Bespoke Tailoring

Final Fitting For My Double Bespoke Commission | Kent & Haste

Foreign [Music] Street to visit legendary tailoring House Kent haste and laughter for the Final fitting of a double bespoke Commission in the last episodes of this Series we explored the process of the Measurements being taken the patterns Being drafted the fabric being cut and The first and second fittings these Fittings are an integral part of the Bespoke process and help give the final Product the Integrity one would expect With full bespoke so join me as I walk Back inside Ken hasten laughter for the Final fitting of this double bespoke Commission [Music] Thank you [Music] John could be my love nice to see you How are you nice to be back in Sweltering London Yeah well it brings me back but uh it Was a great occasion to wear the linen Yeah You're right and to get fitted for Flannels that means that we're doing This right you know we're just before The season yeah you're gonna you've got A lovely heavyweight one of mine so that Would be lovely out there today if you Must time it'll be perfect So I couldn't be more excited to be back

I mean this is the final fitting and so How do you gentlemen think it's coming Along I mean how are the pieces looking Well we've talked about anything else Since last week oh it's going to be all Right I will make more than terries well I've tried to lay off I brought the Scale back on your phone you know and uh We'll lay you in a minute We were supposed to do this fitting 15 Pounds ago No so we we're quite really quite Excited because uh you know we just want To try and get it as best we can and We'll see it looks pretty good but Proof of the pudding as we say over here I couldn't have been more happy with the First and second fittings yeah it went Well it went well hopefully the result Of those fittings is what you're going To see today plus we're we're bound to Find something that we want to tweak oh We're about to find something wrong I Don't look at me like that what you Expect Well how close to completion do you Think we are I mean where is this in the Process between cloth on the table in Which we filmed drafting the pattern and Cutting the cloth to a completed garment Where are we in this Continuum we're Virtually there now we've just got this Is the last fitting before we've got a Buttonholes in we want to make sure

You get the correct sleeve length and Just any little touches that we feel we Want to do and then just do the Finishing really yeah so that's the Thing that Terry and I have adapted over The last 10 years we're fanatical about The distance of the buttonholes up from The bottom of the sleeve you see Mention no names obviously but you know Take a quarter off the bottom of one Sleeve now the button hole is a is a Quarter of an inch less than the other Side and you see it all the time and It's I I hate that it's got to be if we Need to shorten it now we haven't got Any button holes in it'll be absolutely Spot on yeah and that's what people pay For I do believe that little Final Touch You know yeah it's just another week at The end of the day isn't it so yeah you Can wait another week what's that battle Touch and you know you can take the Sleeves in through the sleeve head but If it has any type of pattern to it and You can't do it the more you take a Piece off the crown of the slave we call That It gets narrower through this distance And you see a lot of that where that Caves in at the top and it's not up here Yeah it's not a great look although you See it you see it on very modern suits Because they're so tight there isn't Really you can remedy that because it's

So skimpy you're going to get a cave in At some point but we don't want that on Yours hopefully well it's real Misperception because I mean you hear People take it in or let it out through The sleeve head but as you just said Unless it's a solid suit you really Can't do that unless you should take it Through the check you can hardly have it In between the check although we've seen That as well unfortunately yeah that's What we've been doing that recently Probably only lasts three or four years And we actually leave inlay now okay on The top sleeve so we've got to you know Drop the sleeve down through the ground Yeah we can still get the same width Well shall we I'm excited I can't I Can't handle the suspense remember Can we have the garments please so kind Yeah Just back there keeping the the world Turning for you guys Jesus whatever Sorry Oh boy well here's the nail head right That's the Nile head pin head bird's eye Bird all different all different signs But then the famous you know house Tweed Yes with those beautiful brown flannels Um yeah I'm really excited so you guys You gentlemen are happy so far it Certainly looks like I've done it they Look good on the hanger I've done it Strictly

As we said copied everything to the Detail with the lower gauge and a few Other things that he used to have so it Is absolutely authentic as veneers truly As near as I can get yeah normally our Gorge is higher but I lowered it because He didn't like a high gauge you know It's a slightly lower goal for the Duke Absolutely and he's got Wing pads in There which was Duke always had in the Back between you and I and the gate post It's just a little thin Wing pad if you Don't like it we can always take it out But I've gone down the authentic Road no That's whatever that means yeah Hopefully well this is you know was an Exciting kind of juxtaposition versus You know something you know really Traditional right steeped in that kind Of British history right yeah uh Slightly old school and then Terry's Yeah slightly updated kind of you know Modern British cut Just a bit more one bat in front which Is always the great thing about that is He loved that and also yeah he's got a Three-peat head a three-piece morning Suit made out of a bird I was just quite Unusual as you can imagine yeah so his Morning cup he had a black one and a Light gray and a diagonal but he loved You know that bird's eye so we might When did he wear the bird's eye do you Know yeah just for a garden party oh

