Luxury Real Estate

Inside A Beverly Hills Modern Mansion With Jet Liner City Views!

There isn't anything like it on the Market it's inspired by Balinese Architecture yes is that like spaghetti I'm not sure if you've seen this in Other homes I'm sorry I think he had some blue Smarties before he showed up to this Shoot I'm shot on my microphone someone Used to wear makeup Horrible Where is your big toe I don't know so We're probably around here somewhere What shape of your feet which means the Sound Reflection from the speakers [Music] All right We are in Beverly Hills and I'm really Excited we're going to see a mega Mansion with our dear friend Tatiana who We haven't seen in how long Adam four Years five years must be must be because We've had this channel quite a while we Have so yeah we're going to show you a Spectacular house but before we do I'm gonna show you this I wondered why You're standing like that this is the New I nearly said PM but it's not it's Am as in morning Adam and Michael yeah Adam and Michael yeah never but but this Is amazing it lasts for days there'll be A link where you can get it and a code Pm10 gets you 10 off its fragrance Dubai And it's amazing and go get some it Smells Divine anyway that said I'm gonna

Put it back in my car now hold on I'm coming back hold on Yeah here I am let's go see Tatiana Hi Hi how are you I am well it has been Four years five years since we've seen Each other too long too long way too Long way too long hi Adam hello how are You better place to meet up than this Look at that Adam This is some view that is incredible you Walk in the door and see that Well Welcome to our beautiful brand new Construction here called the Mulholland Estate this is an unbeatable view this Is your moment here your floating moment Of a stunning Serenity as well as Beautiful jetliner views and snow on top Of the mountains you get the best of all Worlds Snow Mountain City you have it All right here jet line of views yes I don't think I have and all the Properties that you've shown you've Never heard that line reviews I use it All the time for my house I always say Jet line of you I've never heard you say That one single time and I've known you For 28 years it feels like Well here and On Cue too there's there's The jet Shows you how much attention you face to Work right he's over it he's over it Where Do We Begin tell us about this House so 9 500 square feet approximately Of residential floor area livable space

And then we have an additional 1300 Square foot Auto Gallery which houses Five to six cars we like audio galleries Garage no it's an Auto Gallery depending On your fleet of cars but this is a Brand new construction recently Completed there isn't anything like it On the market it's inspired by Balinese Architecture yes is that like spaghetti That's not Bolognese Balinese Yeah Place Tropical Ambiance where do you want to Start this is the main level take it Around okay so as you enter the property You see you have a very bespoke entry Look at all these Woods we're getting Today Spaghetti bolognese well it's big dual Gallery Outside of all the other properties that You've seen isn't this the most Impressive entry it's a it's a Spoke Suit yeah no it is it is very nice but It sucks you in right into the house Into this view Sex You Into The View I've missed this lady Oh boy this one this one was going to be A funny day yeah I was I was prepared Good good good so we're in the great Room let's not let's not miss this It's locked you're not allowed in ah This is how I break things I pull I pull On things that slide and slide on things

That let's not go there this is our wine Display this is beautiful this was Actually designed by the developer and Laser cut It's metal right yes it's metal but if You see the prince it's like it's a leaf So again everything that you'll see Throughout the property is a nod to Nature nice elements of nature we call This a very elegant quiet design it's Not I want you to come ocean Mega wood For it I'm going to come up Wine spectacular yes it could be Whatever you want it to be when you buy This house here's your kitchen This is all Italian Cabinetry this is so Interesting because you normally see Onyx and Greenwich yes this is wood this Is Oak And again the inspiration to the design Of this property is all by the nature Surrounding it so all the elements all The materials that you see in the house Are Woods Stones beautiful natural Material that if you look outside blends To your inside design even a piece of a Tree on the light look at that I really Like that I do too reclaim wood if you Chose someone the light has a piece of Tree on it they would kind of laugh but When you see it it's gorgeous Continue continue this is this is a Beautiful Sapient Stone yes I'm gonna I'm gonna School you all today Design

Elements I'm not sure if you've seen This in other homes I'm sorry I think he had some blue Smarties before he showed up to this Shoot It's the most excited I've seen you in a While You smell good what is that that's my New fragrance Hahaha Let's see Stop you have a fragrance I swear to God Yeah I just launched it this is called Am I I told you about it earlier see it Smells good I think she saw you through The door do you little your little pit You were the most horrible individual Ever why do I do chores with you show to Us about this I just want to say it Smells like a nice Michael well thank You thank you where can we find this There'll be a link in the description You're going to have a link have a link And there's a discount code too Oh I'm terrible just a small plug Um but back to the house yes here Sapien This is a Sapien Stone all right but When you look when you're washing your Dishes look at your view I mean I don't Wash dishes whoever will be washing the Dishes for you will have this gorgeous View look at that The art of the home is the view from Every room I was looking for a

