
Edward Sahakian’s Rare Humidor Collection | Davidoff Of London | Kirby Allison

Foreign Hi I’m Kirby Allison and today I’m back In one of my favorite places in all of London if not all the world and that is Dabbed off of London with my two good Friends Edward and Eddie sahaki and Gentlemen thank you so much if you have Seen my voice lying around anywhere Please let me know Kirby what a pleasure to welcome you Again your voice is everywhere I hope You don’t find it because we don’t want You to leave well it’s somewhere out There on the Interwest it’s a pleasure To have you here be sorry about your Voice but I think it’s quite sexy don’t You worry about it thank you you’re too Kind too kind Um well of course you know one of the Things I love most about London Isn’t just the access to some of the Best cigars in the world but really a Great company in which to smoke those Cigars so in the tradition of this Channel I was hoping that we could enjoy Some of each other’s company over a Cigar it looks like you may have a few Other things planned for us and just Talk about all the things that we love So much uh Cuba cigars and just one Another may I apologize that I have Started smoking my cigar already without Waiting for you however I couldn’t Resist the temptation and enjoying this

Well we were very rude and making you Wait too long but I do know that Eddie’s Got the few things prepared I shall Leave it to Eddie well with pleasure Kirby allow me to to go and seek Um Maybe a little Preamble it’s difficult To find a cigar That you probably haven’t smoked yet Although we haven’t enjoyed together yet That we think worthy of enjoying Together you’re too kind however a dear Friend a gentleman by them Gabe had the Idea and he’s right there is one in our Humidor from Dad’s keep that has been Maturing since 1996 but maturing very Slowly and I’ll explain why in a moment May I seek that yeah please I mean one Of the things that we’ve had the Distinct pleasure of enjoying on this Trip was the Edwards Hocking Lounge at The Bulgari Hotel Eddie was very nice to Invite us over and welcomed Us in we Were able to film for the channel of Course And uh one of the things I was Particularly struck by was your Generosity and even allowing cigars from Your private reserve out of your Personal humidor and into a place like The Bulgari a hotel the Edwards hockey Lounge and for people to enjoy and so I Can only imagine what you’re holding Back here

Well to be honest the Eddie’s in charge Of looking after the Bulgari lounge and If he asks for anything he knows I will Not say no almost anything But what do we have well this is a Bolivar and Bolivar as you know is one Of the Richer stronger if not strongest Blends Cuba do Uh this box has some unique qualities to It firstly it’s the Churchill which is a Appropriate celebratory size for your Visit Kirby Second of all it’s from 1996 and that’s The Box State as you probably know the Rather eccentric uh Espionage that goes Behind the early years of the Cuban Factory and box coding because they Weren’t straightforward it was no now They have a proper year on month on them Yes they still disguise the factory code But we know from this code that this box Of boulevards was actually rolled in the Parthagas factory this would have been The old partagas factory And n o so that takes us to October an Essay takes us to 1996. wow so this Tobacco is from 95 which is the year That Cuba switched their plant Production they changed the species as a Consequence of some mold issues they had So there’s a chance that tobacco was Smoking here is the truly old Cuban Variety it is no longer grown we shall Find out

Yeah Boulevard I mean I have to say is Amongst my most favorite of all the Brands so Um you know me well yeah well I’m so Happy to hear that Caribbean and I Promise you with your voice the way it Is right now you cannot blame the Bolivar because this is a very smooth Example with this sort of age Um The fact they’re in tubes is a really Interesting More recent discovery certainly for me And and I think for my father Uh you’ll remember we’ve been aging Cigars here really since 1980 and we Have a few Humidity and temperature considerations We impose different to the norm one is a Colder temperature and one is at Slightly lower humidity what neither one Of us I think appreciated at the time Was that a cigar in a tube Will get even slower at reaching its Perfection really it’s a little time Capsule now that we think on reflection It’s obvious the oxygen is diminished The amount of transference that can Happen is reduced time we never thought Of it and in the early days people would Consider the cigars in tubes as The cigars that were too ugly to be put For undressed or dressed boxes I don’t Believe that’s true because when you see

These you will you will appreciate what Beauties have gone in WoW Here we have it And Just have a sniff of that cigar What an honor You’re allowing him to do this Absolutely thank you Edward I cannot Think of anybody better than you smoking The first one not three books This is amazing what do you think of the Bouquet I mean for me it’s Take a take a whiff of the just open Tube very fresh no yes there’s youth There I mean we can’t quite call it Youth but this would be an extremely Well preserved 40 year old that’s yes you know you see Someone occasionally you think wow they Cannot be there it’s the Dorian Gray of Cigars This is amazing this is a Churchill it Is it’s an exact Churchill so Um it’s a Julietta number two I believe Is there is the factory name Um we call it a 747 because it’s seven Inches by 47 ring gauge Um It’s typically an hour and a quarter Hour and a half perhaps to enjoy If it was youth a youthful Bolivar it Would certainly knock you back and your Voice may suffer for a few more days but With this much age the nicotine is

Diminished significantly the wondrous Third fermentation that can sometimes Happen in in really old cigars will Certainly have taken place here and if We’re lucky we’re going to have Something Sublime really wow so how is this Different I mean one of my other Favorite cigars you can’t find anymore Is the Corona gigantes from Bolivar yes How would that compare to this well that Is exactly the same cigar okay the Difference being one has been kept in Tubes whereas the corona gigantes is Never tubed okay it will always be in an Undressed box exactly right otherwise Identical What will also change and differ over Time is where they’re produced okay this One we know very definitively is made in The particles Factory because of the box Code not all Bolivars will be made in The particles Factory and partagas Factory certainly the old one is for me Up there with the alligator Factory as a Center of excellence in in production in Cuba it’s a beautiful cigar well I I Hope it lives up to expectation may I Just I’m just feeling them as you as you Know I like to tickle the cigars to make Sure they’re going to draw well and I Think this one though firm will draw Well if it doesn’t I will take responsibility and my father

