

So you've all seen rolex's pateks aps Etc etc today we are at 90210 watches With seth and we're going to show you Something really special [Music] Before we get to the video i want to Remind you go to the producer michael Boutique and go shopping We have amazing watches vast range we Have everything from like 20 bucks all The way up to a couple of million and Everything in between we've got fashion Shoes fragrances sunglasses go check it Out producer today we are With seth at 90210 watches and we're Going to show you something really Really special i know you've all seen The rolexes and pateks and everything That everybody shows all the time but do You know there's so many other super High-end brands that are very expensive That are also incredibly desirable seth Good to see you my friend What you got to show us i really Appreciate coming in today mike it's Great to see you and you too adam Well these look amazing i'm familiar With some of these but not all of them It's actually very refreshing to see This rather than just the standard stuff That you see all the time right right We're always talking about the hype Watches right and that's what they are

The hype for the time being right so Let's start from this side we'll work Our way down all right so this one here This is a langer and sun correct that's The legomatic perpetual and platinum Fantastic watch it's a 38 millimeter Watch And it's really held its value Fantastically over the last four or five Years it's gone up slowly but surely it Never went down It's a very handsome perpetual calendar So let's talk about the pricing did you See the back of it absolutely beautiful Gorgeous So how much is this watch this watch Give or take is in the low 60s 61 62 000 For pre-owned so what's the retail on This watch uh i believe the retail is Somewhere in the 80s okay so it's Actually slightly less than the retail Right and it's a beautiful watch my Understanding is this is german is it German correct and the germans make a Great watch i know it's not something That you would probably wear But It really does have a great following Who's the other german watching it Glasshutter glass shoots right Also fabulous watch this is nice and it Feels nice as well with it being Platinum it's got some some serious Weight to it okay this is a big boy so

Right so that's an arnold and son luna Magna in platinum that's limited to 28 Pieces what does this do it's like a Bubble globe so that is the moon phase So that just like how jacob has a Three-dimensional actual round moon Right they do it as well so you can see Right now the way it's set that if you Look up at night it's going to be almost Half of a moon if i pull this out and Turn it will it turn well no you'd have To actually um trigger the moon But if you'd like to play with it you're Welcome to but that you'll just change The time right now and how much is one Of these so that watch is give or take 50 000 and list for around 70. so again A good buy right a goodbye it's Beautiful It's really beautiful it's nice to see Something different right the brand Itself has made a fantastic comeback uh Like five six years ago arnold and son Was known as a close-out brand as the Years have progressed this this brand Has come back it is now trading for give Or take 80 percent of the retail value Really hard to get and this is british Arnold and sun is a swiss made watch i Believe their legacy is british but it's Definitely a swiss made watch especially The name like arnold right and this is Very pretty look at that dial so that's A blank pawn

That is a stainless steel single button Pusher chronograph that you can Trigger the chronograph With the center button that you don't Have the top and the bottom Okay but that does the same function Correct so press once it starts it press Two stop and then reset it exactly right You said it so this pretty much true Long pencil brand that you can still get Pretty exceptional values the watch Retails for around twenty four thousand You can still buy this watch for about 50 off can you really yeah this one yeah So this would be uh 12 13 000 correct Blank pan is incredibly popular in Europe if i'm not mistaken yes Definitely beautiful watch very classy Looking it is and they sponsor the Lamborghini super trofeo they do yep What is this i'm sure you don't Pronounce it wrong but er work How do you pronounce it So that's the 105 maverick in bronze That was a limited edition of just 22 Pieces what does this do oh what did it Do i guess it just gives you an Additional view right correct you can See the mechanism these aren't cheap if I'm uh 70 000 retail And you really don't get much discount Maybe about ten thousand dollar discount It looks a bit like a toy

Seriously it looks like something you Would get at um what is it that's just Opened at universal the uh the star wars Thing so this is seventy thousand bucks Yes list yeah Yeah we'll look at the movement look at How the the hour marker rotates around You want to play with it a little bit How do you i'll let you do it because i Don't know how to do it interesting oh Look at that So the whole thing Comes in this way so it's like a Satellite so that the minutes in there And then the hour rotates around so it's Pretty cool it's rotating interesting so It's hard to see through the camera okay So every time the the large number Points that gives you wow that's so cool So this is an expensive watch that i Dare say You can wear without getting mugged Because it It looks a bit like a toy right what's The bag look like The back looks like that I'm not quite sure how to explain that Looks like two eyes oh it has a button On it you see this yeah what does that Do what does it do seth I also don't know Does it come with an instruction manual I hope so what do we have here you tell Me i just got this

