
2023’s HOTTEST Luxury Watches Revealed (Great Investments!)

Very exciting day today we are at 90210 Watches with Seth yes he's back Where have you been hiding what's up Michael good to see you my friend Adam How's it going oh man good to see you Too let's not tell everybody we've Already done a shop this morning Together Yeah I want to talk about that it is 10 30 in the morning oh on on what watch is That it's the I don't know what do you Call this it's uh AP offshore 44 Millimeter ceramic and Rose it's nice Right it's beautiful just thought this First time wearing it actually so what Was I saying oh yeah 10 30 in the Morning and these two guys are already Knocking one back but we haven't seen Each other for a while so that doesn't Mean you have to drink alcohol at 10 30. For the record it was only half a shot It wasn't actually a full full shot and For the record it was alcoholic it was Tequila so anyway so it's great to be Back here great to be back here I miss You if if I'm not mistaken and then Often times I am but if I'm not mistaken You kind of slowed down your business to Appointments only for a period and now You're fully back in business yeah when The door's wide open after selling Essential watches uh I had some down Time I I wasn't Um necessarily he made a ton of money

Around the world and remember you were In like I was busy growing avocados Growing avocados living the good life Yeah and then I guess you ran out of Money and started to watch business Again yeah I better I better catch up Real fast no it was time it was time we Had the door shut too long so now we're Back open I have my old assistant back Riley and we have a security guard and We are open for business amazing well The watch world has missed you we've Missed coming to see you thanks so let's Talk watches what have you got what's Going on what's happened in the watch World and anything else you'd like to Throw in the watch market we've seen a Real uh volatile year I mean since last April watches went down they sort of Stabilized they went down again now They're kind of ticking up a little bit On certain Rolex models we still see a Lot of the nautiluses in the Royal Oaks Have come way down and they're still Down some by 50 percent Well so yeah it's it's it's it's it's Serious so was what is good in Today's market I got my eye on this That's the rainbow Ruby bezel on the Yacht-Master roast I acquired the same Watch in the cheap version same watch But it has a black sure it's not a cheap Version that's a terrible the regular Version regular version yeah I I didn't

Want to spring for the the the stones Because they're outrageously expensive Right yeah it adds basically a hundred Thousand dollars onto the price of the Watch just for the bezel yeah just that Bezel yeah when I said it was a Vegas Basil yeah it really is a Vegas bezel Yeah it looks like a roulette wheel Doesn't it oh my goodness so how much is This watch 125 120 brand new it's not Used actually a New Old Stock version of The watch 125 125 so literally that's Like 90 000 more than a regular one Correct yeah that's the market crazy Market what's the list price on Something like this I'm not sure I think It was something like 60 70 000 I'm not 100 so these are still way over yeah put It away before I attempt myself I'm done With that chocolate watch I mean it's Factory Just not everything that's true what Have we got in here that's fun let's Talk about daytonas because I see you Have the panda and the the black one Next to it yeah that's a white gold Black diamond dial and then that's white Gold yeah this is white gold And we also have the yellow gold right Now The two tones you get the best deal on Right now these you can get for Something like eighteen thousand Seventeen eighteen thousand which is a

Good deal right that's about list the Older two tones yeah that's most bang For the buck these obviously Panda Daytonas the price a year ago was fifty Thousand now they're they were down to 30. they actually just ticked up a Little bit 33 34 right now for brand new This watch listed Um about fifteen thousand dollars give Or take right I was very tempted to sell Mine I have it in both versions I was Very tempted to sell it when they were Up about fifty thousand dollars and then I thought to myself nah it's gonna go up Further and at the end of the day if I Did sell it I would miss it yeah so I Didn't sell it and I still have it but Now I guess I lost money all right I Mean you didn't lose money did you Because you never you never sold it no And these are gold ones these are all Both I think this is around 45 and this Is 50 for yellow gold this is actually Very pretty it's gorgeous it's very Pretty hey why don't you just take a Little closer look at it I think I might Have to take a You do but what do I always say if some Is good more is better That is really pretty that is a pretty Pretty watch How much you say this was uh 45 000. That's Michael price Gotta try right some things don't change

