

[Music] So those of you that watched the Previous video with seth will know we Talked about doing a comparison between The 2020 New submariner the 41 millimeter and its Predecessor the 40 millimeter um seth has them both here I have one on my wrist New toy and uh let's let's get them out And compare them Okay you got it so first thing i want to Challenge you mike Looking at these watches without getting Too close okay are you able to pick out Which one is which Let me see um This one here is the 41 millimeter i Know that for a fact okay Uh it's really really difficult I'm gonna say uh This one is the new one okay so you Would Be wrong would it really yep Okay i judged it because that The dial has slightly whiter no it Doesn't this one does right So here's here's what i've realized is Wow they're so similar Yeah it's crazy here's what i would say If you want to try to figure out which One is which the easiest quickest way Is to look at the watch up here And try to figure out which one has the

Bracelet that comes closer to the edge Of the lugs So you'll notice the older style Ceramic sub was thinner In the bracelet and wider in the lugs And this one is closer I see it it's only off by whatever one Or two millimeters i see it But right yeah so that's the easiest way To tell but the reality is You would never my bezel's not sure you Never have them side by side No and you'd never be really comparing i Hate it when they're not exactly Straight there we go that's straight now So if i were sat in a room this far away From you and this was on my wrist There's no way in the world you would Know If this is the new one or the old one it Would be tough i would be all i would be Doing is i'd be staring at that watch Trying to look right here that's the Easiest way to tell and can you see it From that distance Yeah i could basically tell that that's The newer one from here but Obviously you know so i bought this i Bought this because There was such a hype about this watch And as a watch collector i have a lot of Rolexes How much how much over retail did you Have to pay i was very fortunate and i

Paid retail for it Oh my god my local authorized dealer Called me Said michael you've been a great Customer we have one would you like it And i said i'm on my way And then you're so lucky they love you Yeah they love you i wish everybody Could But i'm not selling it so it's it Doesn't doesn't make me any money Right i'm not looking to flip it the Point is that if you want this watch Right now You have to pay something like 6 000 Over retail for this watch and that's One month after being released Within the first week of being released It was like an eight thousand dollar Surcharge yeah it's really insane so how Much Is the comparison between the two now All right so Basically two watches that look Identical yeah so like i said so as of Right now the end of september early October The market price on the new sub is Right around fifteen five sixteen for Brand new Don't bang that because it'll go up your Microphone it'll sound like thunder yeah You're really concerned about banging Huh

So so 55 and how much is the 40 Millimeter all right so The 40 millimeters got dragged up did They yes They went up they would have thought They'd have gone down that's amazing They actually went up with the new sub And the new pricing For the new sub it means the old sub Which looks very similar Actually got a kick up so where these Used to be 10 grand Like let's say at the beginning of a Covid 10 10 five Now if you want one you're paying about 12 five for mint mint mint condition box Papers 12.5 Amazing yeah so this particular one how Much you asking for Uh this one in my shop i believe i'm Asking 12.5 That's insane i would have thought it Went the other way but that makes sense Now that you say it Now the the differences that i'm aware Of with these two watches other than the One millimeter size They increased the power reserve right They did yeah 72-hour power reserve look At you exactly right I tried to test it but i forgot to check It yeah so I'll do another check and see so they They expect the movement i think it was

Uh 31 35 now so 32 35 i believe and now so Also some of the other differences mike If i can show you please The bracelet is wider by a millimeter Let's get that one and put it next to it And see if We can see a difference here Look what he's doing here So the bracelet's wider the buckle Is wider i see it i actually do see that That's You you notice the buckle so for Clarification this is the 2020 Yes okay correct Very little detail the lugs meaning The side of the case are thinner on the New one the thinner on the new one yeah So this is the new one Oh yeah i see that too and this is the Older one you see how it's just it's Ever so slight Interesting oh you know what actually They're okay Also the markers on both The bezel and the dial Are a little bit either bolder or wider Larger bezel isn't straight needs to be Turned Adam will will freak out with ocd and I'm getting the same way so yeah All right let me just yeah it really is Okay i've fixed the bezel Thank you there we go see how it pops a

Little bit more hopefully the camera can Pick that up The dial seems to have a slightly Different shimmer to it on the new one I mean look at the word submariner on The new one compared to the old one The word rolex it just pops even the Width of the Our indices seems to be slightly Different or am i imagining that Maybe i'm imagining it am i imagining it Maybe Maybe i need another drink of grape Juice apple juice whatever it is So so there it is so there's obviously The case is one millimeter bigger as Well it's 41. And um i might be completely wrong with This but Is the metal slightly different that They used in the bracelet did i read That somewhere A different type of metal yeah it's Stainless steel i mean uh So just i mean stainless steel same Stainless i don't Pretend that i know everything so maybe I don't know anything about the Different type of stainless steel but it Could be Possible okay so also rolex introduced a Whole Bunch of additional new models yeah Um which i think we should definitely

Okay So they have a complete video on right Definitely let me get them Uh in my possession and we'll make a Video like they are incoming they got The new kermit Get the new blueberry which is a white Gold with the blue you've got the New submariner with the green bezel Called the kermit Right then you've got the 41 millimeter Oyster perpetuals that are Beautiful with these bright colors You've got the new two-tone Sub as well so what did they do with That one The blue is different it's bigger Forty-one expected probably the same Differences with the lugs So let's do it let's do a complete new Video we'll do all of them do a whole Comparison we'll bring in everything and We'll we'll lay it out there and we'll I think everybody would like to see that Because i certainly would i want to know The difference i have a question for you Guys Someone who doesn't own a rolex yet why Would i go For a 2020 over the older model Is there a reason other than the fact That it's newer And hotter right now is there a reason Why i would do that or

Are they both going to kind of Appreciate in the same way Over say two or three or five years So i'll give you my amateur opinion and Then seth you can throw in the Professional Opinion historically what i've found Is if you buy an older model and a newer Model comes out Rolex especially they always continue to Increase in value I think unless it's a really really Special older model They'll just continue to rise slowly Whereas the new models because the Demand is so high They go up faster you'll save money by Buying the Older model but not much money i don't Know What are your thoughts on that okay so You'll save about four thousand dollars By buying the older model you'll more or Less have the same effect on your wrist However for the true collector Who wants the latest version of the Movement Who likes the fact that the bracelet is Larger the case is larger fits the wrist A little nicer You you go ahead and you pony up you Spend extra money And in terms of resale value i think That your money is safe no matter which

One you buy it really is That was much more eloquent than the way I said it thank you for that We basically said the same thing though Yeah but you said it better but that Said Uh really looking forward to uh doing The full New 2020 review with all the watches We'll do that very soon okay And you guys will get to see it so seth Thank you so much for For coming up here today and bringing These beautiful pieces Um make sure you hit the subscribe Button hit the bell In it to win it anything else to say Adam says i'm good Seth it was an honor to be invited to Your house by the way thank you To that and uh this was fun please stay Safe everybody we'll see you soon [Music] You

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