Garden party yeah or yeah no I don't Think it'd work for us but we're black I Would think yeah yeah Well uh who goes first well with you Know boys first what'd you think what About the other boy I'll go put this on You go through so don't take that from You that's a part of the ACT I'm gonna Do it forgive the kind of leg I'm going To have it looked at tomorrow Well You've outdone yourself the trousers I'm Gonna check it out and at least when you Walk in you didn't say this is hurting Me yeah that's a plus I'm putting on Your leg I think I've been stable since The uh obviously if I can just say these I love them on the side I don't like Them pulled in much so if you feel There's a quarter of an inch you just Take it in a little bit it's such a Great Gizmo that is because to get them Like so yeah you know what they're not They're not meant to be tight no not on That it's not that it's when you sit Down we if we could find a way of Fitting you're sitting down different Ball game you know you get guys so this Is a bit big sit down and go oh golly They're catching me you know this kind Of thing it's got to be it's a proper Price trouser if that was like I'm Wearing I would probably Nick it in a Bit but I don't think that makes sense

Um Please love it I'd like to just adjust This these if I mate you drop on the Right side If we can get that out and when you set Yourself up with braces nobody sees it But I won't that that should be just Pulled up a little bit and that's got a Double crease in it I'll get that taken Out it shouldn't be like that but then It's only a fitting Um just I'll be looking forward Yeah I'm going to get that taken out Um Yeah maybe lengthen that Lego set as Well let's have a look Yeah talking like that thank you They're not in the correct place for me They're too high on their band I think I've ever strung that up do you Want me hold that jacket for you thank You very much just over strong it needs To come up a little bit more than the Other one I think I overdid the bit of An enthusia that one Terry can I have That that one Has got to come in there And there yeah just let me have a look At that Yeah definitely definitely I think the Length it's very personal I used to like A lot of break that's a conventional Break I think that's nice on a on that Kind of trouser it was more of a sort of

Modern so probably take a quarter off But I think that's spot on apart from That crease swing you like Matt Let's see what we got here right there We go Thank you I'll get you to hold that so I Said I'll drop the food in there right It's a rather strange fit in this so if You could bear with me Oops just push your arm just keep going That's got it Let's go yeah let's see what we got Let's see what we got Well it went round yeah that's a plus Yeah Probably button yeah let's get you That's it just letting me soften this up A little bit that's it And so this has all the canvassing right The basting stitches at this point are Just that's just the construction yeah That just they get taken out as it goes But they could be taken out at this Stage oh yeah yeah it can't be but um Normally falls apart when we do that oh No it doesn't Silly Billy Let's take a notes out of there just to Get that perfect Let's have a look at universe so you can Just get the full effect Yeah that's great and let's have you no Just natural Let It Go Let It Go No I'm not taking those wings out that Bloody perfect I thought they would no

So you can't say then yeah it's just They're there but you know I just did it Because I wanted to Color's fantastic I think I think we've Got bags of shape and I've got no flare On it we don't I hate that I like what We did it with that event yeah that's What I call bum hugging let's just have You around I don't like that little Um no criticism but we do that the best In events there's a lot of people around The world it seems to come in here and Then kick out of the bottom I like them Coming right in like a like an hourglass I'm just going to clear that that size Pretty well on the money Yeah yeah let me just do that otherwise We won't know where we're going right Sleeve length this is what no they're Not real Come on you've got better eyes than me No Ted short on that side do you make That shorter taking it from there to There definitely yeah definitely right Let's ask Kirby what he likes I've got To get him level we're talking about That much We're talking about a chalk line that's All it is do you prefer if you look into The mirrors around face the mirror do You do you like Do you like the shorter Shirt out of the way right Maya says to Me this one here is a chalk line which I

