Luxury Cars

I bought my first ever USED CAR!

[Music] Thank you [Music] Hello hello This is a new toy this is a new toy mate Hi you like it love it I could not I could not like it more I gotta tell You Amazing I love this car I couldn't Resist it I drove one And then I saw this and I bought it it's Absolutely Stunning and you've got kind of a uh Satin black thing going on at the moment Yeah so this was it was originally uh Shiny black and I took it down to Tommy Again at strut and he put the stealth Ppf yeah I guess and now I have a fleet Of matte black cars Range Rover the G-Wagon and this and now there's the GTC Well may I this is the yeah of course Please this is uh this is like the olden Days Don't worry Oh I see the button it's there There it is I absolutely love these cars Isn't this sick I love them this is the Last year that this car was made they Changed everything so this is I guess They did it for one year it used to have Buttons which are probably better Because you can't see a damp thing with The sunlight right so are these little Screens behind here yeah can you can you

See yeah if I put the roof on it they Light up so we've got no okay noisy Exhaust on Spoiler up traction control off Well let's go for a little Cruiser out It's a gorgeous day keep that in Sport Plus so that's going to give you Dynamic Engine so you'll be making all the what Are you listening I'm going too close Yazmas I'm going to close the window What's portable news by Paul yes I'd put It on but you listen to Yaz I do I like Jazz wow okay isn't this fun I love it Okay absolutely love it what does that Do uh that's your G meter so let me put My seat belt on YouTube You see that yellow thing in the middle That's the G-Spot you found it Congratulations okay let's go Blisteringly fast right I mean I've Never gotten to 30 miles an hour quicker I know that was quite simply it was like One second to 30. foreign [Music] [Music] So this is actually the same engine That's in your G-Wagon but just tune Slightly different G wagon doesn't Doesn't drive like this no because it Also weighs about six times as much yeah So this is exactly the same I believe so I believe it's the it's the same VA but They just do different software I don't Know if there's any hardware differences

I'm sure people will let me know in the Comments so this one this is not the Regular GT it's the GTC which means it's Wider than the regular one and it has More horsepower got it so this is I Think it's 550 something horsepower that's a couple Right and it only weighs 3 000 and Something pounds so Add that together and you've got a fast Fast machine these are such underrated Cars like people don't realize it you Never see that they are I know so so let Me tell everybody the conversation that You and I had I was going to buy a GT3 RS is that what I was going to buy no You were looking at the um because you Didn't want that because that one's too Harsh the Turbo S you were looking at The term turbo very very fast cars and Also very boring I drove it And it was boring and then Adam and I Had this conversation I said what about The GTC And he was with a friend of his I guess Racism right yeah and he said oh my God You've got to buy the GTC so I I went And drove one and it was like oh my Goodness I can't believe it it's better Than a Ferrari I mean crazy car crazy Car I mean they yeah that low down power From the V8 the turbos like it's just It's such a great feeling and the thing Is Ferraris are unbelievable cars no

Question you have to rev them high to Really sort of get that sense of speed Whereas this Hammer down and you've got it from Two And a Half thousand RPM yeah it's crazy And it sounds amazing it does sound good I'm not going to go faster than the Speed limit So this is nice as well that you've got All of your sort of uh Creature Comforts From the G wagon so the navigation Everything everything is the same Familiar everything which is the same I'm not being rude but good for you It's not nice that you don't have to Learn anything so what that means I'm not very good with systems So do you mind if I also tell the Audience that this is your first well Since I've known you pre-owned vehicle Yeah it is a pre-owned vehicle because They stopped making it in 20 lap very Last one to come out was 2022. I was Looking for the newest one I could Possibly get because I prefer new cars But this is lightning which then no Mileage whatsoever and it's the the last Series that was made with all the latest Upgrades I think this is one of those Cars that you just keep and tuck away Because I'll enjoy driving it but this Is the last of the supercars yeah this Is a Supercar Mercedes caller I would Say it is I mean yeah it I I like I said