Have you noticed i'm wearing a watch Again can you believe it look at that a Couple diamonds zenith white gold Daytona the get bezel if this is Original this is original wow pave dial Don't see that too often this is Incredibly rare isn't that pretty this Is worth a lot of money did you just get This i just got this yeah yeah very good Taste my god let's get back to this Stuff how'd you even find that watch it Was very difficult very few of these you Like it i do like it even though it's Bling Even though it's blue what do you think This watch is worth mike i have no idea You tell me i'm thinking this this has To be worth something like 150 200. That's a good guess and i paid slightly Less than that okay are you gonna switch Out that brown strap you're gonna keep It brown well this is the way it comes So I'm tempted but i wanted to keep it Original okay what would you put on it i Don't know white pink As i was saying here's another star trek Watch okay so that's A very very boutique brand called mbmf They make Fantastically futuristic watches And they also make little clocks uh They're very collectible hard to get you Get almost no discount this watch

Retails for 113 000. stop it yeah 113 000. 113 000. would you wear that no not In a million years really yeah it's Disgusting I would not wear that that's a Conversation i would no i don't want That I wouldn't A hundred and thirteen thousand tell us What it does well it just tells you what Time it is that's the that's the balance Wheel on the front And then you got the hours and the Minutes That's it you just and all of that for a Hundred and thirteen thousand yeah no Day No day No that would be a hundred and fifty Thousand No it's very nice for those that like That but it's cool to see right it looks Like a jetsons car mbnf is actually a Very famous brand yes and very sought After brand yeah and also very Eclectic yeah yeah i mean you have to be Certain they're they're one of the top Independent brands and so is the next Watch by the way okay who is this this Is h moser hey so that's called endeavor Flying hours that's in white gold look At that dial they call it the fumey dial So it's a limit edition of 100 pieces The hour is always going to be the one

In the blue area that gets highlighted In white and as it goes around it jumps To different hours so now it's nine O'clock and so you go by up here you can See how many minutes has elapsed And then it will jump To the next hour Very very that's what they're famous for Their their dials that's so cool so all Right so this watch is right around let Me guess 60 000 less it's less 40. yeah The retail price is 37. 3375. and what Can it be bought for 36.5 Not much discount here's a question for You would you rather see somebody Wearing one of these or as seth caught Him to hype watches the rolexes and it's Tough isn't it because i think a rolex Is like a really solid first watch but If you're a collector then these are Very cool to have very cool yeah uh Speaking about rolex's i know in our Last video Um you know we were talking about Whether or not the watch market was Crashing or not so that video came out What three or four weeks ago yeah Probably and we had shot it three weeks Prior to that right so at the time i was Reading some of the comments And some people were saying that they Felt that you know you were suggesting The market was crashing and i was

Suggesting it's just A dip It really wasn't crashing crashing uh And some people thought that um they Were actually saying that was lying Through my teeth did you see those Comments he's lying he just wants to Protect his business but in the at the End of the day it's been almost two Months later we see that sure the watch Market was down it's still a correction It hasn't crashed and actually i just Think it's stabilizing exactly right Yeah i i just want to throw that out There and then the other comment that Everybody was asking about Uh is what happened to yosidina oh god Okay okay so i get that i get that a lot Why don't you just answer that question For all your okay yoshi bless his Heart uh shall i tell the story what Happened to yoshi sure wow this is all Hearsay but i believe it's semi-accurate Um Yoshi had uh the dina collection which Is now the roomy collection on on Beverly drive here in beverly hills and Uh he got himself in a little bit of Trouble financially is the story that I've heard And uh He ran away he went to israel uh he is In israel now i speak to him from time To time he's a great guy i love yosi i

Think he's coming back he didn't really Run away um he Left town for a while i think he wanted Things to cool down calm down uh last Time his mother was probably two three Months ago out of the blue he gives me a Call michael how are you he didn't say That mike You know And Yeah hopefully he's gonna come back and If he does come back he's gonna set up a Watch shop that's what he said uh i Don't know what type of inventory he'll Have but if he does you'll see him on The channel so that's what happened to You oh okay all right because you like Yoshi too right i liked him i've known Him for many years uh he didn't he never Called me to tell me where he was at I guess he well maybe he called me Because he wanted something who knows Right but maybe he reads the comments Too yeah maybe he does but he's a cool Guy and i do hope he comes back because We have a lot of fun with you yeah he Was really funny in all your videos yeah Guys it's hilarious and it's just off The coffee that's yoshi yeah brutal yeah That's so brutal you've got to love him So what do we got here right so the next One's called a laurent furrier Laurent ferrier very easy it's called The gallet annual calendar in rose gold

