

We are going to show you today the Largest rarest and most valuable Gemstones in the world ready adam ready Let's go [Music] We are here at the natural history Museum in los angeles and today we're Going to show you some of the most Amazing rarest largest most valuable Stones in the world not only that we are Here with two of the most knowledgeable People when it comes to gemstones Literally on the planet let's go meet Them come on in greetings michael good Just good to see you robert prokop Please introduce yourself tell us a Little bit about yourself Robert prokop i'm a jeweler from California And this collection i've been honored to Work with Dr aaron and uh bringing together about A hundred fine gemstones around the World And dr aaron Dr aaron celestion correct We we are so honored to be able to do This with you and you know we've done Our research you you are Probably the most knowledgeable person On the planet right when it comes to Gemstones well i mean yeah i'm i've been Working in gemstones for a while now and Nasa and yeah and i've been working at

Nasa tell us a little bit about it all Right so my work at nasa is looking at How minerals and and How minerals grow on other planets and How minerals grow deep in the earth and How they hold on to life so some Minerals have little bits of life Bacteria that are still inside of them That have been around for hundreds of Millions of years so we're looking at How those minerals grow and how they Could exist on other planets where we Can find life in the future that's so Cool that's so cool Show us what you've got Well right away when you come to the Vault your eyes are drawn to this blue Stone right here That's probably One of the finest if not the finest blue Diamond in the world right now so If i'm not mistaken this is actually Larger than the hope diamond that's Right it's a little bit bigger than the Famous hope diamond which is cursed It's supposed to be and this one isn't Of course this one's not cursed it's Beautiful And for those of you that want to know How much it's worth well this it's Priceless basically right yeah pretty Much but the hope diamond's worth about 500 million and this is worth more so You can do the math

What's that behind it that is a 100 Carats Diamond back there It is one of the largest ones in the Exhibit right now we have this 100 carat And to the right of it there is a 113 Carat diamond in a necklace that's just Unbelievable and what color are these Two the one on the left is Flawless it has In this particular light and very Interesting when dr aaron took into his Laboratory was white we bring this warm Light also this light yellow comes out So it's a These pieces were picked out for its Rarity right On the other one has this fancy It's uh Orgy Looks a little has a little bit of brown Into it and yellow It's enormous as well i'm so so so Pretty they call it lit the golden light And i see why back here oh look at the Size of these adam uh we have this green Diamond over here on the left uh it's The largest green diamond in the world Right now Uh absolutely huge and it's also quite Rare that it's round color as well uh Usually the Color diamonds are cut into more Rectangular shapes and that's to reflect

The color right yeah right so round Diamonds are are much more rare in the Colored stones that also doubles up as a Baseball because it's that big It really is enormous and then the Yellow one here is 50 carat i'm saying And what do we have there behind it that Round one that's another yellow stone so Again the lights in here kind of change The colors a little bit from what they Are when they were back in the lab A little bit it looks a little bit more Gray green grayish right now yeah i see A green tinge to it it's really a yellow But also massive how big is that one um I'm trying to find it on here 61 carat and again you guys want to know How much it's worth i don't know you Won't tell us a lot right Does it what's the reason we can't talk About prices Well the one reason is we don't really Know what the price is right uh and so It's speculating what the price should Be and they keep going up the ocean Right Another reason is that we're not really Interested in the prices here at the Museum we're mostly interested in the Stones the rarity of the stones and Bringing this to the public and talking About the science of the gemstones and That's what's really the most important Part right and these guys are not the

Type of diamonds you see in a jewelers Though correct correct and behind it we Have we have another case of diamonds Back here these are well this is a Mixture between uncut diamonds so the Ones on the left are all uncut and also Cut pink diamonds In in this particular case so the color Of the stone will tell you quite a bit About what's inside of it and this one's A very dark stone so it has a lots of Mineral inclusions in it like graphites And and other types of other types of Minerals to me that is really highly Valuable having all those minerals Trapped inside this diamond because the Diamond forms 200 300 miles below Surface of the earth and the minerals That are in there are from 200 to 300 Miles below the surface of the earth we Can't drill down that far at all so the Only way we can tell what the deep earth Is made out of is by looking inside of These diamonds that's so interesting That is really interesting so would that Be a white diamond or a colored diamond That's that would be definitely a color Diamond and robert can talk uh could Tell you kind of a little bit about that So why would that be a colored diamond How do you know well we could look into A diamond and we'll have transparency And we could actually polish what we Call a window and we can look into the

