat it's an EVS one but it's great Color great clarity probably five and a Half million for that that sounds like a Bargain guy it's like a deal because It's an e and it's a vs also spectacular But def are all colorless yes but here's The secret a lot of people don't realize When the rough comes out of the ground When you cut a round diamond we lose 70 Percent of the material right when you Cut a fancy shape which is the radiant The emerald cut the pear-shaped the Marquee and Asher and oval we lose less Than 50 percent So Fancy shapes are naturally 30 35 percent Less than round diamonds so even though They're D flawlesses this will be less Because it's a Cushion shape where the round is going To be automatically 30 to 35 percent More so here's a question I'm sure many Many people would like to know the Answer to so if you take a round diamond

And you're losing 70 of the rough Do the diamond Cutters take that extra 70 and cut it into small diamonds no Because it when we lose the rough it's Pieces so most likely it would go into The industrial area like if you have a Diamond wheel or if you have like Sandpaper that's created yeah or diamond Dust yeah well amazing okay let's keep The ball not done no come on guys this Is it took seriously about two months Two and a half months to put together This is two carat each D flawlessness so In this case there's 12 diamonds that Are more than 24 carats total weight in The ring and every diamond is Individually lasered and every diamond Is individually GIA certified that's a Wedding vent yeah that's a knuckle Duster right I mean yeah you could do Some serious damage with that this one We would do for a million and a half A million and a half I mean it's nuts Isn't that completely nuts wow Beautiful though absolutely wild wild Look at this already God I I forget what It's like to come in this store and see This crazy stuff what have you got here It never stops it's like rainy diamonds This is a good analogy for the viewers This is a 10 this is a 20. that's why I Did that to show you this is ten ten see Now looking at a 10 which is enormous Looks insignificant after looking at

These monsters Clunkers yeah this is True yeah give me that beautiful hand of Yours 10 carat it looks insignificant Now but if you saw that by itself in a Normal light you go my gosh that's Humongous and how much is the 10 carat So it's about a million for this one and It's I need well this color is a little Bit less than this so I could probably Do this for about a million eight so What are we looking at here this is what Color it's a g and it's a VS1 but it Looks really white yeah well what Happens is it's also very interesting The larger the diamond the more surface You have the bigger the surface it Allows more light in the stone so if you Had a one carat decolor and you had a 10 Carat decolor the the 10 carat is going To look way better than the one makes Sense makes sense okay so along those Lines now I will show you this is really Special we keep selling these but these Are three carat each wow all the Flawless GIA certified diamonds each Come on It's one thing to have a one carat Bracelet you know that one car a half Carat three carat each now the success Of this bracelet is not just the color And the clarity and the size because Two men walk in the store and this is Gonna be a joke two men walk in the Store and they're both 200 pounds one is

Six foot one is five foot but they carry The weight 200 pounds it's the same with Diamonds just because it's three carrots That's a great analogy Three carats short and fat Or long interesting you know so the Success of this bracelet is that every Link to width millimeter matches Perfectly that's the success of this Bracelet that they have to match how Much is this guy this would be six Million Wow but if you break it down you know You have 25 engagement rings with this One bracelet Michael could have a harem Consisting of 25 women with this one Bracelet Peter Marco yeah look at these emeralds You've seen emeralds before no I've got To admit I don't know the first thing About emeralds I know they're incredibly Expensive and there's some features About an emerald that you really need to Know about right yeah tell us so Emeralds can come from various parts of The world these happen to be Colombian Emeralds ninety percent of the Colombian Emeralds tend to be very light and Yellowish or they can be very dark so It's very rare when you get them look You could hate green and still love this Bracelet look at the color and the Success of this bracelet is look how They all match

They're like identical in color it's Very difficult when you're at the real High end to match that color So what are we looking at here a new Emerald a chop Emerald can cost more Than the top diamond right absolutely 100 most people don't know that I mean I Didn't know that until recently but over 41 carats of emeralds and diamonds every Single stone is GIA certified the Diamonds and the emeralds this would be A million and a half And this one again is six million right Yeah So this is really good value if you like Emeralds good value oh yeah yeah Unbelievable look how bright and Consistent the colors are and how They're matched that's sick You don't sick it's double the size of This one for the viewers this is like You don't see this anywhere in the world How much is it Four million I'm guessing seven seven Because this size these emeralds are More expensive than the diamonds wow Now the way to wear this let me borrow Your wrist the way Michael should wear It would be like this one Two and then we're gonna frame it this Is the way you rock that look guys That's a statement right there I mean you walk down the street they'll Kiss your hand so I've got I've got 12

