Luxury Real Estate


[Music] Welcome back to the producer michael Channel and part two Of our tour of the one the most Expensive and largest house in the urban World If you haven't checked out part one the Link is in the description below [Music] Now [Music] Right [Music] So welcome to part two of this Crazy crazy house the biggest house in The urban world Part two if you didn't see part one You've gotta go back and see it because You're gonna see things you've never Seen in a house I've never seen a house it's Unbelievable we're here with the creator The designer the owner And he's showing us around so uh here we Go let's go guys Do you know that light is like 12 feet Tall like that is All custom and made and took months to Make like they don't make lights That are 12 feet you know what i mean Like you see that everything is gigantic And you see it on the wall it looks Normal but could you imagine if you Had the palm trees are huge you don't

Realize how big these palm trees are These are not your run-of-the-mill pumps No and let me explain to you so you Understand All of this grass all of the water All of the palm trees there are rooms Below you This is in the air this is like a Swimming pool depression of concrete That took Six months to waterproof it's about that Deep And then there's rooms below so we put In the dirt i mean i have the pictures Of the construction which i should give You too like Before you know unbelievable that's Crazy So now we'll go first to another bedroom A secondary bedroom this is the same as The bedroom you guys saw down below This is secondary bedroom secondary so We have another art gallery here Okay so big it's so so big So this you could put two full-sized Snooker tables here Easy oh but you don't need that because We have that downstairs so let me show You Of course this is one of the secondaries My goodness It's hazy but you usually see all the Boats in the water I was just saying you could park your

Boat in marina del rey You could stand on the sky deck and see It yeah you could nearly put one of Those skylines in the Zipline wouldn't that be great could you Get that approved So this is the entrance to the master Bedroom right here That's the main elevator there right but This is the master bedroom entrance you Come in here This is the master bedroom living room Kitchen bar We haven't even seen the big kitchen yet I know This is the kitchen for the master Bedroom yeah it's kind of like a bar It has a microwave for popcorn you can Watch tv Whatever you know this is the hers bath That has its own steam Check the closet up oh my goodness It's like a beverly hills boutique I love it Absolutely love it Gee unreal Unreal it's so Good let me explain like some of the Things i've done you understand like Please Like i did this once before in another House but what i didn't like is When you open the drawers you saw the Track so what i haven't come up with

Here is check this out We put the tracks underneath so you just Have the the slot We have things like here everything is Rose gold here So even the hinges are rose gold and These are they're all Lined and suede So they're all like hand stitched it's Like aston martin I invented which is a fortune it's not Installed here yet for the his bath His closet um built-in watch winders in The closet That so you can display your watches but People can't take them so like when you Have parties most of the watch riders Are sitting on the Islands that now it's in the closet i'll Show you it's not in yet but i'll show You So this is the his bath Wow look at that tub That's a small tub yeah Three showers no it's a toilet it's a Sour it's a steam Then over here they're half they're half Frosted Yeah gradually i thought that looked Better you know so you don't see Beautiful So what do we have here we have toilet Toilet Shower shower steam steam with the view

Amazing wow and here's one of those Again you have this tub in the other House right Same stuff this is the His closet this is where the built-in Watch wire goes but this one's for like 35 watches here You know i don't even wear watches Anymore This is beautiful did i show you Something you've never seen Keep in mind the bed has to be made Custom because this bed's way too small Even though it's a king i need to get a Custom one made because It looks so small in this bedroom and it Has a tv that comes out of the wall and Spins 360 degrees and it has Your own master bedroom swimming pool Check it out Office swimming pool hot tub waterfall Deep plunge Look at that it's glass the entire thing Is glass Look how thick this is this is oh my Goodness What is that that's three inches Unreal hold on i gotta go up here and Take a look Unreal And then here there's a spa Wow can you tell i'm lost for words Are we able to see the tv in operation I don't know because i don't know where

The remote is but It does you can see the track look at This adam No it's not but it comes it turns so Like you could turn it here you can turn It here you can watch tv See the entire track and then it Disappears in there right into there Yeah I have to redo this whole wall though i Have to make this bed custom like the Whole width of the wall and like you Know i got a lot of plans here And once the track's done we're going to Put like the little fiber felt around a Little um like Hair thing so you don't see that big Opening I mean you know like that cost so much Money and like i never even thought of It at the time like This had to be all custom they don't This doesn't exist no of course no no Yeah this is just Stupid [Music] How many steps have you done so far now 9647 That ain't bad no it's a couple yeah I mean just look take a look down here Man it's temping bowling you know you Could play champion bowling but look all The way down to the bottom To the bottom we haven't been down there

