
The BIG BOY Watches worth MILLIONS!

So guys we are still here at happy Jewelers wearing a jacket this tank it's A little bit nippy in here they've got The air conditioning cranked and it's Freezing cold outside but you guys don't Need to hear that I just wanted to show Off my jacket and they want to show you Some amazing amazing super high-end Watches so here we are again welcome Back this is your pretend we did this Once this morning how's it going good Good what do you have to show us today Okay so I got some special pieces we got Some of the more unique special pieces That I think your audience probably Hasn't seen before I've never seen this Before or this for that matter so this Is a 6501 this is the rm004 can I pick It out of course you can don't drop it Wasn't there a video where we played Catch with a like a 12 carat diamond yes You know why what I have now I have a Five carat dbvs one a lady pay 2.2 okay Listen to me I believe he should pay and If I can I play catch with him Okay go ahead do you think you're funny Huh honest you're doing funny I love That guy he's an absolute not a lunatic Uh and I would love to do more videos With him but he is no longer in the US He disappeared nobody knows where he Went the funniest thing about yossi is That he was actually everything was Funny about Yoshi but he was more mean

To you off camera than he was on camera That's true yeah really I could imagine You're kidding me but I used to like it But no but like in a banter way like not Rude as in like disrespectful yeah we'd Have an appointment to shoot a video at Two o'clock We go there with uh 145 no use Yoshi two O'clock no Yoshi 215 no Yoshi his Stuff's calling I'm coming I'm having my Lunch he was always over the street Wasn't it yeah right so he got to 2 30 And call him tell him we're leaving let Him leave you know Right if he comes back we got to do more Videos yeah lovely guy so this I have Never seen before it's actually Spectacular about it if it wasn't a Richard meal I'd want to buy it so yeah So tell me tell me everything about it So this is a richer meal it's rm6501 so This is more of a gimmick than anything That's pushed to Wine thing right Gimmick you can also wind it with the Crown yes so you wind it with both yep Okay I mean would it make you buy the watch If I said it's a gimmick I'd have more Chance of buying it if you said it was a Gimmick okay But no Michael it's quite satisfying to Wind a watch like that it's crazy I Don't think I agree with you I agree for Sure it's I like it weird I like it yeah

You know those toys as a kid where you Would like push the top down it would Spin spin spin spin spin and then it Would take off exactly that's what it Reminds me of but that's the thing with Richard Mills they're so Innovative they Do things in a different way and they're Not like the normal watch far from it I Mean when they first came out what does This do when they first came out they Were making like um What does it say this is for the seconds What does it do to the second It restarts the second hand I apologize So instead of it's a split second Michael so you can it's a you can report Two times at the same time so it's gonna Actually allow you to restart it oh That's cool Did you see that what what's that so Like you're gonna stop it You're going to continue it you're going To click that to start the extra section So there's two seconds there's one Behind the other one where's the baby Doing the orange now you're going to Click this to other other one start oh That's cool now you're going to show you Have like a split time yeah it's genius I've never seen a watch with a comments It's amazing a lot of companies do split Seconds yeah but Richard Mill does it Differently they don't care if oh my God It's too much color or it's this or it's

That which is gorgeous yeah I mean I I Would wear this watch in a heartbeat and I have Richard Miller there's absolutely Nothing wrong with the watch my beef Again it's like Ferraris no different You know you want to buy a Ferrari they Make you get on your knees that's true Right for the for the watch and I just Think that's wrong I think you know they Should be loyal to their customers I Would like to see that on a black strap With some red accents on it it actually Comes with a black strap oh it does yeah It actually comes with a black one the Customer prior put the green don't Surprise me all right here we go here we Go here we go how much credit did you Say you still had yeah like five six Grand it's not gonna be enough for sure You can pay for the strap yeah exactly I Think this is like five grand it kind of Matches my jacket doesn't it yeah I mean it's not far off How much is this I'll give you a special Deal Michael here we go I will do it for You for four hundred and ten thousand Dollars that's a good deal is it a good Deal that's a good deal smoking Smoking deal How much is the retail on this the Retail is about uh in the Mysteries I Believe meant to high threes It matches your jacket today that's very Colorful next

I know another Richard Mill I just Bought this literally a couple days ago It's a Richard Mill Rm004 so it's going to wear smaller than The 6501 it's also going to wear smaller Than the rm1103 but it's going to be a Little bit bigger than the 720 ones and The 67s about the same size as the 10. Uh bigger is it bigger than the 10. yeah A little bit bigger than the temperature But not by much it's gorgeous with a Green strap and this is a full rose gold Case but look at look at the thickness Of it but I actually like the size of it It's like not too big and yeah exactly Yeah this is this is actually a very Pretty watch and it feels good it really Very heavy very heavy very heavy very Very heavy elegant actually I really Like that green actually me too how much Is this this one I would do is um 280. Again that sounds like a fortune but This one actually does have some serious Complications I guess the other one does Too this one of course they all I mean You're right look they do have Richard Mills where with no complications they Go for obnoxiously high high prices but They do make some crazy no question no Question Very nice okay let's move on from Richard Mills so now this is going to be A ladies it's a paddock Philippe 50 36 R This is going to be an annual calendar

