Bespoke Tailoring

First Fitting For My Double Bespoke Commission | John Kent & Terry Haste

Foreign [Music] Hi I'm Kirby Allison and today I'm back Here in London on Sackville Street to Continue our bespoke journey with John Kent and Terry haste you'll remember From our last video where John and Terry Took my bespoke measurements we then Filmed them drafting my pattern and Today we're back for my first fitting The fittings are such an integral part To the bespoke process and it's where we Are able to begin to see the bespoke Garment actually take shape so join me As we step inside with bespoke Taylors John Kent and Terry Hayes for my first Fitting Foreign [Music] [Laughter] Brought in a little bit of beautiful London weather and I couldn't be any More excited to be back my favorite Place good old kid haste fantastic in as Much as well slight white you know these Compliments I you have to pay a lot for All these compliments on camera thank You yeah quite rightly sorry terrific Um so anyway how are you guys getting Along yeah we're okay I mean when you Come next time we'll have your suit Ready for a fitting we're not quite Ready yeah Yeah it must be pretty good and he said

We laid the weather on for you nicely so Nice yeah we've got pool you know yeah Try our best yeah So yeah so what's you know yeah okay Yeah good good first fitting I mean this Is pretty exciting not just one but two Yeah so this is uh you know two scoops Is better for us for us as well truly Because you know in in a bad cutter you Know and I've got to keep on my toes Here because otherwise I knew the last Of it so you guys are going to take it Easy on one another right yeah yeah yeah I mean he won't be in the pictures [Laughter] Um I mean if you guys are doing first Fittings I mean this way I get the Privilege of being with both of you Today thank you right but you know John Is doing a fitting as Terry kind of Yelling out from the back of the Cutting Room and vice versa yes yeah but not Very nicely though no joking about no I'll put his right for you no that's What I'm not proud and if something I Often certainly tell can you can you Come in is that okay so yeah what do you Think about the length this length thing Yeah is becoming you know the very short Jackets even sort of guys that wore long Cuts a bit long shortening and now they Kind of come back a bit and I'm used to Making a conventional sort of long issue

Not long but longish and I I actually uh Treasure his uh his comments I truly do Because it's become it's become it's a Difficult issue it is with this lensing Silly little jackets most people have Gone away from but the long jackets that They were used to they've seen people With shorter jackets not those silly Ones but do you feel this is a bit long Well you know you've been like that for 20 years what do you think well I Wouldn't mind it a little bit shorter Than our Terry couldn't you come here Yeah we're going back with that guy yeah We were talking we were arguing we were Talking that much right but we've got it And I said I think you could do with it And he agreed Um I did it I just I marked the three up And we're going with a quarter of an Inch longer I have to agree take some Notice of me I do take notice of you you know that Well good Taylor I guess is uh you know His his will you know is what perseveres At the end of the day this is what's Funny is that you know another respects Me and vice versa and we disagree Not much because we we cut sort of Similaries but it's just minor isn't it Yeah a little healthy disagreement do You think you ought to take this in a Quarter of an inch or a centimeter Whatever they work in now I work in it

Just Terry Watson in sentiments Only when you're ordering cloth and Stuff that's going to make them Confusing yeah it's great fun I mean you Know come in and agree with each other That's boring because you're giving in And I don't want to no one he does and If he says do you think that shoulder's A bit wine he goes yeah and I go Much you know this kind of thing it's Great yeah well we're here for the first Fitting right and so Um talk to me a little bit about where The first fitting fits in I mean it's an Integral part to the bespoke process It's really one of the key Differentiators of bespoke is the fact That you go through these fittings but Some people do one or two or three or Five I mean kind of yeah where do you Guys lie in terms of number of fittings And then how does that fit into the Overall process to us the first fitting Is this is so so important I mean I Think Johnny would agree with it more It's our fitting really isn't that yeah It's for us it's not for you it's for us Apart sleeve lengths yeah you know we Can't judge that for you but do we start Asking people You have slaves because we can't no soon You give them as soon as you give them Choices that's true don't ask okay sir All done yeah

