Luxury Real Estate


So guys today we are in a very chilly Las Vegas actually Henderson to be Precise it's freezing cold we're here With our dear friend Eric Gorton great To see you nice to see you Mike thanks So much for coming out man we got a Special place for you to see today well Tell everybody who you are who you Represent and then tell us all about the House my name is Eric whorton I'm the Founder of the Gorton group under simply Vegas umbrella here in Las Vegas we're In the dragon's Peak area of McDonald Highlands and I have a special home to Show you today which is 10 407 square Feet it's got six bedrooms seven baths All the bells and whistles and views for Days let's go see let's go see it Michael you've been in these Blue Heron Homes before so you know what to expect They're crazy they're really really cool And different like that looks like Stonehenge from England exactly it kind Of has a reminiscent feel of of Um almost like an ancient feel which Leads me to what these uh these walls Are all about it's called Ram walled Basically I've been told that some of The Great Wall of China was built in This specific nature wow it's very cool Actually it's like is it concrete It's like Venetian plaster type exact Design it is up in the air so it's not Solid it's really a cool feature that's

Awesome yeah nice big pivot door as we Come in the one thing you didn't arrange First Is hot weather what about this guy Office well we're going to be able to See it as we come into the house there's Another way into it but as you see that Office faces exactly the way you want to See the Las Vegas Strip every day so When you're working behind that computer All you got to do is peek over your Computer that's your motivation right Now yeah beautiful absolutely I love the Way that blue heron water feature is Kind of everywhere everywhere and this House not only has this beautiful pool Which is an infinity edge that goes over And looks over the strip but it's got a Beautiful lap pool on the side nice at Just over 10 000 square feet it really Has a homey feel right A lot of people Will come into some of these homes and It feels kind of cold and and you know Unlivable this one really really has an Embracing feeling right just fire Features and water features throughout Because we have so much wind today in Las Vegas I didn't open up these doors But as you can see all of these doors Would allow you to form like maybe an Indoor outdoor feel but please keep them Cold because it is freezing it's Freezing I'm Frozen I mean that's frozen This is gorgeous love the way they did

This yeah so as you see it acts as a Kitchen table but it's attached to the Secondary Island and then you have Another Island in addition to your Counter space with cabinets and with all Your Appliance in it this is so cool This isn't really cool look at that Dining room yeah dining space has Um you know all of that marble and and Funky fixtures all over the place you See the boat marching yeah I think they Call it book matching I think so and Matching book matching what do they call It book matching with the two pieces Exactly yep book mirroring beautiful Absolutely beautiful back here you have A um a Butler's Pantry so it's perfect For entertaining big buttless Pantry Tremendous Oh wow this is like a whole second Kitchen I know completely if you're Entertaining you don't you necessarily Don't even have to see where your food's Being prepared because that's nice What's important about this is too if You're cooking something you basically Can have all of your food back here so You don't really smell it all that much I like that right And then back there is a entrance into The garage spaces there's nothing in There but you're welcome to take a peek How big big garage so it's split you Have two here two on the other side but

As you can see they're pretty deep too Yeah Which is important for big cars exactly I love this as well how the pool sort of Comes in and actually enters almost like The indoor space absolutely absolutely It's a great lap pull that's actually 15 Meters so you have a 15 meter pool right There where you can do last that's cool So cool look at these ceilings and Lights and everything What else you got to show us well we're Going to go to the other side of the House if you're done admiring this Beautiful kitchen I mean I don't know How anybody can get sick of this but Let's go check out the rest of the house That's interesting to see like a wine Room thing right in the middle of the Corridor right right in the center and It works it totally works it's chilled It's got dual use to where you can do it For a chiller or use it as a grow room I Just say grow room grow room help me out I don't know how to open the door yeah Pull I I I'm scheduling a break It is this tight right it is it's tight But that's deliberate because it is Deliberate You think it's cold outside go in there That's cold Mike look behind you you have this Living wall and although it looks fake

Because it looks so beautiful this is Actually a living wall there's Irrigation placed behind the wall that Waters it every day I do too so we have A uh a crew that comes in and actually Clips it down and and maintains it and Manicures it the Mr peace look yeah Proof it's real you could take it home It's your souvenir from Vegas there you Go this is a really cool little spot as Well like especially if you open all of These you've got your little deck out Here And that's the benefit of being so high On the on the mountain because not only Do you have these beautiful views but You can have these spaces where it lends To an indoor outdoor space and it's Perfect for entertaining now I'd imagine On a non-cold day when everything is and It's unusual to be this colder during The day in Vegas it's uh it's it's not Very common but we enjoy it right Because it gets so hot for so long that You enjoy it Well it's only a matter of time right So although this is on the main floor This is not considered the primary Bedroom it's a secondary bedroom Although it's oversized nice big closet Platform bed with lighting around it and Then Your Bathroom

