Luxury Real Estate


Yeah that's like it Michael's so pranking oh my god Got it so you can also Oops [Music] So today we are in beautiful orange County uh adam And caroline who's in the house have Dragged me all the way down here it's About a 70 mile drive from where I live to see a beautiful brand new Modern mansion which is 7200 square feet give or take a few And it's a dollar shy of 18 million Let's go see it and caroline come on Very pretty right it's beautiful so Going through an outside glass door Which would normally be closed And i don't quite understand it because It has holes in it oh yeah hold on let Me play with this We're never getting in now oh what have You done It's locked itself is there a button on The inside There's one on the inside there's a Button on the inside there's a button i See here's a button So so so it's nice and secure but you Can still reach in keep going keep going You'll reach it keep going keep going Keep going an inch Down yes over that way a little bit yes I'm in so high security glass door

But but joking apart there's a real Front door Very nice and i guess i guess actually That was probably put there deliberately Where you can reach it just in case you Actually Lock yourself knock yourself out oh my Gosh i i I didn't know where you'd be karai how Are you welcome Thank you hey adam how are you nice Mask thank you i got it from d.h Gate from china it's a fake No nothing what is it No no nothing we've been there We're going there again so what what Exactly is dhgate if it doesn't sell Fake stuff Dhgate is a uh it's like alibaba it's Like a Amazon of china have you heard of Alibaba of course okay i'm I'm like not in touch yeah very nice Match caroline Thank you so much so so i just Introduced this house As 18 million dollars less buck And a beautiful brand new mansion i Didn't say anything else about it Because i forgot Yeah this is um it's six bedroom and It's eight bath And pull your mask pull your dh gate Mask up

Maybe people want to see my nose michael Just kidding yeah How many people want to see her nose i Don't think there'll be that many people Want to see your nose Please let's see caroline's nose carry On Okay uh six uh six i have a spare Would you like me to get it for you Maybe on the next one michael Okay and it's sitting on uh it's 7 300 Square feet and we're in corona del mar And this is irvine terrace and we're Dead so there's many rows and we're in The dead Center front row which is the premium Real estate in this neighborhood So i'm going to show you the inside of The house we'll take a look outside and You can see Why the home is priced that way how many Bedrooms how many bathrooms Six and eight six and eight lead the way All right So um let's see i'm gonna show you this Way First because it's so grand and it's so Beautiful And then we'll go into the bedrooms and The office here i love the picture That's cool yeah these guys at stage Houses are getting better and better Yeah check this out how beautiful is That view isn't

It isn't it it's so gorgeous And all the wood is walnut um all the Cabinetry Is all um it's all custom everything Will show us okay let's go so That table looks like a giant slinky do You remember slinky you do Wow doesn't it look like a giant slinky Oh i thought it was all uh machined like Cnc'd out of one block but it's uh it's Like wire Very cool that's awesome i really i mean Yeah the staging they did a phenomenal Job for All i have to go out here i know we Don't normally go out here at this point But Look at this i know it's just so Gorgeous So once you cross this bridge you get Into balboa And over there is little island and That's um So the smaller so the less homes that's On the island The more expensive it gets so this one Has 15 homes so it's It's very exclusive little island this Is balboa On a clear day you can which is balboa Uh right here this whole thing this is Yeah i just wanted to hear caroline say This is balboa again because i thought It was

And then um on a clear day you can see Catalina And san clemente island you can also i See i see a mountain in the background That's catalina yeah yeah well There's more outside to show later There's a pool level downstairs But i just wanted to show you because um 7 300 square feet i know is not the Hugest home but this is not like newport Coast where you get a mansion At that price point you're really paying For this and The home like i was thinking about and You get a jet Private jet private jet they're here to Pick you up michael That's a citation 10 i believe no It's not yes it is i don't know what it Is it looked like one place you're on The tailbone What's up with this hair you like how You do well adam told me i had to look Like when we started the channel so I put some like food coloring in it some Highlights and Have you been caroline i'm doing great Did you get the vaccine No no are you gonna get it i think so Yeah Are you i mean i don't know if i need to Get it Of course you need to get it i mean i Know at one point they're gonna make you