So I'll put it in a bag for you But uh no you're quite right I mean you Know we have the first fit in and you See the stitches that's the scaffolding If you like to you know that's that's Have a building they put scaffolding up That's our scaffolding okay and then the Next stage we go to it'll have more Stitches more scaffolding but eventually When we you know hopefully you like what We do and then that comes out but it's So important to fit in yeah you can't You can't get it right what are you Looking for in the first fitting Well we're just basically looking for Balance balance is the key to the whole Garment so balance is the most important Thing once we've got that in position Then we'll look at button positioning The Pearl whips what do you want to do There how much shape you like do you Like what shape do you like a lot of Chest yeah less chest and difference Between John and myself is John cuts a little bit more chess than I Do I tend to cut them a little bit Smaller through the chest Um yeah we're talking again we're Talking eighths of an inch really that's All it is and then things like shoulder Whips and again back to what we're Talking about jacket lengths and it's Just all the basic things really yeah And try and get you to relax as well

Because when you first every time yeah First first thing I do is stand up like That and then they walk out the door Like that I wonder why the collar comes Off yeah that's right so we've probably Talked a little bit of first yeah just a Little bit of waffling to put your ease And then get you to relax a bit because It does make a huge difference when we Fish it absolutely and the garment's Already been cut I mean the Fabric's Been cut how much can be changed after The first fitting well I'll I'll kind of Comment on this yeah Um In my opinion if you've got to have five Fittings unless you're charging like 14 000 pounds of soda or something which is Ridiculous obviously Um you know we aim to to get the first Fit in How we've we've communicated you know What you like you may like a little bit Tight here to get that fit in for me and Terry we get our first fittings pretty Well on the money so the next time you Come in we haven't got to go through That again because you'll enjoy what we Do hopefully but not keep asking the Same thing you know what do you think About the button what do you think That's really we discussed that you know We get the balance right we get like a Pair of scales it's got to be absolutely

Not like so yeah but you know we try to Get our first bit and I think you'd Agree so we we don't We've worked for companies where it's Like I leave it to the next time we Don't do that because next time somebody Will come in and you'll forget we try And get that pretty well on the money And then next time you can see it it's It's in a different form and you can see Oh I see what you've done here sort of Thing but that's you know and all these Changes are being kind of memorialized Or adjusted end of the pattern right so They're carried forward the patterns Adjusted after every fitting we do okay And you know worse comes to the worst if Something you're not happy with we just Put new friends in yeah Big deal so yeah nothing's irreparable In the first year yeah we cut everything One way as I explained last time and We're like that very much so if you Weren't happy with the front which Doesn't happen Thank God too much Um we would have no hesitation not say Well that's that that's how it should be And all that sort of stupidness we just Say right so if you're not you know if We're not happy and you're not happy as Terry said get another meter in and away We go again you might decide you don't Like the pockets like that yeah we're

Not we respect I know the customer's Always right and all that kind of no no No but not in our country no what we're Saying is but if we'd like to please Really like to please that's why we're So busy here thank god um yeah if you if You'd have decided on a science in Pocket and you really didn't like it we Would say well we'll put New France in We don't say well I'm not being funny That's what you ordered yeah I mean it's Ridiculous you're not going to wear the Suit yeah and it isn't any point Proceeding any further Yeah well that's why you guys have such A great reputation right by the end of The day we want you walking out and Being very happy yeah and you know There's so many things we might pick up On when it's finished and you might Think well this is fine I'm going to Take it to them and say well it's Something we want to really do about it Yeah so we're not going to let it go Into a week I've always worked on that If it's I'm fast it's time the same as You can see it's Immaculate if it's if I'm if I if I wouldn't be happy if I'm Not happy with that if it were mine then It should be put right for the customer And that's how we work and it might just Be a low collar that you think shall I Shanta it's not okay so that would do it Well interest we've got two pieces today

We have so I guess shall we draw Australia I see them back here these are The two yeah yeah that's mine man we'll Let the old boys yeah yeah okay Get me a stick quick Let's take the coat Here we are beautiful bird's eye well We've got it right in the end it's a Little close in the waist I think I'm Having a place in the mirror it's Probably no fault It's got to be made up What I wanted to ask you is I didn't Want to give you with all due respect I'm going to move that if I made Adjuster there would you object If I I won't give you obviously braces When I started yeah would you object At this point being just a fraction Higher yeah I think so I mean it won't Be it won't be I don't want that's what I don't want you to do and I'm going to Give you a nice full plate they're a Little bit they're they're kind of a Little bit too Slim So what we're going To do is I I I don't like that dip in The middle so what we're going to do is We from the sides are pretty well okay I'm going to raise that I mean you know It'll just be level which is one and They look great then I'm going to give You more in the waste because it's a Little bit obviously too tight but I'm Doing it through here so I won't do it