With a factory diamond bezel now this is Going to be the previous version they May they still make this in production I Believe it's a different reference Number but look how pretty the watch is That's beautiful I mean it's pretty to Look at so interestingly go back 10 Years This would be a man size right 34 36 Minutes like maybe 20 30 years 20 30 Years A small guy could still wear this Actually yeah yeah I mean they still make paddocks in that Size I mean here I I feel like smaller Watches are coming back like for men Here Paddock 50 54. that's the cool Thing this is a man's watch same size Yeah but look at how the color makes it So feminine and this makes it so Masculine that's true so how much are These two watches just for comparison This one is 27 000 and it's platinum and Then this one is 44 000. and it's rose Gold interesting nice watch yeah do you Like it uh I do yeah I'm not a fan of The strap but I do like the watch itself Yeah I'll close this you open up the Case from the back to see the movement Platinum it's nice and heavy oh Oh nice let's get glass in it right yeah There's a glass right so Paddock does This a lot with their watches but on Their newer ones they actually give you

The case back separately yeah do this You can either put it on or not put it Yes exactly correct me if I'm wrong That's called the Hunter back And it's called 100 back yeah you're Absolutely right I know your stuff oh my God you know Smart Guys and stuff I Remember there was an argument in a Video with I think it was with Seth About whether it was a hunter back or a Hunting back Hunter back so you call it A hunter back and you call it a hunting Back who's correct I am it's a hunter Back hunting is uh when you get a gun And you go that's hunting what is it is It hunting Hunter Hunter back yeah it's called a Hunter gold hunter I got it right I just I just Googled it No Oh you're right you said Hunter I said Hunting correct yeah Hunter Hunter I wonder why they named it Hunter back Like Hunter like right so I had a watch I don't have it anymore and again it's One of those things I don't know what I Did with it I can't remember I might Have sold it but I don't remember and it Had Um a hundred back on it when he opened It it had an erotic animation in the Back that actually moved yeah they make A lot of those I don't remember that you Remember it yeah

Early early days yeah early days I I Don't know what I did with it I've also got a Jacob that does that as Well the Caligula yeah yeah you know Your stuff of course yeah I've done Enough of these now yeah right I've had My eye on these two green ones but let's Start with that this is a Hublot Unico All green ceramic so hubel is one of the Only companies that can actually do Different color Ceramics I mean feel the Weight of them in white normally right Oh you see them on white I have a blue One as well too let me show it to you Sure yeah this is actually very pretty It's a pretty watch you wouldn't think Of green ceramic as being pretty look at The blue who blow make a great watch oh They make beautiful watches I always say Design wise Hublot makes some of the Prettiest watches and they're affordable Too so how much are these two so this One is um brand new box paper is fully Complete it's going to be 23 000. this One is pre-owned but it's like new we're Going to be doing it for 19 000. and What would be the retail of these thirty Thousand dollars wow do you like them Uh not for me but they're pretty right Cool cool Concepts fun concept I would Do the streetwear type yeah type thing I Could imagine you know an artist wearing That yeah yeah it's a fun watch I mean You could you could work to the to the

Beach or wherever question for you yeah When it comes to these ceramic watches If you pop it down a little bit hard you Have to be careful you can shut it right So you have to be gentle yeah I mean It's not gonna like normal wear and tear It's not going to break but if you drop It from a two to three story building I Mean yeah well you wouldn't want to do That you don't want to do that yeah I Actually had a lady that traded in one Time a um a rose gold Um GMT as she dropped I think there are Some type of roof type lounge or Something like that and it went down Like a 30-story building to thrash the Watch it took me like I think it cost me 15 grand to fix it because that's a Literally replace every single part in It well but I made it like brand new six Months later this is like a project yeah I can imagine like I literally bought Piece by piece that's crazy right yeah But moral of the story is don't drop it Yes It's like grenade watch next to it yeah Now this is a very very rare color right Very rare color so they make it in the Blue and the green is the paddock 5168 white gold so it's the G if you Wanted to go and buy this strap you Couldn't is it is that you cannot buy The strap they make the 5968 that looks Exactly like the 5164 in the white gold