Made on my hand yeah shorter than that One so it's very very personal my job is To get it level obviously and if I shoot Your cuff Well it's funny it reflects a pretty Well Spotlight no you can see it this One I think if it were mine I would have Had the I like short sleeves but it's Not mine do you like the slightly Shorter longer or the slightly shorter You know I prefer to be showing a little Bit of Cuff you can see the difference can you See it it's an eighth of an inch yeah Which one do you put the right I would Say even a touch shorter no I would have Said that one was perfect yeah and we Need to take an eighth of an inch off That so it shows that much Well that's what we'll do then yeah Let's have you around then I'm asking You now I'm telling you that is a bit Naughty really No it does well don't you think well I Feel like the uh I mean I feel like I'm Not showing any cuff but is it the shirt Or is it the shirt that I've always Worried well you've got to change your Shirt maker Let's have you like that Go and put your foot down tell him you Want it shorter yeah I probably wouldn't Take a little bit shorter okay then so a Quarter of that one

Yeah and the night's off there Yes It's gonna be Or do you like to show that kind of cuff I love a lot of coffee I just didn't Want to make it look foreign to the Jacket but you know what I wanna let's Just Would you say then you're going to show That much well it's kind of hard to tell With the um this picture So If we just that's a quarter of an inch I Was going to take an eight that's you'd Actually show I mean that seems like too Much The quarter so maybe let's just start With an eighth I think if you take a Skim off of that one and a quarter for That one because the difference is an Eighth of an inch so a quarter off that One and the night's off there Um Look at that Take a little bit out of that side to Catch it is it catching unit Maybe a little bit Yeah I think just a Just a tad out there don't you think Yeah just a little bit yeah it looks as A nice clearing don't you think it looks A little bit doesn't it Catching and let's just catch you there Isn't it yeah that's good because Otherwise we're doing it for nothing

Sort of thing I mean just to do that Just so because it looks as if it needs It but if it's catching you that's that Will be done it's not a problem let's Have a look at the front No that's perfect yeah yeah [Music] I thought the suit that it is it's an Older style so I don't like it clumsy Around that area that's that's nice and Neat so that when it's under I'm not Convinced about this sleeve can I have a Look at this right one again You know I mean many of Taylor's has Spent hours debating sleeve links so This is nothing outside the normal range Of final fitting conversations that's About right we're going to take an eight That'll give you plenty of cuff and then A quarter Definitely but you're right we get a Little bit more yeah we get a little bit More out of that that's not a problem Better than length now yeah lengthen it Shows a Mark that way I'm going to clear That side and the goal here was I mean To really get as close to something that The Duke of Edinburgh yeah It is very close except he has sleeves Down off the Record They were there really okay never showed Any coffee Very very very long season and I Couldn't get him to alter it's his thing

And if that's how it was that's how it Was yeah so what are the elements you Know that you integrated into this suit I've done it on style you've got what They call a wing pad okay which is a Thing a little affiliate of wadding Around the back so show that to me but You can't say I've never comes through There It's it's late on the end of the pad Basically to just instead of the pad Stop in there it just continues around And gives you a cleaner look in my Opinion but I did it because he had it On all his coats so I just followed suit Um and if and also Um I've got a little senior bit of a rope Sleeve head going there but I might just Soften it a little bit I don't think You'd like it too high up but that's Neither here nor there and basically Everything I did of love the gold this Here from there to there we would make It normally higher up but it didn't like It like that so I've made it a little Bit more sloping than what we normally Do see the angle of that yeah your suits Are probably more like that but that's Sort of old style really yeah and dead Straight no belly on it I've not done That it's just a dead straight line Pretty well yeah and it makes it well It's just the style of you know that he

Wore really yeah it's beautiful didn't Like anything clumsy and heavy and so It's just done the same way really and Then the lapel length is this is just That's right that's what you were that's Three and a half very just a net three And a half it didn't have everything was Just ordinary and that's what made Everybody say what a love you know the Guy looks great in his clothes because He didn't have any Christmas tree bits Or whatever in other words he didn't Have pockets here no bells and whistles It was just very simple yeah no extra Ticket packets yeah this is I mean and You know really I mean one of the most Difficult things with my suits is the Collar and getting it to sit yeah I kept saying to tear out that collar Doesn't slip down your neck because You're tricky in this area you know to Get that so it stays put that's the Important thing but that's that's that Arm hole's got to uh yeah got to be Cleaned out to make so it doesn't be out It shouldn't look you can move it around Shouldn't you leave your neck no it's Not at all I mean that's which is Important a true test of a proper we Just spoke garment right it's not Lifting up at the end of the day let me Just have a look at your as well Straight on one more time and the Sleeves are I mean look at this point