Another Limited edition watch watch retails for Sixty six thousand dollars before you go Before you go further please explain to Everybody the difference between an Annual calendar and a perpetual calendar Okay so a perpetual has Moon phase usually built in also it Knows the mechanism knows when it is a Leap year So it and it also knows how many days in Every month So the difference with the annual Calendar is the day-date day-date month And moon phase sometimes but a perpetual Actually will switch depending upon if February has 28 days that month or 29 Days it knows every single month how Many days and they're an absolute Nightmare to set yeah it could be and And if it stops if you don't keep it on A winder oh boy oh yeah yeah reset it so This is beautiful yeah nice annual Calendar so this watch again you get About a 20 discount on this brand i'm With the lift 66. so you would be paying What 45 a little bit more 50. Yeah low 50s yeah yeah very very nice It's a pretty watch [Music] So the next watch literally just came in I like this so this is called This is the new model limit edition They call the mathematical can you tell

What time it is right now well i don't Have my glasses on i see a zero and hold On i have to tilt it my way 19 19 Minutes past zero okay So it's 10 19. where's the tenth you Were close you saw the zero where's the Tennis oh i see it yeah i thought that Was a digit of course Very cool so watch it change time Oh it goes backwards oh wow oh look at That whoa that's cool That's so cool this is a pretty watch Yeah it's very you know what i literally Just came in this morning i have to Double check the retail price and what The discount if there is one let's have A guess at it see how far out we both Are okay all right all right my guess is 70 grand 70 okay what's your guess my Guess will be pretty close i'm gonna Guess 60 and would there be a discount Or no discount uh i'm thinking there's Going to be something like a 10 to 15 Percent discount it's complicated it's Gold it's beautiful So yeah let's see who's right uh the Next independent brand is charles Gartier Girardier excuse me girardi this is Their stainless steel tourbillon extra Thin Blue dial that's extremely thin So it's this this brand makes very kind Of simplistic watches but they're

Beautifully made But you do get a discount so this watch Retails for 56 000 But you could buy it for around 30. Really for brand new yeah that's cheap For any tourbillon right it's a swiss Made that's a real term stainless steel That's not a chinese turbine yeah that's A swiss made independent brand and this Is what 39 millimeter 40. yeah limited Edition of 12 pieces Wow nice watch yeah nice independent Brand so this one caught my eye i like This watch i like this brand jack k Droids jackie droz maybe i'm Mispronouncing it mr they've been making Watches for years uh i believe it's a Member of This uh swatch group i think swatch Grouper oh look at the back of it it Doesn't do much it just shows the jewels Right right but that is a tourbillon Power reserve and white gold it's heavy Limited edition 28 pieces 190 000 retail really yeah Look at look at the the how far deep the Tourbillon is in there the dimensions of This dial It's gorgeous it's beautiful it feels Like platinum feel this adam oh yeah It really does feel heavy Nice chunk of gold there yeah I see what you mean about the depth of The the dial exactly three dimensional

Right camera most of the time like i'm Trying to see what the details yeah That's a special watch so you said 190 Is the retail right so what would this Be uh right around a hundred well that's A huge difference You get pretty good deals on those well So i have a question before we go on to The the next watches These watches that aren't quote the hype Watches what do you think will happen to The value if they're bought at these These numbers that we're talking about Well if we just go from historical Context these watches have not gotten Hurt at all during the the drop of all These hyped watches right so i think They're going to stay stagnant i don't Really think that this is a big risk Especially if you buy these watches Correctly you know you don't want to go Pay full retail price for this in a Boutique so if you went to a boutique Would they discount it there well i Believe if you go to an authorized Dealer of this brand they will give you Something like a 15 discount i don't Know that for a fact because i never Went shopping for this brand but i'm Guessing you're gonna get 15 to 20 But on the secondary market if you can Find specific watches price right you're Gonna buy them closer to 40 45 off so Let me ask you another question which

I'm sure a lot of people would want to Know the answer to so these are brand New watches brand brand new never worn Watches a couple of these are pre-owned But yes for the most part most of these Are brand new yeah so how does one get Them from a non-authorized dealer Because if i'm looking for a watch a new Watch you would think the only place you Can get is the authorized dealer so how Do you come across these watches how do I come across them or how would a Consumer come across them a consumer Google it You gotta go shopping you gotta you Gotta hit the internet that's the only And they come with full warranties and Everything else well some of them do Still have factory warranties attached Whenever you're buying anything on the Secondary market you don't always get The factory warranty but typically when You buy from someone who's credible they Will back up the warranty they will give You a warranty and have to deal with the Issue if something arises right so it's Covered yeah you're covered okay this is A pretty piece yeah what is this so That's parmesan hemisphere in rose gold So this is a complicated watch it's got All kinds of things going on including a 24 hour clock 24 hour indicator excuse Me it's a masculine watch i like it you Want to check it out mike yes please and