People sleep on this they don't realize How good these AMG GTs are Um the GT the GTS the GTR the GTC so the GTS is this is what I've learned the GT The regular GT is the regular one which Is the same slightly narrower body Smaller engine the same engine just Different software is it oh okay I Believe so I believe it's the same Engine they just limit them with the ECU Okay and then the GTS is a more Luxurious version of the GT With the same power as the GT in the Same narrow body yeah and then the GTC Which is the wide body this one with the Big engine and convertible and Convertible they also do the GT and GTS In convertible as well okay Um so can you buy a GTC in Coupe I think So okay yeah I'm not really clued up on All the models I think so yeah and then There's the GTR which is the track Version of the car which is exactly the Same power as this one with a few less Comfort creatures creatures Comfort Creatures what did I mean to say do you Mean it doesn't have the G-Spot what did I mean to say Creature Comforts that was It yeah thank you good God I'm losing it Um so at the end of the day uh this one Is the luxurious version of the the Superfast one and I love it you can tune This and get more power out of this Which we absolutely should do

You think so you of course I do I modify Everything what does it do to my Warranty Well it depends if you tell them or not Wouldn't they know depends on how Friendly your dealership is they're Pretty friendly but one of the other Reasons why I love this car so much is Because you told me that you are gonna Put miles on it yeah I'm gonna put my I Don't care this is I didn't buy it new It's already got 900 miles on it Um I didn't realize it was only 900 yeah so That's what you're considering a mild Car to be well I don't have no idea My new Range Rover how long have I had That uh Four months yeah uh it's been 180 miles It's such a shame well everywhere in Beverly Hills is so close I know right So and I've got a localized so they they Mostly get like five miles a week Ridiculous so this one I honestly don't Care I will drive this out to Malibu Although I'll drive wherever you want to Drive it 10 miles on this car I'll put I'll put 10 000 miles on the car I don't Care I really don't care okay good You've got carbon fibers did you notice I did I noticed everything it's Absolutely gorgeous yeah I've got carbon Fiber up here In the doors lovely Dash it has them

Yeah Bow Masters Budweiser but is that what It says it's the Budweiser stereo Hopefully it's the full fat not Bud Light Sounds so good doesn't it it sounds Awesome I haven't been here for a while I know Right It's like the old days I know how funny What was the first car we ever did was Your uh Rolls-Royce wasn't it as your Wraith which one the white and black one Black one that's literally how this Channel started yeah we did a bunch of Cars yeah So if you guys have only been watching The channel Since more recently go back and check Out the early videos it's crazy I mean Some of the stuff we did in the Beginning was awesome and I bet you guys Haven't seen it the camera was Definitely not as good quality wise the Audio was non-existent the audio was Which we didn't have these little guys We had one furry guy on top of a camera Hey gotta see a million subscribers Pretty quick yeah it did so look at this Guy it's fun right it's absolutely Gorgeous So things I did since I got it had it Wrapped Um strut did it for me down in uh in

Carlsbad I think they are or somewhere In that area I changed the wheels out These are factory rims it had the five Spoke and I just like these I took the Michelins off and I put Pirellis on Can't agree with that but okay Well they had 900 miles of somebody else Driving them right so God is Dusty look At the dust I know it was clean this Morning They're just such a sexy car I love how Long the Bonnet is or the hood I love How wide and Meaty they are it's Mid-engine right so the engine is set Way back can you pop do you know how to Pop the Bonnet I know that they have a No Did you find it no is that button on the By the paddle box I've got it there you Go Oh look at that goodness me that is a Lot of engine It's clean in here look at the turbos Back here where's the turbo sneez twins Those are the turbo they're the turbos Right there and uh Uh Jackson Albrecht Johan Albrecht from Mercedes AMG built this Engine thank you very much that was very Kind of him You could also get some nice cold air Intakes and then you'd hear the Induction a little bit more as well Check what now