Let me I'm not sure about that let me Have a look yeah exactly I've got it now That sleeves and that shoulders an Eighth of an inch wider than that and That's perfect it's too wide that's why It's collapsing And clear that keep going You see that Terry that slider on that Side that's a better shoulder that's Better shoulder yeah done Okay we'll be done sir final fitting not Not anything to it you make it look easy It's pretty well okay we had a couple of Good ones but it's just some final Things and I want to increase that that Wasn't like that last time I think he's Recruit let's just drop you wrong he's Altered that cruise because these Trousers were absolutely spot on but I'm Gonna get I'll do that myself I know What to do with it no it's perfect over The knee it's not correct at the top Also let's do a little baggy like no That's because it needs to be like that Okay that's what's wrong with them that Needs to be sure no no it's not done by That I'm doing it but I'm gonna lower The band and bring that over okay we'll Be done but they are full of trousers Than what you're used to yes well that's What I like yeah yeah well it's not Meant to go with a you know a skimpier Trouser on it's not that look that's why I wanted to do it that way just as if

Well what I did for him when the duke or Braces as well well sometimes mate Always fall plates but you had what what Is known as it was a cloth belt okay so It was a tunnel belt it came all the way Around and it and the front of the of The of the belt just came four inches From the fly really you couldn't see the Belt it's what we call a tunnel belt Um but most of the time then it you know His white was so slim and he'd go up a Little bit and that we ended up putting Buttons in but it was actually what they Call a clock it was a kind of cloth belt Was its own Arrangement you couldn't Actually see the belt apart from this Little bit at the front and they would Button or what would it no it was like It was it I don't want to go into that Secret it used to be it used to be a Buckle but it ended up something else to Say Velcro Okay well yeah well I've got to work on Those on that side that side's perfect So a few small adjustments yeah that's Right around the sleeves a little bit no Yeah the back just the shoulder that's What I was worried about the back is Fabulous on it by just that shoulder's Too wide and it needs clearing and that One's got to come over yeah absolutely Great we'll be done sir Let's help you Off thank you so how many more days I

Mean at this point how much work is Involved in finishing another Oops don't worry about this got to come Out probably about another few days yeah But you'll have it no and I would be Less than that yeah you less than that Because it's Monday I think I'm back on Friday yeah that'll be done no problem Yeah that shoulder needs to come in And that will get the run will be better On that one good yeah good fitting Exciting necessary but good thank you You're very welcome What a privilege now after you the Founder so I have one Scoops What's better than one bespoke Commission two One why have one when you can have two That's right you can have five Clapping clapping Applause Well I mean another brilliant pair of Trousers Simon but great work on these Thank you glad you like them I'm glad They they fit yeah they fit you know It's it's scales at the door yes we Added the back tabs on these just so You've got the versatility of having Them weather without braces I think I probably it's not side tabs It's a back tab is that right back toes Yeah so it just makes up yeah where is It I can't oh you can't see didn't I put Australia no where's the tent is it Inside it's here just on the center back

On would you like a strutting back along Because you know I don't know you might Not wear them as well you won't always Wear them with braces he's fine Hopefully I won't be able to see I had Nothing on mine but some people like no No I kind of prefer it without this you Put it without yeah that's what we said I've never had a pair of trousers with The back strap but I see back tabs back Tabs right that's just for the braces That tucks inside when you turn clear The seat a little bit on that right side Apart from that I think we're okay Yeah what a lovely shade of brown it's Beautiful what they call it mild don't They it's like a gray brown isn't it It's like a gray brown it's a really Unusual color isn't it reminds me of a Pair of trousers from Ralph Lauren that Was one of my first pair of trousers Yeah 15 or 20 years ago I fell in love With that are dry cleaners of course Lost but it was a really dark Sophisticated formal Brown it wasn't Like a super casual light brown and I'd Never been able to find anything that Really quite came close until these Flannel trousers yeah it's beautiful Isn't it let's just have a look so what Are you gonna oh Foreign How do you feel on the length Um having the link feels great to me

