

Oops You weren't recording that really of Course it was Will that not be blue will i not be Blacked out Today we are in beverly hills and my Dear friend Comedian ron white's house and we're Going to give you a little teaser Of his house because we're actually Going to be doing a tour of it with ron Himself In the next few weeks so you'll see Little bits and bats Uh that adam will insert in the video But the reason that we're really Uh doing this video today is vadim from Wrist aficionado Has flown in and he's going to show us a Bunch of great watches He's actually just opened another store In miami at the setai hotel so he has The manhattan store and now also in Miami And he's in l.a to show us some fun That's not good fun watches snip I know you'll leave it in won't you you Horrible person adam let's just go Look at watches can we go look at Watches please Do you see my new watch i did switch the Camera off this i got this from vadim Switch it off Well bubba do you want to show people

Okay let's show people Show my new patek isn't that beautiful Yeah it's very sparkly I've had this about three or four weeks Now and i have not Worn it before what are you doing on Purpose They're my shoes do you like them You wearing trainers is a bit weird no This is my new thing i've got a bunch of These types of shoes and i've never worn Them So i thought i'm going to start wearing Them because you know i like shoes Do you like them i do could you not have Got any longer laces Are they too long let's go and look at Some watches Okay they're really horrible let's go go You go first i don't want you filming The back My go come on So we are in ron white's house and Vadim has flown in from new york thank You To show us some watches and it's it's Been how long is it since i've seen you Before covet wow it was right before Covet i think you were in new york in February that's right so 18 months ish Yes Wow wow yes thank you very much for Having me in one's house i'm excited Thank you for coming before we start

Before we start i want to thank you for This i think this is the first time that You were actually seeing it with this Strap on it because you sent me the Strap afterwards Isn't that pretty amazing i love this Watch See i'm taming myself down now i'm Getting smaller watches and Whatever what have you got oh I got some goodies for you oh wow Well let's have a look at them and let's Talk about them i think we start with The the least expensive ones what do you Think yeah one up and work out Yeah work our way up do i need a glove Your hands are Baby white it's clean enough today yeah Moisturized soft Have you had a pedicure at a manicure Recently are they shiny They're oh they're not actually they are Too oh are they absolutely they're Perfect And my toes match not that anybody cares So we can start with uh this two rolexes To Show a comp uh you know comparison Between the old hulk And the kermit that the new one that Came out the 40 millimeter hulk and the 41 millimeter kermit So it's interesting they look the same Size although this one is slightly

Bigger right What a difference a millimeter makes Absolutely you've heard that before Yeah talk to us about the price and how These have changed in value if you don't Mind The they both retailed under 10 000 And the hulk was always straight It was always trading for like 13 14 000 Then slowly was going up and then when Kermit came out The hulk appreciate it much more And right now the secondary market price On the hulk is Around 25 26 000. is it really Yeah so what was the original retail Price of this under 10 000. it's interesting that the older one Is more valuable than the than the new One i i like them both which one do you Prefer adam I'll straighten that one i think i Prefer kermit Kermit yeah i like the contrast of the Green and the black versus the green and Green I'm going to put my glasses on so i can Speak educatedly that i can actually Educationally is that word yeah the Glasses really helped Yeah right i have both of these yeah you Do have Yeah beautiful watches okay let's move On

What is that oh this is a masterpiece Masterpiece this is exactly what this This is the g-shock of all the g-shocks A g-shock this is a gold g-shock range Only 35 pieces made it was made for Their 35th anniversary It's a solid 18 karat gold that is Insane i'm going to put it on here That way this is very useful for filming Isn't that yeah No i like it so solid Gold g-shock solid gold g-shock um Comes in a very special box this has a 22-month Power reserve and it's a solar charge so You stick it in the stern and it goes For i can't see you It's crazy what glasses do and it goes For 22 months for 22 months Why would anybody buy a solid gold G-shock because look at it You'd play that wouldn't you i would Absolutely rock the beep out of that What's so special about the box you said The special box I mean they made a special box uh with 30 uh you know 35 limited edition it Says on it and it comes with a Uh with a special tea cattle a tea Kettle sea kettle What does a tea kettle have to do with a Watch do you know I know you know g shocks better than Anybody i've only seen pictures of this