Will pull out another one and he’ll pick It next time I’m sure it’s fine This is a beautiful you know we had the Pleasure today I mean this is a um kind of a grand slam Of days uh in that before this we were At hunters in front Cal visiting with Gemma Freeman And one of the things that she pulled Out and and showed us was a cabinet of 50 Corona giantes I think from the late 90s And I was trying to twist her arm to Make sure that it was allocated here so I might be able to then twist your arm Into buying that uh I mean they’re a Reserve collection Is amazing they have some of the finest Of your reserve collection I mean is Really second to none may I prepare it For you please One other little point I should mention Because of course talking about German Hunters and Franco uh another Distinguishing feature on this box is This very early EMS badge now as you Know EMS was created by by gemma’s Father And uh Mr Nick Freeman and it denotes English Market selection and this is a Stamp that’s put on all cigars imported By hunters and Franco from I believe 1994. really so this would have been

Potentially the second maybe third year Of issuance and for the first few years They kept the same badge this green Um it looks like a currency almost it’s Only in 99 I believe that they began to Change the colors each year so again This is a bit of history for stamp Collectors out there Um it’s beautiful this is an amazing box And so this was sitting downstairs This was sitting downstairs [Music] Um As my father likes to say not lost but Under lock and key But recently discovered I mean how is it so whenever you look at Your reserve collection I mean how is it that you decide what it Is that you’re going to release or what It is you’re going to pull up into the Shop I mean it must just be absolutely Impossible I mean if I have trouble Smoking my cigars from my humidor you Know that are relatively Uninteresting compared to what you guys Have the privilege of of smoking I can’t Imagine how you gentlemen do it thank You Edward well if it was up to me I Would have not released any of them but So your question is redirected A true connoisseur It’s Um

I I suppose it’s the same Method perhaps that a wine collector Would bring to bear on which bottle They’re going to enjoy that day Um it it depends on mood depends on how We feel it depends on how business is Doing and it depends on the scarcity And sometimes blind luck you know I’m Walking through the cigar room Downstairs and stumble upon a box Catches my eye I’m having smoked one of these so how’d It come so they speak to you they call Out that’s where he comes running to me Oh Dad look what I found and that’s Where I told him it was never lost I’ve Kept it there now You’re going to enjoy one with us I am That may I actually know should I Prepare one for you as well Eddie give Me the pleasure well that that would be Spoiling me too much but go on that why Not that whilst I’m doing this you could Perhaps put us with a glass of something Special to drink thank you yes Well this is so delicate I mean it Really has a softness to it it will and And With all good vintage cigars a little Bit of patience is is necessary for the First couple of inches two or three Inches Um and then if it’s going to be Magnificent it will begin to talk to you

So why is that so talk me through that App well not I’ve spoke to very few and If I I cigars of this age and if I did It was certainly in your company uh uh And by virtue of your generosity so Someone that is of course smoked more of These than I have I’ll talk talk about That a little bit well There is the ongoing process of what we Call Micro fermentation that takes place With a cigar once it’s been boxed And typically that requires the right Humidity the right temperature and Contact between tobacco In these cases That process will continue and with a Tube it will be slowed down but not Entirely There comes a point where that process Reaches its natural end for example in The wine World there’ll come a wine Which is gone past its best and the same Can happen with cigars Appointed which that best is is Subjective and for some people who Desire and enjoy a much spicier more Youthful flavor profile that point Happens around year 10 or 15 of a Cigar’s life For other people and certainly my own Palette has learned to appreciate it as Times Gone on as with my fathers I think From the very beginning We hunt for the more delicate flavors

And whilst we enjoy a youthful cigar a Cigar with age and maturity has plenty To say in a more subtle way and that can Happen for many many years Beyond it can Be 20 years it can be 30 years we’ve Smoked cigars at 40 45 years that still Have something to say Okay and that’s a subjective experience How does the texture of the smoke change Over time that’s a very good question Your mouth feel Um What do you think Dad Once I start smoking and enjoying the Cigar I just Enjoy it it could vary from cigar to Cigar it will vary according what I had To eat or drink before Or during If you have a zip of this lovely Champagne which Eddie is going to Hopefully offer to us you will see that The first of the second puff and the Puff after drinking the sip of the Champagne it will vary You’ll probably notice I’m using cognac Glasses but I’ve discovered this Particular champagne tastes even better I don’t know why in a Louis crystal Glass Yeah Just to digress what we are enjoying is A Paul Roger so Winston from 2012. And um

I do believe it’s a candidate for best Of the centuries so far we won’t know For sure there’s plenty more testing to Be done Thank you Eddie and you could see Sir Winston there he’s got a smile on his Face We’re doing him proud smoking his Favorite cigar drinking his favorite Champagne We we don’t or at least I don’t often Pair Champagne with Cigars because being very effervescent I Find that a champagne can can interfere With the same Area of the palate that a cigar occupies And can sometimes cause disturbance but When you have such a fine champagne with So much body And so much to say I think they’re a match made in heaven Who might argue with so instant I Certainly won’t argue with with you A very good help to your good health to You to your family and thank you for Making this long journey to be here once Again it’s a true pleasure to welcome You here we’re so delighted to have you Here gentlemen to your good health yeah Thank you likewise Hmm That’s delicious Now the next puff you take on the cigar