Through the suit seam and then I'm Giving you a little bit more through the Leg but it will be an English Cut rather Than a sort of baggier trousers if that Makes sense but it'll be comfortable I Want to try and keep this military look Do you see that yeah it's very too long Of course that's not a problem but I'm Going to just I just want to fill that Leg in a bit coming off that calf muscle So that I don't get any drag I want to Keep that look I love that look but it's Too Slim yeah I've kind of been a bit Over enthusiastic basically so that's Going to go that's going to be you go in There sorry how much higher you're going Five eights no no I just don't like that We used to call that in the tried eight Circular band that's called and if you Ask me what that means I haven't got a Clue but I that's what we used to oh yes Eight circular band I just want to come From that point there to that point There Well good her I'll show you on the chalk It's it's literally about a half an inch Just in the front I don't like that Skimpy look there on a price trouser That looks better on a straight top Trouser obviously I'm going to get a Little bit more width I'm keeping the Balance the same but I'm going to let That come forward yeah and I'm going to Let that come out yeah and that will do

The job and what's killing them at the Moment basically is that um I noticed 10 Pounds again they're too long they're Too long I mean I'm inclined to be still The old style kind of thing that's gonna That's gonna come around both of them I've got to come around Um so if we just take a little bit off There And we were talking earlier about the Length of jackets the rise of trousers Is probably equally debated oh Absolutely Where do you I mean do you you know I Guess as tailors have a kind of Preferred height of the trouser no not Really it just depends on the person Right because if you've got a long body You obviously need a higher rise if you Have a short rise you just look all Torso then no leaks so it's just in Proportion really so it's going back to Kind of the principle of balancing out The body yeah everything's about balance Isn't it the end of the day absolutely They're going to come around and I'm Going with I'm going to give you a Choice that's what I purposely did this Okay do you prefer ignore that piece if You would in the Middle where I've Pinned it if you can can't imagine That's not bit there do you prefer the Cleaner look of the left leg so you just Got that little kick at the bottom or do

You like more on the bottom of your Trousers I kind of prefer the size I Would have thought so I just give you a Choice I like to do that I think I think That's a better look yeah so what we'll Do is we'll we'll take a bit more off This leg it comes off the hip line most People have got one hips slightly Different to other And uh did you put a wedge in it yeah I did but it's too tight here yeah yeah That's a wedge get that yeah get that Right the way around big time yeah And and the first fitting I mean you you Have the ability to Oh yeah this is going to be ripped flat And I'll um I'm gonna Recap I want more in the fork more Through the side seams to let that come Forward and I'll make the I'll make the Waist size up by letting it out through The sizing but that's fine it's just too It's just too slim I'm gonna that'll Come around I've got to kick those or Anything like that but please hang in Nicely yeah but they're too tight They're being pulled back here Terry They're not helping there are they I'd Like to just I didn't want to get you You know an enormous pair of trousers I Wanted to try and keep our look which is That sort of military look but I'd like I want a little bit more width here and Obviously through the fork so you're

Comfortable but that length on your shoe Like that would be great I think well Perfect in the back yeah I think that Yeah leave the back length but I just Love that look especially with braces I Just like that look a little bit too Slim either over enthusiastic I think on That one yeah in the Duke of Edinburgh I Mean we're kind of drying it should have Had much Fuller in the leg really but it Was an it was a much more older cut you Know this would have been if we turn Sideways this would have come from there To their dead strike there would have Been yards of it I don't I want to get This much Fuller but I don't want it Sort of flapping about I like to see That not collapsing at the back so to Speak yeah I've just over been a bit Over enthusiastic I think which is good Well I'm flattered that you that's how You remembered me oh no we tried That slim young dashing chat And we will see what we got right let's Get you straightened that's about there So coming around to move into the front Area Right let's just have you looking Straight ahead you can pick a point on The on the mirror That you're looking at and if you could Literally just Look at a point on the mirror that'd be Great so let me get you like that that's