Get the vaccine for you to go to like Stadiums travel And all those things but um i really Think And i don't want to jinx myself but i Don't think i could get chronovirus is That Foreshadowing okay why would you think You could There there's no distraction from the House but i'm sorry i have to know this Why haven't gone into polio i'm scared Of you I haven't gotten coronavirus and i eat Out like two to three times a day So do i and i have not gotten it and i Know people who like stay Home they're really careful and you know They use gloves at the supermarket and They even got it So i mean am i lucky i don't know There is a thing caroline too cute for Covid what do you mean you're just too Cute for covered oh too Cute yeah oh thank you you're so sweet Guys We've got to have comments on this Please if you think Caroline is too cute it's too cute An extra thumbs up please extra thumbs Up We should they should break all world Records of thumbs up on a video you know Your

Followers make me feel like the most Beautiful girl Ever they always send me the sweetest Message oh you're so gorgeous you're so Good at that like house please nice Facing cosplay Okay let's go let's go all right so Kitchen All italian marble all custom cabinetry Um there's a lot of house in this house It's like hold on hold on hold on coming From too cute for kobe there's a lot of House in this house This house is probably full of the most House i think i've ever seen yeah I've actually never seen my child but I've never seen quite so much house in The house This is exciting for us i need my Glasses It's a lot of detail and you can tell Like when they built this house they Built it with a lot of love There's a lot of character in the home And even though it's a very tight home That's what i meant Tight yeah because they put a lot of Health into the 70 300 square foot house caroline you don't Help yourself I'm gonna go home okay could you would You please mr kind just to show us a Little bit more of the house within the House

All right pantry put the lights on put Go in and put the light on Melee appliances you're always impressed Yes melanie implies is Very nice everything is top of the line It's a small pantry I'm assuming that's a refrigerator yep Got it nailed it Pantry there's oh no that comes there What about is this fake Is this just a panel it has to be Something There's a door here that goes to a Single garage it's We don't need to show it because it's Full of stuff yeah so your kids are Going to love this because i know you Love your Garage i just want to show something i Do want to show Okay we want to see part of a house Inside a house [Laughter] So there's actually a double on the Other side as well yes so three cargo Rides and there's another spare part of The house in case you want to build Another This is the side where you keep the sea Doo the dirt bikes She's been drinking i think so too or Worse We have brunch this morning bernie Chance caroline

[Laughter] Owl kite it's actually kind of spooky Yeah Okay so this home has a home inside it A house within a house a lot of house Within the house So there's two barbecues there's one up Here and there's one downstairs near the Pool Nice this is like a quick thing where You can like barbecue Um to make like quick steaks for dinner Downstairs is more like barbecuing for Entertaining And the steaks take a little longer if These are quick steaks the ones Downstairs are Longer these are these are for rare and Downstairs Are for well done I don't think she's ever laughed this Much in the videos uncontrolled what's Going on Seriously is this something we need to Know about [Applause] [Laughter] Did you notice the movement that she was Telling me about So there's a lock on it oh to keep you So it's dual temperature and i know this Sounds really weird because There's no um glass in the middle or a Separation

And that's hilarious but this wine Fridge Actually keeps two different Temperatures so you could keep your reds And your whites and set it i know And i'm not sure how it works and when They were explaining it to me I was like how does that work they're Like i don't know but it works like just Trust me So we're gonna have to just trust them On this but um dual temperature Let's trust them i think continue all Right this is exciting at this point i Don't think we have any other choice but Just to trust what she's saying i think So too i i don't even want to challenge Anybody yeah exactly i don't think you Can even question her right now So uh here is the master bedroom are you Sure Yes this one i'm positive so i've heard Caroline there's a lot of bedroom in Here Just pre-warning you there's actually Adam if you know The the actual facts there's a bedroom Within the bedroom just in case you lose The original bedroom Oh look this is nice chairs within the Chairs The bed within the bed there is in fact A bed inside the bed How gorgeous is this seriously how