It’ll taste different Dad I didn’t have an opportunity to Thank you for lighting my cigar It is a pleasure ready I will do that anytime you want to I won’t even smoke it for you if you Wish Yeah It reminds me this reminds me of one of The great cigars we smoked together Although virtually During lockdown uh was a 1990s dab it Off number one Cuban and this reminds me Much of that in that it’s got those more Subtle Almost yeasty flavors Kind of that you would never find in a Young cigar and much in the same way That vintage champagne is completely Incomparable to a newer bottle That’s an excellent comparison by that I’m sorry to jump in there because often I use that comparison between vintage Champagne and a young champagne to Express explain how different the flavor Profiles can be in a in a cigar Um I don’t know if you agree dad absolutely No definitely That’s interesting so Whenever it comes to aging of course of Which you guys are experts in Do you have any other tubos that you’ve Kind of gravitated towards aging that

You find are aging particularly well You should have some of the Romeo Juliet Church yes a perennial classic uh well At least I had them yeah recently Uh short answer is yes Romeo churches of Course we have some punch Churchill Tubes uh some very modest and humble Cigars you know Romeo and Julieta number Threes uh I had some Monte Cristo Petty Tubos and tubos from the mid-2000s I’ve Had some upman and Hoy de Monterey Tubes from 80s the 1980s they have Retained remarkable personality Interesting and it’s a small cigar yeah The one I’m most pleased about is some Davidoff number twos which I discovered Because they did them in tubes And this is the Cuban production and in The tubes they have aged so much Much slower than the regular number twos So it gives me courage that I can Continue to smoke them and enjoy them Hopefully with my son yeah and perhaps Daughter as well yeah there we go Whereas the Gemma is a great example of You know even even lovely ladies are Enjoying Fine Cigars these days Absolutely we’re getting more and more Ladies smokers joining the wonderful World of enjoying a cigar So what do you think of Cabinets versus the turbos Versus boxes of 25 and 10. um You know one is looking to invest in

Something to age You know do you I mean how do you think About those and categorize them for me The larger The box of this cigar the more I would Prefer that in the old days long before I had this shop In the 70s I used to buy my cigars from The Dunhill shop here in German Street And they had a cigar called Don candidos Okay Don candido number 500. And they came in boxes of 100. Beautiful cigar someone needs to bring That back well I keep on saying I think Can you imagine and sadly that Disappeared About 100 100 books what type of cigar What type of format it was a Churchill Size oh wow Don candido especially made For Don who And uh I still have I think one or two Of the I have one empty box for sure and I did have a half empty box or half full Box depend how you look at it once upon A time I’m not sure if it’s still there I didn’t touch it But to me these days if you’re lucky if You’re lucky enough to get a bundle of 50 that is my preference quite Definitely very rare yeah but the Bundles of 50. there’s something magical About it and it’s no sacred I’ve said There’s many times my desert island Cigar would be a box of a Hoya de

Monterey double Corona In a bundle of 50 preferably without the Bands which will show its age really and So when uh when does that delineate the Band being introduced onto the cigar They introduced the bands on the cigars In the last seven eight ten years longer It’s it’s yeah I think it was mid-2000s Maybe mid to late 2000s the candidate 50. were traditionally unbanded oh Absolutely they all came unbounded but With a box of 25 of the same cigar been Unbanded no no okay so it was one Distinctive no yes Epicures did The Epicure ones and twos Dude The day came in smaller bundles of 25. But the double Coronas the Hoyas they All came in flat boxes of 25 or Sliding top 50 bundles yeah 50. but Dad Admit why that would be your desert Islands oh I forgot to say also the David of number two In boxes of 50 as well nothing bundles But in flat boxes there was 15 that And A very rare production which I did have I don’t know what’s happened to it I do remember them uh some some built This house with those yeah School fees are expensive in London if We could stop the session I just have to Run down and check and come back A very safe way you left them dead don’t

Worry okay Um you know I must say I’m bad I guess I’m a little pleased to hear that Because I’ve was able to come across Too recent I’d say massive wins one was A cabinet of 50 of the Hollywood double Coronas the complement the cabinet of 50 Lusitanas that I purchased here And and it’s I’ve come to appreciate This more uh in the recent weeks a box Of Trinidad fundadores yes That’s priceless very difficult to find And and a wonderful cigar makes me feel Better for how much I paid for him However much you paid it it’ll be Whatever you paid for it is worth twice The price today after the recent price Increases Cube introduced So you’re very lucky Yes yes come on I think he knows the Whole story yeah I’m Kirby Allison and today’s video was Brought to you by Kirby Where you’ll find the largest collection Of luxury Garment Care and luxury shoe Care accessories in the world as well as Other great clothing accessories for the Well-dressed like this Sovereign grade Necktie pocket squares braces socks and So much more so if you enjoy the content That we film on this channel make sure You visit He still wants to visit Cuba that’s why No I I jest with that it was a surprise

For for most of us in the industry uh Probably not Um not unexpected however uh the timing Was very sudden and the move or the Change was very dramatic essentially the Um habanos who were the marketing Distribution arm of of the Cuban State When it comes to Cigars Announced that they would be increasing Or sorry equalizing the price of all Kahiba all Trinidad The Monte Cristo 1935 series the Roman Julieta Linea De Oro series and a few in Partagas and a few more in the Monte Cristo lines And the express purpose is to equalize Them to the same retail price as Hong Kong which is amongst if not the most Expensive retail market for cigars in The world in London even more than London so equalizer means Same price all over the world Interesting yes that’s I guess Controlled through the distributors Well yes because the price of a cigar in Any country Is largely a function of the import Duties and taxes absolutely I don’t know How they’re going to do that but I’m Sure they worked out the system which I Would apply considering the duties the Taxes and everything else but you will Be From now on you will be paying the same

