

Guys today we are honored with The presence of mr jacob arabo Founder ceo president and the chief of Jacob and co And uh we have a bunch of questions that We're going to ask him and there's been Some questions for me too So we're gonna do the best to to uh Answer those As we can and jacob is also going to Show us Some new watches which is really really Exciting but first of all Hi jacob how are you hey hello hello hi Michael nice to see you nice to speak to You again Nice to see you too you look fantastic It's a shame that we can't be there in Person because of the virus but Uh this is the second best thing Yes yes zoom is the second best thing And we are doing great with it so We're back to business we're back in Fantastic so how is everything first and Foremost Everything's fine i had a trip to uh Dubai because we were allowed to take a Trip now Uh and it was great people are back Normal but very uh restricted of course Um very careful and they test everyone Before you land But uh business is doing great i'm Doing great everything's fine health

Wise is good thank god everything's fine That's all that matters everything's Great here too everything's great it's a Little bit challenging in los angeles Because of uh the lockdowns It's still pretty tense but uh hopefully It's getting better I'm also i vocal but you're staying in Right Yeah i'm being very careful the only Person i'm around is adam i suppose That's a little bit dangerous Right adam ah maybe a little tiny bit Yeah He's he's very careful but not quite as Careful as me but Anyway so let's start with some Questions Um what i'm going to do is i'm going to Read them exactly As they were a part of my instagram page And Uh feel free to just answer them any way You want Are you ready And i apologize in advance if i Pronounce some of these names Incorrectly but i'll do my best So the first question is from ricardi I think it's it's either ricardo Ricardotti And he says first of all i'm glad to see You guys back Especially sir jacob nothing about me

There Stay safe guys he says i just wanted to Say i love the passion you You both guys do with the things you Work i think i read that all wrong Let's try that again i just wanted to Say i love the passion you both Guys do with the things your work And for mr jacob where do you find the Inspiration for the concept Of the first astronomia all the best are Well as a child i always look at the Stars on the moon And wondered how can we bring all this To a small Uh box or small watch You know to to shrink all this and i Always wondered Where does it all end all the stars All this our universe uh Uh you know i was always wondering And and when i grew up and i started Studying all this i said you know what One day i'm gonna make a watch Where i'm going to shrink all this and Make it work So the first mo first time that i Uh had a chance to do it i designed Astronomia Where you have the globe uh our globe Rotating or you have the moon rotating And Basically satellites and it's all Rotating around

Um so that's where Idea came up and it was impossible to do Actually My watchmakers they took about three Years to research develop Because i'm an idea man i give the idea And then It takes a long time to basically make It work Um so you know i i'm inspired by Impossible You know so and that's what i did but It's the impossible It's the impossible things that you've Created that makes Jacob and ko so special because nobody And i mean nobody has anything Close to your watches and the Innovations you have so Wow we love your designs i just feel Sorry for your watchmakers I know they're having fun actually they Love doing this they They feel that they have challenging uh Job and it's not boring uh because um You know a lot of companies they worked For before maybe it was just uh Um they that's what i heard it was just Boring jobs and they just had certain Jobs to do There's nothing exciting going on here You have a challenge to create To think and uh to to come up with Answers

And basically the engineers and the Watchmakers yeah Well i'm sure everybody from the Watchmakers to the customers to the Admirers everybody appreciates it So let me ask you the next question so The next one comes from Justin's supercars and Uh justin says from an entrepreneurial Standpoint How difficult was it to found a watch Company And how long did it take to get it up And running Well i'm in jewelry business for Much longer than uh the watch business So i started jewelry company Um in 80s where the watches i started to Design Watches from 2001 actually that's when i Made the first prototype And it wasn't easy because the watch Industry is very small And basically especially those years It was difficult for a stranger to come In and just Do whatever he wants to design and Manufacture the manufacturers are very Uh tough to deal with they choose who to Deal with And when you first come in uh You can open your own factory right away So you you

Depend on subcontractors so it was Challenging but They in the end they love my designs and Sign up with me so that's how i started The Watch business the watch uh a brand And uh actually it was success overnight You know we were Very successful and again it's all was Design driven Excellent excellent well uh it's come a Long long way And uh i i you know i can only imagine What's coming in the future Yes i don't stop michael you know that It's never i know that me Like a first day that's how i treat it Uh It's uh i haven't begun to fight as i Said always That's brilliant and i'm gonna tell you Guys so So occasionally i'll get a call from Jacob and jacob will say Michael i've got a new watch coming You've got to see it you want to be the First one to see it Yes so it's always exciting Yeah you know i i always In my mind to bring something to the Watch industry or the jewelry business Something hasn't been done before this This gives me great pleasure To introduce new technology new looks