Yet that was Rather good yeah what would you say is Your most favorite part of the house There's so many but I will tell you i've been asked that Before at a univision interview and it's Hard to say now because i haven't given It away But my favorite part of this house Is the house's ability to change the World That's my favorite part i think it's Nearly time for me to change my shoes I know you want them out yet oh Unbelievable This is the 50 car garage Oh my god adam oh my god This is a car showroom michael this is Bigger than most car showrooms look Unreal and there's two turntables one to The left one to the right correct Unbelievable unbelievable I don't know i i i don't even know what To say I collect cars i would like this wow You need to collect a few more people Need a few more keep them here if i Could drive them You know we went downstairs before but Somewhere completely different Yeah we've never seen any of this Remember when i talked to you about the Virtual shark tank i'm going to do that I showed you this rendering this is

Where i'm going to do it here Imagine just like the tv you saw in the Nightclub this entire wall a virtual Shark tank Another living room with two bedrooms so We have a bedroom here and a bedroom Here in a living room You know it's such a pleasure to stand On carpet right now because i've walked So much my feet are hurting So this is like bedroom number 15 or Something It's one this is there's there's a total Of nine bedrooms in the house Then we have uh eight bedroom staff Quarters and three bedroom guest house Which we're coming to yeah and you know What would be really cool Since we have so much space we can put The some of the monitors This way and that way so you get the Depth like it's water you know what i Mean so it's not just on the wall that'd Be so badass you know Okay over here this is the East hall and this is kind of like the Hangout area on this side where we have Another bar oh adam It's never ending this is going to be Champagne and wine and wines you can eat Around your wine and champagne this is a Bar And there's another sitting area here Said there's like multiple

Like clown clubby lounge areas right so Just chill Yeah do you have like a sports bar or Somewhere where you'd watch Ufc or fights or whatever yeah so this Is champagne in the back and Wine on the right left we're just Waiting for the racket to come from Italy So what are these rooms this is the wine Room so this is the wine and champagne So It's temperature controlled behind the Glass you can have dinner around the Wine complete area Wrap around yeah and it's enormous so I think it's five thousand bottles or Something five Thousand that's a party now this is Called the price of an average house Right so this is the av because the ap Was around 10 million dollars when we Decided to display it Oh that is just incredible 10 million Bucks for all the agents That's a very clever idea why not Display it yeah it's so Cool we'll come in here after i want to Show you the wellness first Look there's another pool i know yeah We're gonna we'll come back there it's Better to go this way So this is the wellness adam The wellness has a fireplace the

Wellness has A sitting area hot tub two treatment Rooms this is a water feature This is a beauty salon that has three Hair cut And three hair wash and two pedicure Unreal and i did it all with burgundy And rose gold which i thought was really Nice of the light gray Unreal that was actually one of my Favorite things about your other house Was the Uh right off of the master you had like The whole beauty area Yeah would you remember one chair yeah Yeah one hedge And one like pedicure chair this is a Full-blown salon oh yeah There are sevens in beverly hills Smaller So this is and then there's a waiting Area there's a water feature And then over here this is our wet area Which is really cool With another water feature that comes Behind here but then we have the Dry sauna steam sauna we have three Showers and the door and rock Body deluge which is a warm slab that Drenches you with different kinds of Water techniques wow I've never seen anything like this now Ever i mean even in some of the finest Hotels in the world find a spa

It's not like this this is a whole Nother level I mean it really is it's a whole another Level the indoor pool is really cool Because i did super super hard things That nobody's done here let's go over Here and see this So this is a hot tub and then we have Two treatment rooms where i just have to Etch the glass Massage room with a view That looks beautiful but what i'm going To be doing is I'm going to try to take the view out of This level i'm going to build I put trees and planters to not have any Of you here to have a totally different Vibe And like greenery and privacy i have my Londonderry house because You have so much view you're exposed all The time and that's true I mean what's great is you're exposed to The view but you don't no other houses Look into you which is really rare to be Five minutes from sunset Now i have the indoor pool that was Really hard we have moss walls that take The natural humidity from the room but They also I also inset mirror above the pool with A led light which is very very hard to Do And we have these electric doors that

Open when you walk up to them But this is the indoor pool with the Mirror oh my goodness Uh chlorine or salt water salt salt This is something else but like like you See how it reflects the water i do And the beautiful living wolf living Walls up This is insanity It's insanity that's my favorite part Yet Now now we're going to go to the gym It has all techno gym equipment and a Juice bar I mean it's like i mean how do you even Begin to describe Let's say we didn't have a video camera On yeah i Wouldn't have any way of describing this House You have to see it you have to Experience it the Sheer size of it look down there i mean I have no idea what That is but it continues to grow and Grow and grow And this i mean this is a full juice bar Yeah I feel like i'm in a um this is this is What's everything revealed here I am going to have the best body in the World Oh he's going to be so sad every time he Comes here she's gonna be like