Good okay I love to do this Pull you about a bit Well not literally yeah but I mean so That you do relax because we all tend to As soon as you you know you're you're Um looking you kind of tend to stand up As part of the ACT but this is for me The most important Point on the on on the actual code your Sleeve pitch is exactly the same as mine It's very forward okay and if I was to Put that normal pitch would be in dead Trouble now here we go Dead trouble let's just re-pin that And at this point I mean the garments Basted together it has no lining Does it have canvas I mean you've got The canvas just basted yeah it just Literally tapped up and then I'm going To literally you know reduce it Um or let it out as a case may be so What I'm going to do is I've just marked My front edge without that without that It could be a problem I'm going to move Around to the back if I might okay And just see what we got Okay now Is it feeling a little slim through There don't worry about the front it's a Bit puffy but does it feel a little Tight through there maybe a touch Right that's good I've got some pins oh sorry thank you

And again at this stage you're looking For those bright adjustments coated for It's a little slim through I think I don't think it's me I think the cloth Shrunk yeah but to be honest it's not Made dinner That Marathon I just don't do it like This marathon and cheap cloth we're Using I think that's what it that's What's that's what's done it It's a new beer chocolate you got yeah I Took it from your board I stole it I Stole it now let's have you like that That's cool Right okay well obviously I'm not going to download it every time I let this out too much it gets baggy I'm gonna Keep that run But go through oh yeah about three Eighths yeah but bear three eighths During You're right because what happens is What more over the seat limit yeah I'm Going to win a bit over the beam I like To sway I I've already swayed it but I Love that look because if you put a bit Of tape around and pulled it in all on The seams and I just didn't come up in Enough there so I'm going to do this Freshly long in the back but not a Fortune A set of scholarship but just look Forward thank you I don't know what's

Going on there might be the back neck Might be too small I will over that side That's great I think the length's good Don't you yeah yeah I wouldn't muck About with that oh that's great now Let's work on the front do you think This has got to come in a tad I like to Bring everything in on no plates and It's just a little bit tight across the Beam and a weeny bit across the back There collar Heights great it's not that Won't leave you in there yeah that's Great I've got something going there on The on the left side which I've got to Work out Um The color is exceptional and that's one Of the challenges I've got a tall neck Yeah right long neck here we go here we Go and length you think the length is no We we feel the lens look at the this is The bad side this is the correct side Except it's too small on the arm I'll Buy it by a little bit yeah as you can See you've got to drop right see that Side hanging down lower than the other I'm going to do that in a sec this is The better side but I think it's too Tight in the armhole which I'll check in A minute but I'd like to do the sleeve Length there's no correct sleeve length Actually but I've got to get it correct To what you like but there is no such Thing I like sleeves up here I've got

Customers who want them down there I'll Always fit to the round of the hand can You see that round I would have thought For starters That's pretty well on the money and this Is too long but but you like just shoot Your cup and then let's see what happens Do you feel Let's just pull like that possibly That's even too long for you isn't it Yeah I would maybe take not a quarter Off that one if you could pull your Other up I really don't want to go buy a Shirt though let me just have a look Yeah I think what we'll do we'll take a Quarter off of this one and although the Hand looks the same it's the way your Arms coming forward on that yeah I think I'm going to cheat in as much as I'm Going to take a quarter off of that one And I'll get you to do one thing and I'm Going to take a net half off of that one I think it will still refine sleeve Length across the other fittings oh yes I want to do something which will Impress you but I haven't got a clue why I do it I made a joke Tell me what I'd love you to do is I'm Going to take this sleeve out from the Back which is what I do slowly and when I completely got it Free as it were Hard to watch would you with your right

With your right it'll reattach he Normally Cuts holes in them by the way Yeah I'm being careful today no I'm like This is very blunt this night would you With your right hand pull that sleeve Off for me very very slowly and tell me If you're comfortable with the cuff Width yeah perfect I think you're spot On though yeah I don't want any narrow But that'll be this back so that's fine I'll just pop that down there oh it's Perhaps Terry you can hold that for a Sec right now I'm going to move around To the front And same thing here we leave that there I'm going to take this out now but we Don't need you to do that again actually That's great I'll check it as well That's really why I leave one in Yeah I mean Do you wear links very much Um you know not not regularly just give That a tad more I'll make a decision on That when I lock it up you might need Just a tad model let's get rid of the Knife that's cool right here we go I'm Not gonna cut you you know yeah I mean This is a good armhole but it's too much Of a good thing I'm going to give you a Bit more depth Okay And down Doesn't it sorry that's what oh mine Same as me same as you yeah exactly push