Million dollars there it looks at though Yeah it does you got bull coming This is the Michael Blakey Channel we Can't disappoint we're gonna keep it Going come on joking about the Michael Blakey Channel Pizza now has a Channel of his own as Well so Peter Marco Channel check that Out as well Last time we were in here you had the Great Wall of China Do you remember that I do remember Taj Mahal it's a house That's Petra that's the Taj Mahal yes That's the pyramid the pyramid these are Ornaments yeah these are pendants Get with it I've seen a lot of jewelry In my life I've never seen a Taj Mahal And a huge one in there this is a size Of my hand look Don't hit him in the head you'll knock Him I'm scared I'm I'm literally oh my God he's heavy this is way more than a Taj Mahal again all Emerald Cuts they're All matched they all are laid out Beautifully How many characters and they graduate Very nicely 55 carats 104 stones 55 carrots 104 stones Million five a million There's only 50 out This one Very very difficult to do because ovals Are really difficult to match so the

Success of this is nice long thin Slender Stones so that's a new Expression I noticed that right if you Change the success of this it's not Something that you've ever said before Nothing I've ever heard before I love The expression You're talking about because it's so Wonderful it became wonderful because of Right the flow yeah the graduation so For the viewers anyone can take 50 ovals And smack them together but when they're Short and fat and long and thin and they Could be a dozen you have to be Politically correct now but yes when They're short and wide it throws the Whole piece off look at this how Beautiful and subtle this is I swear to God if I went to Harry Winston right now And I said I wanted to see something Like this they would say we have it it's Floating around the world in one of our Boots Yeah oh yeah we'll get it here for you Yeah how much is this guy one and a half We're like at 45 million dollars right Now I think more but we'll we'll figure It out yeah okay now you're done no I'm Not this one's really special it'll be Good Or go home okay now that is stupid three Carat each And if we recently sold one and we we Posted it but three carat each all GIA

Certified this is sick beats the Taj Mahal right I haven't dressed Michael in A while Hello look guys Is that nutty oh God I don't see look in The mirror Oh my goodness me now you look like a Real producer [Laughter] How much is it Can you see me wearing this no right no Eight and a half million is it really Yeah because they're all the round this Is and they're all g d flawlesses Gia or Three carat each that's insane wow look How it's popping take it off me before I Fall in love with it okay I couldn't Wear this I couldn't afford this should we add it Up so 40 60s 100 120 140 160. you're Doing carrots yeah I want money oh money Oh money let's see about 85 million Not bad gosh 85 million think about that We we do houses right we we actually did One this morning it was 17 million or 16 Million million dollars 16 million Dollars and you think about it It doesn't get you one of these that's Just crazy you can't make it 100 million Yeah So yeah this is A really really rare Ruby look at the Color is it boomy yeah That's a million dollars

Look at the color Gorgeous Crazy gorgeous They just keep coming don't they and This is a nice men's ring 10 carat Oh yeah yeah I gotta say you know you Look in the window Peter's Windows like I know 100 foot Long and full of goods full of this Stuff so this is a micro fraction and Anyone that's ever in Beverly Hills You've got to come to Peter Marco it's Like the destination place it's like the Statue of Liberty of Beverly Hills Peter Marco store So you asked me to make it 100 million Or more so I don't want to disappoint You so I went in my back pocket and I Grabbed out a couple more things so this Is David Copperfield this is third David Copperfield more like yeah right that's A 30. this is a 25. oh my word this is a 20. so now we're over 100 million over 100 million okay I'm a pleaser I gotta Please my brother unreal I love the fact that we've got like Hundreds of Millions worth of diamonds Here and he's like oh John yes just Going to the restroom Unreal so I Stupid good What what is that my Emerald Tiara That's expensive too right Oh my word what have we got here this is

A huge Association my watch yeah Seriously it's an all-natural certified Emeralds obviously when you get to this Size and you want to match them you Can't it doesn't exist in the world you Know this quality but you have to Appreciate the beauty of that What am I looking at here money-wise 2 Million It's a big look but this is crazy crazy Yeah and we haven't even touched on the Watches but let's do a whole new video Yeah for the watches because he's got Some pieces that you'll never see Anywhere else that are insane yeah so Let's do that now and would you at one Point Mike's going to show you the Viewers when Mike's puts this on like He's not putting that on With his cowboy boots and underwear it's Incredible you the site is unbelievable Guys if you want to see Peter in his Underwear and I'm not joking one of the First videos on our channel was we we Have twin Ferraris We went somewhere and for whatever Reason he dropped his pants ready Or not [Applause] And there he is in awful Glory am I Right or wrong guys they fell down by The accident Full Glory Full glow that was full well okay

Partial it was love at first sight for Mike after that fortunately fortunately It was one of our first videos we ever Did and we only had a few followers The first time I ever met you as well so You really left an impression Lasting Impression today he's never seen Anything quite like you know what he Said he said I remember you said they Don't pay me enough money he said that It's in the video they do not pay me Enough to deal with this that was when We had like a hundred thousand Subscribers so we weren't making any Money we have 1.5 million I'm still not Getting paid enough to see that Guys hit this hit the Subscribe button To Win It hola Peters Will be in the Dish gonna do another video right now With some crazy watches say goodbye Thank you for everyone thank you Mike Love you appreciate love you too Not bad right

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