Luxury Cars

Buying ANOTHER G-Wagon?!

I've got two Range Rovers I should have Two G wagons yeah that would be nice so You have a convertible G-Wagon they Don't have these in the states like that Finally a G-Wagon that I can get behind Pedaling hard Honestly mate this might be the best Thing you and I have ever done together Shall I buy it I think so you have a Second gear stick in case the first one Breaks wow what the heck is that Good morning hello how's it going Everything is great how are you doing Good I'm glad that the sun is finally Out where's it been well we've had like Three or four weeks of rain you have in Orange County it's been beautiful here In Beverly Hills you called me and said There's a monsoon Adam I'm scared So what are we doing so you know I got a New Range Rover right yes and it's kind Of tricked out and looks gorgeous and All the rest of it I came home and I saw this and it looked Kind of bland so I think it needed a Little bit of you know fun upgrading What have you so I called Klaus and I Said what have you got and he said come Down let me show you well here we are And I I already picked them out you want To see them yes I would love to before We go before we start the video I just Want to say something there's some Really annoying Bots that appear in the

Comments it says that producer Michael Has a present for you or you won a prize DM me at some WhatsApp it's fake fake Fake please report these these horrible Bots it's not real have you seen them Adam I have yeah very annoying very Annoying and just to say the only time We will ever ever ever contact you is Either through a DM on Instagram from Your account with a blue check mark next To it yeah exactly oh that's basically It and I only have one account producer Michael that's not true we have producer Michael in espanol now Um which is going to be launched very Very shortly right it is so subscribe to It let's go get some Wheels I do like These AMG rims though they're nice but It it just needs spicing up are you Gonna do some like big 27s I was Thinking 28 I'm kidding never how do you Like my sunglasses What are they made from these are made From Marble Marble Marble Marble real marble with Gold inlet get out of here yeah the mid Bag boudry well I didn't think you could Get bougie they'd match my outfit all Green and they make them in all Different colors so I I kind of went Nuts and you ready you can get them on The producer Michael Boutique Audrey sunglasses they're not

Inexpensive I just got to warn you how Much are they You don't want to know really do me a Favor just come this way a little bit Stand there okay Stephen I need you to Comp me in the Riddler right here I hate you Everything's green today what are you What's this today it's my glasses oh That dial is beautiful very color Coordinated don't you think yeah trying My best very nice let's go see clothes Michael how are you good to see you good To see you too been a while nice classes Thank you wow we were just talking about My classes what are they they're boudry They're they're made of marble feel it Marlboro mob Mob Nice they're kind of cool right they fit Your outfit perfectly yeah that was the That was their plan so what have you got For me I assure you what I got come on I Have it on display here the new Laurens The wheel oh that's gorgeous German made This is the first set of 23 inch Lawrence of wheels in the United States I saw them in pictures This is the first time I'm actually Physically seeing it and it's gorgeous I Mean you see the quality see the Two-tone Machining finish and then we Have the red added to it so it's it's You'll be very happy I'll tell you that Very happy and they will come out flash

To Defender also we contacted Lawrence And told them it's for you and I know You like red so they had Added this nice little touch it's a Third paint it's not cut it's not Painted by hand it's actually made in The production process really we added That Lawrence logo in red just for you You need to do the AMG budget the front Of the car yeah we have to just paint One will you do that for me I will do That for you so you'll see that in Future videos because I guess you don't Have one it's so small I don't think you See much well all right but this is Gorgeous class isn't the first person to Ever say that to you is he So anyway by the way by the way by the Way you're also getting A set of Pirelli tires pz4 much smoother Than the Scorpion they have on there Right now I've never heard of that one Pz4 it's they call it P0 that's but it's The latest greatest thing latest P0 so It's like the latest G-Wagon latest Range Rover that you have and the most Comfortable highest quality attire for Your car you'd be surprised how smooth That ride is on 23 inch I can't wait I won't actually drive on anything but Pirellis I mean I've even brought cars Here at my in Largo I brought here had Zero miles on it had dunlops remember I Took them off and we put Pirellis is a