Price for a box of Trinidad hundadores whatever you pay for It here it will be equivalent that you Would purchase in Hong Kong or in Mexico Or in Spain or in France or in Switzerland wherever you buy that cigar It will be exactly the same price Any speculation as to why Were the price difference is that Dramatic well there are some good Reasons I think some uh you know the The the first Gut reaction is it’s greed but it’s not It’s much more complex than that Um Cuba for several years now has been Unable to produce enough Uh certainly in those Brands to satisfy Global demand Um very very noticeably it has not made The same mistake it made in the 90s Which was to ramp up production to meet Demand and compromise on quality this Time round they have kept quality at a Consistently high level which I have to Say it’s really been quite quite Impressive yes oh yes I mean you can Imagine the temptation to just release The floodgates and you know give them More of what they want but they haven’t Done that And therefore justifiably they feel they Have a truly luxury product handmade Which it is And therefore it’s price

Should be done in the same manner as any Of the other luxury products out there Whether it’s a Patek Philippe Watch an Ahmed zanbag a Chevrolet Um you do not get the type of Differences in price internationally in Those products as you do cigars in Cigars yeah Um so if they take that extra money in Revenue they will obtain and reinvest it In the industry which it deserves and Needs then it can only be a win-win in The long term for everyone whilst in the Short term it’s a painful hit for the Consumer yeah no one wants to pay that Much more for a cigar how much more are The prices increasing say in London About 50 60 on on Cohibas and trinidads Um Less on the other lines But it’s it’s a meaningful change and Um and I think kahiba in Trinidad will Probably sustain all some of the sizes In those will will sustain that price Increase But there are some strange anomalies so For example Trinidad do a delicious Little cigar called the Reyes tiny the Size of my you know a little finger my Father loves that it’s a morning cigar It was selling for 18 pounds uh and then The next day it was selling for 32 Pounds But that 32 pounds now compares to a Beautiful Davidoff in a very significant

Size it compares to a Fuente in a good Size it compares to any number of other Cuban cigars outside of those premium Brands in a very good size you know We’re talking robusto going on to number Twos or even Churchill sizes So with that in mind it’s going to be Very difficult to understand which Consumer is so devoted to the Trinidad Reyes that they’re going to purchase That cigar in preference to a Romeo and Juliet’s a white Churchill or a Davidoff Special R yeah or any number of other Exceedingly good cigars yeah that’s Interesting I mean I understand the Premium of a Cuban cigar over say perhaps a new world Cigar because there is a Prestige and a Heritage and they are just at the Preeminent of The Craft I mean Cuban Cigar is a Cuban cigar and it in my book You know we’ll always uh occupy a Special place And so I can certainly understand that You know and I think you know in a large Way I mean the New World stuff in the United States is not all that inexpensive I Mean not pushing kohiba prices right but I think in a lot of ways many of the Cuban cigars that you guys have in the Human or compared to the equivalent Price you’d be paying the United States Our relative bargain

Uh I’m I’m pleased to hear that Kirby Um it it’s a watching brief right now I Think the the Cubans as much as everyone Else in the industry is is very Interested to see how this plays out Um whether it presents opportunities for For non-cuman Brands uh whether they Will react by increasing prices uh or Whether things will change in between we Don’t know yet All I can say is when I put my cigar Lover hat on as a consumer I’m upset of Course as a businessman I’m intrigued Uh and putting myself in the shoes of The other main players in the business I.E the producers in Cuba uh they Deserve so much more than they get for This extraordinary product You know it’s criminal how little money Flows back to The Magicians in the Factories uh the industry deserves it at Every level so I get greedy with my ash I was trying to take it too far It’s very good it was very good for your Suit because we’ll keep the mouth awake You start with and it’s very good for The floor as well because it will Enhance It Shine tomorrow morning I’ve personally always found that Cohiba Is too expensive and I guess now for Some of my meager means they will be Exceptionally too expensive for me but I Think it also highlights that there’s so Many other great cigars within the

Havana’s portfolio yes that will remain Accessible and also the new world as Well I mean there’s so many beautiful Cigars being produced these days that One is lost for Choice many times Well Davidoff which you’re smoking right now Well exactly this is the what are you Smoking at we spoke about it earlier I Don’t think they’ve they’ve yet had the Privilege of Utah and to give the full Description It’s the Grand Torah 2022 limited Edition from the Discovery range and for Davidoff that encompasses the Nicaragua The yamasa and the escurio line three Different sources of tobacco three Different tobaccos Um and they’ve Incorporated the best of Each one into that single cigar they’ve Had to broaden it a little bit to Accommodate so it’s a 58 ring gauge Unusual for my father he doesn’t often Smoke a 58 ring gauge Um I’ll get a pain in my jaws but that’s For later it’s worth the pleasure but They’ve done a wonderful job I mean They’ve really uh I’m I’m very fond of the Nicaragua I Find that yamas are a little bit Punchy For my everyday smoking and same goes For the escurio but I find this very Approachable and equally delicious is The Nicaragua so for me it ticks all the Boxes yeah well I mean Davidoff I mean