Stone and see its color this one has a Much darker color to it and but it does Have this amazing silver around it so It's going to turn out as a silver Diamond there's actually those fancy Gray diamonds wow but gia had a paper on It this was the largest uncut diamond They've ever certified 1138 carats 1138 so when you cut that into a Wearable diamond or a displayable Diamond what would you kind of end up With You're going to end up with a stone that Doesn't have transparency it's going to Be very shiny in the surface but it's Not going to have the clarity to be able To see through the stone got you got you And how big would it be when it's cut Generally rule is we save anywhere Between 30 35 of the stone to still be enormous Still be enormous they'll be one of the Largest diamonds in the world wow wow And the pink one behind it is just Spectacular and again that's another two Inches in size That's 42 karat 42 Fancy intense pink oh fancy pink fancy Pink the lighter color but it's still Very brilliant spectacular and also many Many millions of dollars and the 5k Looks like a piece of grit next to it And i mean that in the most recent way Just comparing the size yeah

Normally it's me that's the uncouth one In these videos i would like to have That piece of grid No that's gorgeous and my point being Five carat next to the 40 carat is makes It somewhat insignificant although it's Incredibly significant And then this one here is what This is a very unusual stone it's Internally flawless And it's an orangey pink So when you look at the stone you don't See as much orange as you do pink but There is orange into the stone and Orange is also very valuable correct yes As far as rubies are the same mineral They're the middle corundum But the different colors that are Imparted onto the stone we call them Sapphires or rubies if it's a ruby it's It's red and every other color is a Sapphire here is a as an unheated Pink sapphire In with sapphires uh there Sometimes there's mineral inclusions Inside of them these things could be Called silk by some people but it's Really just fibers of minerals that are Trapped inside of the crystal and when You heat it up those fibers dissolve Into the gem and even out the color and Even out the clarity as well so unheated Ones are exceptionally rare because they Still have those inclusions in which

Some people think that those are Not as valuable but they're extremely Valuable having something this clear With this clarity and this color Naturally occurring Is unheard of so by heating them it Actually takes away from the value Somewhat it does The 79 carat unheated Vivid pink sapphire very rare it's very Rare to find a 10 karat let alone a 79 Carats so as far as we know this is the Finest and largest Vivid pink sapphire in the world Guys i i wish i could put it on my hand You won't let me in the box right Okay But it would be this big on my hand fair And so so wide so yeah incredible this Is a very rare stone which one is called A spectacular this yellowish green And when you're looking into this stone And aaron could explain this better as You just did a few minutes ago is it has These flashes of blue Which is It's unheard of to find this in the Sapphire yeah definitely if you look Carefully at the stone you'll see that There's a small blue what we call Phantom inside of it this is where the Crystal was growing And it was growing a green sapphire Growing the green sapphire and all of a

Sudden the chemistry changed and it Started a thin blue sapphire on the Crystal growth and you can think of Crystals growing as like tree rings you Have individual tree rings building on Top of each other and building on top of Each other and at some point of during Its crystal growth it changed color to Blue it's just just a few atoms thick And then the crystal kept growing green And we call those relic colors we call Those phantoms amazing i never knew that I'm learning Learning a lot blue ones blue Commonly when everyone feels so this is This is what i would say as you say the Majority of the world thinks is a Sapphire blue um Who was it that had a was it princess Die That had the blue sapphire ring that Really brought them into fashion yes so These all come from different origins we Were trying to find it there are large Sapphires in the world we've seen them To 500 carats so we're trying to get the Finest of the blue sapphire The number four here is from thailand And Dr aaron i think that is part of the Cleanest sapphire ever seen in the world I love the color of that one we couldn't Not one inclusion not even a piece of Silk inside of it it is unheated

And it's a probably the finest example Of a thailand sapphire when you see a Sapphire somebody brings a sapphire to You How do you know where it came from how Do you know if it's from sri lanka how Do you know if it's from sylwan how do You know if it's from thailand or Anywhere else There's no markings on it Based on inclusions yeah uh based upon Inclusions what minerals are still Trapped within it Is unique to each deposit that the Gemstone comes from so all you have to Do is look at Without destroying the gem of course Look inside of them and identify each of The mineral inclusions you can also do Chemistry on it elemental analysis Non-destructively and that helps Fingerprint where the gemstone came from I had no idea you could do that no idea At all this is just Crazy to know and then the huge one at The back that's 100 carat from sri lanka That's about the Ideal color with the world looks for This perfect blue And it is a very clean stone and there You could see a little bit of what we Call color zoning and once again Unheated unheated so everything in here Is unheated yes correct