Once again the back is Oh it's called it's off center That watch retails for 39 000 Pretty much and uh i'd sell it for Around 25. and this is what 40 Millimeter maybe bigger 42 Uh yeah that looks like yeah something Like that 41 42 i don't have my caliper Right here this watch is 42. so you Could almost compare to this So this is a 40s Maybe it's the same what do you say Yeah probably a tiny bit smaller let's Call it a 41 yeah But very pretty so tricky about this Watch that's a roger dewey very handsome Watch 42 millimeter excalibur Chronograph right And interesting because from what i know Of roger dewey and i have one roger Dubois they make a great watch but they Just never became that mainstay brand Right they never developed their name Yeah they they they gave it their best Effort they really had i think what hurt Roger dubois is back in the day this was A closeout brand too many of these ended Up on the secondary market back when They were making the the two matches and The much mores right everything was one Of 28. yeah everything's one i mean They're beautiful watches well man i Used to wear one i remember my uh my Much more i remember you much more too i

Believe i bought it from you i had a Couple i think i had another one rose Gold black dial that i sold to a friend Of mine But uh yeah very handsome watches look At the back of the yeah great movements Really really pretty hand round movement So this would be how much 25 that's a Great deal 40 000 lists and Realistically if somebody paid that for It it's not really going to go down Anymore right it's like right well Listen if you're buying a brand new Watch at 25 000 then you you wear it and Now it's a pre-owned watch you can Expect on a watch like this a 20 to 30 Depreciation for sure yeah even if You're buying it with 40 off to start With yeah well some of these other ones Know that i know this brand that Pre-owned you're going to lose about 20 30 percent even getting a discount it's Still beautiful watch very very handsome I mean not not everybody wants to wear The same ap that everyone else has the Same rolex it really is a good idea if You're a true watch collector to invest In some of these more boutiquey or Independent brands i agree 100 And the last one the last one is Unbelievable watch this watch was Actually featured in another video we Did i don't know if you remember it or Not but when we did the other um video

With some of the aps This is a Grand comp vacheron patrimony tourbillon Minute repeater This watch was Something close to seven eight hundred Thousand retail price really is this White gold platinum this is Platinum this is actually a good deal if Somebody wants to step up and and own Themselves a vasher on grand comp I can sell this watch for hundred Thousand right now Yes if you're in the market for this Watch it's a fantastic deal most people Will laugh at that thinking they can buy A house for the same price or you know Half a house at least but um This is unbelievable watch let's talk About that for two seconds yeah How Does a watch manufacturer justify An eight hundred thousand dollar price Tag Or more or more or a million two million Yeah how do they just affect because you Brought up a great point there yeah it's A house Yeah right so How do they do that can i ask can i turn Around and ask you the question I don't know what would be a question I know it's thousands and thousands and Thousands of hours of man time to do

These they're incredibly intricate it's Unbelievable what's going on inside of Them um one guy could spend a year Making this right yeah easily easily Sometimes it needs a whole team to make These watches but still that's that's a Lot of money yeah well they've been They've been doing it and they've for Many years now and there's a lot of Wealthy people out there that collect These watches and there's demand for These watches and there's liquidity at a Certain point there is liquidity on These watches right Well this has been very educational and And very fun to see these gorgeous Pieces seth thank you so much you're Welcome which one are you going to be Purchasing today I just shot this Um mike you haven't buy anything from me Forever How long has it been It's been uh a year and a half no it Hasn't i bought the the thing with the Funny hands on it from you um It had a mother of pearl dal i forget The brand and it had two Markers on it that neither of us knew What what it did i think i'm blanking What was the brand you came to my house You were wearing it oh and i said it was About all of those months ago that's Right that's right that's right that's

Right that is a martin braun i forgot Thank you very much Yes I i apologize yes yes yes you did I did i did so what would i buy i like This one this is this is the one that i Would go how much is this one uh right Around 100 maybe a little bit less it's Beautiful but i'm not spending a hundred Thousand dollars so with that we'll say Goodbye all right Fair enough seth thank you yeah thank You guys do not forget go to the Producer michael boutique at Follow seth on instagram all his info Will be there call him by one of these Watches and he'll take care of you and If you don't want one of these he's got Rolex's lots of them anything else That's it thank you so much hit the Subscribe button hit the bell we are In it too in it to win it bye [Music]

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