Why would they That's beautiful beautiful piece And where was this like a year ago Value-wise uh uh these were Approximately 30 percent higher really Yeah and the list on that one is about Where it is now I think the list is Right around I want to say 40. so not Terrible no no not really no nowadays You can get a lot of these watches for From Gray Market guys for basically Retail plus sales tax crazy they're Available What do we got here I wanted to show you Some paddocks as well Upside down no The crown no I mean sorry it was I was Looking downstairs this guys is what Happens when you have a tequila from the Opposite way this is the 5131 in Rose so This is a enamel Colony collars and Cologne colors You can do it Today switch the camera off go have Another shot come back It's beautiful beautiful watch so this Is what 37 38 millimeter 38 I believe Every single one is slightly different Hand painted very pretty Nice watch out and I know everybody's Going to want to know How much is it 110. so is that above or below yeah for Sure these are completely sold out 5205

In rose gold with the green dial this Just came out that is a beautiful piece Yeah I know I love the dial who just Thought that green would be so popular Right I mean green green cars you couldn't Give away I don't know if you can now green cars Yeah you don't see many do you no do you Know there's a statistic on that so the Statistic is Michael facts green cars Are in more accidents than any other car Really the reason being is they say they Blend in with the fields But if you think about the rest of the World there are Fields yeah we just have Concrete Fields here I think that is a Better buy than that I just think I Agree prettier watch overall and it's Nearly half the price yeah nice this is The beige scuba this is a hard one to Find right here so I'm not a fan of this One the non-chrano well it's just the Overall color of it I know it's a rare Piece and I know some people would Hardly find these I love it I don't know Which way this way yeah since that Sprite Rolex came out now I start Looking and second guessing myself is it Watch upside down right so what do you Think of this Adam see I quite like it Do you yeah because it's it's got that More like tactical feel I mean it's Still a blingy watch but like camo right

Yeah I mean that like desert tan can I Say it please yes how much is it that Watch is uh 26.5 so that's very Inexpensive I thought you're gonna see a Lot more than that but if you come down This watch used to be uh over 30. easy So can you rotate that in a bezel for Your dive timer is that what the second Round I'm going to demonstrate okay Ready to go so this guy here Are you impressed that I know how to do This very impressed you said it you said It so you know exactly how much air you Have left in your tank so you put it on The minutes I don't know how that part Works Wherever the minutes are you set it at Zero so you can quickly look at it and See you got however many minutes left of Air I'm going to show you guys something That maybe you don't know oh do you know How you can tell a fake well there's Lots of ways you can tell a fake but you Know One giveaway on the fakes Michael facts the crown so on a real AP The AP is not straight on a real one the Fake scene look it's not straight yeah So so the fake ones I guess they figured That oh AP would make it straight so They make it straight did you know that I did not know that I don't know if that's a fact or not but I think I think it is Michael facts no I Saw it I actually saw that on uh one of

Those YouTube videos where they were Comparing fakes to real ones we should Do one of those this is a pretty watch You used to wear a watch like this yeah I remember this is the 15 300 the 39 Millimeters this is your personal watch It's not and these went crazy as well so Yeah but they're coming down so this This was up at like almost 50 000. Really yeah now it's 40. 39 millimeter Yeah 30 Watts right yes 15 300. Which looked like like this one gave Birth Interesting trivia right But what if you just don't screw it all The way in and then you accidentally Just set it well when when it's screwed On a real one it's flat totally flat oh Oh okay it's got it got another thing so That's flat but that's flat but the AP Is on an angle let me see this one let's See look see that's tight that's flat And the AP is on the angle there you go So there you go everybody learned Something you learned something yes Thank you don't count on it it might not Be okay I don't suppose you have a fake One no no of course not yeah but but if You did then you would see that that was All wrong Greendale Chrono Yeah that's a green dial So you know it is I I thought it was Black at first yeah that's a very dark Green very subtle beautiful