Thing and then i saw the price because i Was looking at buying one And i was like oh that's fun like a gold G shop maybe it would be like Eleven hundred dollars or how much is it 130 000 Secondary market sorry hundred thirty Thousand freaking G-shock retail is around seventy Thousand what currency we're talking About us dollars Right isn't that crazy that's beyond Crazy 130 000 for a g-shock It is heavy there's some gold weight to It yes you can thank you Don't drop it that's so and i love the Fact that they use like The most traditional g-shock shape as Well This is like the basic old-school G-shock i just bought a g-shock Online from g-shock because apparently They're going to sell out for 99 Yep it was bright red and i'll show it To you in a week or so when it comes Wow crazy absolutely crazy So in comparison that's a patek right Next to it right This is a 59 90 stainless steel and how Much is that guy Uh this one secondary market is going For 135 000. So the same price as a g-shock hold down That may have that back let's put them

Back yeah let's put them on the stand Next to each other Am i allowed to take this plastic off Yes okay so guys You've got a choice a patek the latest 5990 And no disrespect to g-shock i mean i Love them But the same price what do you buy i Mean would you buy i know you were a jew And i would buy it no you wouldn't i Would you wouldn't Listen this will this will last forever And you can pass it down to generations And this is A g-shock that lasts forever like that's Literally what g-shots do maybe this Will go up in value It will it will it really kill a Collector's piece So as a watch dealer Take your dealer sense out of it for a Second If you had to buy one of these two Watches which one would you buy Well this is a type of piece that you Have a lot of watches in your collection And this is just one of them that you Must have you know you You have to have this and you have to Have the rolexes and you have to have You know other brands and this is i have To have i have a lot of watches in my Collection

Make your promise this is not going to Be one of them But this is beautiful i feel like this Is the type of watch because a lot of People get so stuck On yeah i know it's gorgeous a lot of People get stuck on the fact that Watches have to be resold It seems like every comment i read on Our videos is what about the resale what About the resell What's wrong with just buying a watch That you like i can totally agree with You people by are Today buying watches for the wrong Reason they're looking at what's it Going to be worth how much is it going To be worth is it going to go up Who cares you're going to buy it to Enjoy it and wear it right and maybe Pass it down to your Your son or daughter whatever it might Be Um of course everybody everyone wants to Make the right investment Right but it has to be also not With the thoughts of reselling it and Making money in it it's It's very controversial really is but This is beautiful This is beautiful let's put the g-shock Away Move on to proper watches yeah no Disrespect somebody

Will probably make a fortune on that Watch talking about buying and selling Yeah this is gorgeous if you ever need Anybody to wear that watch to you know Like take pictures Like model it on your jet ski exactly Yeah yeah then uh just Just call you i guess Goodness gracious i don't even need the Tea kettle i'll just take the one I'm sure don't get the tea kettle i mean I'll give the tea kettle Langer i've had my eye on a site book For the longest period of time but i Haven't bought one And i don't know that's the one kevin Had in in one of the videos it's Like digital and analog big yes Beautiful watch they make great watches Let me put my glasses on so i can see When i look at a watch without my Glasses at this distance it just looks Like a metal circle It's like blurry beyond blurry That is beautiful so is that buttons on The side Yeah so it's interesting the way this Case is made you you don't see that it Has Any pushers but this are bushes that Changes oh how clever They make fabulous watches Interesting so how much is this watch It's obviously white gold is heavy it's

White gold it's 55 000. 55 000. So nowhere near the price of a g-shock Right It doesn't trade so much over retail Look at that That beautiful i love this this stand My new stand you're in your stance Gorgeous piece right now upside down Lovely piece 55 000 And and in relation to retail what is That So the i'm sorry i mean 55 000 is the Retail and the 65 000 is the seller oh i See what he did there Right after you said you liked it I might have you look out for the sight Work for me Come across a a really good deal and Always be interested Such a pretty piece what's next um What is that sparkly thing in the corner That sparkly thing in the corner This one here yeah it looks like a Daytona looks very Heavy to me i think it's a platinum one I know a lot about these platinum Daytonas recently Do you know why can i tell them yes Reveal the secret reveal a secret I just bought one from him which one It's not here i'll bring it right now But look at this isn't this gorgeous Feel the weight of it adam oh hold on to