Look at nile he's like buffer every day Younger every day Still eating the cheeseburger That is going to be after it's done this Is going to be a little pool With a deck in the middle and that's Where we're going to do the uh it's a Yoga platform Outside onward we go it's hard to Believe that it It just keeps going oh yeah it is what Percentage are we at now niall Ah like 70. okay we're getting there so This is His and her getting ready area so this Has two showers two sinks a toilet And lockers which they have to add in The combo codes but like if you have Your friends here they can come get Ready here So they have to be in your house you Know one and two I love these these are brilliant yeah Wow brilliant Clever so another Blue powder room or lu lu Blue blue blue I'm totally lost okay back i'll be back Towards the Virtual shark tank look Look at this i would give this shot like That Oh you got it you do the spin i'm a Director so like

I you know what i mean like i i'm i'm Going to be directing like two or three Movies i'm writing right now I never and i'll show you you know what I'll show you in the i'll show you the Theater Where is it wait it's very hard it's Very hard to see this because I my ex that i met Eight months ago i married it already it Didn't work out because she's from Argentina she doesn't listen to me blah Blah blah blah but it's still hard to See because we were like Soul mates like deeper connection that You could ever Imagine so it's hard to watch the music Video i directed with her But you should see it you know what it's Peter well okay so this is The west wing we'll see this person We didn't go down here right no no no no No So to the right is right i feel like This is The size of a net to the right is a his And hers bath and the restaurant kitchen That's closed And then this is our livestream right no Yeah So this is the pool lounge pool table Lounge So when i said nile have you got Anywhere where we could watch the ufc

Yeah i'm sure This is the oh this isn't it my goodness Isn't that it this is the bowling alley Four lane and then this is a golf Simulator Oh my goodness look at the walls watch The walls i know Unbelievable with the digital scores and And the golf simulator so you have a Putty green and a golf simulator Then over here in the kitchen No yeah that's a little kitchen but That's back into the Wellness center where we were we didn't Ship this it's just another okay Come to the juice bar wellness center Where the Into where the spot look i know So this is this is the Pool room bar pool table i didn't think It could get better It just keeps getting better And it's so tastefully done everything Is so tastefully done 100 Even this i mean look at the pool table The balls the way that this this is this Light It's yeah The walls no word of a lie i have not Seen a single thing yet That i don't like i have an idea i Haven't either I've seen things that need to be done Though like cracks

But but in terms of the design yeah so Thank you so this is spectacular so These double doors this is Awesome what is this what is this that's Where the nightclub is right there so They made us put a wall up And i was gonna try to open it after Final but i thought this is actually Better because you have your nightclub That's separate from your house They can't hear you but it would be much More usable To have a door and then you could have This whole area you could have cedar Premieres and all kinds of You know but we'll see so this is where The restaurant kitchen is but it's not Done yet it's here right And that's huge huge and then this whole Area you have stairs up to where the Kitchen is You have an elevator up to the kitchen And this is like the staff bathroom and The restaurant kitchen Right okay now let me show you the next Now we're going to the best theater You've ever seen it has a full dolby Atmos system it has i don't know how Many speakers but i did see the speakers Going behind the theater screen Which were about eight feet tall each It's got like 20 subwoofers It's crazy hopefully i can hook it up so We can watch watch the video but

This is the entrance we have digital Movie posters so you can change This is our candy room which will look Great when it's all filled with Different color candies You didn't forget many things now Okay here's the theater Don't worry it's like a theory goes both Directions Oh you're kidding me you're kidding me This is a theater this is the real deal Theater Yeah let me put the music video at home Can you put the lights on so Yeah yeah okay so if this wasn't Configured like this you could put a Hundred people in here as a This is the theater 100 this is as big This is This is bigger than the imax not the Imax the um Whatever they have down in there in the Grove look at the size of that screen Yeah i mean This is as big as some of these smaller Rooms I've never imagined Anything like this in a house no i mean If i went to a movie theater In l.a i wouldn't expect no i mean i Only got like ipics you know what i mean They're not even the same as this You know but this cost ten times more What was the cost of this theater oh