Our Master blenders are there yes and it Seems quite it seems as that you Describe it quite an adventurous blend Yes exactly that Um and we’re seeing that in general We’re seeing so many new Young or not Even young first time cigar smokers you Know I’ve I’ve met people in their 40s Who’ve never enjoyed a cigar but covered In lockdown presented an opportunity for Them to sort of tick things they hadn’t Done before and one of them was to enjoy A cigar and learn how to do it Many of them Kirby Come and say that they met us online on Your channel yeah right well that brings Me great joy well and I’ll still And and they’re they’re learning cigars But they they don’t have a uh a palette That’s been let’s say prejudiced yet by One particular tobacco it’s open to all And I find that they are really curious They want to try everything thank you Edward it’s a pleasure Uh yeah that’s interesting I mean so Someone that comes in the shop for the First time I mean there’s no better place in London To walk into for the uh uninitiated Cigar smoker then into the hospitality Of Davidoff of London and the expertise Of course Where where would you take someone I mean of course on that Journey a

Function of of if they’re coming into This specific request then of course you Would if you would entertain that but um Would you take him to Davidoff something Like this initially Well it depends if it’s a mature smoker Or a beginner Uh I would ask a few questions before I Take them through that have you smoked Cigars is this your first cigar you’re Going to smoke sir or have you smoked Cigars before Next question will be when are you going To smoke the cigar This cigar I will not smoke it early in The morning It’s definitely after I had a meal in The evening What you no longer have to work So I would ask a few questions before I Take them through I usually start it’s a No-brainer with a diabet of number two You can’t go wrong It’s a lovely the size of the cigar the Ring gauge of the cigar the blend of the Cigar it’s a cigar I will smoke and I Have smoked many times in the morning After breakfast with the espresso During lunch or not during lunch but Immediately after lunch In the afternoon and in the evening it’s A cigar you cannot go wrong however if It’s a person who is already

Introduced into the world of enjoyment Of smoking the cigar then I would take Them through one or two other ones Before I come to something like this Yeah this is not for It is but funny enough when I started Smoking this it was slightly on the Stronger side then it Mellows down and As I’m smoking more and more this is the Second one I’ve smoked we only received It a few days ago It’s turning into a delicious cigar it’s A meal on its own you know it’s it’s Just fantastic I don’t say that for many Cigars yeah it’s really beautiful my Only concern is we couldn’t get enough Of it but that’s another story It seems to be everything these days Anything that’s good you cannot get Enough of it that’s right it reminds me Of some very wise words If I may From a Dr Schneider Uh we’ve spoken about him before he was The the gentleman who took Davidoff as a Brand from a single shop To the wonderful International Organization it is now Um he was Um a real Mentor for my father a Business partner as well in many ways And um He wrote some very wise words on a box Of cigars he gifted my father

Um I happen to have that box oh really May I may you indulge me man please whip That out well better still dad may you Let’s make some room This one can fit on your lap if you like Or Dad’s lap This box was He presented this box to me On one of the occasion of one of his Visits to London which coincided with Our 17th birthday of the shop really okay He’s actually dated it here it was 29th Of May 1997. And he said Edward I have a present for You it just came out with these cigars The Double R And when I took the boxes United I will Not accept it from you unless you sign It and write something for me and that’s What he’s written come on Eddie so he’s Written Eat less but the best Drink less but the best smoke less but David over I mean the consummate Marketing genius but also from his heart He really practiced that he believed That and he practiced that Um Dad would you mind opening the the Box to show Kirby because I know you’ve Seen this on one of our videos yes You’ve seen it virtually now we’d like To show it to you In reality

In a beautiful cabinet it’s a beautiful Cabinet of 50 as we were talking about It earlier And rare these days you know they I Don’t believe David off too many of These anymore if at all Right I can’t recall yeah And that’s it oh you haven’t You haven’t smoked from it yet wow I Have not such discipline this went Straight into my museum because he had Signed it as well Wow look at those Beauties oh my Goodness Wow May I smell them please I insist you Smell them you can stroke them I wish I Could say you could smoke them as well But perhaps one day we will Look at those look at the beautiful kind Of ivory band it’s beautiful I I hope One day we will enjoy this together Because none of us expected the Dominicans to to age that this is the Way they have 25 years old in this shop Really add another couple before I Suppose Yes practically my age it is yes times Two [Music] They’re a joy to behold and wow and I Hope one day to smoke because let’s not Forget These are all lovely to keep and they’re

All mementos and they mean so much and These were Cuban or no Dominican one of The first of the top one of the first of The Dominicans but it was the first of The Double R series Gorgeous to guard another Church Hill Yes all right no no this is a double Click it’s a double coroner it’s cousin So a cousin it’s a 49 at least in the Cuban uh sizing it’s a 49 by I think Seven and a half seven and a half inches 49 and then and the Church Hill would be 7 by 47 7 by 45. very slightly shorter Very slightly and this is uh 49 by seven And a half It tells you how to keep it and what to Do with it did you follow the Instructions no Laughs Well thank you Dad We’re on a roll here yeah nobody thought I would keep this for 20 years so 25 Years What just what a memory I mean this is One of the things we were talking about This with with Gemma uh today is how you Know aging a box Only increases its meaning sentimental And just the memories associated with That and she was describing how Her father Would keep boxes in Cuba and they would Hold them for him and that he would ride On the box the date

You know and with whom he smoked and of Course many of them were smoked and You’re great I’ve seen those boxes yeah And I’ve seen those boxes with Gemma in Cuba In the shop called Fifth Avenue The only problem is Unfortunately they Had over humidified the boxes And some of them were ruined because it Was just too much humidity well you know I mean in Texas there’s times when it Gets very humid and there’s times when It’s very dry I presume right I’m having This trouble with my humidor right now I Was checking in on my sensor push and I think the humidity was You know surpassing 80 percent and That’s with no humidification you know Through the traditional fan and just Bovada package no you need to put the Dehumidifier also they sell these small Units but it’s like you know it’s like You know Well in Cuba I’ve seen it uh on several Occasions especially if you visit Cuba In the summer month of July August if You go to the shops you will see like we Have portable heaters or portable Humidifying units they have portable Dehumidifying and I’ve seen this unit in The cigar room And they’re not using the container Because there’s too much humidity coming Out so they’ve got a pipe a hose right

