Luxury Real Estate


Beauty Grace and strength how about that You didn't know that did you I didn't do We have a treat for you this is probably The most luxurious house in Vegas right I'm going to stay close to it Unbelievable we just had a sneak preview And we're going to show you we're back With Eric and uh let's go take a look Let's go take a look this spectacular Spectacular house probably my dream House it's just about 10 000 square feet Six bedroom nine bathroom Six car garage and it's single level so You know we don't have to climb any Stairs push we don't have to climb any Stairs or do anything like that this Dual beat by door I mean yeah That's a big one look at that goodness Me it doesn't get much better than it Adam Stupid sick guys you know I don't tell You to buy stuff often but You love it when I buy stuff they do This is a little more than buying a Watch I'm yeah I love what you saw this house I agree wow look at this I love how it's Wide open it's crazy this is really Perfect you could probably get about 200 People in this place and not feel Crowded easy easy yeah easy look at the Ceilings yeah rounded ceiling everything And this house is available Fully furnished right what you see is

What you get currently on the market for 16 million but you know everything in Las Vegas real estate is negotiable We like that I like negotiable I mean It's just open and welcoming and I'm looking at a putching green and a Fire feature out there which we'll go And visit Adam come come here for a Second okay and I'm going to explain What this area is okay obviously it's a Bar yep these Pockets away and right There you have a hot tub behind it Plunge a cold cold plunge yeah and this Little slot here is to fill with ice so You can have your ice drinks and serve Them and this is probably the largest Pool or one of the largest pools in Las Vegas it goes all the way around and We'll see a lot more of it can't do that In Vegas anymore because of the water Restrictions right so there's a maximum Uh pool size of 600 square feet so at This point being almost 145 linear feet At the front Feet yeah Well let's see more in the house and Then we'll go outside I want to go Outside And it's freezing cold and here's me Saying I want to go outside but it's Just so nice I mean you could say this Is a dream kitchen is an understatement Yeah it's just so clean and not Complicated but yet everything you could

Ever imagine or want is here of course Look at that view back through there Huge but yet livable it's not stupid you Know how some houses they're just big But this is it's really warm and fun for Sure and of course the Let's go have a peek outside and then of Course we'll go through the rest of the House and these are huge pocket doors as Well when you say these are 14 foot yeah Yeah that's incredible look at that That's ridiculous you have your sunken Little fire pit area there in the pool Now I'm sure you hear this on every tour Guys but I don't say this much in being In Las Vegas this is by far the best View you'll see how does it get better Almost 200 degree view of all of the South Valley into the Las Vegas Strip And then into North Las Vegas Mount Charleston at the very top you can see Is completely covered with snow right Now so the view on a clear day is just Unparalleled unbelievable expectations Look at this pool I know and you've got The fire either end of it This is just crazy outside kitchen this Little setup here yeah me too hot tub Cold plunge is it cold oh god let's see That's that's doable oh yeah Adam look At this what have you got so The pool wraps around the corner and There's Stepping Stones to the primary Bedroom which we'll go and visit from

The inside and the office in the primary Suite but how unbelievable is this That's so cool and this is all backlit Too in the uh in the built-in art out Outside Amazing I see a putting green you're Right and a gym let's go take a peek I've got to go down here I've never been In one of these that's been working with Water around it so let's just knock this One off the bucket list Yeah I like that yeah very nice look Look at your view while you're sat on One of these bikes and these are pocket Doors too so they go completely into the Wall and it's an indoor outdoor feel This is really just crazy we haven't Even been in the house really I know I Know I could just live in the spaces We've been in yeah it's just incredible Nice bathrooms even got a closet in here For all of your gym stuff like this go On there do some dips no One pull-up can you get one I could do More than that yeah yeah I could do two Yeah yeah I could probably do 15 15 Pull-ups maybe Ted ten bullets yeah do Just do one all right let's do one which Way round do I face that way right uh Depends which way you want your arms to Be so this is where this might have to Get cut out There yeah Look at that I could do a bunch of these

That yeah where's the feet Yeah I could do a lot of it Beauty Grace And strength how about that you didn't Know that did you I didn't Go I just can't get over that look at The reflection on the pool And this pool is multi-colored as well So you can change it to any color there Yeah it's truly interesting infinity and The best part about it is there's no one Building right here so the next house Below it is about 200 feet below [Music] Foreign [Music] Toasting your buns yeah Which way should we go let's go this way Let's do it let's do it entertaining Space here family room here there's a Little table so isn't this a really nice Feature too just to sort of break it up Right yeah exactly what do you find the Room right and the same thing with the Ceiling it's almost an invisible wall Yeah but you could tell it's a separate Room as you step in nice Pantry nice Pantry What do we have here you'll see an open Air office designated office is this Part of the primary Suite it is so Technically you're stepping through the Primary Suite this is the owner's office Right here he left it open air because Um he didn't want to feel confined

Behind glass And once again the ridiculous view no Matter which room you go into it seems Like there's a beautiful view this is Your primary bedroom Which once again is just gorgeous how About that looking over your fire pit Adam I know Pool Yeah that wouldn't be a bad view to wake Up to would it just Sensational what's Great about the the Builder who built This home too he has his uh all his own In-house interior designers as well so When he designs a home he not only Builds it to specification but he Designs it exactly the way it should Look nice finished product so I'm going To tell you it's a secret okay do you Know what that is Cool that is to pull the gas from the Fire down here no that is to put the Heat from the fire out into the room oh Up In this way it doesn't affect your Electronics that are hanging over the Farm correct Wet bar little fridge Look at that shower Michael where have You gone Nice closet how big is that one decent Oh yeah Oh it keeps going yeah decent size LG