Dishwasher yes so that's your dishwasher Here's the dishwasher It's all melee appliances it no joke About it's wonderful absolutely Beautiful and this is gorgeous I've Never seen like cabinet doors cut to the Same as the table top it really is quite Impressive and all of this Cabinetry the Way it was designed if you look at the Shade Blends into this this is a plaster Treatment that makes it feel like it's Concrete Blends in with the color of the Cabinetry so it feels like Furniture Really in the wall less less like a Kitchen and more like Furniture like I Do I do I do like it I like how kind of Open plan it is nice and then we go into Our living room and dining room which Again overlooks this incredible view the View is I'm going to tell you about the View ready follow my finger follow my Finger follow my finger okay so in the Far distance You did that on purpose didn't you so I Went oh what are you wearing it's the AP Offshore I don't know the name of it but It's Ceramics for QE2 not the QE2 but Similar looking to the QE2 very nicer Than the QE2 I like it let me continue With my point okay follow my finger Follow my finger okay so in addition to Mountains yeah those are mountains yep Not quite sure which ones they are but They're mountains uh right here in front

Of us I believe this is Sherman Oaks Is it Sherman Oaks Encino Encino close Slightly to the right of it Sherman Oaks And then we'll stop there okay because I Don't know anywhere else Studio City So if you live here you have literally Direct access to the studios it's right Down the street Ventura Boulevard and Then to the south of us is Rodeo 15 Minutes down Unless there's a traffic jam exactly And the lovely thing about this sight Line here having the north side view is When the sun sets it sets from the west And it's the most beautiful postcard Sunset it's stunning I can imagine this Is your great room living space here I Love this because you see the different Elements in the fireplace a lot of People think this is a painting this is Actually a book match Stone yeah we like The book matching yes and if you look at The stacked stone throughout the Property this wraps from the outside in And the frames are embedded into the Stone which is a really beautiful design Love this what is this what is it it's Marble is it yes one piece of marble This long yeah I've never seen marble With this texture yeah incredible flat And Polished it's lovely Really lovely Okay where are we going next well let's Go over to our formal living room what's

In there that's your closet for hanging Jackets for your guests ah what's in Here let me guess let me guess so this Is one of three things one It's a closet there's a powder room There I was gonna say it could be a Powder room so it's not going to be a Powder room it could be an elevator it Could be A timeout room A naughty Corner a naughty corner it Could but that's my three things that's My three things what is it it's your Elevator Shaft it's An Elevator Shaft So that goes to all three levels Shall you prefer an elevator to be Inserted into this location nobody uses Elevators in their houses this is why we Left it up to a buyer to decide if they Want to have an elevator if they want Storage or they want to create another Wine Display very easily done here because it Connects to Tara you're a bar your Primary bar this is nice it's no good For Adam though because there's no Alcohol and he needs alcohol but that Could be yours full if you buy the house We'll fill this up with whatever alcohol You want finest of Define yeah what do You think Adam yeah I mean honestly just Like a 24 pack of Modelo or Pacifico I'd Be fine yeah some limes please no I wish I'd be a dream sponsor lovely room so

This I guess is the the TV then right This is your formal living space that Outlets into the primary entertainment Deck very nice wow what a view fireplace Outdoor kitchen If you're taking a swim and want to Shower you have your shower here good to Have an outdoor shower absolutely this Angle of the house is stunning Adam if You want to take a look at it the Architecture it's so pretty the pool is Lovely and if you can see the sky Bridge Connects the two decks you could cross Over the sky bridge this is absolutely Crossable you can walk on top you want To try yeah go walk on no no no are you Scared I don't like those glass surfaces I just don't like Michael is the biggest Wimp on it on top of it it's wet so it Becomes treacherously dangerous Do you want me to hold your hand and Walk with you no I'm not doing it with Those shoes they're dangerous enough I've never seen such long where where is Your big toe I don't know Probably around here somewhere not Shaping your feet The deformed So funny these are the wrinkle Pickers You know I wasn't going to wear these But I was trying to find something that Had the color that matched and that's The best I could come up with I mean