Rally supporter and you believe in it I Remember in 1991 and 92 you came to me In a yellow SL55 yellow interior yellow Exterior yeah Wild Car yes and we put Lorenzo wheels on it for you I remember They were like airplane turbines exactly Yeah I remember it was a long time ago So now you're going back to Lawrenceville the first set of 23 inch Lorenzer wheels in the United States What's this this Oh that's a long story this started out To be a 1995 Swiss military vehicle it Was completely run down an original Military familiar I bought it in Germany Brought it to Lawrenceville and had it Converted took me two years for California for the beach and the coolest Thing about this is gorgeous look in the Back look at this is the coolest thing So I had this car designed which is Crazy extra benches in the back so for Anyone else they can take their ladies Or plus ones to the beach or to the Restaurants or wherever you're going to Go it's really cool but you can only Drive in the summer because it's a Bikini it's cool right it's so cool That's the original G wagon Foreign [Music] My next question is I think this would Look really cool next to the new one Right is it for sale of course anything

Is for sale at my place except me uh You're probably for sure yeah Abilities we sell these we buy them in Germany we convert them we sell them Here in the states so it has American Papers and everything everything yes how Much is it It's 149.999 150 yeah 150. I mean you've got two Range Rovers now they've got two Range Rovers I should have two G wagons yeah That would be nice so you have a Convertible G-Wagon they don't have These in the states like that what Engine does this have in it it's a four Cylinder 230 GE so four cylinder Mercedes engine petrol engine gas engine Very cool finally a G-Wagon that I can Get behind [Music] I'm gonna drive it of course let's check It out let's take it for let's take it For a spin how do you like my scorpion Pirellis I put on there well forget the Tires for a second if I like it is it Negotiable I don't need this car I would Be buying it just for the sake of Michael knowing you have started out a Little higher So it's like you've done this before you Just dropped a one in front of it right Exactly no no it's it's they sell for That in Europe it took me two years to Build there's a lot of money in it we

Completely gutted the car and it's Chocolate mechanically it's perfect You're driving you see um we work it out Let's see if you like it okay okay let's Take it for a drive Adam yeah so you're Gonna put the wheels and tires on we're Gonna go take this for a drive and then We'll see you in an hour yeah no problem Let's do it yeah if I don't come back I I if you don't come back you do it you Bought it I'll have yours in trade don't Worry Foreign [Music] [Applause] I can't believe I'm considering this It'd be cool though right I I love them I love them and this is kind of the best Blend right because it's the original One which is what I've always said I Love you are the original G-Wagon hater I'm the new original G-Wagon hater I Love this G-Wagon this to me is a lot of Fun yeah it's a lot of fun Is it as nice as the new one no it's not Meant to be no I know what half the Price yes half the price and look you've Still done you've still got custom Interior this is a lot of money for an Old car this car's 30 years old nearly I Mean listen if I was recommending you Buy an old G wagon I'd say you buy a Bone stock G wagon just love it when I Spend money get in the car

Whoa Same door Clips as your G wagon Sounds the same Not a luxury feature worst bit of the Whole video ready Amazing G-Class characters oh it's not Amazing you feel that clunk it's divine Like it's what did you just do I just Went like that I know she knows you look Like you're driving a farm truck I feel Like I feel like I'm driving a farm Truck put your seatbelt on this is Amazing oh it doesn't have power Steering oh no oh definitely not I think It ah oh that's power steering what are You all about really fast it's too funny What do you want from me okay here we go All right number four no D for drive There is no D for number four will do Then here we go Don't hit that Porsche I am scared am I missing it uh yeah Probably Don't hit that nice truck whoa this does Not have power steering Not the type of power steering I'm used To oh my gosh there aren't any Oh my gosh where's the window switches This is window switches what's put the Windows up yeah there You just have to put it that's it push That button oh My goodness me oh have you ever seen one Of these before of course yeah okay

Close your window I want something fumes You're coming in we've got some air Conditioning fumes are called up at my Face not at my feet and so I can oh We're in the middle of the street anyway So [Music] Hard They put flat to the floor [Music] This is amazing oh geez okay here we go Oh pedal It's like one of those pedal cars I love It I absolutely love it let's take it on Rodeo Drive why not Look at this bag it's so cool and flat Out Adam feel the steering wheel vibrate [Music] What is that feels about that is called Not a luxury vehicle Michael You've done that before you felt that Through a steering wheel of course Mate I grew up driving normal people Cars remember you grew up driving Ferraris this is a normal person car Exactly and you didn't grab driving it Honestly mate this might be the best Thing you and I have ever done together Shall I buy it I think so what are these Hermes badges Um Yeah yeah that's what it is they're just Instead of blank space as they put the Hermes logo I have similar designs in