Gorgeous is this I mean it's a beautiful place to wake up Every day can you imagine waking up just Butt naked just having a big old stretch Right here Neighbors would love that well the Neighbors with the telescopes would Right No it's truly i mean in all seriousness This is yeah It's really gorgeous and then you have a I'm assuming this is a plasmatic glass Or one of those yeah let me Um the ones that you flick a button and It goes opaque and then transparent no Well maybe yeah there you go see whoa Whoa plasmatic jet technology i don't Know if plasmatic is the right word but That's the word i used Is there a glass within the glass A bathtub within a shower that's pretty Sick I like that you're gonna have a nice Bath looking at a beautiful view And then you know from this side i'm Going to do the privacy thing That i showed you on the other side so Isn't that cool that is yeah that's Awesome Really really nice yeah because it clear It makes it opaque both sides right yeah I like the bathtub in the shower yeah That's very clever You can let it overflow well not only

That but i mean you can let it overflow Right If you actually take baths you need to Take a shower after and get all like if You put bath bombs or something and you Need to get all that off so it's like a Quick thing to the shower so i just i Just saw something on tv Apparently i think 97 of people Don't take birth they only take showers It's much cleaner It's much cleaner to take a shower Because you're cleaning yourself with Clean water whereas you're sat in the Dirty water you need a shower after you Get out of the bath So i shower every day and then i take a Warm bath at night but then i shout lift Your mind i shower After again though to get all the bath Bomb off because if you I i mean i never really quite but my but Most people To my shower it's kind of a walk and um I never understood why they built it Like that this makes more sense it Doesn't make a lot of sense It actually takes fast this person gets [Music] It [Music] I noticed caroline you have some kind of A black leash what is that Oh it's the microphone okay continue a

Black leash Wishful thinking caroline So this is um there's two uh Two laundry rooms and this is to your is That two laundry rooms or A laundry room within a laundry room That's what i'm trying to say There's two laundry rooms two garages Two wine rooms there's a lot of house Within the house that's what i mean by That This is true i'll let you go in there by Yourself Caroline i'm scared of me but Yeah beautiful right i mean i'm not a Big oc boy i love her Yeah we're we'll take the why are you a Big oc person I mean i'm i'm born and raised in l.a And i lived in newport this is really Nice Yeah this is the office carry on Caroline why aren't you nobody cares [Laughter] He's so rude he's so rude no just Because we're supposed to Be with you for a second should we do Your house tour oh Of course because this is a definitely The best house store we've ever done It's a beautiful house it is a beautiful House yeah i don't know i'm just born And raised in l.a so La's always home to me it always feels

Like home but you know what this is this Is very close to l.a it's only what an Hour and a half down the road What are you laughing at you i live 70 Miles from here 50. this an hour and a half an hour No it did it took it took about an hour And yeah just over an hour yeah Exactly but it could take two hours it Could if you or three hours actually how Many times a week do we film videos Uh once every few Days right how many times do i have to Do the drive Um once every few days i forgot i have Been down here a lot recently How long have you been living in oc yeah All year oh a year of driving back in Yeah but that was his choice to move Down here so he can't complain about the Driver no I don't complain no he likes absolutely He has nice cars Can we continue yeah absolutely it's a House store after all it is Us more about your life carolina oh what Did you have for breakfast On april the 7th uh i never remember 2019. You don't remember i'm not going in the Elevator i've been I've been in an elevator with you gary No you guys have to take i have Been special in an elevator with you it

Was not A good experience this one's cool And i want to show you why this is i'll Meet you at the bottom Yes it's very close confinement and After you've told us about all your Partying and how you're you know Carol i'm getting it with you all right Yeah yeah let me know Now i'll see you down there no the Elevator's really cool We've seen a lot of elevators but this One's very special Tell us about it i want to know about it So that you know this thing is usually Uh manual but this is automatic and it's Not only automatic but it's all metal And it's really Beautiful and it closes in very clean It's just it's just very well done i Hope to see you on the lower level After you ladies first All right all right so i'm gonna press One but you should face the Camera to the door because look how Beautiful that is Yeah i mean it's like a full like hotel Lobby Oh yeah it's really nice for a tiny Elevator and a home That's what i was telling i mean i know You guys are making fun of me for Staying home within a home A lot of home within a home yeah it's

