Luxury Cars


Today's a really exciting day for me we Are in encino california at Mercedes-benz of encino because Michael is getting a new car what do you Think of that adam i am so excited for You no you're not i am contractually Obligated to say i'm so excited he's Very excited for me Should we go see what i got let's see i See let's go see it's a gorgeous Showroom Really is Hey michael Are you ready this is adam how are you Doing nice to meet you how are you doing I am very very ready i'm very excited For you i'm very excited The most Uh Unbelievable car that uh mercedes-benz Can provide today Did you get the slr No oh sorry where are you taking me I'm taking you to the exclusive room Of all the amg cars Uh there is none right now as you know The market is crazy Nobody has cars i haven't even seen my Car yet so this is exciting you should Be excited because nobody can get that Car let's Go to see People waiting Years

One year more than one year Waiting list really you get that card so I'm very privileged You're lucky i'm very lucky i have to Tell you something yes thank you before You show me the oh there's the car yeah Forget what i was going to say what did You say I'll say what i was going to say there It is I did it adam a 2021 Special edition g63 Black matte finish on the red exclusive Leather with the night package [Music] What is the night package overtime night Package night package everything is Blacked out as you can see rims are Black Bumpers usually the chrome Black oh i didn't even realize that Mirrors are black this is gorgeous All the interior Everything is blacked out so it looks Like all black everything Wow that's not black well this is what You wanted i know this is amazing i have To tell you something so I went to Six or seven mercedes dealers and They kind of laughed at me i told them i Wanted to buy a g63 and say yeah yeah so Does everybody else blah blah can you Help me get one

And everyone said not a chance in the World i didn't even come here i called And i spoke to you right and you said Let's see what we can do correct i can't Believe what you guys have done for me So well well you are well known And uh It's a privilege for us to you be our Customer So we talked to one of our vip customers We told them that if you can push his Order a little bit Further if he doesn't mind And we gave you this car people are Waiting over a year for that car just to Let you know waiting lists and i just Heard they stopped making them right Yeah so in 2022 unfortunately or Fortunately whoever gets the car now No more v8 why mercedes-benz are cutting Production they're making it hard to get You know what i mean and it's i think It's very good because the value goes up Right Supply and demand right so when the Demand is very high and the supply is Very low product prices goes up It's better for our customers So well i guess i guess they did their Research right they did they probably Did but this is very particular one very Very nice tell us all about it tell me All about it i have not seen this car This is like 20 20 moments 22 inch rims

Which most of them comes with the 21 This is 22 so it's really really Upgraded very nice rims and you have the Carbon fiber in there do you have any Wheel bolts are they hidden or is there A knock off thing a wheel what That doesn't have the the bolts that Hold the rim oh that's that's covered Under that yeah so you don't want to see On the g-wagon you don't want to see Balls right come on stop over the line The only car that made in austria if you Guys don't know that doesn't make they Don't make it in germany this car's made In australia austria the only mercedes Benz that made in austria handmade hand Built is the gui well okay so This car has an exclusive interior Package with a very very expensive High-end leather with diamond stitches As you can see even your knee protection Because of this package has a leather Right here with diamond stitches oh nice All carbon fiber steering wheel Dashboard everything all the dirt Everything is carbon fiber as you can See it's a very special older car that's Absolutely beautiful what is this Oh you tell me what it is let's see if You know i don't have my reading glasses What does it say adam uh mercedes-benz Wait uh What does it say you just bought the Most expensive g-shock you've ever

Bought in your life what that says Mercedes-benz g-shock approved no yes oh That's funny i got the wrong watch on Yes that's right I guess that's because indestructible Right there you go exactly g-shock Approved i love that Absolutely brilliant wow look at the Back This is so cool it still has the funky Door Handles right with the sound the only Car in the world that sounds like that When you close it It's it's like a bank bolt yeah Heavy Takes some getting used to after you Know it's like going back in time you Have to use power You have to use power and i don't know If you like it adam This interior is cool Isn't it fun yeah what about the color i I like yeah i love the satin black That's a great choice You like it yeah so Okay so we go to the back oh part of the Night package is This one usually it's chrome as well how It is all the way here is chromed and The black is right here but because it's A night package even the mercedes has Been signed Right here

And right here and follow me and the Budgets are black exactly that's what i Want to show you everything if you come You'll see the mercedes-benz Star Even that it's blacked out And this isn't hollow like most of them It's Correct and as you can see the camera Right here so this one has the Um the 4g camera like the bird's eye View from the top it's actually an image It's not really cameras on the top but It's a computerized so if you have Camera on the front two on the one on The sides and one on the back you can Image the top so you know exactly where You are you see everything around Correct very very clever and this is This has the active cruise control Active cruise control and the most fun Thing about this car here these guys yep This is parking sensors oh they are yeah Those are those are your favorite guided Cruise control those are your parking Sensors it's right here oh it goes Behind that that's why that's solid as Opposed to i get it correct so the radar Is right here on the middle and those Are the parking sensors and the most fun About this car and when you turn You sit down and you have an option When you turn the seats are blowing to The way you turn to keep you stable so