You straight in yeah I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with three h still come and Check this why not I don't want to get it big you know I Mean can't go a bit overboard I think Three eight yeah yeah I wouldn't go more I don't want a big arm it's not you you Like a closest Cook so that that side is Spot on I'm not going to reduce that Hmm I might do it when I say this is a this Is the one we've got to work on let's Just have you have you like so and I'll Move like that so what we've got here We've got to drop so we've got to clear That The drop amount and I'm then going to Plus another quarter because that Obviously when I pick that up it'll be More or less the same so we're going to Go to there and reduce that chest and I'm going to have a look at that that's Good let's have a look here I'm going to Keep that front edge neat Terry I've cut This coat quite crooked as to my Norm That's why I've got your from which I Quite like yeah I cut it purposely Um and I'm going to leave it like that I'm going to obviously let that come Forward as we as I as I said and then I'm gonna obviously plus up whatever but I'm gonna keep that I think that looks Better you're used to it very open front I don't think I want to cut my anomalies

Too because no no that's right so I'm Going to go on that so you're gonna do You're going to take a bit out of this Side are you yeah I'm taking I'm going To clear that half an inch yeah bare Three eggs and I'm taking just an eight At the top there to hold it short but But I might not but this one this one We've really gotta go to town but I said Will you get that don't you on that one Side just Cook another Would you no no it's crooked already Yeah mind you I can Fill that in a bit I'll have a look at That I just want to get short of that I'm going to throw me one of them What's up Who's playing I was taught By not the guy I work for by Louis Stanbury and Fred stanbury I killed our Friendship slavery and when you're Crooking and straightening that's just My thing to remind me but if I was Straightening I make a mark this side if I was going he said because when you Take this off and you lay it down and Somebody else lays a coat on it and then You look at the shoulders and the chalks Have come out They will never come out from under that Lapel so that was a tip given to me nice Little margin I've seen too long to

Think a little bit of insurance 55 years Ago whatever it's a perfect idea it Makes sense because that won't come out But but the chalks do come out the chalk Shoulders I'm gonna I'm gonna go through I'm I'm just debate yeah exactly yeah And then so I I let it out then sway it And I still feel that's three eighths Earlier I know you like cars but I do probably Yeah five eggs over there I just I love That look I love that look and I feel a Bit more shape than you yeah I I I think It's a bit over the beam isn't it yeah By about three eighths we'll put that It's all in marathons he's been here is That what Marathon that he's been eating Oh you've not been running you've been Eating them that's why that's right fish And chips fish and chips until we are in England so maybe a quarter because I'm Gonna go through there yeah yeah that'll Do and we've got a bit of that well I Got it from now I'll do it from there Yeah Just over that a little bit yeah and I'm Going to do that sorry knock that down And just keep that just a tad longer Yeah through the four part but not much Yeah that'll do the starters for get it Underway collar is pretty neat something Going on there don't know what that is But we'll I think they're back next to a Narrow on that side

Smashing yeah Good night the cloth Show's promise I Love the cloth beautiful yeah just a Classic really I mean it's been around From the year doc but once we get the Trowels a bit more wet in slightly Higher in front you'll enjoy that more Yeah I don't like that dip and it gives You more room through the fork anyway so That's good that's great so so then You'll take this and rip it to Pieces Okay well no let's see take it apart Take it apart yeah and then go to the Next stage which is this is I've asked You questions but really you know I'm Gonna Crook in this straighten this deep In it I mean that we don't go into it's Just that you feel uncomfortable yes I Want to give you a bit more depth but It's not always done that why it's done In different sort of ways so and so with The Garment be put together just like This for the next fitting or it'll be Different be more advanced okay and then You can see you're only here for a few Days aren't you so we probably will go For it oh sorry we're retaking it up Because we probably we'll go for a Stitch fitting like this but it'll have More stitches in it but it's basically An update on this one really okay yeah That's good I'm going to take that off So I don't think I've pinned you I Sometimes do

And I'll have it I said no that's a Novelty good So that's it let me recap We've got Good This height is good more through the Beam let that come out let that come Forward but still maintain that English Look I don't want to get that sort of Baggy bum look with me again later okay We'll keep that looking they'll be much More there'll be more comfort in it of Course and I really like the high high Rate the price here yeah I'm going to Leave that as is I think unless I mean Would you like to see that higher I think it's pretty good okay I mean I Think it's just to me it's just the Front that's a bit low it's a little bit Slow too tight across the beam yeah too Tight in the fork that'll maintain that Look but there'll be more of it Basically and we'll try them on again Anyway so how would this be uh I mean Will this open at the top yes eventually And I have a nice little VR here at the Top yeah at the moment I've just Released it save you being unclear we'll Do it without any without any Pockets You've got pockets Later okay yeah yeah very clean what do You think Terry how'd you do it's a bit It's not bad for an old boy it's a bit Cut I would choose what I wanted to