With the green so what people do is They'll buy the 5164 and they'll try to Go find a green strap to make it look Like the white gold yes because one is Like 70 000 and one's like 150 000 but To find a green strap for it I paid one Time sixteen thousand dollars for the Rubber strap 16 000 and I told the Customer wait wait No watch attached to it just strap for a Rubber 10 strap yes you paid 16 16 000 That's crazy and I begged the customer Not to do it and he said I don't care And I'll be being better off buying the White gold one with the well not because The white gold one's like an extra 60 70 Grand if it's 16 000 I couldn't it Doesn't matter how much money you've got No sixteen thousand dollars for a yeah And I felt so bad when I was buying it When I had to send that wire out to pay For it I was like dude you got to be Kidding me right now who sells this Strut for sixteen thousand there's Dealers that get lucky and they find Them and they buy them but they pay big Money for them too I mean they're Probably paying you know seven eight Thousand dollars for the strap because Paddock won't sell the strap unless you Have the watch so how much is this this One we're going to be doing it at 92 000 And it's brand new including the 16 000 Truck yeah

This strap won't fit on the watch that We're talking about oh yeah It's not the same reference it's the Only one that will fit for the 5164 Because it's different lug size so I'm Surprised somebody hasn't come out and Made copies of the strap that there it Is Nobody would know right nobody would Know nobody but the texture of it is a Little bit different and the material And I don't know but we only sell Factory stuff too so ninety two thousand Dollars yeah Michael that's not bad Actually you still have success So what's the list on this the list on This one is around 60 or in the 60s I Believe so this isn't again it's one of Those watches that I have personally no Justification why this would sell for What it sells for because it has a green Strap yes right it's like Actually you know what a colored watch Is for someone like you right someone That has you know two 300 watches that They already have you know you have White gold you have steel you have red You have blue you start getting bored of The normal stuff and you have to start Going for colorful it's true things it's True Lovely watch though yep lovely watch Okay so like to have one frosted Skeleton is insane to have two is out of

This world and these are Factory these Are all Factory and you can only find This at happy Jewelers right here you Have about seven hundred thousand Dollars no watches yeah these are white Gold all Factory frosted so what was the List on these watches The list on these I mean they don't even Put the price on the website to be Honest it's by requests but if I have to Take a an educated guess I would say This one's probably going to be around Like 140 to 150 and this is going to be Right around there maybe like 20 30 Grand less because it's a ladies piece That is crazy now this finish on here it Looks but it looks like it's Diamond but It's not it's just it's a frosted finish CEO of Audemars piguet Francois took it From a jewelry designer Carolina Buchi I Believe they use a diamond tip and they Almost hammer it you know you hammer it On and it ends up coming out with this Finish on it Unbelievable isn't that absolutely wild I love it yeah so are you selling these Individually or is a pair only Individually individually if somebody Puts the money on the table we don't say No to anybody so you would say yeah good Point so you would sell this for how Much this one is going to be 430 000. And this one is gonna be close to 200 000.

So my recommendation is buy this put it In some soil give it some water and It'll grow and it'll end up like Say yourself telling your Grant right Well hold on I got this on too oh you Know what I'm wearing this what are you Wearing this is something Michael would Buy now this is him um what do you think Adam like 20 years ago Probably like 10 10 years ago yeah Probably five five years ago exactly Okay so this one's aftermarket right This is aftermarket but it's an actual Skeleton while everything is Factory on The watch only the diamonds are custom So somebody took a stainless steel all Factory skeleton watch that's worth Probably 225 000 and they completely Iced it and it made it with less they Made it worth less yeah so how much is This this one we're going to be doing For about 180. so that's less than if this was Just plain steel 220. that's what you Would sell it for yeah isn't that crazy And they spent probably what twenty Thirty thousand dollars to do this it's Really well done actually you get a Craftsmanship good workmanship the Stones are like VVS d2f color they Probably spent like 40 Grand yeah Because I really want to watch like this You're not going to put low quality Stones yeah and you're not going to give

It to a jeweler that doesn't know what He's doing yeah so for somebody that Likes the bling yeah this is a heck of a Buy heck of a buy of course yep we we Took it in trade And uh we got a good deal on it and uh Look always remember people say oh you Ruined the watch you're in the watch yes Technically you drilled into it you did Right but if there's a market for a Resale value there's always going to be Somebody on the other side that's Willing to buy it yeah you can't you Can't you can't also tell somebody what Their taste should be right yeah Honestly I would have worn this four or Five years ago and loved it being Thrilled with it wow what a gorgeous Piece Chimes change taste change right And uh you know I still think it's a Beautiful watch would I wear it no But somebody will and also they'll love It the reason that buys us is going to Be ecstatic something for everyone right What do they say there's a seat for Every ass something like that something Like that it doesn't ask for every seat It doesn't ask for everything like that My dad used to always tell me that Sometimes I used to look at pieces when I was young and I'd be like oh my God Who would buy that or who would do this He said Son always remember he said There's a there's an ask for every seat