Yeah the right what do you think by the Lace hole don't they go by the lace hole Sound but it always a help see how that One looks good does it see the left one Spot line and you're covering three You're nearly four on the other no That's fine that one's yeah that one is A little bit turn around Kirby if you Want forgive me sitting on a seat but my Legs a bit crooked why'd you run in the Back so how much are they sure on this Half inch all the way so we're gonna let This one out yeah I think so the left Hand is good as I look at this this One's kind of hanging a little bit yeah It's just hanging isn't it Yeah it's just I know I think you could You could go Problems as crooked body I mean what's The difference what's the difference How much is that the left one's fine What are we from the floor to the back Of the three in the water and that's What you need on that right one Yeah so is it 3 8 3 8 is it Yep Hold money three eighths yep I wouldn't mind going a bit but you know A half on the front three actually about Get the Run only on that leg Yeah the Other one's fine That's it if that don't work we'll cut a Half inch off his leg S yeah that's cool he needs a half to

Three eighths on that leg on the Interior who's going to disguise the Other bit obviously that's how they feel In the waist great in the waist Slightly smaller than John's yeah these Are more casual yeah If you don't wear the braces you'd be Struggling to keep them up without Straps so they should be closer really Well And I think they're comfortable I mean They're still as well aren't they yeah These are my new gazianos they're nice Blood is it no well this is the same Patina that they did for the Prince of Wales uh shoes they made for him they Call it I think the um was the Claret Yeah yeah That's color isn't it yeah it's the same Color as the Queens The beautiful shoes the way the Lighthouse they come together yeah That's how it should be and not get a Gap at the top which you do see Unfortunately but they do outstanding Work they're very very nice aren't they They always look very elegant don't they Yeah Great cloth in it fits rubbish with the Cloth good you know on a warm day in London like today I look forward to Being able to wear this properly That's why we've got air conditioning on For you

Okay I'm gonna lengthen the sleeves an inch [Laughter] Stupid boy [Laughter] Right okay Let's have a little look around see what We got how's it feel across the back Because I've obviously made it nice and Snug but is it too snug I don't I'm in You know that's what it takes to I think it looks great I don't know it Feels comfortable yeah yeah I mean and I'm trying to get a touch more there Just being a Tweed maybe a tad I don't Know maybe a tad what do you think I Think just a touch more just at that Point there what does the gallery think You know Yeah probably a touch more just I'm glad You're doing that so because you've got The same on the right side as I have Which means We're not as bad but I think while you're letting the back Out good Come over the top come forward yeah what A lovely lapel Yeah it's a goodness that's our standard Normal so John did three and a half this Is a touch wider right Do you know I don't think it is it might Be mine might be three and three eighths I can't remember I've got the Dukes then

Mine might be but then that might maybe It's the angle of the gold yeah Of course because I know I'm three and Three outs if not maybe three and a half I can't remember what's on three or Three days but you're lapelics no I'm in The juice pattern not mine looks wider Yeah yeah I don't know what John's is I Didn't really you should be my three Three eights is what we went for I think Mine's about the same Terry I think it's The angle of the gold it's the angle of The gold makes it look longer so if you Look at them old 1980s suits they had That really long Gorge and it made them The pearls look huge yeah they weren't Really that big So as you drop the lapel visually yeah If you drop that lapel so you're busy Straight away that lapel look wider much Higher as well which is what we do this Is much higher this is you know that's What we do I just did it the old way Because it was pointless trying to get Out that lapel on that because he didn't Have that it was more sloping now sleeve Length obviously I always do mine a bit long on purpose Is that what he says Mine's shoulder anyway It's cloth shrunk yeah mine shelter so I'm going to shorten what we said an Eighth good and a quarter good I'll leave the inlays in there

Regardless right well you think you're Growing do you out of this way maybe I think we're going to shorten it I'm not going to make mine quite as Short though if that's okay yep It doesn't go in the start of the city There we go this is so cough what he Wants to show well he's had it [Laughter] Normally Yeah you do actually yeah why have you Gone I just didn't want it to look Modernish because everybody likes them Up here don't they but look when he's I Mean he is 72 yeah well if he looked Like that Did you get a little whistle she just Gave me there so Instinct I didn't even Realize I'm doing it now right now I've Pinned them both a quarter of an inch Difference which one do you prefer I know which one I prefer first I'm not Telling you that I prefer that much Right but I like your sleeves man so Does John really yes yeah I mean that's Quite sure This one is closer but I'd say somewhere Very small jacket you may want to wear It sometimes not with a shirt and tie You might want to wear it with just a Sweater you always wear a shirt I think this is The lining right here is kind of Disrupting yeah yeah but if we were to