Me Oh wow it's about i'm guessing 270 280 grams yeah I mean that's that's almost as heavy as A g-shock this is my new watch so this Is michael's new watch Oh wow look at that daytona with the Baguette markers Isn't that gorgeous that's beautiful i'm Going to put it on here so you can Yeah you should film it properly where's It Give me that i'm sure they counted them One day i'm going to get away with that So so this is absolutely gorgeous And i really wanted to have this watch However It's very bling this you can wear subtly Pretty much anywhere This one you can't yeah and this is also Incredibly expensive Yes how much is this one 350 350 000 350 versus how much for the one that You just bought I think it was like 145 125 exactly But this also has diamonds yeah just on The hour markers yeah just on the hour Markers And then you have another one in there That doesn't have the diamonds And the difference is i'm going to take This one off for a second And put this here now i'm sounding Knowledgeable i'm really not

It's just that because i just bought This watch i did some homework on it To look at these two watches the Immediate thing that you can tell this One has diamonds is it doesn't have the Dark circles on the um what do you call These things Um what the subdials subtitles sub-dials I knew that sub-dials it went blank it's Because i don't have my glasses Yeah i got my glasses on i can't hear You let me put my glasses on there we go So yeah that's the difference and I'm looking also there's a slight Difference in the color of the dial Isn't it The bezel or the dial itself is this one Slightly more blue or is it my Imagination I i think that the color of the dial is Exactly the same as just the reflection Of the brown sub-dials maybe You might be right 300 and How much was it three 350. 350 000. and What's the retail under dollars Probably close to two i would probably If i would take a guess i don't know Exactly i would Say probably 150. oh really and that's Factory Old factory yeah these are all factory Yeah did it make a mistake should i got This one over this one I mean you could always get both no i

Couldn't You can always upgrade later on you'd Always take it back right Yeah we'll treat so what happens if the Value goes down Because the list on this watch is what About 90 grand Right so let's say they go down in value A little bit and i want to trade it back Do i get close to what i paid for it or Do i get market value I am most confident that it will not go Down So i can give you my word that uh i can Always trade it That's a good thing to talk about let's Talk about that for a second so You're confident they won't go down Because right now some people say we're In a bubble Right what do you think is realistically Going to happen to the price of rolex Watches I i think because of the limitation in Production And the limitation of Them allocating the pieces to people is Very limited And there's much more demand than they They can deliver So you think about the first floor i Think across the board a lot of Most rolex models especially like the Platinum ones

Which very hard to get um Will always stay strong and the Stainless steel ones are hard to even A stainless steel but i think all Rolexes right now are way over list Aren't they Pretty much crazy crazy Okay so let's put this one away Because that one is not for showing Anymore so this is yours Yes you'll see that appear in future Videos Because i think it'll become one of my Favorites and vadim took Very good care of me as he always does i Mean i always try to think You really do you really do you're a Good friend you know Um we've done lots of well i guess i've Bought a lot of watches from you and I'll pick up the phone and i'll say Vadim i saw in your site you have this How quickly can i have it and the Following morning at 10 30. Ding dong guy with the gun comes yes I swear every time i see you you're like Oh guess what guess what Like another watch yeah yeah who from The dean like everyone where else would I buy one Where else would i buy one let's stay in This box here you have two They look similar but different colors Those are the ceramics right so these

Are both Ap ceramic perpetual calendars And if i'm not mistaken these are crazy Prices as well now Super that's an interesting watch Ceramic So it's a question for you are these Fragile if you Like tap it will it shatter yes they They can They can crack if uh if you hit it hard Enough in a You know in a sharp corner um But what's good about them they don't Scratch you know they just shatter They shatter so so tell us about this How much are these watches So the difference is this uh this is a Perpetual calendar and this one is Perpetual calendar and This one is open work so it's like a Skeleton where you can see See through it and how much other and The white perpetual goes on the Secondary market for 300 000 And the black one open works uh Goes for 490 000 right below Really yeah and what's the list on these Uh list uh about what this one is like 130 And i believe this one is like around 150. So this is nearly three times it's it's Yeah retail super hard to get

