

And how much uh worth of product did They actually take Retail wise eight to nine million Unbelievable So today we are at luxury jewels of Beverly hills with my dear friend peter Seji many of you i’m sure saw the Horrendous horrendous robbery that took Place here and we’ve come to talk to Peter about it see you know what Happened exactly from the horse’s mouth And uh see what he’s done about it so Peter michael good to see you Safe and well thank you thank you thank You you went through a horrendous Surrender it really was i hope no one Else has to go through Tell us what happened beverly hills Middle of the day was actually i think 1 30 1 45 I was sitting in my office and i heard What i thought was gunshots Because the type of window we have with 12 tempered it wasn’t easy to break Um And it was one after another even the Neighbors upstairs who have offices Thought it was gunshots everyone did so I was in my office i yelled everyone get On the floor i hit the panic button Grabbed my gun i got on the floor i was Like this and cindy’s like peter shoot Them shoot them shoot them i’m like Cindy just stay on the floor stay on the

Floor So as soon as it stopped i i got up went And checked on cindy and phoenix make Sure they’re okay i came i still didn’t Know what was going on i came out with My gun and i saw one of them hightailing Around the corner Then i see my windows all broken and There’s like glass dripping down some of The jewelry was still dripping down i’m Like there was 12 13 people already with Their iphone cameras their cameras Videotaping Yeah it went global didn’t it i mean Within minutes i was getting texts Within minutes unbelievable i i had a One of the funding so it got uh picked Up internationally i got calls from India Even ukraine russia Name it one of my friends that lives in Beverly hills was actually in india He woke up and saw me on the news that He thought he was dreaming he’s like Imagine being in india you put on the News unbelievable right well it’s Something you just never ever expected Beverly hills was one of the safest Cities anywhere in the world it was Known for it yeah always been known for It’s beverly hills not anymore no no the Streets are ever since this happened Even the the surrounding neighbors that I know that own different stores here

It’s like saying businesses died yeah People should get you to restaurants now There’s no one walking around Unbelievable I noticed you’re not wearing a watch for The i’ve known you for over 20 years First time i see you know where it was I’m not wearing a watch i haven’t worn a Watch in Probably four or five weeks every watch That i own is in the bank i don’t have Anything at home that’s not true i have A g-shock yeah which is about to say i Told you to keep a couple of those yeah So everything that i have that’s even Remotely valuable is is gone out my House because this is a crazy crazy World we’re living in uh and uh it’s Just so sad it’s just so sad a lot of my Customers same thing they don’t wear any More jewelry even when they come in they Want me to escort them to their cars or They won’t even come in they’re like Just bring it out to my car and i’m sure It’s affected jewelry sales in general Right because people just get to wear it I mean look at me yeah i mean it’s Watches my pride and joy You don’t even have an earring you know I don’t even have an earring in the Other side i didn’t even know everything Right then i didn’t notice everything That i own of value is in the bank yeah I don’t take anything right it’s just

Not worth it i’ve had to you know beef Up my home security as well um i i think I see that you have yes um Goodness uh It’s it’s a necessary thing right this Is necessary it also makes the customers Feel more comfortable Uh we’ve We got special i can’t say exactly what We got special windows now it’ll take Them a long time To break it or even if they can so when This whole thing happened i think it Took a minute or minute and 30 seconds Cops were here about a minute afterwards So as long as they’re deterred for a Couple minutes the cops will be here but But there’s been so much security now So much i i see them everywhere i see i See security literally everywhere It’s not every two minutes or every Minute will go by do you think it’s too Late absolutely And what do you think that the city is Actually doing so the chief of police Was here the mayor came here the two Police was here last week so they’ve Added more cameras all around beverly Hills but they don’t seem to stop Anybody do they uh so now they have live People uh instead of just recording There’s actually live police Staff or police officers actually Looking at the cameras really yeah

So they hired a private security firm That’s why you see all the nasdaq cars And all those security guys going up and Down the street i i know that beverly Hills was always famous for having the Fastest police response time yeah of Anywhere i think it’s a minute right so From when i hit the my hold up alarm i Think it took him maybe two minutes two And a half which is a long time for Beverly hills i was gonna say but in Reality that’s so fast oh yeah that is So fast the fact that this is happening In a shorter time than that is what’s so Scary right right well the other thing Is you know access they can there’s all These roads they can just run right in The car and drive especially if it’s a Stolen car so which which it was as well Apparently two stolen cars they stole One from long beach that they pulled up And just ran out so five guys came i Showed you the video with the Sledgehammers and everything They ran around the alley that had a Getaway car in the alley which was Another stolen car so they they had Planned this out thoroughly right yeah Oh they’re coming in Door Please The assumption is this guy’s security But we’re going to double check That’s so funny