New designs That's my job awesome adam i know you Have some Some questions that uh you're gonna fire My way as well right So first one from faisal61080 My question is can we see a special Jacob and michael's special edition Watch In the future wow That is a great question and It's something that jacob and i have Actually been talking about I would be honored thrilled uh words Failed me Uh to do a collaboration with with jacob And Uh i know jacob has some ideas for it so What are your ideas jacob Well it's not only my ideas i would like To get ideas from you I would like to get it from the people That's watching this right now I would like them to come up with some Ideas and send some drawings Perhaps uh i would like to get people's Uh Opinions you know just to make a watch It's It's just to make a watch but that watch Has to be special because that you know Uh mike will be very special um And and you're going to do something With me

It has to be something that people will Enjoy And it has to be different it Cannot be mass produced of course and Yeah i would like to get some opinions Yes i do have some ideas But i would like to hear more from Outside Would would you want to base it on an Existing Watch that you already have and modify It or would it be A totally new creation it doesn't matter To me It's just that uh what i have already It's easy of course to Easier to modify but we could create Something from scratch So i have a knife i have i have an idea And this is something that jacob and i Have not spoken about and jacob might Say No but i'm going to ask you uh you Mentioned Just now drawings should we Potentially uh let people submit ideas And drawings And and uh maybe the one that we pick uh Get some kind of a prize or A watch or something yes Of course you know i i always believe in This you know i once had Years ago like uh when i first made my First quentin watch

You know i wasn't sure it was a 360 000 Watch whether it's going to sell what People will think about it It was but it was the first time ever 31 Day power reserve Made with a vertical turbine so before i Actually launched it one of my clients Came in i said look i'm doing this Project And i'm not sure what to name it i'm not Sure i even should make it But if you like it and you liked it very Much I said if you be the first one to buy it I'll name it after you And i did he was the first one to buy it His name happened So you know that's why i believe in this You know there's a lot of talent out There That um you know hidden talent also so I'd like to see it You know you know so that's a great Thing how would we go about Getting those those drawings how would How would that work They emailed them or how I guess uh email them i don't know We need to set something up adam can we Set something up where people can submit Drawings yeah of course Yeah we'll just set up a an email Address they can send them to And then they can email through their

Submissions and then we can have you Guys review them That's brilliant well yay that's Exciting that's really really exciting So i will put that uh that email address In the description Of this video so if you want to submit Your designs Then the email address will be listed Down below Perfect absolutely perfect well i'm Excited and uh Everybody's involved in this so that's What makes it even more exciting So i'm going to move on to the next Question are you ready So the next question is from Baroque quand co i think that's what it Says Barak wando jacob i admire you as a Business person And i take a lot of inspiration from That can i ask what a typical day for You Or what is a typical day for you what Time you start Do you have a routine do you arrange Meetings with staff Etc love to see a day in the life of Many thanks Chris baraku of oroku and co Uk Yes uh well to answer this question Jacob call his uh global global company

So the reason i started early in the Morning because i have To deal with asia uh all the long Distance phone calls Because it's uh 12 hours of you know far Away from us um then it's middle east Which is eight hours Then it's europe so my first half a day It's all international and then my Second half the day Is all domestic which is um still Switzerland And and new york and l.a and south America So yeah my schedule is very tight and I'm very busy Starting early in the morning and Basically I only have time to have lunch and Very little time to uh to spend on Myself but Basically it's a very busy day every day And i'm very uh Happy because i i like to be busy and Um and i'm doing something good and So to answer your question uh early in The morning You know say from 7 00 am to 7 pm that's My work That's a long day but it's worth putting In the effort always Adam throwing it over to you okay next Question is from bar Down snipe and he says for both of you