That's the rarity yeah amazing amazing Rubies so ruby is a sapphire Ruby is a corundum a corundum yeah Sapphires are sapphires Sapphires are corundum but you're right People will call these a red a red Sapphire but right now but it Is a ruby it's a ruby well over here we Have uh the rough mineral on the right Hand side uh number five is called the Hicks and ruby it's one of the that's Owned by the museum it's one of our more Famous specimens it's in textbooks it's All over magazines it is a rough single Crystal of what a ruby looks like and There are other ones on here on the Right so with this being in textbooks Obviously it's incredibly rare yeah it's It's got great crystal form it shows the Color from burma perfectly It is a classic example of the crystal So you would never cut this into a Wearable stone most likely not okay it's More valuable as a that's a rough stone Okay and the one next to it which is Larger and Seems more shiny yeah it's definitely a Different color this this larger one Here is from vietnam and how that's a Really huge crystal and you can one Reason why we have them right next to Each other so you can see the difference In color from the two different Localities that are here so you have

Burma and then you have Um vietnam interesting and that one if You were to cut it it would have What seems to be different colors within It correct yes that's right so this Would this would produce many different Gemstones not just one and each one of Them would have slightly different Colors amazing and then when they're cut They can be made into something is that A pill box it is It's a hundred carrots you impressed at Him i knew that that was a pilbar very Impressive i'm always impressed with you Mate He's lying it's a hundred carat ruby Sliced very thin but it's all hand Carved And it is no heat so there's one piece Of ruby one piece of ruby i thought that Was lots of little pieces put together That is then incredible now i get it why It's in here uh chameleon diamonds are a Little bit different chameleon diamonds Change color based on if they're lit or Not lit they'll switch colors back and Forth or if you heat up a chameleon Diamond it will change color this one's Slightly different in that it depends if You're inside your house or outside in Sunlight the color of the sapphire will Change so number one The number one here this ring probably Has the most obvious color change it's

Kind of a greenish color and then it Goes to red so it's green when you go Outside and when you go inside the house Or inside of a building under different Kinds of lighting it turns red so these Are all different examples of color Change sapphires which by themselves Would be extremely rare but here we have Five exceptionally large color change Sapphires and you can one reason also Why they're in the museum is that they Are great examples where you can see Them happening Right before you yeah i mean a chameleon Diamond it's a subtle change right right This is remarkable i mean it completely Changes color we should see the Alexandrites those are those are crazy So alexandrite is a gem name for the Mineral crystal barrel and so all these All these gems in here except for the Diamonds that are decorating the stones Uh decorating the jewelry are our Crystal crystal barrel and when there's Enough little bit of a chemical impurity In them it imparts these color change Properties and at that point it's called An alexandrite Interesting so is this considered um A semi-precious stone or a precious Stone and what does that actually even Mean it's a precious stone okay I think the semi-precious got its name For when we have amethyst and geodes

That are six feet tall right and so They're they get sold by the kilo okay But when you get a stone that is Precious And you have this rarity factor it's Precious There's no actual it's not actual A gemological term it's more of a trade Term that people have came up with okay So sapphires and ruby's they're precious Everything is here's precious stuff that Makes sense so this alexandrite is the Finest i've ever seen it's a hundred Carat basically Loop clean what we call Flawless And it has a perfect color change Absolutely gorgeous there's not another One in a museum or another another one We know of That has been discovered Incredible and the the one in the middle There that's a strange shape It's kind of round It is actually a alexandrite cat's eye So if you look at it from different Angles it looks like that i have a cat The cause of that is by Mineral growth within the alexandrite Itself and the mineral growth is is in This case it's horizontal to our viewing Direction and when it's cut in this Cabochon shape then you're then you're Seeing the reflections of each one of

Those crystals uh that are in in it and If if you kept it flat you would never See the cat's eye effect but because It's rounded like this You can walk around and see the Reflection happening from your Perspective so that's what we call cat's Eye there's also stars there's crosses And things like that that happen in Gemstones interesting the only one i Know of is the um in a pear-shaped Diamond you have sometimes depending on The cut uh what do you call it a bow tie Yes right and having a bow tie and a Dime is not a good thing is that correct Correct Guys I'm out of my league here Let's do the emeralds these are a Perfect example of gem quality for the Muzo mines muzo is uh outside of bogota It's a valley where all the finest Colombian emeralds come from Where else do emeralds come from other Than colombia We have different sources from around The world we have them one of the sec One of the largest is in africa in Zambia which we have some examples of Those Uh we have them from afghanistan brazil We even have a california emerald now That was recently discovered with uh dr Aaron really so brand new discovery and