Out into the street and it’s just Sucking out the humidity but even that Is not sufficient It’s too much humidity it’s like Miami As well same situation in Miami I’m Working on building a wok in humidor at Least I’m trying to put it together With the idea being that with a larger Environment I’ll be able to more easily And consistently control The humidity and the temperature it Could be misinformed Try to keep it anything between 60 65 68 percent And if at times it does go up slightly Higher or lower don’t be obsessed with It end of the day The humidity the way you keep your Cigars uh It’s important but it’s not vital I mean This is not the scientific instrument It’s an instrument of pleasure It’s handmade product If it’s slightly more humid or a bit too Dry Just go through it enjoy it don’t worry About it yeah that’s my opinion and my Advice I still think I’m going to text The office whenever we’re done Open the door to my humidor and you know Let some of that escape Tell them to stop taking showers in the House no more shows But this is in my office but I keep a

Separate little sensor push outside of The humidor just to be able to you know Monitor the ambient humidity of the Office but the challenge is is that if You push the temperature down the Relative humidity shoots up where’s a Constant the ventilation is very Important though It is very important to have proper Fresh air ventilation That will keep away the the sogginess The smell of this musty smell that Sometimes you get in humidors or walking Humidors if the door is closed nobody Goes in there and there’s no air Ventilation not only circulation but Ventilation pumping in fresh air and Sucking out the stale how do you do that In a small human or you just open it yes Yes and if you’re traveling you will ask Your wife very nicely The make sure she opens you’ll be Traveling with your wife surely Ask somebody George with the children or The children this is somebody you know The dog you know just push it open for a Few seconds literally to get it some Fresh air and closer Well what do we have here what’s this It’s beautifully lacquered it’s cool Here because I know we talked about the Other box which you had seen it Virtually but not in reality I remember this one you had not seen in

English as well So Eddie I’ll leave this to you too oh Well how can you leave it to me I wasn’t Even there No that’s why you could talk about it Well I will without getting emotional About it it will begin perhaps a little Bit Kirby may I trouble you just to rest The glass thank you Thank you very much So this has an interesting story this Kahiba cabinet It’s Rather large as you can see And there’s a date And the date is actually very just Indistinct now underneath but that’s Fine because we look at the date inside Even better well the Cuba tobacco gives Us a clue Or what’s inside is what really matters In 1994 Missed the shanking I’ve been shanking From cigarfish United organized a dinner Of the century in Paris And at that dinner I believe it was well Here we have it Dinner of the century Saturday October 22nd 1994 restaurant lorong in Paris And this is a list of the charity Auction lots that would be auctioned for The benefit of Cuba’s medical Relief Fund the auctioneer was Marvin shanken Himself

Um the dinner was Exquisite of course my Father was very lucky to have been Invited to the dinner And there was a series of lots as you Can see I think we get down to lot a the King’s Ransom yeah yes I wish I’d got That one the ultimate dream for cigar Collectors 100 trinidads 100 Cohiba Pyramids and 100 cohibit Grand Coronas An act in chess of 50 each one bearing The signature of President Castro and That sold for two hundred thousand Dollars then in 1994 220 000. no buyer’s Premium What I can tell you is that this is a 50 Cabinet of kahiba grand Corona and a Grand Corona is the Monte Cristo a size As big as they make in standard Production which is a nine inch by I Forget the rain gauge but big and um I Think it’s 47 or I could say in the Certificate yes it could be And Um Dad was able to win this slot and It’s number one So this box a 50 caliber cigars have Been specially commissioned for the Participants of the dinar the dinner of The century organized by cigarfish United magazine out of the 10 boxes made This is number one Voila there’s the signature Fidel Castro Here with the dates as well of the Dinner

And then Of course that doesn’t mean much without Seeing The cigars themselves Which are as far as I’m aware Never ever been produced again No there’s 50 but the 10 boxes that were Made we we were given one of each of Those cigars there’s two missing here no There is Did you see that it’s like when people Take the cigar from Winston Churchill Same look on his face So there you have it cover you are one Of the the few people in the world wow To have seen touched handled and Otherwise enjoyed this cigar Oh wow Here all that be careful you do not see This very old well this is gigantic So this is a this is the size of a Monte Cristo it’s a Monte Cristo a size this Is Unbelievable I think I smoked the a size that night Because I said now I’ve got the box I Could say I actually smoked it as well And is that the only one you’ve smoked Did they ever make these in standard Production no no never it’s never been Produced again so it’s totally unique Yes this box and what was smoked at that Dinner well this box and the other nine Boxes because the other nine box and

Most of it was consumed that evening ah Okay yes there may have been one more Within the lot of the Kings but there Was there was one or two more there but Most of it was consumed on the night That’s a good evening this is actually The menu I had there in front of me and All the prices they went for And looking back I wish I bought all of It wow Well done for even buying this Dad I I Because at the time it was a hell of a Lot of money For a thing that was I think my father Did it because it was a good cause I Mean truly it was not because he you Know my father he’s not a wouldn’t Surprise me I buy it to sell I have to Be honest with you because Uh gemma’s father uh Nick Freeman We were talking in the earlier days of That and One time he mentioned he said Edward There there’s a company in Washington Franklin something I mean you write to Them so you want a letter signed by George Washington or you write to them You want to let her signed by Kennedy Whatever and they will find it and at The price you could get it he said the Only Document that is signed By a prominent person with Fidel Castro’s signature it’s almost

