Love And Dating

How To Build A Master Mindset For Approaching Beautiful Women

I really wanted to get better at Approaching groups of people We used to call them mixed sets because It was guys and girls called a mixed set Okay there's a mixed set over there Three guys three girls And I went over there and I just totally Put myself out there made corny jokes That they ended up having to laugh at So dumb jokes lots of energy And the reason why I'm able to tell this Story today because I've approached so Many women like I can't remember all of Them but I remember this one Because It was such a no big deal reaction that I was putting myself in hell for that I Thought well you can't go and approach Men and women together because you're Just going to embarrass yourself yeah And you know what Maybe I would have and by the way I've had tons of approaches where I'm Approaching men and women at the same Time and that they did not go well yeah But I was always proud of myself for Doing it exactly I never ever ever in my Life have ever regretted one approach or One conversation Of a stranger I wanted to talk to yeah Because you learned something so I want to teach guys And show them it's that same thing I was Talking about earlier like that click of

Like oh man I know this thing you dude Like it's a friend like dude you gotta Learn this it's so cool yeah and you Want to you want that same feeling you Feel you want someone else to feel Especially because a lot of guys like That they struggle with the same type of Problems with dating and it's like yo I've I got the key all right this this Is gonna be it I feel like you're so Excited but I It's just crazy man that So many people Suppress themselves because of the Unknown of what's gonna happen of what's Going to go wrong when they're not Really thinking of the possibility that It could go like right like the worst Literally the worst thing I remember Being in a music industry for years and Sending music to people and like damn Like I hope that I'm real sit and it's Like no usually the worst thing that's Gonna happen is oh no I'm good and then You go on to the next thing the same Thing applies to my coach my brand Coaching business I used to cold email And code DM people all the time but it Took me time to get that courage to do So because I'm like damn they're gonna Look at my Instagram and think my [ __ ] Is shitty and they're gonna like Think something negatively of my work of What I do and if someone said no they

Just simply said no or if I wanted to Work with a brand they just said no but If I kept doing it and getting better at My pitches and getting better at the way I approach things I started getting Yeses and now I can take those yeses and Like you said and teach it to other People and how they can do the same Thing how they can duplicate those Results so I have other questions I have other Questions because this is so intriguing Yeah I have a comment on what you said Something really important yeah we need To touch on You you also have to be smart yeah okay When I when I say that I don't mean you Know sat smart I just mean You it's not just about going out there That first of all showing up is half the Battles like the famous uh Woody Allen Quote like but you gotta sprinkle some Strategy in there you do and you have to Maneuver things and you know I have guys Who say I'm going out there I'm Approaching I'm doing this I'm going to Dates I'm swiping nothing's happening You gotta change things yes and you got To test things yeah you got to be Patient through the process you I'm Inspired right hard work Is what rewards people yeah right like That's the bottom line I remind myself by the way of that

Concept that mindset literally every Every day because I'm still doing things That I have goals in okay maybe it's not Getting more women yeah right look at That that part's solved yeah but I have Other areas of my life absolutely that I'm trying to work on and accomplish and There's a lot of days in a row where I'm Like this is [ __ ] hard yeah and I Want to give up And I almost do and then I say no no we Just got to keep doing it But we need to change things yes right So it's this idea of persistence and Strategy absolutely it's in everything If you're not willing to do that It's just then that's what life will be For you and I don't I don't want to convince anyone To do it but I'm going to give you the Facts and that is the facts uh I have Two things there one is I wake up every Day and I try not to have a check the Box mentality so like you were saying I Did the swiping I did the dating and It's like yeah but what level of Intention did you do it did you really Get detailed did you try did you Actually try or did you just do the Things that I told you to do and just Check the box and said that they were Done and I try every day not to have a Check the box mentality because it's Like did you do your best or did you

Just do it my mom used to do that to me Especially you know she grew up in Mississippi cleaning houses all the time I would clean houses with her and I Would go do it do the living room Whatever whatever she go review look at It says go back and do it again I'm like I did it she was like yeah but did you Do it right like it's all about doing it Right doing it right but the other thing Is is the testing thing I always equate Things to food I'm a fatty like that I Like to talk Ace food and I think about Business as a recipe thing about life as A as a chef trying to figure out things And sometimes that how do we make this Taste better yeah how does it get better But the thing about it is it's never how Do I make it taste its best Done is how do I keep making it better We may have the same dish on the menu Next year did we improve that dish how Are we making it better so it's all About testing

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