Let's say you turn left The seats will blow up here and keep you Steady yeah It's sick i took one of these for a test Drive clauses a few months ago and i Remember that being one of the Things i really really loved it was Amazing it holds you vertical in the car When you're going around the corner i Will ask for my uh salesman joe to bring Me the key please I want you to hear the sound of this Vehicle Before we even do that i don't think we Even introduced you properly to the Audience oh okay why don't you tell us Who you are what you do here because This is the guy that if you guys want a Mercedes-benz this is the guy to contact I'll be more than happy my name is nero Hyon Originally from israel 16 years in america 15 years in mercedes-benz i'm a sales Manager at mercedes-benz of encino i'll Be more than happy to help to anybody Please come see me and this man can pull Off miracles he proved it with me my Pleasure you want to hear it i wanted You're going to start it i am yes Nice key uh-huh Okay oh we can talk about this in a Minute too what is that i want to know What you paid for it oh okay

Okay getting in taking my phone now you Have to help me set everything up i will Do that for you my pleasure just see Just do it by yourself to begin with Though Yeah um You need a step ladder to get in not you You're a tall guy but uh how do you do This you just step in Stepping in yep which this is where i Crack my head very elegant right okay Mercedes-benz all the control comes on The door so you don't have to look where They are you know what i mean it's right In front of you Back forward This is high up It's a g wagon How do i do that Press the brakes Where's the button there it is then the Button you're going to heal them Like that Push it again Thank you what did i do wrong not an Airplane it's a g wagon press Don't forget your key it says where's The brakes please thank you Do you come with the car It's pretty cool right It has exhaust modes too cool So that's that's exhaust quiet And that's exhaust loud yeah i heard it Change you're hurting yeah

Okay meaty recommended not to rob the Car only after a thousand miles so don't Kill it till a thousand miles it's in a Handmade engine he'll tell you i never Go over 30 miles an hour and he will say Yeah you've got no worries about that Needs to be adjusted so let's not kill It in the beginning sure let it sit Settle and then after that This is really cool okay so now i'm Going to introduce you to my product Specialist My product specialist his name is joe Nasser hello joe hello nice to meet you Nice to meet you here's my right hand If you have any question about pairing Your phone i have a lot of questions i Know Good luck that's all i can say you know Carrying your phone Uh setting this at the radio stations uh Heated seats air conditioned seats talk About the seats yes one of the big Features of this car we just mentioned It is the the forex it has it how how do You set that up okay it's very simple Okay i want to show you this adam Because it's crazy okay let me go into The other side do i start the car again Okay let me see if i can stop all right I'll come around okay See even my even my phone matches look See Okay

So Okay Push your exhaust valve make it quiet For me how do i do that there Did i do it no no no it wasn't it wasn't Yeah Well maybe i could just switch it on Cheers once cold start goes i'll be fine Okay So he doesn't know i know Wait Seats ooh you've got seat blowers i like Sea blows but it does magical things With this okay driver's seat driver's Seat And now we're going to go to dynamic Seats you see dynamic seats i see that You press on it level two you set Now you have a massage massage yes by The way how do you like your massage you Like it hard and relaxing You want the shoulder you are active Massage you want me to massage you no But that's the best offer i've had all Day Okay so you have by the way it has to The passenger seat as well you can go Here And you can go look did you see how that Moved yep and you go to the to the Dynamic seats And it's off so now let's put it on Level i like level two because it's Stable you more right and you press on

It it's now it's on so every time you Turn sure how do you how do you do that You get out of it okay so let's go from The beginning You have all these options right now As you can see oh that's really cool oh That's on your rolls yeah it's better Yeah you can see sides you can see up You can take your bag 360 degree this is If you tow something is at the toe hitch So you know exactly where to stand So go back to the 360 360. does it Account for the big um A real iwc watch here this is by itself It's like six seven grand that's cool i Know it's been a while since Manufacturers have done correct now let Me show you the engine and there is Something very very unique on this Engine which i'll show you right now I need a snapshot Ah that was my fault Right exactly what happened nothing Wow Amg handmade engine Every car that made in amg every engine That made in amg Has a signature of the guy that made the Engine the crafted one okay signature With his name so if something goes wrong You know too no No let me explain you why tell me it's Very important when you build something Yourself

You come in the morning you start step One step two you know exactly where you Finish when you go home When you come back in the morning you Know how to start again if two people Are going to work on the same engine They're going to mess it up because That's true they don't know exactly what This has to be processed so this is Totally hand built hand built but one by One person Only one that's crazy you have a Signature Right here did you know that i didn't That really is Amazing It's pretty cool You don't even see the engine you just See I know the cover on the top of it is Pretty what is this I think let me tell you i think this is The Uh pc Cooling for for the for the air Conditioner i'm not sure no it's the ecu Yeah it's the ecu well hopefully this is The only time i'll ever need to see Under this right and hopefully i'm not Going to put it in the video like i Don't know what it is Oh that definitely goes in the video Because obviously they don't break right They don't break we don't go under the