Impossible to find very rare very scarce And if you ever come across that get it And that’s that in mind I bought this Box was he at the dinner with you no he Didn’t come to that dinner I don’t know Why uh how many people were there if I’m Not mistaken it was 100 or 120. Yeah That was the limit of the restaurant And what did I mean was it a buy special Invitation only or yes you were invited To obviously purchased a ticket I even Forgot how much the tickets were but it Was it was a lovely evening Who won the king’s Ransom do you Remember Hi I’m Kirby Allison and thank you for Watching today’s video if you enjoy the Content that we film here on this YouTube channel one of the best ways That you can support our ability to film Even more great content is by visiting where you’ll find the Largest collection of luxury Garment Care luxury shoe care and other great Clothing accessories for the Well-dressed also we have a patreon page Where 100 of the proceeds from our Patreon go to our ability to travel in Pursuit of this quality craftsmanship And tradition so if you love the content These are two great ways to support what You see here on Kirby Allison

I do Can it be said yes it was jointly Won by Lawrence Lauren stroll Lauren stroll And David Tang Of course they started bidding Separately at the beginning and then at The end they bid together And Rush limbo wanted that as well and Desmond South or he was there he was Bidding on his behalf but and then at One point he had let’s I mean it was two Hundred thousand dollars 220 000 220 000 years I mean in those in Today’s money that must be a million I Don’t know I don’t know 42 million yeah Or one Bitcoin right 95. they’re talking About nearly 30 years ago does anybody Know where the king’s Ransom is today Because David Tang sad face I wouldn’t Be surprised if eventually somehow If not all of it at least half of it Ended up In Hong Kong Because sir David Tang was he passed Away based in Hong Kong yeah so he Passed away a few years ago lovely man These cufflinks I’m wearing it was a Gift from him What a great gift he was a lovely Man David Tang we still have his walking Stick here well he was a huge Fan of Cuban cigars

The Pacific cigars he started that oh Yes I thought he was involved in Restaurants as well though yes he had uh Sorry Dad Quick China Tang yeah back to the safe In in the Dorchester Hotel I don’t even feel comfortable with that Box that close to the window Well I only moved it for for one reason Only It would be locked up in the safe Tonight please Well excuse me I’m gonna show my Backside But it’s for a good cause Of course my my father being my father Once heard about the Rarity of Fidel Castro’s signature And being egged on by his incredulous Son in 1997 February 97 At the coiba 30th anniversary Celebration that was the first trip Eddie and myself we did to Cuba together He was a bit younger then yes before I Was 25. so a young boy I was a young boy And I was in I mean I appreciated what I Was experiencing but if I was in if I Had my wisdom now and was in my shoes Again back then I would have done even More it was a remark you would have Spent more time in the factories and Less time in the discotheque Yes this is before you were involved in The business one day no I was I was in

The business at this point just I just Come back into the business Um Very recently and uh I’m sure I’ve told You this story it was partial punishment Personal wisdom from my father’s side as I was not studying as I should do so he Brought me back and working in the shop Was a very good discipline for me it was Meant to be a punishment of course but It turned out to be a pleasure yes Exactly right Like like all good things Um anyhow there we were this was the 30th Anniversary celebrations of kahiba And there’d been a lovely week of Visiting plantations and factories and That time I think it was a really Rarefied honor to be welcomed into into Cuba and to be fated and regaled the way We were I was in wonderful company you Know many people Legends of the industry Were there uh Desmond’s outer of course My father That was there Um Simon was there yes so many people Yes oh yes Um it was remarkable And to cap it all off the evening when This uh very special event took place at That time it wasn’t called the gala but It was Um as close to it was in the club Tropicana

And Um we arrived there in those rumor Swirling that Fidel himself would be There And we were unsure they said he’s going To be there then he’s not going to be There then he’s going to be there and He’s not going to be there they told us You cannot take your cameras inside so You have to leave it in the bus and as We were leaving the bus they said no you Could take your cameras he’s not coming And there we were and we had a lovely Dinner beautiful music and then suddenly These military police start to filter Into the into the crowd And next thing we know Fidel Castro deadly silence suddenly In a huge room oh yes I mean it was Outdoors but it was near I remember Nearly 2 000 maybe I’m wrong but I think It was a few hundred maybe but you could Be right maybe no no it was over a Thousand maybe yeah and it Open air the Moon is shining with the Palm trees all around but and then the Sudden silence not a word And you could see him walking down the Stairs in military fatigues of course And Um he got up and he addressed the room And uh it was in Spanish being Translated you know as he was speaking But also being corrected he clearly knew

What he was saying and what was being Said in English but he chose to spoken Speak in Spanish and he entertained the Room like a consumered emcee you know The Imagine just the confidence he had His ability to to speak is aeration Um his choice of stories and elegance You know he he really could have Delivered some barbs and jibes and uh And and said a few things that probably Should have been said but he didn’t he Held back And he entertained the room and he was Incredibly humble and grateful that all These people had gathered to help really The Cuban because all the money Collected from all over the world from Europe from the Far East and from the us As well And at that time of course the cigar Cuban cigar in particular had become an Incredibly high profile Um Celebratory ritual in the US should not Have driven a lot of that initial Popularity so there we were and of Course there was an auction and who else But Simon Simon Chase uh the famous Simon was that his first time I think That was his first Um That was the first time that I remember seeing them on stage there Mm-hmm