Look at the back of it is it upside down That's the right way around Well i i can't believe it people are Paying this much money What do you think is creating that Demand i mean they wake up in the Morning I'm going to spend half a million Dollars on a watch that costs 150 000. I mean i wouldn't i mean i guess i just Did i i i paid over over retail i paid It in retail i guess it's just relative Listen when you're a collector and you You're passionate about something and You want it So what do you think will they maintain This Price or will they will they go i think It's going to maintain the price because There's really none around so Realistically if you have Money that you're going to invest in the Stock market you're much better off Putting them in watches because they Just continue to go up Really in investment right now but they Could also it's and it's proven itself Um during covet as everybody thought Watch is going to go down You know the whole world isn't a problem The pandemic It only went up i i think it really Proved itself As being an investment it's it's really

Really crazy What's your favorite so far g-shock Outside of the g-shock um I don't have one i don't like any of the Others [Laughter] No it's the uh that diamond daytona the Sparkly daytona Really yeah you've really changed well No you've really changed i love daytonas I love daytonas and i i'm actually as Much as i i appreciate them For me personally i wouldn't have the Like the baby blue or whatever they're Calling that That dial but i do like that sparkly one They call it the icy blue there you go i Recognize that i have one of those i I brought it but then i realized that uh You do have this one already That's this that's right jacob and co um Beautiful piece and if you want to see The full video of this we have when i Got mine i did a full video on that Watch so Be interesting and then this plastic We should real it's not plastic isn't it Is that like the last edition or final Edition this is called Rm11 last edition though so this is the Last one of rm11 series that they made It's uh in blue ceramic Before the 0.203 you know 476.

Pretty watch right yeah i do like them It's limited Of 50 pieces how much english is adam i Mean rms are crazy aren't they Uh i think this when it came out or the Retail is what 135-ish Yeah around yeah 130 to 140. i was gonna Guess like 500 grand how much is it you hit the Spot yeah yeah is it really yeah It's like 490 i'm asking for it why I just don't i just don't get it i Thought of the sensible number And then i doubled it and then added Your phone number yeah and then that got Me there Unbelievable if everybody had a crystal Ball and just bought all of these things You know So was there a point in time where you Could pay retail for those Like easily i bought mine at retail all Of them all of them And how long ago was that well i have a Long time since i bought an rm they Won't sell me them anymore Um because you keep talking about it i Don't i think it's I i don't i just don't understand it It's hype That's created this right it's the Dogecoin of watches No it's more the bitcoin but that's Fallen recently have you seen that

Recently no it's not but bitcoins are Complete and utter fabrication it's a Fantasy Rip michael in the comments it was 68 000 bucks What a month ago and it's 31 000 today Yeah and it was 300 why i bought my First one You have bitcoin yeah oh Well you take bitcoin right we think Let's stay away from the topic of Bitcoin Anyway was there a point in time where You could actually buy them Easily there was a point in time where They couldn't give these away really Right my very first I had an uh gold titanium rmo1 It was 57 000. and they got a discount On it Yeah no there was there was that time Yeah it was I'll tell you when it was it was about Let's see Uh about 12 13 years ago Yeah somewhere around there wow yeah Even less Yeah possibly so what's that i think It's worth now then 300 grand And you paid in the 50s for it i think i Bet like 47 48 000 for it Couldn't give them away nobody wanted an Rm that's a pretty good return right Yeah yeah there was that time yeah and

Now you know you stick this on the right Wrist of the right people and everybody Wants it and They did a great job they did a great Job you know what we need to do what do We need to do Price of g-shocks 130 thousand dollars No exactly let's like get behind that Let's let's really get behind it we'll Buy all of them for 99 bucks And then we'll make ten dollars on each Watch by pumping the price up And we'll make a coin out of it as well And an nft don't understand that either But no it's a beautiful watch and uh I think they probably will continue to Go up for a while right Yeah i think it's going to stay strong For a while interesting I don't see a reason it's going to go There so i know before we get to these Other Boxes of boxes boxes watches in this box I know you've got another box why don't We cut this Bring the other box continue with those And all the goodies in the other box Okay make another yeah yeah we'll do it So with that said i'm going to say Cheerio hit the subscribe button hit the Bell say goodbye Thank you very much for watching we're In it to win it see ya You

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