What's the story with this one I mean Again huge pullback when these first Came out they were like 150 to 170 now They're down to 100. 117. yeah when they first came out oh my Goodness and the cost on this originally Was probably in the what 50s yeah if That I think I think around look how Pretty the back of it is Yeah that's a gorgeous watch yeah I Really like that so we just had a little Cut Adam had to go and put money in the Meter so we didn't get a parking ticket Seth went to relieve himself And and when they came back I had Arranged for a little something A little are you pleased holy moly are You pleased vladim ubering go on knock It out All right bud I'm going to hold the Camera hold on I like these glasses Little slanty one this is so that when You're drunk You don't feel like you're drunk because You're like oh no the glass is alive Though it's fine so much heavy get on With it this is a big pour oh man it is A heavy paw I had nothing to do with That Riley cheers what we have to do to Tolerate Michael Blakey cheers Foreign did Riley pour those yes Riley Thank you now Hold the camera steady where were we can We also just introduce diesel to the

Audience as well he's here Ben guard dog So now you want to start talking price Right now that you got me like a little Tipsy yeah perfect timing so I see this Little guy here I pulled this out I want To show you this is very special I've Had my eye on a 50 70 white gold okay This is the Platinum this is the Platinum so and it's also brand new Still double sealed you can't even get Double sealed anymore I don't care I'm Gonna check it out and wear it oh this Is more of an investment piece than Something to wear but so the the 50 70 White gold it's about 65 000 you can get A really nice one yeah great watch right Love that watch it looks exactly the Same as this I'm going to guess this is 90 grand you're way off it doesn't look Exactly like this that that's a white Dial let's take it out of the box Let me see if I can see through that Little window so Seth explain to people That might not know and by that I mean And me and me I sealed is sealed right So we're going back something like uh Six seven years ago whenever Paddock Would ship out their watches to their Dealers they would ship them in these Containers inside it's vacuum sealed That's the first seal and then there's a Second seal right here I've got it Covered up because it shows serial Numbers but this is a piece of sticky

Paper on there yeah I know it's that's Just the I'm blocking out the serial Numbers but um there's another seal Right here with a sticker Why do dealers care about blocking out Serial numbers because we're often asked To block out serial numbers why does Anybody care the serial number of a Watch is is unique to that watch so when You disclose the actual serial number You're sort of putting yourself in Jeopardy for a couple of different Reasons for starters you don't want Anybody to really know what you own in Your collection what watch is really Yours you you never know what kind of Insurance fraud someone could try to Commit or whatnot but really what you're Trying to protect is your Source where You buy these watches so with the serial Number you can actually Paddock can Figure out or any of these companies can Figure out which authorized dealer sold That watch who did naughty things Basically right now a watch like this Technically speaking it's so old it Doesn't really matter which dealer had It it's still private information Confidential as I keep it I keep it Covered but let's say for example a 2023 Rolex and you're showing the serial Number that means you're giving up your Source of which authorized dealer Sold that watch right so you don't want

Let's say Rolex to then go back to Authorized dealer and say Hey Joe Smith Who you sold that Pepsi to yeah he's Blacklisted it's already on the open Market he's it's on the internet for Sale then he loses his whole chance of Ever buying another Rolex from ad in his Name interesting yeah thanks for Clarifying that that's the whole game Right there let's get back to this So I said 90 grand you said I'm not Close no you're not you're you're 100 110. 275. there you're closer 250. really This is 250 000 why yeah that's the Market because it's wrapped up in a bag No just they made so few of the Platinum Versions so this is worth so much more Than the white gold one yeah yeah so so By me once not that it's not because of The in sorry to cut you off it's not Because of the intrinsic value of Platinum over white gold it's the fact That they made it's so much more rare It's more collectible people pay a big Premium for this specific watch just go Try to find them right now like on KRON 24. so we're asking 280 290 for the same Watch so me wanting to buy a white gold One because I don't want to spend that Much money that's still a good buy Though right because that's a watch That's not going to lose value one more Thing you know what's funny the 50 70