What's that is that fridge uh might be An ironing board that's a steamer it's a Steamer yeah Fancy shows you that I don't know how to Recognize Yeah this is Detroit Beautiful bathroom yeah I love the Shower as well It's a double shower rain head body Jets There body Jets pointing the wrong way Nozzle there I can attest to the body Jets point you the wrong way Oh yeah and around head at the top as Well Lou Had a loo there and here so separate to Lose and then a separate linen closet to Keep all your towels so this is really Nice look so how they've got the Flooring that just sets the bath matches The wall exactly yeah fabulous like you Say they're the little details that just Make all the difference absolutely and Not many Builders do that right they put Up these Pro you know these properties That look really nice they're all modern And beautiful but it's the little fine Details that make the difference for Sure here you found a nice closet come In isn't this lovely how far around to Go Far enough to have a washer and a dryer Really just in case you need it wow it Goes really far

Cool right that's very cool out of the Primer primary Suite make a right What's this I know it's not an elevator It's a single stuff This is going to be like a utility Closet and here we have that's the brain Oh we like looking at brains look at all The uh temperature controls no way Isn't that cool that's incredible and Because it's a smart house like they Have to have these panels but this is All controlled by a phone by your phone You're playing now that is look at that Amazing wild that's how to do it Properly and then there the laundry room Look at the backsplash oh that's cool Isn't that nice and it looks like it's In set it's actually smooth huh there Are some big old washer dryers yeah they Are look at them Oh it's actually standard size it's on a Pedestal here's me talking about Washater dry man I just bought new ones You domestic God yeah Um and you can operate these from your Phone too really yeah just so you know Not that I know so what's down there That's that's a tray you put your it Opens So there's a lesson in washer and dryers And here we have three more bedrooms Right a bedroom on that side bedroom Here And then a bedroom here all ensuite so

They all have their own bath Beautifully done I love this house I see You living here Michael I could just Even living here too yeah But it snows So there's a six car garage this is it's Four right and then it's split with Another two-car garage there's two more On the other side of the house right so Yep so you have two here two on the Other side and then you can actually get More than two cars in here for sure yeah Could probably fit six Cooper minis in Here this is also a large garage So you could get a lot of cars in here And then again on the opposite side yeah That goes in here plus all of that space On the driveway yeah covered as well if You park it right outside yeah it's not Very sound acoustic it echoes Echoes Echo Looks like he's only parked here once Yeah it looks looks like no one's ever Been in there than to test it All right let's go to the other side We have another whole side of the whole Wing of the house yeah we're only half Done look at this beautiful wallpaper Going through with the nice texture This is beautiful even the way this is Done these lights are amazing yeah Little details you know little details It's kind of art deco isn't it and as The lights dropping it the character of

The house is changing isn't it changes Look at the view now as the lights of The strip and the city start to come on Really special but we're going to go on This side now take a look at what we Have over here As you'll see there's another powder Wait wait this is cool yeah oh yeah this Is a Michael one this is this is cool This is glass red glass right so in this House we've passed three powder rooms so Far right one close to the kitchen one In back on the other end of this hallway And then this for this side I think each One Lovelier than the next right gets Even better and better another so you Have another bedroom right here Totally different flavor from the other Three that we just saw or excuse me the Other four we just saw nice bathroom Beautiful This is more traditional looking yeah Right yeah absolutely warmer yeah This is when the in-laws come to say It's just about to say this is where You'd put the mother in them comfortable And as we go down to the right here Mike You'll see a little entertainment room It's got a pool table wet bar access Outside so although it's in the front of Your house it's still very functional to You know have guests come in and still Have that whole you know kind of Congregation where people can entertain

Me you could have them come in here Without coming through the front door Too exactly right so nice Have you ever seen a painted ceiling Like this I haven't and I've never seen pool cues Like this look at the tips on the pool Cue to match the red felt are they what Are they are they wood are they carbon Fiber carbon fiber yeah it looks like Carbon fiber yeah Fancy Pants very fancy And just the little things too you don't Typically see a fixture like this over a Pool table right and it actually Provides good life absolutely which is Lovely I've been led to believe that the red That you see on the formica is painted Ferrari red is it really yeah Yeah I I buy that then here we have the Final bedroom so this is number six There's a nice bathroom yeah like you Say these are more sort of understated That's certainly not understated Look at that looking over the fire and With every year that goes past it keeps Getting better and better and more light With more lights and more casinos and More Resorts they just built that Beautiful MGM excuse me the MSG sphere That they're going to hold those Concerts in I mean it just keeps getting Better and better out there this is the

Place this is the place and then here's This is the two-car garage please watch Your step gentlemen there's two steps as You go down Big oh yeah oh this could easily get Three cars in easily easy easily and not Only that you could probably put a lift In here too yeah you can easily this is The perfect house that's what I'm saying And I just can't believe the price of it I can't either I I mean It's just Crazy I have this here match the handles At the front door all right so Everything kind of is different but it Kind of closes together Blends in Together I think we need to get outside And say our goodbyes absolutely yeah I Want to go see that view again let's do It should we go this way yeah let's do It okay Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Look at this lit up purple Mike I'm so glad you guys got a chance To see this place it's insane the Lighting in the pool is now coming to Life because it's getting dark This is truly insane great place I think One of the nicest houses we've ever ever Shown on the channel everybody leave a

Comment below and just put buy it yes [Laughter] I didn't buy it I listen make sure to Call Eric when you want to yeah right Exactly Eric thank you so much once Again always this is Insane yeah hope you've enjoyed it Please hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell hit the like did I say that if I Didn't hit the like hit it again smash That like button and we're in it to win It and with that Cheerio from Las Vegas [Music]

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