
I bought another Jacob & Co Astronomia!

What are you looking for I'm learning About my watch If you learn how to tell time again if I Do this bear with me stop it Behave I do this Whoa that's amazing So what now but let's do this thing all Right We got to start we're starting we are Rolling Okay so thanks for joining again today a Week or two ago I'm not quite sure when It was I was wearing this watch and I Was having the rims changed on my dawn And Adam said well that's a cool watch Were you wearing and I showed him and he Zoomed in and he said stop we're gonna Do an entire episode on this watch so That's what we're doing we're doing an Entire episode on this watch so there it Is so this is another astronomy oh yeah I am totally addicted to a the brand J Kabuto and B this watch I can't even Begin to tell you it's dangerous for me To wear because when I Drive the car I'm Looking at the watch it's just Incredible mesmerizing piece of art of Engineering and I had to give a second One so tell me about this one because The first one is Ford I'm correct I get Down on you and it's rose gold and it Has a spinning globe on it does have a Spinning globe on it this one it does Have a global global on the top oh yeah

You see the globe so this one is very Different and even more complicated than Your phone is on you need to switch that Off because it's dimming so this one is Far more complicated because it has Additional functions should I take it Off yeah okay so I don't want to lay it Down I get to put it on on this nobody Cares it's it Aston Martin in Beverly Hills off to it the other way around Okay there we go This is heavy why is this so heavy it's Made of platinum it's a platinum version And let me start the back yeah okay so This has two extra wheels one is here And one is here and these are used to Set different functions so this one [Music] No no but I have it on the website here Okay this has some these with It's just incredible Look at this it's the best watch ever Made I don't really need to know how Everything works Do you prefer this one to your other one I love them both I love them both They're different they're very different So let me tell you about the back the Entire dial on the back the blue Sapphire on the back has the celestial Stars on it and there's an oval where is The oval yeah you see the oval okay okay So that represents where we are today The Northern Hemisphere when I say that

If we were to look up in the sky tonight If it was a very very clear sky that is Exactly what we would see and on the Side you can see the month do you see The month in the number six September That's where we are I said this is the Display the entire Reena dial that the Blue dial rotates once every three Hundred and sixty four point two days so Once a year compensating for the extra Portion of the day for the leap year Think about that engineering I mean That's just ridiculous it's it's Ridiculous how does those how did they Build this then over here you can see This is the second hand you see the Second hand turning it's on the opposite Side of the satellite arm to the diamond Pretty remarkable isn't it I've got to Say the other one is it's very exciting Because of all the diamonds on it and Obviously because of the mechanics Behind it this Wireless say looks even More complicated it is much more Complicated the entire dial rotates once A year I mean think about that caps Counterclockwise right okay everything Else is going clockwise yeah so the the Time which rotates every I believe six Minutes I have the website up because I'm not a technical geek but I do want To give accurate information so it says The celestial dial covering the internal Surface of the inside case representing

The celestial vault through zodiac signs A full rotation in one saddle year Counterclockwise the Oval sky indication That's the indication that I was Explaining earlier showing the portion Of the stars are visible from the Northern hemisphere so that's pretty Accurate a full rotation clockwise in One sideral year to above this celestial Vault month indications there's twelve Months on the sides of the dial which Rotate and you view it through the six O'clock portion said whatever is showing At six o'clock is the time today the Month we both messed up and go back here So do you see these two that the two Wheels I do okay so one of them is used To set the month and the other one I Haven't used the environment not quite Sure what the other one is I just set The time and I showed you on the other It's the same thing that means very Gently touch this down so these lifts up And you rotate them so that would be the Time setting and this one here is oops Casio drink is the winder so you would Just wind it go here and so is this one More or less expensive than the other One very slightly less expensive no guys Because no diamonds but more than the Regular This is a diamond right that is a Diamond notice that's the same deal as Before so it's there it's cut from a

Large diamond that's cut from a four Carat D flawless diamond just to get the Center piece with the two hundred-plus Facets on it the balance between the Second hand spinning and the moon Spinning in the opposite direction it Has to be to the microgram exact and the Balance has to be absolutely exactly the Same thing happens here They've globe also rotates yes so this Is just a marvel of engineering marvel Of engineering and the blue background Is that not the nicest blue you've ever Seen you suddenly said was it Klaus that Said while we were again your wheels Done he said you needed a blue car to Match it that's right that would be a Stunning color on the coordinate I don't Think you could ever replicate that Color on a car it's just amazing it's a Sapphire piece and Lizzie's amazing III I'm in love with this I mean absolutely In love with it I'm not getting any more No is that it No let's do a make of us they do they Make they make one with a spider on it Which I looked at and when you look at The spider through a loop It has hairs on each leg no it's Absolutely insane insane they do one With an octopus and there's 18 versions Of each one when I say eight 18 pieces Each one is different so they're all Done by hand so each one comes out a

Little bit different but the balance That's required every arm a leg in the Case of a spider hmm everything needs to Be exactly perfect to their microgram so That the balance is correct as it spins Yeah but I didn't want to spider all Right but this to me is just a beautiful Beautiful work of art that is a Good-looking watch sir well thank you I Really really love it and people also Like that I've seen so many people Comment when you can wearing that like What Is that I know happened about 10 times Last time I wore it when we're out People just stop it wow that's Incredible and you know what people are Saying in the comments I'm really glad That you we're like I'm glad you're both Welcome to work I mean there's no point In having anything like this if you Don't wear it one lives in the bank one Could be on my wrist I mean don't get me Wrong I don't wear every day okay but I Do wear no look just very cool Absolutely love it Anything else you'd like to know about It let me see if there's anything else To to say no oh An interesting fact also it has a sixty Power power Reserve which is also that's A lot is our what special think about Everything that's going on here yeah so On a mechanical watch when you wind it

Normally you might have anywhere from a Thirty six hours to 48 hours this is Amazing because a regular watch has two Hands in the second hand some of them Have a chronometer function and when you Hit it it uses more energy but this is So much going on so that's an Achievement in itself though my hat is Off to Jacob and his designers Jacob for Coming up with this amazing amazing Piece and the engineers behind it Total piece of art total piece of art Well done absolutely I'm very privileged To be able to wear this very privileged And certainly don't take it for granted So I really hope you got a kick out of This watch I get a kick out of it every Time I look at it every time I put it on My wrist spectacular piece carp sail Enough please hit that subscribe button Let me know in the comments what you Think of this because to me there's Nothing else like it nothing nothing Hit that bump we'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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