And he conducted the auction and one of The auction Lots happens to be this Humidor which was produced to celebrate The 30th anniversary of which we’re Celebrating which we were celebrating The true 30th Anniversary was in 1996 But because it was after the February Date of festivals February 97 was the Next Occasion where they could celebrate it And They start the bidding and suddenly I See Simon looking over at my father going And then I’m like oh and I clocked that My father had started bidding on this Lot and of course like oh immature 25 Year olds who don’t realize where money Comes from I thought wow how fun But then even I at some point thought oh My god dad usually want to do that Anyhow he was Far wiser than I will ever Be and he did bid and he did win and What seemed like a lot of money at the Time Allowed him to obtain and win this Wonderful piece it’s number 30 or 30 Again signed by Fidel Castro and dated And this particular one is well Dad may I trouble you to reveal Well excuse me this is your view this is A humidor number 30 a limited and a Unique production of 45 boxes specially Manufactured commemorate the 30th

Anniversary of the Cohiba brand It contains 50 robusto special victiolas Manufactured exclusively for this Commemoration by the elagito cigar Factory The case is of solid Cedar The Box The lid of which Bears the logo of the Celebration the 30th anniversary A piece of inlaid artwork Of craftsmanship made in the finest wood And of course to top it all It Bears the signature of Fidel Castro Again Marked 28th of February 97. Wow it was a beautiful piece And if I may it still is a beautiful Piece even more beautiful with age Again those cigars as far as I know have Not been produced again Um except for this particular series of Humidors made for this event Classic pigtail it’ll be a 50 ring gauge And it’s called the Robusta special Because it’s a 50 but it’s longer than a Traditional robusto it looks like a Seven incher I could be mistaken it Could be a bit more Um but it’s a glorious cigar for a Glorious occasion yeah absolutely Wow what what an honor to even would you Like Alexa Ah This is unbelievable

I’ll hand this back to you oh thank you And on the nervous even holding it don’t Be pleased on the evening I went on the Stage And Simon presented the box to me And whilst It’s all going on so Simon can I take This bag with me through London Sure you can And I put it under my arm walked down The stage went to the table sat down And my very dear friend Desmond Souther With his wife Pamela there were sitting There I said I’ve got this box I don’t know How I’m going to take it it’s not going To fit in my suitcase and Hamlet and I Said don’t you worry I have a handbag Which I brought some chocolates and Things like that for here you could have That bag you could put it into that and It fit it perfectly in my hand all the Way from Cuba we flew with that and we Went from Havana to Madrid from Madrid To London all in my hand That’s right and at that time would it Have been risky to import that in no no There was no risk a matter of fact when We arrived there I went to customs and I Said I have a box of cigars there’s 50 Cigars there so it’s all right sir go Along There you go imported legitimately oh Absolutely legally there yes

I didn’t mention about the signature Though Details they didn’t ask That is absolutely beautiful so if all I Mean of all of your humidors Right I mean is there one that du is Most special or occupies I don’t know uh It’s there is there is I mean these are Very dear to me but I do have a I can’t Imagine it I was expecting you to name Whatever I have a modest and a humble Box of 25 cigars it happens to be well It’s not the full box of 25. it’s a half Box of Davidoff Dom Perignon uh And that was presented to me by Xeno Davidoff on the day of the opening of This shop On 29th of May when he arrived from the Airport he came he walked in through the Shop and had a lovely ribbon there he Cut the ribbon came in And we had a glass of champagne and he Said oh Edward I have a present for you It’s a box of David of Dom Perignon cigars and I took It and I said as always like same with Dr Schneider I said he says you know you Have to Sign it for me please so he wrote on a Dear Edward smoke but don’t smoke too Much Xeno Davidoff and the date And that’s the box I think I’ve told you The story I’ll say it again though I Promised him I said I will not smoke too

Much I will smoke one every year and When I smoke the last one that’s when I Will retire And I religiously did that every year on The anniversary of the shop Any day of the week it was on that Particular date I would take once David of Dom Perignon out of that box Light it up smoke it And this went on until the first layer Finished 13 years past came the 14th Year second layer I took one out And I’m looking at it well now the box Is not half full it’s half empty The following year With hesitation I took the Another cigar out of the box And I said I can’t do this I’m too young To retire I’m talking to myself Edward You’re too young to retire and 10 years Time So I started skipping years and I Skipped years and I think I still have I Forgot how many I have in that box Probably six seven eight left in the Box Did you smoke one on the 40th Uh I think I did did I Eddie we might Have shared one if I’m not mistake I Can’t remember And I should remember yeah Well we could put that right we’ll Celebrate that on the 50th I promise you I will present you with one and I’ll Have the second I’ll hold you to that I

I’m sure I’ll be around and I’ll do it So that box is very special to me yeah And next to this because each box has Its own wonderful memories Of course the box that Zeno gave me the Memory is the oldest one which I will Never forget as I’m telling you the Story it’s like it all happened Yesterday But that’s what happens when you get old ER So the 40th was during lockdown So remind me the anniversary date and This upcoming Anniversary how many years your memories There’s some debate whether it’s the 28th or the 29th of May I think 28th you You have the keys 29th you officially Opened it with Zeno yes the 29th was the Day of the party as well party so we’ll Call it the 29th of May And this year it’ll be 42 42. we’re a Few weeks early Maybe may we toast your father oh yeah Yes oh thank you so much before we Ah Thank you Kirby I cannot think of anybody better To celebrate our 40 seconds To Edward sahakian into the Legacy that You have so generously shared with us You’re a good health you’re well I’ve Done all I could do up to now the rest Of the work now is on the shoulders of

It and I’m sure he will do it justice to That that that’s right you as well thank You Dad 40 42 almost gone and another 142 on top of it with you and Elvis I Hope cheers who will very much drink to That yeah Cheers Cheers Cheers

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