That’s the greatest and they’ve got all Sorts of armory on them too one of the Idiots dropped their cell phone while Smashing the window and i have it Clearly on our surveillance tape that Falls right out of his pocket so they Have so much data on that right they They have who who takes a cell phone on A jewelry house yeah personal cell phone Really So i i know they got dna off of it the Fingerprints i know they sent a warrant To apple to unlock it which i think they They did unlock it so once they have That they have all this contacts gps Information they know everywhere he’s Been yeah exactly yeah so they i was Going to say they will be able to track On that day where he came from exactly To get him they will know everything so They probably have these people yeah so There was a rumor going around that they Caught one person uh i called the head Detective of our case to ask her she Didn’t answer but 30 seconds later the Lieutenant called me it’s like where did You hear this from we didn’t catch Anyone but if we did we can’t tell you It’s all going to mess up we didn’t Catch anyone but if we did yeah Yeah so what will happen to them once They’re caught lately from what i hear The the da’s When they arrest people they let him out

In the day two days which is absolutely Ridiculous beyond ridiculous so the Chief of police said because this is Such a um Got so much media not just in the u.s Internationally they’re going to go Heavy on these guys and how much uh Worth of product did they actually take Retail wise eight to nine million Unbelievable and what do they do with That i mean they have watchers have Serial numbers even the police said Probably that same day the next day Winds up on hill street in the jewelry District Really yeah some people don’t care There’s people out there that buy this Kind of stuff because they should be Ashamed of themselves They wouldn’t know there would they of Course they would no i’m talking about The end consumer that goes to a jewelry Store and buy something correct and it Could be the watches have serial numbers So they’re gonna have to sell it to People that don’t care that’s why it’s So important to try and get papers with It with a watch right absolutely in the Jewelry all they got to do because our Jewelry is all Which is a shame all my stuff is Irreplaceable you see the kind of stuff We have they’re all antique jewelry Kind but what’s gonna these pieces have

Lasted from like 1920s 1930s 1890s They’re going to get them melt the gold Or the platinum Yes and they’re going to sell them Pennies to the dollar unbelievable that Is so sad peter i mean it’s just good to See you safe and sound thank you and uh Obviously you know you’ve taken a lot of Precautions to we have uh I wish i prevent it happening again but Certainly you’re prepared if it happens We also got a fogger what’s your Favorite they put these strips on the Ceiling the second you hit the panic Button the whole place fills up with fog Like instantly instantly you can’t see This much in front of you for real yeah Oh that’s crazy everybody should have One of those yeah Yeah i will i will everybody should get One who was it fog usa cindy what was it Fungus i’ll give you his number yeah Please do yeah because that keeps Somebody there right yeah they’re kind Of lost yeah and it’s that thick yeah Yeah i think i’ve seen videos of it it’s Insane yeah really like you say you Can’t see your hand in front of you yes For real Yeah the whole video so clever that’s The whole Oh you know our door locked something of Course we have security now but once Again the cops were here i think a

Minute after this all happened as long As i could determine for a couple Minutes but if they were outside that Wouldn’t really help no right yeah but Now they can’t get through your glass They can’t get through the glass and we Got this gentleman right here yeah i Mean it would be really kind of foolish I mean To even attempt it i mean you’re there With whatever that thing is Yeah but even without all this stuff i Think it’s a different environment here Literally there’s not a minute goes by There’s not a police or no i see that There that absolutely but things need to Change because Everyone’s afraid to come out everyone’s Afraid to wear their jewelries people Are moving out of beverly hills yeah i Know it’s it’s just just crazy yeah i’d Like to say great to see you safe and Town i love you man i was lovely too Olivia and uh Support pizza if anybody needs anything He’s just gone through a tremendous Thank you michael traumatic event And you know if if you need watch Jewelry give give peter a call we’ll put All his info in the description and one Thing that was amazing uh when all this Happened we got so much support from not Just people here in beverly hills from People all around the world all around

The us we got flowers gifts food phone Calls Kids come hug me are you okay like it’s It’s amazing the kind of support we’ve Been getting well the majority of people I would say are fantastic it’s just Those very few bad ones yeah just spoil It for everybody and If you know any of those bad ones do Your best to turn them in great Absolutely absolutely all right guys Well we hope this was enlightening for You like i said please support peter Remain safe And we’re in it to win it and we’ll say Goodbye see ya

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