Love And Dating

4 Common Mistakes Men Make On A First Date

If you nail a first date then you're going to have 
a higher chance of getting a second date. I know   That it can be really tough when you really like 
a girl and you feel like you have a lot to offer,   But then you end up on a date and you just make 
some dumb mistakes. Like this one – telling her   Every single thing about you. Yeah we like to 
do it especially when we're really attracted   To a girl. We're on a date and we just want to 
dump it all. She doesn't know anything about us,   We want to let her know everything about 
us, we want to tell all of our stories,   All of our insecurities, all of our fears, 
talk about all of our past relationships,   Talk about all of our likes and our dislikes, and 
our family and our job and what we like about our   Job and we just want to give her every fact and 
emotion possible. Let me tell you, it is possible   To do that. I know people myself included guilty 
who have been on dates that go 7 to 10 hours. I   Mean if she ends up sleeping over or you sleep at 
her place, now we're talking about an easy 12 to   16 hours. And I know in that time you can't 
literally tell her every single thing about   Yourself but you can tell enough where you're not 
leaving a little bit of mystery. And that's the   Mistake – that you're not leaving enough mystery 
for her to be more excited to continue to get to   Know you. One of the reasons why long-term 
relationships start to die over the years is   Because there is little mystery and then in order 
to get that back or get that excitement back,   You have to do a variety of things and new things 
together so you have to defeat that mystery. Why   Not start off on the first date and extend that as 
much as you can. Of course you don't want to tell   Her absolutely nothing, but you also don't have 
to dump all of it on her. Let her discover you   Slowly. Another big mistake guys make on that 
first date is they are not being flirtatious   Enough. They might not even be going for a kiss 
at the end of the first date which I encourage   You to do, although I know that it's not always 
easy to make that happen depending on how the   Connection went. Either way, if you're not going 
for a kiss at the end of the first date you should   Be flirting with her. You should be making it easy 
for you guys to connect on more than a friendship   Level. Otherwise she's gonna walk away from the 
date and go hmm yeah I can maybe see being his   Friend. Or they'll say the famous line which is 
"Yeah he was a nice guy. I just didn't really   Feel a connection with him." Most of the time that 
means that you didn't spike her emotions and you   Weren't flirty enough and you were all facts over 
emotions telling her all the different statistics   About you as if you were reading a resume – not 
having fun, not teasing her, not making light,   Not making jokes throughout. This date is not just 
a factual exchange, it's about having some sort   Of emotion which allows for connection. Speaking 
of facts, this brings us to the next mistake. If   You are not qualifying her enough and you're only 
trying to have fun, that's going to be a problem   Because first dates are not just dates where 
you're trying to get her attracted to you. Don't   Try and get her attracted to you. It should 
first of all just happen sort of naturally.  

But more importantly is this woman a good fit 
for you? Forget the attraction piece – is this   Woman someone that you can see seeing again? Is 
she a good fit for you? Does she match your 3   Non-negotiables, the 3 things that you're looking 
for in a woman? You need to be qualifying her   Throughout the whole date, there's an art to this. 
You don't want to just sit down and say okay what   Should we order and then all of a sudden you 
start drilling her with all these questions.   No. Instead have a few questions picked out that 
you can sprinkle in the date so that you'll get   To know her a little bit better and see is she 
someone who qualifies to be with me? For example,   If you're someone who is looking for another 
person who's really into politics or leans to   One side, you might want to be bringing that up 
on the date just to see where they stand there.   If you don't know, you have to ask. Wouldn't 
it be a bummer if you found that out on date   Seven or eight and just realizing wow we've only 
taken this long to finally get to the point where   You're getting to know her on the important 
levels? Don't wait long, do it on date one.   Ask some of those questions that are important 
to you that you're going to be asking anyways but   Are specific to what you're looking for. If you do 
like her, then the next mistake I see guys make is   You're not seeding the idea of a second date. 
One of the best ways to build attraction with   A woman is creating what I call the we bubble. 
We being the pronoun that's describing you and   Her creating this imaginary bubble over you two 
so it's as if there's no one else in the room,   So we create this connection between you and her. 
In this connection you want to be seeding ideas   That you guys might be hanging out again. If you 
guys are talking and having a good time and you've   Qualified her enough to know you want to see her 
again, you might mention something that you've   Always wanted wanted to do and she should join you 
sometime. In fact, you can even go as far to make   It more efficient for yourself so that if you guys 
have a great connection at the end of that date,   You can actually create a second date so you guys 
can set up a time to see each other once again.   And the thing is, a woman's gonna know by the end 
of the date if she likes you. This is not going to   Be any kind of risky move. She's either interested 
or she's not interested. In order to get her more   Interested on a date you also have to know when 
to break the touch barrier, when to make sure   You are going for a kiss at the end of the date. 
I have a video here on YouTube that you can watch   That's going to teach you how to go for a kiss, 
how to break the touch barrier so that you don't   Make the mistake of not being flirty enough and 
creating that we bubble. You can watch that video   And if you need more help you can always work with 
a one-on-one coach over here at Tripp Advice that   Will get you on tons of first dates so you can 
start to practice this stuff. If first dates   Are something you're having trouble getting 
let's get you the help that you need. Go to to work with a coach and 
teach you exactly what to do to get as many first   Dates as possible. You can watch that short video 
at to learn more.

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