Wow that's look at that shower yeah but Look at that shower there's just one Shower head in it in that big huge thing Yeah but bear in mind you got guests Coming over you don't want them to stay Too long that's true I like that right You got to save all the good stuff for Your sweet head down this hallway guys To the left you'll see a laundry room That's one of two Nice And then you have a bedroom that's Attached to another bedroom with a Bathroom so typically they call that a Jack and Jill really nice and once again Let's go where are you Adam I'm here ah Hello hello and once again you've got The the plants and all the yeah so That's the main entrance right there That's exactly right so literally you Could come in this will be a little Sweet yeah if it's guests you keep them Away from you if you don't want to see There's one thing I like about this one Because there's access to almost every Point outside from inside yeah right It's really nice to wear you can uh You know access no matter where you are Go indoor or outdoor Adam Does it all the time I don't know if you Notice this but it's got a swim deck on There too so you put some chairs inside

The swim deck yeah get some rays as that Sun's coming down and it's a great place To enjoy that sunset Very pretty you know what they're called Don't you Michael Baja Beach close Shelf yeah shelf Beach Yeah Black Sheep when we go down here here's Your powder room it's one of two in the House sink Oh wow yeah I do like that look elevator As well mate I love you elevator We'll be using that this is a cool Office great office built-ins the desk Was made specifically for this space and As you could see from sitting in that Captain's chair you look directly out to The strip yeah that you want I love it This is really really nice yeah and I Also like that you can get into it from The house and not have to come outside Yeah well it's nice too because if you Have visitors or someone coming over for Business they never have to go inside The house yeah it's brilliant come right You know and here conduct their business And get hit the road as you see what's In this area here Nothing That's the uh that's another access to The same garage from the kitchen To the shower so this could also double Up because it's got a closet in the

Bathroom where's the bedroom you could Use it as a bedroom it's a designated Office it's not considered one of the Bedrooms on on the tax record nice yeah And the home they are selling it for Just about 16 million dollars it's Coming fully furnished as well yeah Because this is really nicely furnished Oh it's almost made for exactly what you See here right so it was you know all of This was specifically kind of picked out To go exactly where it's sitting I have That chair in my office at work in white Oh is it yeah Just a bit of trivia for you just a Little uh just a little useful Information that'll never make me money Are we going upstairs we are I want to Go in the elevator you're more than Welcome All right [Music] I was starting to get very worried were You how was it very slow I I was Actually saying I don't know why I did This I mean it's a nice elevator it's got a Automatic donation which a lot of them Don't yeah I was in one of my listings maybe about Two years ago and I got stuck we've been Stuck I called my son he come pressed The button and luckily it took me down So I had to call my boy to come in I had

To wait about 10 minutes inside the House we got stuck in an elevator in the Middle of nowhere with no cell phone Service in the house Nobody knew we were in the house it was A vacant house the agent had given us The code to get in Didn't know when we were going we were In the elevator and it was terrified Yeah She's not good All right Michael shut up hold on that Makes for a good video yeah three of us In the elevator yeah one of them was Caroline Which was crazy and if you don't want to Go downstairs and you have company or Whatnot this is still an entertaining Space where you don't have to kind of Co-mingle with the Riff Raff that's Downstairs the Riff Raff right yeah this Is really cool isn't it and although This looks like a theater this is not The designated theater there is one Upstairs right well yes yes it's Upstairs right directly above us so I see a camera that points directly at The pool table like a TV Camera that's Right does that mean you can broadcast It would broadcast it right here no way Yeah look at have you seen the pool Balls yeah they're uh one of your shirts Very fancy is that a good thing yeah For you yeah I mean very fancy but those

Small details yeah when you come to big Houses like this where like all of these Houses have luxury things all of these Houses have the similar types of Features correct it's those little Details that make you go for sure well You know this guy must enjoy playing Pool right he's got a little history With it so you know it turns out that That would make the difference for Someone that enjoys the same things yeah Yeah that is fun that is a lot over here Through the back again Venetian plaster Everywhere nice workout area wow very Nice it's got its own bath and shower so Is this also a dedicated gym or a Bedroom it is not a bedroom so it's Dedicated right now as a gym although it Does have a bathroom plenty of Windows And a beautiful closet in the rear so You could make it a bad event the fire Pit right outside the window you know no Matter which bedroom especially upstairs You have these balconies to wear I mean You can enjoy outside no matter where You go let's go to the other side of the House and check out the primary bedroom I'd watch TV here I'd hang out here Watch the fights what I would need is a Wet bar And a mini fridge there you go what's Here sorry do you mind if I just look Around here have you seen this is it Closet yeah but like

Oh big Oh no it's not it's the electronic brain This is where all the server is yeah and This room is warm this is Toasty well as You see you got the split system up here Too so when it gets really hot that's an Independent system that doesn't run off The central air it's independent on Itself and it'll keep everything nice And cool or warm depending on what you Need yeah yeah look at this Holy moly yeah Um whoever wired this yeah Kudos I Really like you I really like the way That I think it was Steve Jobs before he Passed so I'm going to embarrass myself Have you ever seen mine told me it's Like a Rat's Nest unbelievable so yeah Let's not do that so this is the primary This is the primary bedroom Wow and what's nice is you have this Seating area over here which is real Nice but the bed sits behind it and the Bed is raised beautiful view of the Fabulous Las Vegas strip that's very Clever yeah so now you're elevated there Is a house there you don't see it you're Laying in bed and what do you have a Perfect view and then the bathroom's That way bathroom is this way oh yeah no That's a proper shell yeah that's a Proper again you got to make it Comfortable for yourself right yeah Right double vanity steel beautiful view