That you're you might not like it but Somebody might love it yeah that's Absolutely true you know absolutely true Okay and then we've got two very special Pieces coming check this out this is Spectacular yes tell us about this so This is Audemars piguet concept it's Full carbon they made this in Collaboration with Michael Schumacher The Formula One driver Formula One Driver so it's a lap timer with the Split Second so you essentially gonna Have a chronograph and you're going to Be able to record your time with the Split second kind of like how we did on The Richard Mill that I was showing you Guys a 6501 but it's a way more Complicated version of a normal Split Second it took Audemars piguet Six years to develop the movement and Build it for Michael Schumacher it took Them 12 months of that was just testing It to make sure the movement was perfect Look at those Adam Seven Stars is that Like how many times that represent how Many years he won the 41 Championship I Believe so yeah Seven Stars and he you Got a signature right there yeah every Time I love that it reminds me of the Old stealth fighter do you remember the The stealth fighter jet that they came Out with back in like the 90s do yeah The one that was all crazy shape yeah They still use that I think that's what

It reminds me of but the watch is Massive this is wonderful how much is This piece this one we're gonna be doing It for 175 and very rare as well very Very very difficult to get very aware It's full complete box papers and Everything what is the retail of this Watch the retails is over 200 000. so This is Below Retail this is Below Retail wow but they'll never come out And tell you their retail on these this Is like price on request right right Good deal Gabe do the owner yeah that's What I do I'm like the guy that puts the One I have a special piece that I'm going to Show you Michael oh then we'll come Through this one in a second that's Wrong sorry yeah you know let's see What's special I like things hidden in Boxes I got a paddock Philippe 52.70. Lovely color dial Grand complication brand new brand brand New so earlier I was telling you about I Said look the case back now they put it In a sealed Department oh look at that And you know when you're selling these The customer will ask actually ask you Because a lot of people surprisingly Don't ask me why they'll lose it really They'll lose it and they won't have it So a lot of the value I mean this will Go up to four or five grandches for this Case back if you don't have it really

How much is this little puppy this one We're going to be doing it for 225 000. And this is one of those watches that Regardless of what happens in the watch World it doesn't get a fact that it Doesn't get affected it continues to Give up Isn't it gorgeous yeah look at the way They did it they did it with like light To dark finish yeah they completely Crush the design and this is something That they're not going to make forever Especially colorful designs right I Believe they'll probably only make it For a couple years they'll discontinue It and it'll Skyrocket and value so this Is a real watch collector we'll go for An item like this I have it's too small For me but it's gorgeous yes but I do Have something in this box that Intrigues me that I want what is it and I know you won't give me this one but I'll get you on can you get me one of These So I I have a is that a pen it's a pen To set the difference 57 24 I think it's Called the rose gold one and it has a Little Pusher on the side and I use a Toothpick a wooden toothpick because Because it works yes exactly but this is Designed especially for it and I've been Trying to get one and I'll get you on I got you on check his pockets And then this piece is absolutely

Stunning yeah this is stunning the way That vacheron designed it is absolutely Wild it actually comes with the blue Rubber strap and the blue other strap Because normally you'll find them like This Don't ask me why I'm one of the only Guys I'll buy two they're the same exact Watch it normally comes with a rubber Strap and another strap to find on the Rose gold bracelet is ultra rare really Right because this one when you buy from Factory with the rose gold bracelet It'll come with a leather strap and the Rubber strap with it as well How much are these this one I'm doing For um 80 000 and this one I'm doing for 110. that's actually a lot of watch for One time it's a Perpetual dealer Nashville is one of the best watches you Know I can see a vastron in my future Not near future but I I am in love with Those blue dots would you wear in the Rose gold no probably you want to steal One right yeah but I just know like I Love yeah why they make it on the white Gold I just love those dials so much I Can't get enough of that color it's Spectacular you can't even see it like On camera it doesn't do it justice I Mean it's such a like I don't know how Like look at that I don't know can you See this I mean look at the blue that They did yeah it's unbelievable

Absolutely gorgeous gorgeous Well guys thank you so much once again For showing us these amazing pieces I Mean amazing and not just amazing but Very very well priced pieces and pieces You won't find anywhere so uh yeah you Know what to do hit the Subscribe button Hit the Bell we're in it to win it Gabe Danny sorry Gabe Danny yeah thanks once Again I have all your info again in the Description so reach out to them buy Yourself one of these amazing watches Hi Subscribe oh yeah subscribe leave a Comment leave a comment give a thumbs up Share I've never said that before share The video to every person you know and Even your neighbors that you don't know Leave a comment what else that's it Subscribe go shopping Um Danny Gabe yeah that's it cool and There's a bunch of people outside Waiting to come in switch the camera off Damn it say bye then bye then Foreign

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