Achieve is that I don't want this Collapsing I notice on the suits you've Got on there very they're excellent Around that area I want to try and keep That so I don't get too much flabbiness Through there but you need more in the Fork undoubtedly and I'm not doing it That way I'm going to do it for the side Scene but I'm going to try and keep try And keep that that will come out I want To try and keep that look if I can That's why I've gone a bit slim to be Honest I'm inclined to make them a bit Fuller here in the normal way and I've Gone the other way it's a bit too tight But that's I just don't want that yeah That sort of flabby look which we get Around this town this seems to be a yeah A thing that you know too big through The through the bum area but that would Be those those plates will come forward More on that side there I'm excited to see it come together yeah We'll go to the next days all I'm Worried about is Is with the pins if you just take the Braces off and just drop take drop them To how can we do this top I can Mark Chalk Pizza no Kirby sits down they're Going to go right and he's an old thank You if you could just Mark that either Side it's not going to be that much but Because that will come out once I let it Out but that's great I'm just worried

That I'm gonna you as you bend down they're Going to go in you they couldn't they Can really stick Here screams from the fitting room Exactly and the lawsuit comes up next Week because that's how it works Something like that there you go oh That's great so Do we set the other pair on yeah I'm going to sit down the old boy is Going to sit down for a little while Here we are right number two number two Yeah our Maestro trouser maker yeah Apparently I've been spending too much Time in the um in the pub yeah Oh is that what this is yeah we're just Going to let the waist out about two Meters Two meters I joke with my wife I can't Afford to gain weight this is a great Example would you like to send a picture To it no we can use that as um no Dessert for me now yes exactly you know If you want to give us a bribe we won't Tell your wife anything It's a little it's a different uh cuff At the bottom what's the yeah what did You think this is a slightly wider one So it's two inches instead of um an inch And three quarters what about the uh Circumference or the width of the Trouser I think these were yeah a little Bit just to make them emphasize a bit

More because they're casual You know I think it might be slightly Too it's I feel like it's Hiding a little bit too much of the shoe So we come down Just bring it in yeah just a little bit Maybe okay I don't know what do you Think yeah what did I measure let's see But it could just be a little bit of the Um The break also mid 19 so quite wide We're moving down what to 18. 18 bottoms That would be quite nice Because that's a little bit too much Break Thank you How does that feel in the waist does That come yeah this feels fine yeah what Are you going to do we're going to do This without braces so We're out yes straight tops you're going To raise it yeah just raise it a bit at The front And what about the plates where they're Pulling you're gonna yeah some more room Across there we'll let out at the side Probably put another Underside dot on Account of all those Pub visits yeah Then that will allow more fullness Across the top of the pleat and help Them close a little bit better Do you mind a slightly Fuller trouser Yeah that's fine you don't mind no okay Happy with that and that feels

Comfortable in a way so What's that about 27 waist is it now 27 Oh yes yeah yeah and the half right Oh a quarter you know don't be too harsh Yeah so I think what sodium must say What you're going to do is bring this Round bring them forward Just going to raise the fronts up yeah I Think it needs what did you do inch an Inch really okay so you can bring this Round A bit more Fuller through here so the Pleats are falling and Serum is going to Narrow the bottoms down I think the knee Is okay though isn't it through the knee And then we're obviously going to Shorten them because it's going to be Hitting higher on your shoe and you Don't want that much break do you How much you're shortening them a good Three quarters good three well we'll try That we'll have a look because one you Should raise the body up that's gonna Some of that's going to drop down anyway It's a beautiful brown Love this flannel a gray brown yeah I mean it works with the black shoes I Could wear it with the dark brown yeah Yeah it works really well with that Doesn't it and then in the fitting room I'd almost mistook it for gray that's What you're supposed to do yeah that's The idea yeah it's really nice that's The idea because um some suddenly