You could stand literally anywhere in This house and it's just the gorgeous View lovely closet this would be Adequate this would actually work very Rarely do I say that yeah but you could Squeeze it all in here might need some More area for shoes Or you could just turn this whole thing Here into a shoe wall and then where Would my clothes go Um Did I mention down stairs that this House has never been lived in Brand new although someone independently Owns it and they've owned it for just Under two years and never never slept Here once what why do people do that Crazy Different Strokes for different folks my Man But gorgeous house yeah yeah so we're Gonna go upstairs yeah yeah let's go see The theater oh wow look at this so there Are windows completely behind all of These blackout Shades no way you have a Wet bar here Here's your bar this is your nightclub Right this is your nightclub you got the Flat screens behind the bar which is Perfect for entertaining and then you Have a screen that drops from the Ceiling right there oh you do with the Projector This would be where you came at night so

Yeah this little Hangout Yeah this is where you come with the Misses and lay down have some drinks This reminds me there's like a bar in Paris or something like that you know Cozy those tables inverted wine glasses Like I said you know what sometimes you Come into a 10 000 square foot house It's just so massive and so cold whereas You know walking through this house it Really feels like so this feels bigger Than 10 000 feet this really does feel Airy it's beautiful yeah very very Beautiful fire pit and there's more of It on the other side so we haven't seen We'll go see that too elevator Not going in there When you're doing it it's very slow Do you want to get it with you All right yeah are you doing it yeah This is just because I just ain't Brave Today he's trying to do something great Too cold for me to be out here It's currently 38 degrees water Temperature what would you say the water Temperature is really Yeah 40. it's freezing just get on with It get on with the things they're Different Look at that you can see the airplanes Coming into land Isn't that cool it's Like poop right there okay ready yep all Right here we go I don't know why I'm volunteering to do

This I did not enjoy the one foot floor Ride and now I'm going to do the two Foot this is going down yeah it's not That bouncy either don't but it's not That I tried it please don't Oh it goes down a lot faster than it Goes up obviously the motor's not gonna Talk to lift it up we're still on three Yeah that's where Asia Alt tape there we go that Fusion we're Moving right It's very smooth it is man this is Barely moving No still on uh still on top of that Eric's already here she probably had a Cocktail baby on her birthday a cigar Ette oh cocktail sounds good what about For you yeah I've had enough Now I didn't see last week's video did You get another account that's spicy Foreign [Music] How cold is this well that feels good Mate Oh my goodness how do you get in right Here it's too cold All right I'll just Brave the cold and Give you guys a look at What the outside looks like That's that side and then got this nice Seating area which is lovely And it looks like these all pocket as Well so this whole thing would be open Got a little barbecue back there and

Some more stuff more seating all right Where are these two sissies it is Extraordinarily cold right sorry I'm Talking about the weather How very British are they yes so this is Completely detached from the home this Is the only way in which is nice to Where you can put your least favorite Friends out here right I would quite Happy to be the least favorite friend if I got the casino I'll be on the D list Did you see what else is in the casino Though no I didn't Adam's room oh yes it Is this is the spot this is Sensational After a long day by the pool you come in Here make a couple of margaritas things Turn out all right cup of pony Do you know what that is no What is it Whiskey Okay let's test you let's test you are These real yeah they are yeah they are Real aren't they what do you test me With it be too expensive to do imitate Them okay let's see What is don't look okay you already Looked what is sadashi sadashi is sake It's Japanese whiskey oh interesting and There's a grand Caroline here a grand Caroline yeah Or something like that no maybe not Caroline garone I haven't got my glasses On what does it say uh it says Grand Gouram but it does it first glance

Orange and cognac you'd probably like That seriously This is beautiful yeah this isn't that Nice yeah I mean look at that look at The view And all of these are pocket doors so Once they open these glass which are all Motorized they open up completely into The wall so it really brings an indoor Outdoor feel gorgeous perfect for Entertaining gorgeous Well this has been Sensational and we Thank you very much Amazing amazing house you've went Outside and filmed Yeah and hopefully there will have been Some beauty shots of it as well I'll go And brave it again I have a question for You yes I saw some stairs out there yep What is that there's an observation deck Up here so you can get to that circular Staircase right here or through the Staircase in the back and it'll take you To an observation deck right above feel Free to go and film it I'm staying in Where the heating is okay we're going up To the observation deck the one that the Boys were too scared to come up to Because it's cold Oh no we've already seen it someone That's off the gym Cracking view though Eric thank you so very very pleasure Thank you so much and uh you're going to

Show us another one as well so we'll be Going to look at another house very Shortly which you will see that's a Shortly it'll be a little while before You see it but guys hit the Subscribe Button hit the Bell we're in it to win It thank you once again My pleasure bye-bye

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