What motivates you the most to keep Going in what you do I'm going to answer that first then i'll Pass it over to jacob What motivates me is the ability to try And Better myself every day I don't care what i know i care what i Don't know and I want to get as much information and Knowledge as possible I strongly believe that knowledge is Power And uh in order to do some of the things That i want to do i always set myself Goals I i try to learn something new every day That's what motivates me Jacob what about you well Very similar michael you know for me Motivation every day As older we get something new we learn Every day Uh i'm speaking about myself actually So every day is a it's a challenging day Uh what motivates me is designs Um it's production it's making people Happy really in the end of the day you Know And that's what pleases me um And i'm motivated by Success and Making people happy i love that that's a Great answer

Before we go on to the next question i Know you've got some watches that you Want to show us Um can we have a sneak peek at a couple Of them Uh yes of course i don't know how many If i have so much to show New but i do have something special here This is a Brand new design where we have Hand painted and hand um Engraved lined head inside the watch so Basically inside the uh uh Inside you see it well i don't know Yes that's incredible my head Looks like a really 3d picture but it's All Uh from 10 engraved and enameled What inspired that watch and how much is It It's uh about 600 000 retail it's Astronomia What's inspired i mean i love animals And i think to see this uh Big line head inside the watch uh Something i would wear first and then Hopefully somebody Else would do so i just you know I just like to do things that i like you Know It's um i i i just make them because It comes to me and and i want to make a Snake watch or i need a As you know i have this beautiful um

Dragon lunch with a dragon in it That's absolutely incredible incredible Every window in the watch and you Actually have enough room to To put a whole dragon inside inside the Astronomia So it's dragon it's a snake it's uh Really We have several different uh um Options here but this is what i do you Know i i just like to put the sticks Inside the watch and Happens to be people like it you know And they have their own Reasons why and i thought dragons would Be only for asians I've seen i have actually talked to Other people From other uh culture and different Countries Uh because and asked one one of the Russians even He said well i was born in a year of Dragon i want a dragon Watch wow good reason Oh amazing it's amazing it's interesting Cool so well before you show us more We'll We'll ask some more questions and we'll Come back and see some more watches does It sound like a good idea Of course okay which one I am wearing The ghost i love this watch

It's it's such a fun watch otherwise I'll swap you all day long I mean if we're if we're showing watches Boys then uh can i just get in on the Action as well please There you go it's it's it's a real jacob Fest [Laughter] Jacob you know that i wore this diving Right Black um epic x's Because of you there's no more left Really they all sold out We only have titanium now no more black Maybe we're gonna have A couple months to get the next Difference beautiful It's because it's because people saw me Diving in it and they were like wow Really So yeah That's a great piece it's a great piece And it suits you it suits your lifestyle Suits everything else That's a pretty great piece jacob Question for you this comes from Kanch galindo and Ken galindo says what does it take To be the best watch designer and where Do you have to go To to be the best school or country Well um i was blessed With the natural uh like i was i was Just blessed with a talent

With ideas that i get learned in school You can go to school to learn how to uh To design but you still have to have a Talent you don't have a talent Everything you learn but you still have To put it together so talent Plus education so when i was designing Ideas just come to me and i see the Final picture in the end Um the best watch designers Are really most of the watch designers Are watch makers actually Um i was a watchmaker for some very Short time when i was uh 16 years old and i was taking my father Wanted me to learn watchmaking so for Two months i was Working as an intern for watchmaker and I fell in love with this uh Business because i saw uh 300 Components taken apart from the watch And i Asked my uh watchmaker i said how would You remember Put everything back the way it's Supposed to be you know it's a difficult Work it's really not Easy as it seems you know it's uh some Of the watches that i have that's now on 900 components it's if one component is Not correct Or not installed properly the whole Watch won't work So the best designers are basically

Naturally talented Um basically born with a town Or really you could take classes today There's schools in Switzerland most of it and you become a Designer That's that's uh new information for me I i didn't know you were a watchmaker That's Uh explains a lot actually really cool Really really cool Uh i i've been to uh a couple of Factories in switzerland as you know one Of which Is jacob and co and i've played with These tiny little pieces and With a piece of wood polishing the Pieces to go inside the watch and it's So unbelievably difficult uh people ask All the time why do Watches cost as much as they do they Have no idea How much work goes into putting a Movement together It's not just putting the parts together It's creating those parts by hand And it's it's my hat is off to all these People it's amazing Yeah yeah and you can do that too It's uh basically it's more difficult to Make a watch movement than the Engine of the car because it's so tiny It's much smaller It's a small engine basically a small