Mind but they don't look like that yeah How much should I offer him for this 150 000 no that's what he asked for I know I Was thinking a hundred I think a hundreds would be a good price Yeah I think I know what it'll say what Would he say well it's in German and It's not very nice Okay let's do a little interior review So okay same been a call as the new G-Wagon not even close But just doesn't have the digital Display I really like the steering wheel On the new one it's a whole screen thing I love that steering wheel deep dish Nice and big so you've got plenty of Leverage for off-roading leave a comment I think Adam is mentally deranged Please let me know in the comments do You agree with that statement you have a Second gear stick in case the first one Breaks What the heck is that why is it a bad Vault back there with a nail coming out Of it look that's that's a nail or a Screw or something that's very painful When inserted in the elbow quick Michael Go I'm going as fast come on baby Tell me why that nail is sticking out of The back oh you have to see this seeing Is believing watch can you see this look At the look at the rake on this thing It's like two feet [Music]

I Don't know I don't know if it's working Or not I don't put your hand out the Window and let them know I'm going right Okay I'm going Yeah okay Okay seriously Adam look here now look Put the camera here and watch the Movement it goes all the way up there And it goes all the way down oh there Look it I got one blink There we Oh it's still going I switched it off Look Do you hear it Oh my God There you go we're off maybe this was American-made not those sophisticated This is an American-made G-Wagon oh That's a nice touch what I saw that I Don't even have that on mine Okay here we go we're going to make a Right onto Rodeo Drive and take our Beauty for The scenic tour okay the world famous Rodeo Drive Foreign [Music] It's very dangerous today look at this Swarovski store or whatever that is with All the there's a car on the roof yeah What is that pink car what store oh Chalking of pink cars I'm gonna drive You by

A wall that has three vertical cars on It okay I think they're all Porsches What is that doctor 10 There's normally me that says something Like that Watch this I'm putting the turn signal On you ready yeah It's gonna spin all the way from my knee Look as it clicks your fuel gauge Bounces oh look at that it hurts funny Why is it doing that How is that connected Okay and then you have to manually Disengage it yeah don't run this lady Over I should be across the road before I get there Look you have to manually disconnect it There we go it has about a foot of Travel it's hilarious it's insane What a beautiful day though gorgeous day There's no temperature gauge in this car But I'm going to assume that it's Somewhere around 70 degrees Yeah okay Adam so I want you to point the camera In this direction and you'll see three Porsches oh I do see them on the wall Vertical that's cool and what is that I Don't know it's three portions vertical On the wall I don't know why they would Do that it doesn't make a whole lot of Sense but let's see No it's not Porsches no it's a Ferrari a Mercedes and a Porsche yeah go to the Art museum there we go

Isn't that cool yeah that's awesome Those gold wings are beautiful gorgeous Kush [Music] All right drive by yes drive by time Okay it might take a while it's not like Our usual driveways I'll tell you what though mate it is Really cool it's rattling now doesn't You close the door Listen I'm enough What's that I think it needs your weight Fixing it fixed oh wait stay there That would drive me insane I'm doing the drive by okay bye bye So I know you guys think I give Michael A hard time but him and I get along so Well our banter on and off camera is Exactly the same and I just love doing Things like this with him because it's Like so out of his comfort zone but he Loves it and I love it and here he comes I'm pedaling hard It actually looks really cool I'm Exhausted from pedaling would you like To be a passenger no if you want you Could sit back here oh yeah uh I'm good Thank you sure I'm good I like the floor mats yeah hold this While I get in okay My God shut the door I don't think I Don't I don't think this is going to be An acquisition

So not for you I don't I don't think I'm Going to be buying this here we go and We're off It doesn't have blistering acceleration Does it full speed I mean it's enough to get you to the Beach Take a while put yourself early This is so cute that's the best way to Describe this cute G1 it's like a little Naughty car it really does it doesn't Know what Noddy is and you're driving by It looked like a naughty guy It's got dust from 1995 Why don't you buy it I can see you Buying this no I if I was gonna do one Of these then I would do um a turbo Diesel one like a proper off-road but You could buy this and put a turbo Diesel this is this is like a fancy one I would want like a rugged one oh If this is fancy I'm spoiled For the type of vehicle it is it is Smooth I mean it you know it tracks very Straight like there's not a bunch of Like wobble or no because you have to Fight it to go around the corner Naughty naughty Little toy car Okay Park Handbrake ignition camera camera oh gosh Well just myself It's actually very nice