White gold even going back 10 years ago Was 65 000. it's still 65 000. it's Funny that watch is not it hasn't moved It's a pretty watch yeah it's I Personally love it in Rose interesting I Love it well let's finish with let's Finish with with a couple of these Pieces here because clearly Richard Meals yeah out of all them I I like that One the best you like the baby Nadal Yeah baby doll yeah this is the small Nadal the rm35 yeah this is a 2012 Special edition these are collectible So Three years ago four years ago 140 Now the watch is over 200 to 10 220 this Watch was 250 260. came down a little Bit Gorgeous it doesn't even have the open Back this one this is just Yeah nice little watch Collectible and this is how much I'll sell for 220 to 25 right there and there's just Nothing other than tell the time that's Correct like so you've got this for a Quarter of a million dollars right 50 Grand less yeah so I take this every day So that's the thing that's the thing This will at some point be worth 10 Bucks right when people start to realize That it's all been hype they'll be what They feel like right something you find

In a lucky bag but Do you have lucky bags in America I love How you go from that to sometimes you'd Be like this one's actually really nice I like well it's a Um what's a lucky bag so a lucky bag In England you know so in England you Can buy you're in a candy shop and we Call it sweets right you buy a bag and It's got various candies like Skittles And maltesers and things like they don't Like potions And there's a gift there's some Chingy Little gift like getting a Happy Meal at McDonald's yeah that's what this feels Like right it does don't feel this Adam Some am I wrong I mean there is there's Nothing to it nothing nothing to it at All but that's part of the appeal Come on guys I'm trying to sell this rub Your finger over that It's Sharp I mean not even nicely Finished I mean It's not it's fast take it off himself Take it off Yoshi snatch it off him and tell him he Can't look at that anymore but at the Same time their marketing is probably The best of any brand ever can I Challenge you guys I would like both of You to pick your hot watch right now so If someone's looking to buy a watch Right now that you believe in let's say When you want to do another video with

Us six months 12 months well I want to Do another one next week with you okay Let's just say uh six months six months Six to nine months down the road okay All right so so both of you pick again Not from necessarily from here but just Like pick any watch right now that you Think in six months time when we revisit Will have appreciated The most versus each other right and I Think also we should win no it does a Shot I don't think we should also Predict which one will collapse the most Okay so pick a hot watch and a cold Watch okay you go first All right so Um my prediction for which watch has the Chance of going up the most in the next Six to nine months I'm going to say is the yellow gold Green doll Daytona the John Mayer Because right now those are at 75 000. Well they were at 140. so I'm gonna go Ahead and just guess that it is gonna Get announced discontinued and you're Gonna see an overnight Spike up to like One 100 110. I feel like that watch Right now if anybody wants to jump in on That watch on a used one I think that's Got the best appreciation okay okay What's your hot watch my hot watch is The Platinum Daytona there's been a Rumor that Rolex is going to discontinue That one it's been such a hot watch for

The past five six years that one I think If they do discontinue it which I think They probably will will just go Astronomical I think okay Um and then collapse cold watch They've had a fantastic run right They've got hyped I mean some of these Watches were triple quadruple their Value right oh yeah uh easy and now I Think people are coming to the Realization that They make a good watch I mean there's no Question about it they make a good watch But the the price I mean to justify This at the price of 200 000 you said More more it just tells the time it Doesn't even have the date right just so You know by choosing all RMS Seth has the opportunity to steal this Back from you because if he can find one RM that has gone up in the next in the Last six months there will always be Some RMS which is why you've got to pick One watch okay you can't just be hating On RM well I'm not hating on RM I'm just Saying they're ridiculous Do you think this watch is worth 220 000 or 250 000 not in a down Market I Don't think so do you think in any Market I think if banks were closing left and Right I don't think that's right okay Which one are you gonna buy yeah this One for sure every day right if this one