Someone was looking at it the other day He said I can't quite work out if it's Gray or brown I don't know what color It's called it I like that whenever it's Got a little conditionality to it rest Okay famous Can't haste house Tweed the house tweeve Obviously it's totally different to John's because John's gone with a no Vents and Yeah is there anything different between How do you prepare your fittings oh yeah Mine will fit yeah He's right Yeah yeah slightly slightly different We've both I think we've got several Tailors so we we obviously didn't want To give you the same jacket maker Because of to fix the objects a bit so We've gone for different jacket makers Okay and they just Make slightly different that's all Um and once I mean is whenever you're Sending a jacket out kind of deciding Which maker you're going to use yeah Once a customer has a maker will he stay Will you keep them with this it may Always be with the same every time be The same one I mean as you see it's very Very similar to John's Since I've given you it's like I think I Give a slightly bigger back than you Yeah I'm going to give a bigger Definitely yeah you definitely need that

This Mark here this is for the sleeve Pitch because that's what I sleep fish Is pretty good on that side this side's Just a little bit too far forward Because at the moment that's fitting you To there where your arm is hanging Naturally there Do you like comfort with this are you Going to ever wear sweater under it so No never do you like the Comfort or do You like Totally perfect looks you know I kind of Prefer a clean drape yeah so do I I wear Mine very very clean And I can't move in mine So I'm going to do is just take this Little bit out Just this bit here You literally see nothing there because You're quite big here aren't you It's all that time in the gym it's Obviously working you know paint lifting I think yes that's right it's in a pints Of beer I'm going to do what John damn really Because you are very very Hollow through The vaccine and luckily I've got vent so It's not hugging so much on The seat but I'm going to just give it Literally do exactly the same as John Just give you a little bit more sway Through that back seam because I think You really need it and then same as what Same thing really we just can't work

These out through yeah Because I've got prominent blades and Then a very Hollow Kind of bad yeah you have very Hollow Back very Hollow is that high okay I'm Showing an inch on that collar is that That raise it too much yeah I was Thinking bring it up just a tiny tiny Little bit what do you think a quarter Uh yeah we'll start with a quarter Anyway we're gonna again try it on again Next Next week so we can do that Um what we were talking earlier this is Classic example right we're talking you Know John was talking about being Crooked he's kind of quite crooked I've Actually cut you a bit straighter so as You can see mine's straighter there yeah Whereas John's was opening out more so What we're going to basically do is I'm Gonna go a bit more crooked and probably John's going to go yeah split the Difference yeah because I'm one bun Where is John's two buttons and we don't Want you to have This too closed in on a yeah on a one Button because you want it to open yeah You want a little bit open yeah so I'm Also gonna open it a wee bit through There But how do you feel about jacket length Well length seems great yeah Yeah I think it looks pretty good

Doesn't it I like that then looks all Right smashing the same same as the Other I might mine might not be quite as Long right because of the no vents I Have to say but sorry they're both the Same although it's just because of the No vents that's all it can be yeah so Sleeve length really Um Doesn't really matter too much at this Stage as well we just echoing what John Said Do you think just a tiny bit off that One well this is the one I would say That You know I like to show A little bit of a little bit of cut yeah So I show an inch of cuffs I wear my Very short idea okay let's Let's just take a quarter off of that One that's what I think and then we'll Take half off of this one That's the sign Terry so it's exactly The same just for the time being I'm going to give you a bit more width On the sleeve Um Let me check that I'm going to do exactly the same as what John does I really want to have a look Under your arms because you do okay you Sit into your jackets exactly the same As I do if you want there's a not a Little bit

Sorry To adventurous Yeah that's fine I don't want to go too Wide on I'm gonna slip the other one out as well It's okay Foreign Out a little bit because it was just Catching your hand as we were getting it Off I could be honest I got exactly the same As John's got Frightening this is yeah It's it's remarkable your back balance Is lovely Terry mine's a bit too long in The back which is a good fault but it is A fault damn customers yeah they're a Pain aren't they but I'm actually going To take a little bit of that away just Because you're sitting into it a bit There as you can see I'm a little bit Smaller on the chest than John Um It doesn't bother you does it no I think It's a again I just want to have a look through Delivery I know this is dramatic well I Feel so good I could have worked that out because you Are Named bones yeah yeah really you're only Doing that because you had a rail with Your fiancee this morning so yeah you're Taking it out in the jacket she said