Don't you think I think it's great Yeah I don't think I can buy this I just I Mean as pretty as it is and as fun as it Is this is an Adam car 100 a hundred Percent yeah crazy I think Lawrence have Done a great job the paint looks amazing The wheels look amazing like all of the Interior trimming everything looks Incredible is done so nicely you're just Not used to driving old agricultural Vehicles that's all no but do you know What you could do you could do a build Like this on A modern platform G-Wagon so you could Make it look more retro they don't want To chop the roof I I like I like the Luxuries I like the blow up seats when you go Around the corner The seats the side bolts just blow up if You make a turn to the right I think Inflate is a better word [Music] We're back oh hey so what do you think It's a lot of fun a lot of fun but but I Would go insane driving why Well I mean Everything's falling off why not the Turn signal when you put the turn signal On it goes all the way down to your knee He says it's just because it's loose Yeah so it just needs tightening up yeah Yeah stuff like that that sounds like

Yeah right that's how you do it that's How he did his knee and he was driving The G wagon nobody also it's it's not a Daily driver it doesn't know that you're Used to luxury and AC and stereo that's Not even a radio in there but it's a Cool ride it's fun no doubt about it I Think you did an amazing job it really Is great it's just not for me so close I Drove it and I was saying to Michael I'm Used to driving all the Defenders things Like that back in the UK it drives so Smooth and so nice considering it's an Almost 30 year old military vehicle and He even has a power steering exactly Automatic which is right yeah the power Steering is not like today's power Steering I said to him he doesn't have a Little bit biceps right I thought it was Very nice I think it's very nice also I'm glad what happened didn't want to Sell it anyways to be honest with you Because I got it for my family but I Think your car is ready let's go Wow wow What a huge difference That's crazy so Adam I like him I love It I really like it okay wait wait hold This see turn it again See it see if you had any bigger tires See if we'll be rubbing here that's why We don't do 24 inch there you go that's The all right it's perfect it's missing By a millimeter this is such a nice

Touch this with the red brake calipers It's gorgeous gorgeous absolutely Beautiful I'm very happy I'm glad you're Happy And also we got the European panels here Now which make a big difference and it's Legal It looks ten times better I mean little things little things like That right difference same here look we Got rid of the we got rid of the Amber In the front and the red and the rear Now it looks European It's beautiful those Wheels honestly First set in America and I'm in love With them let me ask you because I'm Sure people would want to no I know I Got a special deal but what is the Retail of these rims The rims alone are 10 000 a set The tires are about 500 attire so you Took very good care of me always thank You your customers is 92. I know right One of my first customers talk about Loyalty huh never got anywhere else why Do you always know where quality is Right I do you know an interesting thing Is Michael asked me earlier I don't see Any wheel weights right yeah I'm a Little concerned because there's no Weights on the on the rims there is a Few wheel weights but these wheels are So high quality Made in show many ports and the tire is

Made in Europe made in Germany as a Matter of fact dude it's been really Tired therefore you don't need much Weight if the quality of the product is Right there's not much weight needed to Offset Quality imperfections Okay that's it so Adam you approve I 100 approve and I Feel really weird doing this because I'm Going to tell you something you've never Heard me say before go on I can't wait Two cars in the row you like I like how It looks I can't believe I've just said That and the video and the video and the Video yeah Michael thank you I have Adam's approval that means it's really Good and Adam knows what he's talking About he's a car guy I don't care what He thinks no he's a car hope you enjoyed This I've decided not to buy the crazy 1995 although it's beautiful I would Drive myself crazy driving that car I Mean I really would I couldn't live with It but I will really enjoy this one Great tires great rims thank you P zero World for taking care of me as always Lorenza Pirelli doesn't get much better Than that and Klaus Stay off the skis oh you know right Thank you take care thank you you know What you do guys we're inner to Win It Two fabulous cars hit the Subscribe Button hit the bell I might have said

That hit the like button share the video We're in it to win it cheerio [Music]

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