Was a hundred thousand less which one Are you gonna buy If this was a hundred thousand less yeah You're still going to buy this one okay Are you not okay okay all right pipe Down on your hating on on RM let's pick A watch that you think is a car you're Just going to pick all RMS yeah let me Let me just let me make a a Generalization also I think that Um the the watches are also going to go Down are the everything that's been Blinged out all the aftermarket Rolex Stuff with covered with diamonds I agree With that I feel those are awesome I Agree with that a lot okay I agree with That all right but I think also that uh The smart money right now is if you're If you're just looking to park some Money you're looking for a good return On investment I think if you buy the Five digit vintage Rolexes from the 90s Like the gmts the subs even the daytonas Reference 116520s and white and black Just know Decal in it yeah basically this watch With this with the steel bezel right in Either black or white you can pick those Up right now for like in the low 20s With box and papers I think those are Good buys right now also the gmts the The Pepsis the red and the blues because They were 30 000 another in the High Teens right wait what are you talking

About are you talking about the Pepsi You're talking this Pepsi yeah no so This is a ceramic Pepsi I'm talking About the aluminum basil Pepsi okay the Ones from the 90s those you can pick up Right now for like around thirteen Thousand thirteen five I feel like those Are they look very similar they look Very similar I have an episode idea for Us that just came to me right now in a Flash of inspiration fueled by tequila I Think we should bring my laptop in here Have you guys sit down and we will Re-watch one of the very first videos That we ever shot together because we Talk prices right and comparison to what They have today see what they've done And also our predictions well the watch I just said you bought for me for twelve Thousand dollars four years ago it was Twelve thousand in that video I bought One yeah so so what have I got how much Are these all right so daytonas are Starting at right now fourteen five 14 fines but you can help me with that Way listen I'm gonna work with you on The test don't beat me up too bad let's Let's all right put one of those there Okay I love the fact that you don't know what You've bought you bought 11 watches That's right yeah that was a big Purchase you were giving those away at a Time do you remember the bag broke that

Would have been great on camera wouldn't It I remember that fell all over the floor Yeah yeah yeah well Seth this has been Amazing this has been great amazing to Come back here and and see you and that You're back in business This guy takes care of everybody his Prices are fantastic Give him a call his number and email Will be in the description also follow Me on Instagram and can I just say one Thing right now I'm really helping a lot Of people that actually own watches I'm Helping them get out of watches so if They do want to sell some of their Watches hit me up on Instagram tell me What you have I can line up another buyer and really Help you get kind of top dollar instead Of just sort of uh you know lowballing You know what I'll pay for it if I can Find a buyer and and just Mill it and Make a small profit I'm happy to do that So please give me and one more thing I'm Going to tout him for as well he didn't Mention it but I'm going to mention it He has a new part to his business where He has I believe one of the best watch Repair guys that exists he can repair Anything that's majorly complicated and That's another part that you do you Failed to mention I completely forgot We're doing a lot of watch repair right

Now only on complicated watches Perpetual calendars minute repeat so if You've got one of these yes don't send It we can actually save people a lot of Money and a lot of time my guy is Incredibly talented he can fix anything So this isn't complicated yeah but but This is a difficult watch to fix yeah Because you need special tools that were Very clever to open it right so well There it is guys why don't we can we can We have this guy on a future video Absolutely as long as you say how nice My shirt is the this is from the new Collection of producer Michael Schertz Clothing line do you like it Adam I do Like it Good material it's a very good material They're actually fantastic quality so go Shopping on the Website it's the producer Michael Boutique and go to 8X and we'll put a Link in the description that's where These are there's a special discount Code for them I think it's 25 off PM 25 Give you 25 off yeah and there's a whole Range of them so we'll link that I believe it also gets you 25 discount On regular atex stuff oh wow so go Shopping uh that's that's good news I Didn't even know yeah so if you want Like a plain black plain white even the Jeans that they do really yeah so do That go shopping we're in it to win it

Cess here buy a watch seller watch see Ya Oh wait wait wait like the video share The video and did I say we're in it to Win it you did we're in it to win it Like the video share the video bye bye

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