Engine But and also a great team helps you And helps me uh it's a vision You know designer has a vision So when you have a vision so i have a Question for you I i have a question for you jacob and The question that i have is How do you go about selecting Your watchmakers Oh my watchmakers have they select me Actually Do they really i can believe that that's That's They want to work in the company that Will excite them they For example we know for a fact that Watchmakers that work on a Uh Bugatti one which they are so excited They're you know they're so happy There's two Or three watchmakers that's on this Project they Willingly work overtime just because They're so into it You know they're so excited to work on Projects like that So yeah when you become a brand And there are watchmakers actually ask For a job because they want to work Somewhere that's Interesting for them they want because They already worked in so many different

Companies and they already know Basically everything that's going on in The wash industry So and it's not easy To for good watchmakers come by It's it's rare But it's uh when they do come around and They're good they're Good it's again it's talent uh And education but uh they have to be Just talented Naturally and passionate i'm assuming as Well And passion big time yeah and passion i Forgot yeah Right that's a really big one so so Here's a question from Roots underscore eco lifestyle And he says good afternoon producer Michael and jacob and co I admire both of you my question is for Mr arabo I see how you are passionate on your job And even If you are one of the best time makers You still selling the watches in person You are doing that with your friends or With all The customers how can by interesting Timepiece Now um just wanted to say something that I read that question as it was written I'm assuming that this person is Not uh from the us or from uh

From an english-speaking country because Of the way that it's phrased But do you understand the question what He's asking Well so i understand uh yeah some of This uh people who's writing to you of Course not Uh maybe if english is not their first Language but i understand And uh the answer is simple we have a Amazing uh Scene globally uh sales team that Does that work with sales but there's a Lot of sales that i handle myself to People with people that i know already And i work with them for many years And friends um and those are vip clients That Actually i know personally that i can't Say no to that i know for many years Yeah it's my pleasure yeah i answer many Questions all day long People call me they text me and ask me Questions I'm hands-on i am that's right that's How we that's how we met Uh i came into the boutique to buy a Watch and Um you appeared out of nowhere it was a A wonderful thing and a great honor and Pleasure And we became great friends because of It Thank you well yeah you were first

Dealing with my nephew and then My nephew introduced me to you yeah yeah It was wonderful i'm glad and i'm still Very good friends with your nephew too So uh It's a family affair adam throwing it Your way Okay next one comes from astang 42 And he says where does jacob see the Collector watch market going Since the pandemic is ongoing good Morning from detroit Good morning detroit well um Collector's market i thought It will slow down during uh clover 19 But In fact it's uh picked up And for what the reason i imagine Um people are sitting home [Music] Most of this men have more time to kill Than before they have more time to look At social media I would assume that's my opinion because I had more time So they would search and research and Read More and more about this things about This watches that they didn't get a Chance of time before And they end up buying and i also spoke To some of the car Manufacturers and they also were busy With the specialty cars not just mass

Market That the business was actually doing Well And collectors are collectors it's um People will always buy something special That they love to wear and uh Conversation watches uh And some kind of watches that you will Pass to your Children um collectors there's Always going to be collectors whether It's covert 19 or not But thank god it didn't really affect Our business that's good to know because Um i think the positivity behind that as Well that people continue They're not letting this say oh it's the End of the world it will get better and Life must go on So chuck your watches let's see a couple More watches What do we got hidden down there i don't Know if i showed you this before but This is the Shiron 16 w16 As you can see here um bugatti watch So the back of the watch if you see this Is It's a chiron as you can see it's Actually the shape And the look of the back of bugatti Do what are the three buttons well the Three buttons one in the center Is to wind the watch uh this is

A push button here To start the engine uh and the one to The left to set the time So i'm gonna i'm gonna start the engine Now by pressing this Key sorry this one I'm looking upside down so now you see That is You hear it yes this Is the 16th cylinder the tourbillon is In the front Is it fair to say that no other watch Company has ever Created anything even close to that oh No nothing Nothing because and then in the front You see the bugatti logo Horseshoe horseshoe front Like yeah we created especially for Bugatti because We didn't even know it would be possible To make this work We tried and until the end Still in the drawings everything worked But you know you have to Actually want make one piece prototype To see if it's working And um even when i spoke to my Watchmaker he Says until the end until i saw it's Working i was i didn't believe it's Going to work So we are very pleased with it Very happy and this is for those people