They match for sure I've just never seen So we'll take the camera for me I need To focus on my damn shoes Do you know what the thing is I know That the entire outfit was inspired by That watch that's exactly right I want To wear this watch today we'll have to Get the watch first and then decide what I wear with it right true true This is the first bedroom on the main Level Access straight out to the pool yeah how Lovely and then in every bedroom Obviously it's an ensuite we have these Beautiful bathrooms with the natural Materials and if you look at each of the Hero walls it's a travertine Stone hero Wolf well I call it the art wall amazing We're learning today So it's a beautiful travertine material If you like that kind of thing it's Stunning and you've got a closet all the Closets have Windows which is really Nice as well First time I've seen a good looking uh Register yes that's your area It shuts the air in it just like the View it sucks your eyes And again look at the view everything Pulls you to the view it's lovely [Music] So let me take you to the lower level That's the fun room what's in there this Is the powder bathroom and there is a

Transitional area for ladies to do their Makeup so they don't have to wait for The restroom if somebody's using it Germany used to wear makeup Horrible individual ever why did you not I still do what do you wear like Moisturizer Scotch lights no makeup used To wear guy liner guys I still do I know Not as much as you used to no I turned It down I like it so you have your own Personal Atrium slash Arboretum now the Region It's an arbor Arbor as in tree yes as in A place look at him look at him it's Completely made up it's your own indoor Park so I love it I was gonna say where Did you get that wish from what a great Feature yeah it is lovely because it's a Walk through I'll show you would you Like to see the Auto Gallery first or Your office Auto Gallery far more Important than the office so here's Where you park your cars that you can Park five to six cars here on display Which are really nice this is in fact a Gallery this is very large electric Charger for those of you that like Electric cars yeah okay here's the Office I absolutely love Michael go sit There And pretend like you're doing huge deals Yes let me let me make a phone call oh Wait let me sit down and enjoying my Microphone oh it it gave a sensation of

Sitting on something you're not supposed To I'm looking here and what do I see a Beautiful tree I would remove the glass so this is just Here for safety while the house is on The market because we don't want anybody To have any issues because code right Code for code but this will be removed And this is a walk through Courtyard Because you have your fleetwood's here That I think every single house in Los Angeles big major houses have had Something that they had to have because Of code and everybody removes it yes When a buyer buys it they'll tell us to Remove it it will be removed and this Will be a full walkthrough so when You're having your moment in the office And you want to go to your lounge and You have your beautiful live garden and Then you have again you love the Reclaimed wood here Adam yes we have Hints of it everywhere this was inspired By the tree people park where you go Hiking to have your own bench here to Sit and have coffee enjoy your your Mornings here where you can sit and have A moment in your Park meditate talk I Love this I like it it's your personal Park and also this is like the bad Humidity as well to the downstairs of The house so being up here it what's the Humidity like up here

Right yeah yeah humidity it stays fairly Cool here because we're in between the Mountains right there's a beautiful Breeze here lovely nice shellfish nice Cars on the wall look Ashton good choice So we have our main laundry here in Another powder this isn't actually done Too yes so this is shin steam uh oh look At that she's a little Panic Room slash Area tube Tied from people we're cool now Everybody will know where it is yes Right well I just I just revealed where Our moment is here How fun is this isn't this fun you can Have a killer view from the lower level Your secondary bar we had one downstairs Love the chest set look at the queen I'm Assuming this is the queen where's the King Oh look at that This is awesome sorry I know we're doing A house tour no it's cool this is really Cool who makes this I don't want to say The wrong name I I gave you a guess Earlier but I don't want to say the Wrong name I know it's a famous uh let Us know in the comments I will have you As a no our viewers are really good yeah They will know definitely I want to buy This isn't it beautiful yeah how do I Buy it you buy the house and I'll give It to you it comes free with the house Lucky for you the house is for sale so

All you need to do is write us a check Come over 69 million dollars right this Will cost you 16 and a half million Dollars that'll be the most expensive Gesture in the world yes now if I'm not Mistaken the last time that you two got Together there was a game of pool played Oh you're quite good And it was on Mulholland all right do You remember Adam it wasn't yes it was I'll tell you where it was it was on Mulholland you're absolutely right and Let me tell you something else it wasn't Five years then it was about three years Because that house in Mulholland I was Thinking of the one we did one in Mount Olympus Mount Olympus that was five Years right the one we did in Mulholland Had the turntable for the car oh it did Didn't it right actually Michael's wrong On both counts we did Mulholland first Because my hair was longer and then we Did Mount Olympus because my hair was Shorter so Mount Olympus I can't believe You didn't three years ago how could you Not remember how long her hair was on Each of those seats for real Mount Olympus was three years ago and Mulholland was four years ago and we Were playing pool you're right Okay is it a joke no Chuck no we can't Do you want to give it you want to give It a whirl well you need chalk okay do You want to give it a whirl should we of