Is a specific location more valuable Than others Yeah the The columbian emeralds have always been Known for 500 years of bringing this Just gem perfect green in every light And the other one that we probably get The most is uh Is out of africa only for the amount of Uh gem quality we get out of there so The two pendants are both great examples The pear shape on the left Came from a find in the muzo around 2009 This came out of when the the colombian Families owned it In 2012 they did sell the mines to an American mining company And so the heart shape that is uh there To your right Is a newer discovery out of the muzo Mind it's probably the best example of That color nice soft color and this was Uh fairly recent over a lot about three Years ago this uh was a find out of the Muzo And and again correct me if i'm wrong Emeralds and some sapphires and other Precious stones that aren't diamonds are Actually worth more than diamonds is That right that's correct yeah because Most people think diamonds are the most Expensive but when you get fantastic Specimens of The stones they're incredibly valuable

Very nice here's some other examples of Different colombian emeralds The one on the this one down here is From a mind that's called shivor They've always been this light colored But very bright they almost have a touch Of blue to them The one above there is probably the Lightest i've seen in colombia but it's So bright It has that kind of brilliancy as a Green diamond would look And then these this bracelet and the Other ring are both from that uh Fine uh Mind this is uh the one emerald ring is What we call from kunos What is the difference between emerald And jade because they look similar Completely different uh species tell you I'd embarrass myself no but but there's The jade is nowhere near as valuable Correct You do have some very fine jade That when it gets this what they call Imperial green and has a translucency of An emerald It was very interesting we have a good Example over here and the colombians Called this the jade of muzo really Because it looks like a piece of stupid It was actually the perfect question to Lead us into the next case Which this and guys i didn't know about

This this was not pre-planned yeah This what we call a pear-shaped sugar Loaf cut a Loaf pesticide Loaf is this it's like a cabochon but it Almost has a little uh ridge to the top Of it that's rounded we call it a sugar Loaf Most are more so in a Square stone but this one here was named The Jada muzo by the colombians family from The muzo mines And it is a over 60 carat and i believe You have this on the side of the Building in the opening it has a big 20-foot poster of it as one of the Significant stones in the corridor Because this looks like a piece of jade But it's not it's not completely Different species is an actual emerald Interesting so so a piece of j could Look very similar correct I didn't know that either these are some Other examples of some different Localities This here is over 100 carats this this Gem is an actual specimen and never been Faceted comes from nigeria the the whole Tube yes So that's a gem solid that's an emerald Solid And when i when i Discovered this emerald i wanted to keep

It in its raw form as a specimen so i Made this capsule for it and i called it The kryptonite it looks like something Out of the future that is unbelievable It really is unbelievable okay so now i Have what might be a silly question go For it i like your silly questions You're discussing finding and Discovering these gems are you guys Indiana jonesing it around the world Satchel Fedora just going after things going to Minds or is everything done via email And sat at an office no i go to the Mines yeah i go to the mines it's the Mining business is a very difficult Business i'm glad i'm not in that Business do you ever encounter the big Boulders that come rolling down Unfortunately yeah Only when you're on the side of the hill And you lose your footing And then the other pieces in here are Just different examples from other minds Here's an ethiopian Emerald this loose one number three We've never seen anything real fine from Ethiopia they come very large but this Is probably one of the finer qualities And and this piece here that's stuck in A rock that would be a rough correct Yeah these are three examples of Different rough specimens uh emeralds Still

In the rock and then there's one just Kind of floating uh that tall skinny one That one is from north carolina So how do you get the Emerald out of the rock without breaking The emerald There are there's a lot of techniques on How to do that exactly it depends on the Rock itself this one you would take a Probably a small drill and just drill Around it and the crystal will just pop Out and it wouldn't won't shut you no Won't shatter yeah they're pretty tough That's why they're using jewelry You gotta trust somebody with that right [Music] So this is the the last case star Sapphires right what's the star sapphire Star sapphire is similar to the cat's Eye that we saw before the cat's eye Alexandrite It has mineral inclusions in them that Give it a particular reflection of light Off of the surface of those micro Inclusions you can't see them But under a microscope you can still see Them so they grow in this star-shaped Pattern but you certainly see the star Are these very rare They are they are pretty rare that Finding star sapphires Is not a common thing it doesn't usually Happen and even cutting them is a little Bit of a tricky process as well

It's very very interesting these are Large specimens Are these very valuable They are definitely valuable gemstones For sure interesting So guys this has been absolutely amazing I can't thank you enough Everybody if you're ever in los angeles You absolutely must come down to the Natural history museum they've always Got some exhibitions going on they're Short-lived so they're always changing Always different and they're always Remarkable all the information will be In the description come down and visit It because it is superb and once again Thank you so guys you know what to do Hit the subscribe button hit the bell Hit the like button share and we are of Course in it to win it Win one of these see ya [Music]

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