I'm going to put it on so you can see it On my wrist actually so you see the size Of the watch The size is pretty good because it's Like 20 millimeter Height 44 millimeter width It's pretty you know it's comfortable Looks absolutely amazing So how many of those are you making and And what do they retail for And ah so the titanium ones The total will be 250 pieces between the Titanium Uh it's very light titanium there will Be Some 50 some pieces in gold uh or some Sorry 126 pieces in titanium 52 pieces in diamonds And 72 pieces in gold and how much of it And 21 pieces in south high crystal Uh the start start price is 280 000. And you you mentioned sapphire crystal How much would that would be crystal Will be available Next year 2021 february that is 900 Dollars you're drawing You can see actually rendering it's on My uh instagram so I have a you can see that it's becoming Very beautiful watch Well uh we'll be we'll be sure to check That out Uh adam throwing it your direction uh i Know we've had lots of questions

Is there any left yeah yeah we've got Some left this one's quite a funny one Actually so this is from Uh dolph dolphinos or dolphinos And he said jacob producer michael What's the odds of ever selling michael A watch with no discount [Laughter] As far as i'm concerned zero jacob Well if we make a michael watch it will Be no discount I'd like to took to me to me To you yes yes that's about time yeah I have to say something so so when i buy Something from or actually Anything i i buy that's you know a high Value Um it's part of the enjoyment of making The acquisition is the The deal and um In very high priced items there's always Some room And it behooves the buyer as well as the Seller To do the best they can for each other Right so it's not that i want something Cheap It's it's part of the fun and enjoyment And the actual pleasure of buying Something Would you agree with that jacob Yes it's an exp it's experience yeah of Course and it has to be Where both sides smile in the end

That's exactly right that's exactly Right and i don't think there's ever Been a time where Both of us didn't smile when i bought Something right Or maybe me more than you So um i think that's a lot of questions Uh you know i i don't want to uh Use all the questions because we'll be Doing this On a semi-regular basis um and I think how long are we running now adam Uh we're at About 35 minutes right now so that's uh That's a pretty pretty decent episode Yeah i think so too i think let's have One more question why don't you have one More question I've got one that i want to ask jacob And Maybe i'll answer it too but Felix biederlach he asks Both of us who is the most famous Contact In your iphone that's a good question Isn't it The most famous my wife [Laughter] I like that my wife and then my children And my i i'm going to say my most famous Contact is you So there you go jacob thank you I have his home number his cell phone uh His homes in all over the world i have

Them all so i'm very blessed And he's the most famous and certainly One of the most Nicest people you'll ever ever meet Really You do you do as well michael i really Enjoy your company Well we have a lot of back together i Will I promise as soon as we're able to uh to Travel again Hopefully very soon but in the meanwhile Uh big big thank you for uh spending so Much time with us today this will be A lot of fun for all the viewers and Most importantly uh let's get those Designs submitted And we'll adam's going to put an email Address where we can Submit the designs and we're going to Create a jacob and co producer michael Watch So exciting and if we do use the design With someone's That will uh they will get the first Watch i guess Huh second watch First watch comes here i knew you were Gonna say that I could i could feel it bubbling up in No no i need the first watch That's exactly right i cut out the first Watch [Music]

I always have fun talking to you thank You very much for calling me and Um i don't know if you saw you probably Saw this watch the last watch i wanted To show you is my Very proud watch it's um The oil rig yes oil pump Double ring Explain that explain it to us well 3x Tourbillon Uh on the bottom and this um 3d uh oil ring as you can see the base And you have the power reserve you have The You have the barrel you have the pipes As this is all look like um as if you're On an Oil field so this is something Interesting for people who are In oil business so i'm assuming you're Going to open a A a boutique in texas and i know you Already have them in dubai So they're your customers yeah yes yes Well jacob's hopefully a little bit more So they can afford it But uh yeah i enjoy designing stuff like This you know this is for people that Uh give each other gifts in in a in a Business like that So thank you again for calling me and Have a wonderful wonderful day Thank you so much and uh once again we Really enjoyed this

This chat guys send in your submissions With Drawings of the watch don't go too crazy They've got to be makable But uh hey you can win one so this was Unexpected And uh very much appreciated so hit the Subscribe button Hit the bell we're in it to win it jacob Thank you We'll see you later thank you goodbye

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