Course okay who's going to remove the uh Oh I was going to leave their own Special effects there's no chore okay Honestly Chalk's the least of your Worries I know really you can't do Anything without chalk okay go ahead be My guest okay I haven't done this in a While since we're in Holland let's see If I can do these are right Oh Okay that works there you go It's impossible to play without chalk I'm going to a bad Workman blames his Tools right Oh all right first one to put one down Wins yeah yeah there you go OH Close oh I think he's going Michael's Got this Oh Good job good job Well done my friend is Jim isn't that Fun I love the lighting I love how it's Followed through from upstairs it was on The ceilings now it's on the walls I Love that you recognize that detail you Have to see this view Oh sorry so most lower levels don't have Views this is true yes this is true It's privatized wonderful View and you Also have access to this level from the Outside via the stairs to your left it's Beautiful very Serene and at night time All the lights deer might come up and

Say hi because there's deer out here it Really is private I mean really I would Have to plant it up with fruits and Veggies and all my you know yes ungrown Salads your own grocery store yeah Produce area exactly All right and then you see this view of The house here from this angle which is Really nice so this is where you have a Really nice Swanky party and then you Have your theater to the left oh Jack so I know a secret about Jack can you Mention it it's up to you it's your show Jack lives across the road directly Across the road Am I okay saying that I said it Don't don't tell anybody I didn't say That but I did Beautiful I love this here's your Theater this is really kind of cool I Mean I do my thing this is how big there you Go No it's lovely this is all you need in a House you don't need these huge Monstrous rooms this is cozy fun yeah Man it's very tasteful okay I don't know Much about acoustic design but my Layman's brain would tell me that you Would want the uh staggering to go the Other way so the sound was projected Back no so the opposite no so ideally You would want the ceiling tiered

Because it acts as a base trap and Diffuser this is like my world I was Going to say exactly yeah that's why I Know so you want to create you want some Info yes okay you create the Apex of an Acoustical triangle which means the Sound Reflection from the speakers at a 45 degree angle from the center point of Each speaker should make a sweet spot And is that why at a gig they always put The sound desk right at that Apex so That they know how it is there's a few Reasons for that but yes I mean you want You want that Central Point and then you Try and make it as big as possible and White as possible in that way have Really benefits from it from The Sound Well thank you very much there we go Thank you attending Michael's Ted Talk Do you know what I'm going to say about My OCD in this room though you're going To say I'll tell you exactly what you're going To say he's going to say the pillows no No no no no no he's going to say The sofas have to be moved over to the Center of the screen there you go got it Absolutely easy to do when I close the Door I will move it's easy to do Adam When you buy this house otherwise shut Up anything that you'd like to have done Here can be done and then we have a Bedroom here this is bedroom number five We have five bedrooms in the home and

This is for the other theater to go this Is they're all on Suites so they and They all have views uh beautiful ensuite Restrooms and Views I think from every Room is super lovely crucial on a house Like this and they've they've done it Here I love this little patio as well Nice little outdoor area Watch out He didn't even flinch Didn't even flinch [Music] We are going up to the top level what's Up here the master this is the primaries On primary Wing is to our right primary Yes we must say primary now I don't This is your primary Wing it's lovely Same finishes downstairs right the way That the panels the Walnut panels really Nice I'm just seeing if there's a secret room In there there was a secret room Downstairs yep look at that lovely view Fireplace you have the corner of your Master cantilevered over your pool deck Oh that's really beautiful that is a Nice touch big balcony the balcony Extends from the premier bedroom all the Way to the bathroom what else do we have Dual closets one here beautifully left Showroom closets yes I was opening this wondering if it went Into the next one no that's where you

Put your shoes Michael your shoe Collection good luck he's gonna need More than one dish plus we're seeing how Long they are yes yeah he's gonna need a Deeper shelf back in the day they used To call those roach killers because you Would go in the car Do you know that Michael back in the 80s 90s come on you remember they were Fashionable back in the 80s and 90s They're very sharp and they used to use Them to kill the roaches in the corner Here is Here's Michael in the closure these are Good sized closets these yeah scale Right very very nice closet showroom Closet and then you have access to our Beautiful room closet yeah I like that Too and wow look at a bathtub set in a Fireplace yeah spectacular I love that Gorgeous Look at the backlighting as well tacular I like that a lot This is really quite special yeah I love This because I love the beams as well so Hints of the reclaimed wood there was The bench here then the one bench Downstairs and then this one here and Then in the stairwell if you saw there Was another piece that was also it's a Little hint of that So how many bedrooms does this House Have five bedrooms five bedrooms so We've seen so there's one on the lower