Tons I throw a number on it i don't know Millions How many millions maybe four or five i Believe it The the seats are low-level there we go Oh my god now you guys get an idea And a perspective of just how Big this really is and I've stood in front of screens before And shown you how big they are but I barely above the bottom of the screen Unbelievable unbelievable okay i'll show You my girl's music video When you guys are done filming that Patch you got to turn the light off Again because i can't do it i'm sorry I mean i'm just i'm just going to stand Here for a second and take it in Look at the hermes blankets i know i saw A cashmere blanket I i don't know what to say these are all Electric too They all have their look look oh let's Maybe not look at that as nile's phone Who knows what's on that oh yeah i don't Care I don't know what these buttons do but That's a fun one let's see what this one Does oh Where am i going oh i'm loving this are You sitting like that well i don't know I didn't know what it was going to do oh Look

It's doing stuff what does this do Hope that's the top one you don't know What i'm doing mate It's crazy leave and everywhere right Now Do what now we're in a house right i Know this is like ipics on steroids [Music] Okay so now we're gonna head to the Guest house Just just to point out there's one two Three four five six Washing machines but there's also a Laundry room in the staff quarters Oh we haven't even seen the staff Quarters no not yet there's a laundry Room In the staff quarters which is i'm sure The main laundry room It's all very super car friendly as well Very super friendly I was gonna bring uh my baby today but i Didn't because i wasn't Sure how the drive would be which one And lago Oh yeah one of 12 in the world wow okay This is a guest house So the guesthouse has four bedrooms Sorry Three bedrooms four bathroom with its Own laundry room and its own swimming Pool This also leads you to the tennis court Do you know how many square feet the

Guest house is it's about Four thousand forty four hundred foot Guessed that forty five hundred I love all this lavender yeah yeah i i Created this they had grass here And i'm like no no no we gotta do Something cool so paul drew up these Circular planters It was a pain in the ass but look how Good it looks you know fabulous So here's like olive trees aren't they Yeah all live with lavender yeah Beautiful here's the guesthouse so guest House You know what i mean like when i live in This house for the show i'd even be Comfortable living here you know what i Mean like it's gorgeous yeah It's i i really want smaller space now In my place because it's like that's I mean for what we're doing is going to Be great and you couldn't do it without It but like this would be cool Comfortable you got your own pool Beautiful So this is the this is the living room Dining room Kitchen melee appliances top of the line Everything as of course one would expect Powder room It has its own laundry room One two three bedrooms and this is the Mat the master bedroom Again beautiful yeah and then it has a

Gigantic infinity pool The doors i mean every detail is just Gorgeous Well amazing Now this is amazing this is the guest House yeah I mean look at the size and then we'll Walk over here i'll show you the um The north south tennis court I'm trying to think where you could Possibly have that and this here This is where we're going i'll show you Come on come on come on michael And this is on pile so half of this is Up in the air This is it unreal and it's North south i have a fire pit at the end I have a hot tub with water on five Sides a viewing room Look at this hot tub this is an enormous I mean it's not just the size of a Tennis court it's the size of two tennis Courts This is so you're just going to have This all finished up with a yeah Like yeah and then here i got the uh hot Tub that the water spills over Four sides and and the water comes down The black wall so five sides of water Come down and what is this room here It's just like the view of people you Know to get out of the sun we'll have Like Furniture set up here and probably a

Little like That's the thing that's missing a little Bar here so like if you need drinks While you're playing tennis Amazing whoa Bathroom and This is crazy buy a pit down there say Again yes there's Another fire pit in the sitting area Take a look Wow well this will be beautiful when It's finished too I mean just just look from here You can't even begin to to describe the Immensity just Insane it's a city block yeah How big is the lot five and a half acres Of flat And it's basically all house yeah can You want to see the uh The staff quarters yes please so this is The staff course it's seven Bedrooms this is one of the sizes This is like the bath the area the Closet These are lovely bedrooms for the staff Quarters yeah Great views beautiful bus rooms Then here's all of them here because It's come straight down So quarters staff Staff staff Staff staff not staff Laundry room here beyond this is a

Living room kitchen and A security detail that leads you right To the garage and this is the laundry For the staff So they have everything they have a Living room a kitchen a laundry all the Bedrooms You can fit like four staff in each room If you wanted to like and they could be Totally comfortable Absolutely incredible it's Ginormous if that's such a word [Music] So as i promised you this has to have Been the most Epic house tour in the history of house Tours uh Can't thank you enough nile for letting Us exclusively tour this Amazing the one house and something That's Really exciting next week you guys Need to tune in because i'm going to be Doing an interview with nyle He has got some plans that are Life-changing world-changing And you guys are going to be the very First people to see that we didn't want To give away too much on this Perfect but um wow I know a little itsy bit i don't know Everything in fact i know probably one Percent And i can't wait to hear it too so

That's coming soon tune in next time for Now we're in it to win It nile thank you thank you hit that Subscribe button hit the bell [Music] You

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