Kind of pull the lining back there I Think that that's Yeah that's perfect that's one so we've Got a touch longer on this one Yeah well tell us we're gonna be here All day yeah it's very important before We put the button I mean this is a Little touch too long right I like to Show a quarter of an inch so this is I Think the quarter just showing right I Mean just Just a nice that's your showing you're Going to show what tell me it's not Perfect that's too short definitely yeah You you know Tom you get a bit of crease In here yeah I'd like to look at the Suit you've got on Like that yeah And it's kind of deceptive because I Mean When the suit's freshly pressed the Sleeves lengthen a little bit I do but As you go throughout the day or kind of Throughout the year they come up Especially on a linen yeah yeah well and I've had but that another suit I had Made I mean it's You know whenever we did it they were Spot on and then as I wear it I feel Like they ride up too much that's what I'm watching that hangs on to it they Have my cloth little hang on because It's quite thick but we'll we'll shorten It I'm going to measure terrorism we'll

Go by that I'll take what would you do Then the difference was a quarter I'm Only taking a quarter off this one right And like three four or five eggs off That one yeah so I'll have to I was Going to take an eight and then a Quarter wasn't I yeah so I'll take a Quarter three eighths That's what I'll take off and now I'm Going to do the same as what you did Yeah mine's mine's mine's actually funny Enough so your your shoulder's better on That side than mine this is Gene she's Been with us a long long time she wants To go home I don't know why we live at Home she's been here for a week yeah we Keep a lot downstairs someone's giving Her the key to get out Are you doing the buttonholes yeah down There hidden away in the basement do you Want to go do you yeah see you tomorrow Good night You want to swap shoulders that Shoulders how I want to get mine do you Feel the other ones that are slightly Wider That's how I'm going to get mine that With real young Timmy yeah same as this One yeah that's my left one's the same As your that you're right my right one's The same as your name yeah we got the Other way around yeah yeah so I would Say what we do is we were one half of The jacket we put the bird's eye sleeve

In that one and then the tree one in the Do you agree this is what happens Whenever you leave to go to the bathroom Is adjusting your pattern you know that Right size is nearly perfect just take Your quarter off this is just that left Side I think could come in That's wider Yeah I'm working Yeah it feels comfortable yeah you're Not catching it here at all I'm going to Clear that side and narrow that shoulder So it looks like the left side yeah And I didn't leave any fivers in there For us maybe next time Those in the trousers She does all the work around here anyway You've noticed So she tells us How do you feel about in position do you Think I could just go down a tiny little Bit on that button position Just bring it down half an inch Or are you happy with it there I'm gonna Break down half an inch anyway I don't Care what you say Let's have a look don't ask me But we decide you know just a little Teeny bit I think yeah not much mind you Anything else we can ask you that we're Not going to take anything It's like when my wife asks me in my Opinion oh that's frightening that one What do you think I don't know dear did

You let that underarm cut down on mine Um The right side yeah yeah you look like You've got a bit more which I like what A bit more chest on that right side yeah From last time because you feel a little Bit tight here I gave it a bit more I Did let the underarm come on The right side I think it's too skimpy On the right side I'm just looking at Yours it's very nice on that right side But it's holding out quite well isn't it Yeah yeah looks lovely doesn't it we Swirling the edges on this or are we Just stitching it on the edge I think We're stitching it on the edge aren't we Yeah I wouldn't muck about with that Just Stitch It On The Edge I think you Might not like that I can't understand This Chinese writing you know [Music] What's swelling like when you do the Double inside yeah Like three eighths inside The Italians do it a lot which is great But it's their theme you know they do it Double stitching we don't we only do one Yeah no no I think just to pick stitch Along here make it clean look clean yeah Okay well wonderful is there anything Else I mean we've gave you a bit more Room from last time because I thought if You wear anything like a sweater under Or anything you're going to need the

Extra room so I made it a little bit It's always better to err on the side of Slightly more room than too little yeah Especially as you're getting bigger You know I am pushing 40. Um and we need this to at least to last Another 20 years Um no it's beautiful Slightly long events yeah no no perfect English is going to give you a little Bit more just across the back there the Back is beautiful Yeah it looks yeah nice really nice Sprayed on gentlemen when you sit down With that no vented coat I'm not telling You how to suck eggs as I say just undo The button when you sit down the only Thing with no offense is Slightly more you know restricting if You like them side vents but I wanted it you know I want it that way So yeah no problem I'm really pleased Gentlemen happy yep the other thing I Want to ask you do you like the little Slight rope or do you want me to press Them down At the moment they're there I've seen Some of Kirby's with and I've seen some Without Terry Yeah I've actually seen your jackets With with some of them have a rope so Even someone have have a little bit Softer But then anything