Just it's They put so much detail into this house Oh for sure and they could have put a Regular elevator but they're like no We're gonna put this automatic Silver metal door i mean it's it's it's Just Very nice yeah it's all very high-end Isn't it oh yeah thank you As well I feel so bad for my he was freaking out Like i was filming you guys but deep Inside i was like starting to feel bad That i stopped the recording Oh god four minutes And three seconds to go one floor I think you uh what were you doing It doesn't matter there is no excuse to Move from one floor to the next in four Minutes and Three seconds can i just introduce Everyone to tristan who you might have Seen the back of a few shots right here He's shooting behind the scenes in case You're wondering why there's another guy Filming the guy filming the guy Because we are in fact in the house Within a house and what would a house In the house be without a cameraman with Another cameraman So was it an exciting ride is my Question i mean it's just Beautiful and i really like the Automatic metal door

It was it was just it's just really Beautiful i wanted to show you Well thank you this is gorgeous down Here while you were in the elevator by The way i did take a quick tour of Everything and i got it I'm joking oh let's go adam was with me So that's what counts There'll be a lot of comments about that Too This is awesome isn't this fun this is a Really really Like chill theater rather than have a Theater that we're used to with All the seats in them this is very chill And i think more fun Actually do you agree i totally agree With you Um i mean just like the design of the Home the staging the finishes Everything is so well done What are you doing i tripped over why i Didn't expect there to be a wire here I'm not Quite sure he literally break it he Cannot let you just talk can he he's Always got to do something to bring the Attention back Do you notice that it's like caroline's Talking smash Don't break the house michael we're Going to make you buy it Do you know how to play catch dirty day Escrow

And i'm your agent not So this is a really beautiful outdoor Area This is a more private one and i know You're really gonna like this because i Know you like all your toys so you can Stick all your pool toys and stuff in Here Like oh we really like that yeah adam Really likes it he probably does No because he has so much do you feel The heat yeah It feels nice right wow that's cool with The iron girders on there yeah that's Awesome This is really pleasant this little zen Zen garden Waterfall here oh my kind of grass i Love as well It's the type of grass you don't need to Cut oh michael this is illegal this is Against code they don't have the three Inch gaps between them Do you not always tell us that there has To be beverly hills My friend i'm not up to date on my oh my Orange county you didn't get the orange County codes down Wait i gave you the book you're supposed To memorize it You guys are really horrible you know That i mean you're really horrible Okay adam you have to memorize the code But next time okay

Promise i will so this is a wellness Room Oh cool peloton what's their own back Order yeah show us how it works i love How these are always staged have you Seen these in the adverts They're never plugged in they've never Got the big ugly cable that runs to the Wall so they always look like They're in like a window and like yeah Yeah yeah but when you buy it Massage table this sauna is on both Dry and steam so that's really nice So before you go in here yeah i just Noticed something that's a little Unconventional Okay He noticed something unconventional Himself There is a contraption The likes of something i've never seen Before okay i would like you to take a Peek with the camera Okay and then tell me if i'm mad What is it i don't know what is this Caroline Caroline would know it's probably a Caroline type accessory what is this Is that a yoga oh i think maybe it's a Cover for a yoga ball I don't think so why would is there a Zipper then if That was a cover for a yoga ball where's The yoga ball

And how's it getting out of there is my Question oh that's interesting here Let's check Come on yeah it's a yoga ball yeah yeah So it's a yoga ball with a cover but Maybe you have to deflate it to get it Out i don't know i guess yeah you have To deflate it to get it out This is what it's like when you try and Put a bra [Laughter] [Music] I challenge you who are you looking at I'll hold the camera i'm not going to Play foosball I did okay i'll hold go do you know how To operate the camera I think so it's going ready no spinsies What's the spinsy One of that none of those okay one nil One nail such a cheater what's cheating About that i was You ready yeah [Applause] Oh And then we have to find this is the Last one ready Come on two more one yeah Hey i'm a pretty good videographer you Are great Should we go with the bedrooms or should We go outside uh let's do bedrooms yes Let's do this Out there because it's so beautiful

