Luxury Cars


Today we’re going to show you a car Owned by one of the most infamous people The world has ever seen today we’re Going to show you Saddam hussein’s limousine [Music] So we’re back at the peterson museum Again with leslie kendall chief Historian mega brain when it comes to Anything automotive you’re very kind Thank you and today you’re going to show Us saddam hussein’s limo right well We’re going to show you saddam hussein’s Limousine land delay A land delay is a very specific body Style sometimes people have convertibles They have convertible sedans which have Four doors and a top that goes down a Land delay describes the kind of body That is enclosed in the front but open In the rear Because when you’re a head of state What’s important is in the back seat the People that that you most want to see Are in the back you don’t care about the Chauffeur the chauffeur can stay Costed Inside his little uh or her little Little metallic shell but the the The show is really for in the back seat So the top goes down but just over the Rear interesting thing about this this Mercedes it is one of only a tiny number Of this particular type mercedes made uh

Over 4600s a combination of pullman Limousines and land delays and short Wheelbase which are far more common of Those We believe 428 were the pullman Limousines of those we believe that 51 Were land delays Of those we believe that nine were the State land delay which meant that the Convertible portion of the roof didn’t Stop I told you he was knowledgeable right a Convertible portion of the roof didn’t Stop here like on your regular land Delay it went all the way here because When you look inside you can this is Where the vip would have stood saddam Hussein even though the roof came off Himself Would have stood here held onto these Assist straps or grab handles so That if he they made a sudden stop he Wouldn’t fall down or if they suddenly Accelerated he wouldn’t fall back let me Ask you a question How did you get this cuff This it’s a chain of fortunate Circumstances um the peterson museum Tries to make itself aware Of what other automobiles are doing and We like to help We assisted with the the Creation

Of the royal jordanian automotive museum And we were there to visit it after it Opened and through a chain of fortunate Circumstances we happened to meet the Mercedes-benz distributor for that Region of the world And he said you know what i think There’s something that you slash mr Peterson might be interested in uh come On in the back and i’ll show you what it Is And a row of cars you know fairly Plebeian to the degree that that’s Possible mercedes and at the very end uh Was this car and of course you know the Eye is immediately drawn to the 600 Because even today this is a very Imposing car There’s really nothing like it it just Has a it has a marvelous stance and it Performs as good as it looks and this Car corners beautifully And even in this condition it’ll do zero To sixty now it doesn’t seem fast today But it’s three tons and it’ll do zero to 60 in 12 seconds that’s impressive which Is really really fast what year is this This one is early 70s it’s it’s it’s Kind of difficult to Assign a year because it takes a bit of Time to build we believe 71 72 something Like that interesting and and I guess these are where the gods stood Right well if you were an infamous

Leader and With a lot of people mad at you You wanted to you really needed to Protect yourself so uh saddam hussein we Don’t know if it was a republican guard Or or not but we do know That the the guards would stand on these These steps that were removable you Could actually pull these out how did They store them in the trunk what’s that How did they hold on because at the back I see those handles What have well The top would have been down so they Could have held on to this i see see the Top the top would have come down from Here it would have stacked you put a Nice boot over it to to tidy up the Appearance they would have stood can i Stand on it uh yeah go ahead Oh not many people can say this saddam Hussein’s Landlady well Now you won’t be able to say that Wow there you go I’m not sure i’d feel comfortable with You protecting me no every World leader um had different needs and This is one of saddam hussein’s needs he Specified that his car would have these Same on the other side same on the other Side you’ve got those on the other side He also specified grab handles For

The his guards when they needed to Take off For example you’ve seen presidential Vehicles um on the sad day of of Kennedy’s um shooting you saw the you Saw the secret service climb up onto his Car and grab on to it as a car sped away Right uh that’s the kind of thing you Have to allow for Whether people like you or not whether You’re evil or not um you you know You’re going to want to get away before If something happens so the same thing With this the same thing with that and You know this this is a good time to Bring up a point that a car cannot help Its history if it It appears in a certain time and place It becomes part of history it’s not that The car Says that that history was correct or That or that that association was for The best right a car again it’s like Hitler’s mercedes he had mercedes uh you Know a lot of other world leaders had Cars that were Um equally as grand and and equally as As glorious not because fault it’s not The car’s fault right it’s the car Happened to be where it was right so so Get getting back to this the guard would Stand up here and if you look at the Trunk you’ll notice that at just the Right angle you see there’s a lot of

Little dents in it And they’re like door dings right but on The top Well what we believe is that the guards Would Of course be armed when they were Watching him when a parade or the event Or ceremony was over the car would go Back to the state garage And the guards would jump on on the back They would step on the steps uh step Plate uh jump on and the rifle butts Would hit the trunk and that’s why it Got so many dents uh i don’t suppose There i i don’t know why they wouldn’t Have repaired them i i just don’t know Why but maybe Um saddam just didn’t notice Oh okay or didn’t care or if the Camera’s far away uh far enough away you Really can’t see it uh because um there Are a lot there are quite a few and and You can see let’s look in the trunk um It’s opening a 600 trunk you pull this Comes up And looking inside this is the spare Tire This is where the spare tire would have Been this is some kind of uh The mat that was in the car we will yeah It was a map that was in the car we Believe it might have been a prayer rug But we what we also found when we Purchased this car

Was Water with arabic writing on it And so do you know how long this car had Been out of saddam hussein’s possession Before it ended up with that mercedes When he when he fled Um What we know is that an iraqi Businessman acquired the car drove the Car out of Iraq Into jordan And did a deal with the mercedes benz Agency And Acquired they acquired legitimate title To the car and that’s another thing to Mention it’s we have a legitimate title To this car them so we wanted to make Very Special sure that this car had had Exactly the right paperwork because cars Are one of very few titled assets right In america it says on the door here you Can see It was a crest of some kind right now we Believe If i was an iraqi businessman driving This car Out of iraq you would have won that Especially tumultuous time in its History I probably would want this taken off too I don’t know if he took it off i don’t