Level where the entertainment Lounge by The theater correct and then one on the Main level and then we have three on This level I just want to show you again Look at your deck you come out here and You have a little Cove So this can be an area where you can Sit under the Sun get a tan and then you Have this angle here just plenty of Space Beautiful decks gorgeous set in nature With all these trees and then you have Your travertine sinks which are really Pretty that's just the Hero wall you'll Notice Well done Adam thank you thank you I'm Learning Very nicely really what a beautiful Primary Suite correct look at that maybe Politically correct so I love this Landing because look at all the elements That you see the floating stairs you You're a big fan of the lights this is Our lighting designer created this Um and then if you look at your Landing Here what's stunning is that you can see All the way down to your atrium Which is a really nice feature It's beautiful and it connects to the Green outside and this view will never Be obstructed that Santa Monica Conservancy so no one can build in front Of you this is your view oh that's nice So this is all protected yes

Is this public like can people hike I See there's a little there's a little Path just there it's possible people Would hike we rarely see it but yes Absolutely this is La people hike all Over the place so you have your little Landing here again another deck and then We have the next bedroom again all Balconies beautiful views very quiet Actually be a great family home with the Size of the rooms and everything like Great for guests great for kids As opposed to a well like a bachelor pad You know how you come to some of these And and you couldn't imagine like a Family living there it's so cold right Yeah exactly this is a very I believe Harmonious home the way that it flows It's really beautiful so family could Live here a single person can live here And it still still feels very connected To every single part of the house oh It's lovely and then we can go this way This way we'll show you one let's go This way I'm interested what's on this So this room connects to this next room The fifth bedroom again And this is the One of my favorite bedrooms actually Because of where it's situated on the Corner you've got great views here Yeah I like this Jewel aspect very nice Did you get that just a jewel aspect I'm Proud of you thank you it's a real

Real-time Madison We're just having a moment we are having A moment moment let's have let's have a Moment here Michael okay moment just Enjoy this moment hold on hold on hold On you're enjoying it That's lovely get Tatiana get in there Enjoy this moment take a pose enjoy the Moment How is it it feels so good The lighting in this place is awesome I Know it's all golden the lighting is all Golden really well thought about yeah And then we walked down this hallway Adam going back to the stone look at That how cool that is for next year and Then the frame just is embedded in the Snow so this is a feature here for Privacy And if you are an art collector Phenomenal wall space for art Again art art so if you're a car Aficionado artificionado luxury watch Aficionado this is your home laundry Aficionado laundry Aficionado watch Aficionado look you could put the watch In there that would be a big watch Winder By the way this is the secondary laundry We had one downstairs the big main Laundry this is secondary so we have two And behind this store Michael like you Don't want to go downstairs we have a Shoot you just run it you drop your

Clothes in the shoe and it goes right Down that's cool like shoes is it is it Big enough to get like you're hatching Oh okay not a person would you like to Have a look no much bigger than that Yeah bigger than that let's have a look It's not very big all right hold on Coming in open it Oh yeah you could get you high in there Yeah easy and larger objects that's true Oops Go ahead thank you Have you seen those ones now that they Do where it's like uh the Central Vacuums but yeah clothes yeah she just Like throw it at the wall and it goes it Gets sucked in that's a cool idea yeah I Have not seen that you'll be careful you Lose your bet well especially yours Either we clean wood here again oh yeah So that's a nice ad Additive yeah no this is wonderful Absolutely wonderful now if you're Looking for your flat green grassy yard Which you would traditionally have in The back they put it in the front so up Those steps is a very long flat grassy Pad And you want a Runway you have dogs you Want to have a tree house you want an Outdoor dining area you have a full Grass pot there that's fenced in it's Sort of everything yeah we yeah they Thought of everything we'll we'll

Chatiana thank you so so much I mean This is amazing right what do you guys Think do you love it I love it Absolutely love it Adam you bang it I mean there's a few other things a Little bit higher up on the priority List right now Groceries new Underpants so once they're Taken care of I'll give you a call okay Sounds good yeah hit the Subscribe Button hit the Bell we're in it to win It go shopping buy my fragrance What else thank you for coming and Seeing the Mulholland estate and joining Us today and a big thank you to Tatiana All of her information will be in the Description if you want this house you Know who to call and Michael thank you So much for coming Adam thank you for Coming it's always so much fun having You guys here so I hope it's a big Success thank you for having us thank You bye [Music]

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