Thank you thank you beautiful house There right look at this gorgeous room This is incredible yeah [Laughter] Very nice second laundry room oh i like This room this is the best room in the House Two bedrooms check this room out adam This one's not staged this one is this Is a caroline room Why ah there's a nice big mirror yeah Is it would that what would this be uh But they're gonna let you build it out According to what you need Right going yeah because if you have More hanging stuff or you need more Drawers This could be like michael's shoe alley Probably this is really really beautiful Yeah it's just the views are just so Gorgeous and this is something we don't Get in beverly hills you know like Well you don't get the water views not Like this but you do get beautiful views Yeah but it's a different it's a Different look it's a different view If i'm not mistaken it's more relaxing Like me and adam were talking about the Look what i did look what i did look What i did Cool you got rid of the view that we Were talking about okay i shall open It this is when adam is hungover he will Be closing all the blinds

He likes dark windows look at his car oh You just keep drinking exactly Remember hang on what happen when you Aren't drunk So here's another bedroom without a bed In fact above the bed [Music] [Laughter] Wine fridge no this is actually dual Climate michael So it keeps your server at the bottom Cooler than the one at the top That's nice There's a spring on it for me oh my god Are you mad watch Gentle gentle gentle gentle yeah You see how he shoved it up here Yeah that's like it Michael's so breaking it oh my god Got it oh like that well I know they're cool right yeah we went Down there I'm coming which one do you want to see You pick it okay let's go She's going that way i'm getting this One Okay all right where are you one more Bedroom With views oh look at this little cargo Nice How big this is incredible how many of These bedrooms have views That's what i was saying there's so much Household in the house do you

Get me now oh definitely have a laugh This is awesome see i already saw the Home Before i made that comment now or do you Understand what i'm saying No i have no idea do you know what You're talking about Just about i think me and carolina are Kind of like getting there now Oh comments people comment And again you can build the closet However way you like Not staged but you can just take a look To get an idea So you can escape through that well did You see what's on the top of it though From the outside there's a Metal grate so you could also So i know what's going to happen this Time so i won't do it Yeah someone already screwed up [Laughter] [Applause] Imagine you've had a couple of drinks And you try to be gentle That is the dumbest idea i have ever Seen mikey muscles over here today I know you almost broke that door Oh my god michael is in It's a lovely room trouble gorgeous mate Yeah absolutely gorgeous This is a nice like snug area to sit and Watch your movies yeah Beautiful let's go at night can you

Imagine what this would look like with The fire going Yeah this is where they do the newport The boat parade Yeah so you're gonna get the front and This is front And center yeah this is the first row This is the most Premium premium view you can get Just testing things everything works Usually working this is amazing We've got lots of little cubby hoses two Down here there's two here No idea what they're for so the Developer Was talking to me and he said we're Gonna throw a pool party here Really where when so We have to throw a party here because It's such a beautiful house I mean i you know i only live two miles Away so count me in Yeah so grab your baby are you gonna Come to the pool party No it's too far you can stay over i Guess i've got a spare room What about if we get here uber when's The pool party I don't know we have to talk to the Developer oh Gorgeous pool beautiful spa i think We're done this is Unbelievable did we notice that there Was an outside like breakfast area

Careful caroline oh god is he gonna sit In it I don't know yes please ah I wanted you to sit in it Who are you looking at no A double day no this will be heated It's not heated [Laughter] So guys this has been a treat uh it's Good to see caroline on drugs i mean It's good to see caroline She has been splendid today very Entertaining to say the least gorgeous Property If you want it it is 17 999 999 and 99 cents and if you make an Offer You'll probably knock the 99 cents up Right that sounds like a deal We can get an s girl you know what to do Hit the subscribe button Hit the bell lots of comments lots of Thumbs up for caroline because she's She's out there today with it and we Will See you [Music] You

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