She's gonna give me garlic tonight Garlic it doesn't like oh no Well it's a Friday hi garlic Facial garlic I like fish and chips That's very English isn't it Yeah so I'm gonna Exactly the same Pick that one side up what you've got on The drops all right is it a bare half It's about three eighths yeah that's all I'm gonna say it's not that much is it No I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with Three quarters on the armhole and three Eighths on the other side Just decide which size better uh yeah I Think the left side's nicer isn't it it Looks nicer so I'm going to pick up this Right side right away through Got a lovely shape on the back tail Yeah well I was just looking at Shades How do you feel about shaping on the the Front are you I like this side you like that's the Side I like as well it's much nicer Drifting away and this isn't it I guess Pinches a little bit more in the waist Yeah yeah this one It's a bit flatter yeah yeah we're gonna Pick that up And that will get rid of that see the Minute I do that see how much cleaner That because And that's again the drop shoulder That's the drop shoulder yeah so we even

Pick it up or I walk behind you all the Time holding you up And I Yeah We put the pockets on later And John likes his pocket it's just a Personal preference John likes his Pockets on for the fitting Yeah I you know I'm not mad on that It's just a personal choice flaring on The side seam Oh that's okay isn't it yeah you don't Want to go any more further that's just Hug him quite nicely through there And so the canvas that's in this I mean Are you making your canvases from Scratching this part of the process yes Are they in the final state or will it This was this campus as it is we'll stay Okay and same as John's the canvas stays In the pockets are going next and so You're darting or building up the canvas I mean in order to help reinforce Whatever the chest yeah is that you're Gonna make yeah we don't go too heavy we The old way of doing it you used to have One bit of hair cloth through the chest Then you'd have another hair cloth Through here then you'd have another bit Of hair cloth through here People don't want that heavy look Anymore so we've done away with all that We've gone lighter and lighter and we Use a lighter weight canvas now

Interesting worn hair canvas okay Inside We use yeah I can't really get to it Yeah but you've got the horse hair yeah The horse hair inside we like a proper Horse hair which gives you once we've Taken this away a little bit in the Fronts here That will pop out and this chest that's What gives you the chest gives you a Sharper coat a nicer coat some people Use what's called Sido which is a very Very thin Chess canvas and you know outfit it just Collapses a bit too much but okay that Gives yourself the card it's just you Know preference is more than anything Else Are you happy we're all there I think We're there for this stage so I think we Can then Get it off you flip it down mark it up Great well I'm not making your work easy On you but I trust you guys will yeah I'm gonna take mine apart as we speak Well literally yeah and while it's fresh In the memory I can obviously mark it up Two days later but I'd rather yeah I'd Rather do it now and so you're taking it Back to the pattern back to the past are Adjusted taking it flat remarking it and We'll get it tacked up okay we fit in With you you're going to look in your Diary we think in Thursday afternoon I

Think yeah sounds great sounds great It's beauty of spending a little bit of Time in London we can get both a first And a second fitting in very well that'd Be lovely for us because as I say you'll See a transformation yeah in as much as The fit the actual stitching will be Virtually the same but the fit will be Rectified and that's what if there was a Little bit more time you put the lining In yeah we would have gone to a half Half again that we're going to On the next stage it would have been We're slightly more advanced it doesn't Really matter it's probably actually Nicer to have another flat fit in okay Let's we can adjust that easier than When it's half my Terry can't we really Yeah I mean if we had to luxury a bit More time we've gone to a forward Fitting yeah but it doesn't detract from The you know because we've both worked For we probably would they do that first Fitting in second Fitness a forward Re-forward sometimes not necessary but Yeah sounds and then what would the Third fitting look like The first thing then you'll be able to Line it in the facings on yeah so at That point it's still the same as the Third fitting would otherwise be yeah It's going to be virtually finished at That stage yeah then we just check Things like sleeve length yeah because

By the time you play about with a sleeve Pitch the sleeve length water slide yeah And at that point the buttonholes aren't Ends We hate that we see them come in here no Name no pack drills they say but whether Somebody's finished it shorten the Sleeve and you've got inch and a quarter At the bottom on one inch and a half on The other No I was saying yeah Well great well this has been a pleasure Thank you gentlemen thank you thanks for Coming up that's nice giving us your Time yeah great guy thank you very much Yeah thank you and uh yeah that's coming Together special coming together Beautifully yeah great choices I mean Yeah bird's eye and that's a great cloth Once it goes it may not appear again so It might be nice on something it's one Of my favorite house Tweeds yes yeah It's really nice thank you lovely thanks Very much thank you indeed we're gonna Literally finish up and mark up there we Go take care all right cheers lovely Foreign [Music]

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