I like the ropes we've had I think so I Like a rope as well I think it looks Nice it's a little bit old-fashioned It's a bit old and Curtis but It's nice yeah I mean I don't know if It's not really I mean it's not Excessive right but it gives it a little Bit of additional shape to the shoulder Not one anymore yeah let's stick him Right up in here it's just that with Cloths they you know like everything They drop over the years so if it starts Off nice and neat it doesn't drop so Much yeah Yeah we've got the hacking Pockets Ticket pocket let's take your book out Yeah Wonderful Terry hey special My glamorous assistant here Mr Kenya Yeah thank you Okay brilliant And we'll see you in a year's time yep Well I could wear the trousers out for The most part well you could do we're Gonna make one leg longer yeah the left Leg is perfect I've got a muck about on My on your right side you kick the hip Off on the right side which you know It's not you've got a slightly bigger High hip on this right side just pulls It off center I've mine's mine's more Re-creasing he's got double creases Where he's pressed it that's not helping On the right side not in tomorrow yeah

We'll get that hip done for you yeah Thank you sir yep well gentlemen I mean I couldn't be any more excited about how This is coming together I mean I had High expectations and this has surpassed Even that and I mean what an Indulgence Not just one bespoke commission from a Legendary bespoke tailor but two bespoke Commissions from two legendary Salva Rover spoke tailors I mean what an honor I think that this should be the Requirement that everyone that comes Through Ken haste doesn't do just one Commission but they need two from the Both of you because it's uh you know It's been so much fun it's it's been a Pleasure it's a been an education for me Because I've I'm not you know internet Orientated if you like I am now but um Yeah yes my I used to have a carrier Pigeon but that died so I'm into the Internet that's right It's fantastic Well done it's been it's been it's been It's been great I mean honestly we love Doing it we love doing it what we do Anyway yeah and it's just been it's just Been a fantastic to be honest with well If one thing has shown through this Piece it's that all three of you are Truly passionate about what you do and The quality the craftsmanship and the Tradition really shows through in this Beautiful bespoke tailoring house you

Know thank you just right around the Corner you know from saddle row here you Know next to Piccadilly on Sackville Street I mean one of the best kept Secrets I think in London and I'm doing My best to make sure that that is no Longer true I have done thank you very Much yeah thank you so much We've got a few more days and then I'll Be back on Friday yeah Yeah I can't wear them out though it's Uh not the moments but we'll get to try Them on and enjoy them nonetheless yeah Exactly oh yeah for sure yeah for sure Yeah make sure they're perfect yeah Thank you [Music] Wow what a treat one of the things that I love most about London is just how Steeped in Tradition this city is and Whenever I originally had the idea to Try to recreate the lake Duke of Edinburgh's iconic style the opportunity To actually have a piece made by his Lifelong tailor just seemed something Unreal but here we are at Kent Hayes and Laughter commissioning not just one Bespoke suit from a legendary bespoke Tailor but two bespoke suits from two Legendary bespoke tailors to see these Tailors true Masters in their craft Working together collaborating back and Forth critiquing each other's work that Really is the Zenith of this craft and I

Couldn't have enjoyed this anymore from The beginning of kind of going through The class selections working through the Details and the various style aspects of The suits to the measurements to the Drafting of the patterns the fittings And this has been a journey of which I've savored every single bit and I Couldn't be looking forward to coming Back on Friday to collect these two Finished garments anymore of course if You're watching this channel for the First time make sure you hit that red Subscribe button give us a thumbs up so That you can learn whenever we're Posting new videos and if you haven't Visited Kirby please take a Moment to do so of course it's the best Way to support our work on this channel There you'll find the largest collection Of luxury Garment Care and luxury shoe Care accessories anywhere in the world As well as other great clothing Accessories like this Sovereign grade Necktie pocket square socks braces and So much more and also new for this Channel we have a patreon which is Another way to support our ability to Travel in pursuit of quality Craftsmanship and tradition a hundred Percent of the proceeds from our patreon Will go to exclusively supporting our Ability to travel Of course I'm Kirby Allison and I love

To help the well-dressed acquire and Care for their wardrobes while exploring The world of quality craftsmanship and Tradition thanks for watching [Music]

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