CaviarLuxury Lifestyle

How to Select The Best Caviar | With Petrossian Caviar

Hi I’m Kirby Allison and I’m here in New
York with that Alex Petrossian managing Director of Petrossian caviar this is part
of our mini series on how to eat and Enjoy caviar and right now we’re gonna
talk about the different types of caviar Their grades and you know some of the
characteristics of each just to help Someone that’s not familiar with caviar kind of understand You know the range and the differences
exactly so let’s start by the Osetra Special reserve so caviar is the the
flavor and the texture and the color is Dictated by the species so there is a
couple species on the table so the Ostara is right here we have the Daurenki
and we have the Kaluga and so they’re All sturgeon the all sturgeon the
different species of sturgeon okay The Osetra yield the caviar that’s
usually a lot of eggs very rare and then Beautiful they like in color like the
special reserve one and the since the Special reserve the the the flavor is
going to be very deep very pronounced And it’s more or less the caviar that’s
very targeted to connoisseur people that Are used to caviar that really enjoys
the deeper flavor the Osetra Imperial is A kind of middle range maturation so I
would say this is great for your second Buy or third buy that really work you up
to the to the special reserve the dorian Key is kind of the entry-level caviar
nothing because it’s not delicious but Because it this flavor is is not as
strong as the other one and it’s very Beautiful so for the first time I think
the donkey was great and the kilogram is One of the reminiscence we have of the
Beluga that we used to have back in the Days huge eggs very deep flavor very
interesting very round they all Unbelievable they’re all unbelievable so
so within the species you get Drinky Osetra right that’s gonna
describe the fundamental characteristic The egg how large it is how firm it is
where does color come in Well color is is you know we in today’s
word we eat with our eyes first you know When we get it this at a restaurant the
first thing we think about is you know Should I take a picture of it yeah so
the cooler comes into play but for us The most important part is the flavor so
the way we grades are can we grade our Caviar is first the flavor then the
texture then the the color so the color Is comes in last forever to be special
reserve it needs to be at least eight Months old X months mature I should say
and it needs to be large eggs and needs To be lightly colored if one of the
things don’t go into play then gets Downgraded to another credit so why
don’t you say something of that effect

Because so many people talk about the
color and I should say you know this Particular color green is what people
associate with the finest caviar you can Have the lightest it is the rare it is
and the it doesn’t have anything to play With the flavor but the rarest is the
lightest catalog so caviar comes in.they Wild different shade of colors from this
yellowish gold to this brown who to this Beautiful darker Brown and to this very
nice yellow color and it’s it they all Very different they can be black they
can be brown they can be great for the Common misperception that you know that
black that black caviar is less Expensive
or not as good as green caviar is really A misconception
it is completely misconception you can Have a delicious caviar that’s
completely pitch black and you can have A delicious cavity and a horrible
carrion it’s very like in color it Doesn’t that doesn’t bring anything it’s
just for the pleasing delight yes Fizzing of the eye and so where does the
color come from how is that and we There’s no way to though the sturgeon is
a very complicated anymore And you know we do a lot of search
research on it but the more you do Research on it the more you know you
can’t control the color you can control The size of the eggs you can control so
it’s all based on the environment the Temperature of the water there is sun
exposure it’s it’s it tastes a lot of Thing comes into play and we just you
know at the surface of what’s possible And whatnot but it’s you can’t really
tell or you know this caviar was light Last year so I’m going to take the same
one you can be completely different the Only thing you can our job is to make
sure that when you buy for example the Special Reserve etcetera or some pal etc
my goal is for the caveat to be as close As possible to the one you had last year
okay it will never be exactly the same Because different sturgeon different but
our jobs to make sure that and that’s Why we gray that’s why we mature to
control that the flavor you get is going To be very close to what you had when
you had The special Intel or central well one of
the things that was surprising to me Whenever I was visiting your Long Island
factory warehouse is that you know you Still individually test oh yeah every
single batch of caviar so you know I Mean it’s not graded I mean of course
the species is known before it comes in Yes but as far as the grade goes you
know how much longer you’re gonna allow It to mature I mean there’s not a caviar
that leaves you know your your

Warehouses this and that someone hasn’t
tasted oh yeah and there’s only two Person in the the the way houses that
can do that so me and one of our trusted Employees is been with us for 30 years
in training over and over again and so Each time we have a caviar that leaves
to form a website or boutique or Anything we have try it the day before
you get it and it’s all packed water It’s so because you know you need to be
able to control yeah the ocean is much Enjoyable what are the different grades
just walk me through so there is the the More mature the highest grade especial
reserve the rarest and then you have the Present and grade we call it Osetra
president or exactly and the under Younger one is the swamp al we have a
year after that’s royal and after that Is classic classic is dududududu the
younger it doesn’t mean that you Wouldn’t like it or konasana like it
just means that it’s younger so you do Use different some people prefer a
stronger flavor some people prefer and Doesn’t matter you know how the
the size of your wallet it really matter The only thing that this dictated is you
own taste but you know some of my best Customers that are very wealthy love
classic and prefer classic over special Reserve and you know some people prefer
this especially over the classic it Really it doesn’t it’s not that the
classic is a lower grade the classic is Just younger metrication and so it’s
totally an individual preference and and That’s probably the most important thing
you know that you kind of taught me About caviar is that you know at the end
of the day don’t get too much caught up And you know the quality level right or
the price or the species don’t like the Price dictates you’ll buy you know it’s
what you enjoy exactly it really is what You enjoy and with good champagne you
know there’s no such thing as a bad Caviar at least from petrosal exactly
and that’s where are you exactly that’s One of our guarantee you know the caviar
you buy from us it’s gonna be one of the Best caviar there is there is no way
around it yeah and if for some reason You’re not happy about it we’ll extend
it great thank you so my pleasure she Ate that yeah it’s very very informative If you enjoyed this video give us a
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