So these are your ad boxes right right One and two right so what you would do Is you'd replace this with a cold air Intake with either like an open cone I Don't know what the best solution is There's something you can do yeah Absolutely do it but yeah it would be You would hear the induction sound more Like kind of yeah like a more of a growl So the motor is sort of like behind in Line with and behind the front axle and Then obviously the transmission as well Which technically makes it a mid-engine Vehicle front mid engine they call it Mid Engine yeah so Lambos are mid rear Yep SLR my SLR exactly the same Configuration as this yeah McLaren SLR Yeah do you miss that no I mean you've Got this now so this drives way better It's way faster and it looks the same Yeah right it's the same configuration Right No absolutely yeah so did I tell you did I tell you why I sold that SLR no okay So that's closed now yes uh one two Three four five yeah I'm good So the SLR twice the roof stuck on the Convertible top yeah and it's carbon It's like a carbon fiber mesh so I went To Mercedes of Beverly Hills and I said Well we've fixed it this time but it Might need a new roof and of course an SLR is out of warranty because it was an Old car how much do you think the roof

Was a new roof whole new roof whole new Roof that comes in one year 30 26 500 if It was twenty six thousand five hundred Dollars I wouldn't have sold the car how To put the new roof on how much oh old Enough Add The Living Daylights out like double More than double yeah just over slightly Over double that yeah oh my God so I Said I don't need this it's a headache It's a nightmare waiting to happen and Then they came up with this guy and here We go So things that are different about this Car than the previous one than the early Ones the headlights are completely Different Because so this guy was above your house Earlier he was yeah doing some crazy Bank turns it's a News Shopper I think Oh is it I don't know sorry carry on so Yeah so they changed the headlights Um because the older version up until 2020 it had didn't have that in it and I Don't think it had those things Um I don't know what they all do but Michael these are the things things Different about this to a regular GT is The back is much wider okay and it has Air slots in it so it has these these Hips hips yeah you know what they say They don't lie look I can put p m How do you get so 20 how yes It depends what it is right if you want

One of these shirts it's actually pm 25. oh it is isn't it yeah so this also Has the quad exhaust it does and again They normally come with one big square One either side yeah and then the Insides totally different steering wheel The seats are lovely I do you know what I'm so proud of you for going for a Understated spec Yeah and it it's not ostentatious I Don't think absolutely it just just Looks good it looks phenomenal So tell everybody the uh type when I say An understated spec just tell people What brake calipers you had in fact Before we do let's see if the ogs Remember if you remember go to the Comments right now and type in what Brake calipers were on Michael's Hurricane when I met him Gun type it now and if you're new here Just wait and hear what he has to say For himself So it was a what was the base color of Your hurricane yellow metallic Pearl Yellow and then you put red and black Stripy bits on it yeah it looks a bit Like the German flag and then I had the Calipers painted like the Italian flag Which kind of Didn't match the rest of the car but it Was a lot of fun I mean gosh no one else Ever had one like that absolutely for Good reason but that was the car you had

The day that I met you yeah and that was Annoying too right Adam was on a Motorbike taking pictures of cars and as You take some of mine takes my mind Anyway so there it is there's the car Absolutely beautiful how big is the boot On these I've actually never opened them I've never looked inside oh Hold on where's the key oh here it is Key key Boot Oh wow that's way bigger than I Anticipated So this is actually hence I guess GT Grand tourer right this is a great road Trip car finished yep You could easily get a couple of bags in There for a weekend Get you Misses in the passenger seat you In the driver's seat take off hit the Canyons have a blast doing it I put Humphrey there oh really have you taken Them out in it yet no well Henry or both Of them that would look really cool they Would fit yeah 100 perfect showed Henry On camera yet I need to put Henry on Camera Henry is Humphrey's best buddy Now and he's adoptive and Humphrey Thinks he's his dad Humphrey's two and Henry is 20 weeks then a doodle same Cutest dog cool so hope you like it I do Adam does we are in it to win it like The video uh subscribe to the channel go Shopping

Um help me out at produce at what else Um I think that's about it Mercedes Benz GTC convertible I should make the roof go up and down so You can see it happen oh I would have Already done that in B-rolling overlaid into all of our Yapping this is my favorite car you've Ever had since I've known you is it Really it is It drives amazingly I gotta say I Absolutely love it love it very happy With the purchase well done sir thank You bye

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