Hood we never go under there's a washer Fluid So if you need to fill up your washers That's what our service department is From you don't open the hood you never Open it never i've never heard you never No I won't do it i refuse This is so pretty by the way yes only Hand wash please Only a hand wash i only have only hand Wash you're not good at that now no No wax in this car so i know you get you Guys charge me Thirteen hundred dollars for some kid Sealer jet what does that do that's a a Very very expensive material that comes On the but that the outside of the car Prevented from being water damaged from Sprinklers uh birds to whatever you call It you can't say that like i mean it is What it is bird bleep yeah whatever and Then it's just it's good for the car but Do me a favor you wash it by hand not You no i actually do i enjoy it i bought All the equipment i have the steam gun Yeah okay so you wash it by hand you Don't wax that car never and try not to Scratch it because it's very hard to Match this kind of i promise you i was Gonna say you're the right person to Talk to about that he babies his cars he So i didn't brought my reading glasses Too but jonathan can you come on a

Second for me thank you i appreciate it Can you read us the equipment on this Vehicle All right so basically tell us what's Special about it i'll tell you the Specials about it so you have the Exclusive interior package so all the Diamond stitching you saw for the knee All that stitching is exclusive within This package 7 200 option all the Leather is the high end leather Dashboard seats everything in the car is Full on high in leather so it's Absolutely gorgeous next you have the Night package and you already showed you Guys night package everything is blacked Out the mirrors are blacked out The front grill even the front lights And the low blinker lights are blacked Out usually those don't come blacked out Whatsoever 22 inch rims 4 500 option Wow yeah And then you have the amg uh steering Wheel so that's the carbon and then you Have the nice like suede leather on it And then you have the heated steering Wheel because it gets Really cold in california yes yes Okay so joking apart I love heated steering wheels on the car In winter in winter when it gets to like 40 50 degrees it's chilly so i switch it On the rolls-royce My dawn does not have a heated steering

Wheel and it doesn't have the option to Get a heated steering wheel the cullinan Does i feel so sorry for him can you Believe that well i wouldn't sleep at Night right now because of that but let Me let me tell you one thing okay Uh Um One thing we missed on the court okay Very special thing so the interior you Have the high-end burmester Oh sound system yeah 15 speakers Surrounding the interior of the car it Sounds absolutely fabulous all the Settings are the burmester settings so You can play around with them you're Going to show me all of that when i Drive it out I love this car what do you think has Created this ridiculous demand for this Car it's an icon It was the military car right it was the German military it's an icon Look the only car that never changed the Style since the minute it went out Many years ago And they still have they look the same A little bit minor changes here and There maybe the lights maybe modernize a Little bit but the car is exactly the Same from day one Well you can drive a 2003 or 2004 G-wagon and you're stealing style That's true one of the interesting

Things that they did was keep this crazy Button right Which you have to press and i Keep trying to open the door and it Won't and then you have to slap it right You know what i like the most in g wagon Lock it lock it where is it listen to This just listen to the sound only come In the wall that listen sounds like that Lock the car Oh my word it's like my front door It does doesn't it sounds like my front Door so so Can i keep this in my pocket and touch This and it opens no only your wagon Doesn't do that so the gym i have to use The key so they did that deliberately Absolutely Yep i think it's open It doesn't beep it shakes the building And adam's laughing He's going why did you try to close the Trunk i didn't even look in there Because the the extra tire is here and It's very very heavy so open that please Oh good grief okay That's so you're moving the door on the On the tire yep now it's right to close It oh it smells so nice What's this parcel shelf it's got a Little cover this is if you want to put Some Stuff that you don't want some people to Look at your windows

Yeah exactly comfort you need a Stepladder okay close it forget one more Thing with the exclusive package you can See the leather even in the back the Diamonds it smells amazing you can Really smell the leather okay ready Do i have to slam it no just do it like A regular car It's like a bank It's like a bank vault It really cringes Oh i love it i absolutely love it Gorgeous Best color And the interior is just amazing and it Has has the what's his name in the back The Vents and what have you oh you have Control on the air conditioner on the Back as well yes but i don't think Somebody will sit on the back in your Car What are these headrests did you see These headrests you'll laugh at those oh That goes up how yeah it's very simple To take them up jonathan Please yeah you just do it that's very Easy like this look Oops That was easy I think it looks better with the map Yeah Yeah we'll be leaving here with the mob It looks better

Well this is cool i cannot wait to drive It and We'll we'll end the video but you're Going to show me absolutely everything I can't thank you enough that's all i Can say all of all of Mia's info will be in the description And seriously I went to every mercedes dealer and Laughed at they took this very seriously Here's the proof Thank you my pleasure thank you thank You Thank you guys so guys you know what to Do hit the subscribe button Hit the bell Get a g wagon if you can they're going To go up and up and up and we'll see you Later bye [Music]

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