Know if somebody else took it off this Car is imperfect And We let we’re leaving it that way Because It shows signs of it having been used During a very tumultuous time in the History of the middle east This is not a car that Is meant to to show what a mercedes 600 Land delay is although it does that Beautifully this car is meant to Represent an era in history so we’re Leaving the dents in it uh we’re leaving The inside um a little bit um as we Found it these are cigarette burns They’re cigarettes there’s some stains We could get this this car could be Perfect a year from now if we wanted to But you why would you it’s so but that’s Not the point behind this car the point Behind this car is its infamous first Owner right and how cars sometimes fall Into the hands of people who Really Really don’t deserve them i just noticed The grub handles up there that you were Talking yeah you can see the grab Handles one of them happens to be Missing uh we don’t know why Uh but they’re the other the other two Stand there and you’ll see that there Was plenty of floor space and it was a Flat floor they could stand up and and

Wave to the minions as they were as they Were as they were driving by is there Any footage or photographs of saddam Hussein in this car uh there are Photographs that we um that The rights to use are very limited So Unfortunately i i really can’t share Them uh That we can insert right i mean probably Not if they’re you know if they’re Privately owned You know somebody may have taken a Picture that’s that belongs to them that They have the rights to use and i would Love to hear that right if somebody has A photo of saddam hussein in this car Um it’s something that i’d be very Interested to add to our file absolutely It is kind of interesting to think that You know we’re stood next to this here In the basement in the vault And saddam hussein was once inside his Car his hands probably adjusted the Volume actually yeah It’s a little eerie um But what’s interesting we’re In a way we make up for this car because We also have The uh pope’s cadillac So the the the bad guys Which we’ll show you another day which I’ll show you There show you another day that is that

Is quite funny that you have the pope’s Car right there and saddam hussein’s Garage i have another question for you So The exhaust they’ve never seen anything Quite loud it protrudes a good what Eight nine inches Behind The bumper which is right next to where The the guard would stand what why well We we’re guessing on this we don’t know For sure but we think it’s to take these If the exhaust came out of here it would Be that much closer to the people that Were sitting here and when you got when You got the turbulence coming uh the air Turbulence coming off from the back of The car it might have pushed the exhaust Back So they took it just that much farther Out Plus um saddam may have just wanted a Little bling on his car We don’t know it could have been that Simple but but there There are a couple of possible reasons Maybe they were both true That’s where you fill the gas tank the Gas tank uh was 25 gallons So today uh if you wanted to fill your Your your gas tank it would cost you About 250 american dollars to fill this 25 gallon gas tank but you needed 25 Gallons right again this is a six

Thousand pound car with a 6.3 liter V8 overhead cam engine and i nurtured Something else as well on the front this I’m assuming is where the flags went That’s exactly right uh it’s where the Flag standards went uh we don’t have the Flags um we’re we if if somebody has a Photograph of the car again uh It would certainly help us determine What should be in there uh and the Ornament uh uh was the the radiator Mascot as you would call it or in this Case the hood ornament uh was taken off Before we got it and we don’t know what Happened to it but until we’re sure We’re not going to mess with the car i Think that’s Brilliant we’re going to leave it like It is because it has its own story to Tell we don’t know how this dent got Here but it’s a story it’s again this Car did not live an easy life my bet is That there is an american gi somewhere Wearing that as a necklace Yeah and the front the front inside the Cockpit is just a regular well i say Regular the Standard configuration right it’s it’s a Very nice place to be it’s a very nice Office to have Uh and you certainly have all of the um Power controls at your disposal it bears Mentioning that all of the power Equipment in this car is hydraulic it’s

Not electric so the windows are Hydraulic really uh the the the Suspension is uh pneumatic which means It’s air suspension so that’s why it Leans a little bit one way or another Most mercedes 600s do until you start Them up and the uh airbags and the front And rear can adjust and and equalize uh But if you’ve got i would not want to Get my hand caught if i was putting up One of these windows yeah it’s not like Electricity it’s about 1200 pounds per Square inch of oh of course So you can You’re you’re have a problem if that Happens when i opened this door earlier I noticed may i yes please i noticed Some interesting buttons here What would they be we’re not sure what Those buttons are uh but we know that in The early days there were Ways that the passengers the vip um Guest in the car would be able to signal Signal the driver faster slower go home Go to the club uh you know stop and get My dry cleaning do do do whatever you Need to do those are kind of things Instead of barking your order putting The division window down and and barking Your order through uh through that area You just hit a button we believe that’s What that’s yeah That’s what it was before it’s amazing How many burn holes there are from

Cigarettes so do you know what i think Those buttons are for mate I think one of them’s for the rockets And the other ones for the spikes that Drop out the back Smoke screen too that’s what i think Therefore we have a car with a smoke Screen you do yeah isn’t it one of these No it’s it’s a plain jane mercedes it Was oh like an actual not like a Batmobile smoke screen like a real No way Interesting the mercedes was In addition to rolls-royce was the only Manufacturer after world war ii to offer A regular production land delay again Land delay is a body style where the top Goes down but only in the back they call Them state land delays because by this By the 60s 70s 80s you could expect to Go down on the freeway and it would not Have been fun sitting back here with the Top down going 70 or 80 miles an hour Eating bugs Probably probably but it’s exactly what You needed when you were when you were In a parade [Music] Leslie thank you you’re welcome guys Another amazing story behind this crazy Car Hope you liked it hit the like button Whether you did it you didn’t i knew you Did hit the subscribe button we’re in it

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