
Jacob shows Me His Latest Multi-Million Dollar Watches (Including the $7M Billionaire!)

So we finished the video and I said to Jacob I saw that you have this new Billionaire watch and he said yeah I've Got one here actually you've got one Here you didn't show us so stick around Because in the video we're going to do a Little section because we're about to Film it now and you'll get a kick out of This one So after three long years we are back in New York City with the one and only Jacob arrival thank you very much Michael thank you for coming way too Long since I've been here oh yeah we Miss you very much and we welcome you so Are you in La about a year ago year and A half yeah no about a year ago in the Summer if you remember yeah which was Fantastic yeah it was great and now We're on your territory amazing so happy To see you finally so rumor has it that You have a lot of brand new really crazy Watches yes is rumor correct after so Long yes we have developed a few very Interesting watches that I think you Will be happy to see so if you don't Mind I'm going to pass this uh little Gloves I don't mind And I want to begin with very very Special Timepiece that's on my wrist Uh this was almost kind of Mission Impossible Uh the reason I say that because to do

This never been done before it's a Triple X tourbillon astronomy Revolution With one minute Revolution with the same Power Reserve that's crazy it look at me With my gloves very professional the Thickness of the watch hasn't changed we Did not add any uh barrels extra barrels But yet that was amazing when you wear It it runs like this as fast as this as One minute rotation Uh what is the power reserve on this the Power Reserve is 48 Hours how is that Possible well we developed it took a Long time you know as you know the very First one when we did was 20 minute Revolution and then uh the next one was Uh 10 minute and now we came after seven Years we developed one minute so this Needs this is like really huge Springs Right it's a very unusual spring very Strong spring which again was developed By us and never been done before it's Patented by Jacob and Cole it's Absolutely amazing no other watch brand Has anything that moves as fast Especially with a triple x tourbillon And it's exactly one minute rotation Revolution as you could see with a red Ruby uh point it's crazy it looks like a Time lapse remember when I shot the time Lapses of your watches that's exactly What it looks like so mine looks like it Stopped in comparison right Right so when you wear it tonight at

Dinner everybody's gonna look at you and Say what's with your watch why it's not Keep going keep going take it back Normally normally you have to press the Button for to launch something like that And you know last for 30 seconds and Then stops but this one is going for 48 Hours incredible it's gonna be six in Rose gold we give this back to you and Um and the big question is end of the Year there will be six pieces in white Gold amazing so the big question that Everybody is going to want to know how Much is it six hundred thousand dollars It's very reasonable retail price you Know what I thought you were actually Going to say more yeah because the Technology behind that is is insane That's how you wind it notice that Jacob Can take his gloves off but because the Wine is yeah you can't whine it no I Know when your name's on the watch you Can touch it have you you can do Anything you want with it right So spectacular well this is my personal Watch now absolutely spectacular Gorgeous piece Okay and after this I want to introduce To you some of the others what's in the Box So let's start over here this is a very New brand new chronograph tourbillon Full baguette case With full baguette bracelet

Unreal let me show the camera it's so Heavy too yeah it's a nice chunky oh you Like heavy I like everything I'm wearing One as heavy makes mine look sad now Doesn't it This is very very beautiful uh Chronograph for the first time we've Introduced a tourbillon inside the Chronograph oh this is beautiful And and how much is this watch this one Is 1.4 million dollars 1.4 million I can show you two on my Wrist if you want Fits my wrist perfectly There's a coin all right How nice is that Truly truly so this is a chronograph Turbian the next watch is also very Special The reason I say it's special because I Don't know if you know and you do know That most of the brands today using Color stones and that's why it became so Difficult to get colored stones rubies Sapphires and emeralds are just in huge Demand and today they cost more than Diamonds really way more than diamonds Especially rubies a look at the quality Of this Ruby so Ruby is so fine they Look like diamond like red diamonds but Rubies cost more than diamonds now yes Double the diamonds really yeah it's so Tough to find because you need to find That matching color and Clarity and

Since there is big demand for the color Stones today you know every uh most of The brands today use colors gorgeous Fish as you know unbelievable and this Is a tourbillon as well this is a Turbine epic X is this Platinum uh no It's white gold but it's very heavy but Look at the quality of red rubies in Here stunning And of course the question how much is It this is 1.6 million 1.6 million yeah and and once I sell This the replacement will be probably One year it really if I find the rubies It's really difficult because they have To be perfectly perfectly matched and Highest quality because I don't know I Don't settle for less quality there's Nothing like a gem set Jacob watch I Mean we see a lot of watches and people Do aftermarket and they do good jobs but There's nothing that compares to the Side of the case also the side of the Bracelet this most difficult How long does it take to make this watch The actual gem setting portion of it if It's all white diamonds it's easier Uh it will take probably the whole gem Setting will take like 60 days just to Set but the cutting takes longer to cut The stones to prepare them for the watch Will take another two months really yeah Yeah so because everyone has to be Individually sized to match the one next

One each one has a technical drawing it Has to fit perfectly as you can see There's an invisible setting It has to be 100 perfect that's the difference again Between aftermarket and this right way To see space you'll see You could put this under microscope it Is perfect so that is epic x with Ruby And Diamond baguettes The next one I don't think you ever seen It just recently came out You've seen before Godfather of course Right but this is all baguette invisible Set Godfather Wow yeah yeah and heavy one million Dollar watch The miniature grandfather sitting in the Center amazing and the uh what do you Call these the drums Plays the music Look at that Diamond barrels So those barrels actually have the Little notches on the head the triggers Right yes this is sensational Do you see the side of the case it's Unbelievable and this is a million Dollars this is a million dollars it's a Limited edition I believe it's nine Pieces and as you see when every time You press the button it plays the music For at least 20 seconds I'm going to Hold it next to the microphone

I could hear it gorgeous Keep getting better and better that is Just stunning yeah What is this on the other wrist think of The diamond hanker where's the other one So you can put yeah no no it's just Single and it could open it only with a Key so the key is hanging on there I'll Have fun with the diamonds and how much Is this little guy hundred ten thousand It's a it's a nice piece of jewelry and And the purpose is to remind you that You're attached to somebody uh no no it Just I designed this because I like the Way the clasp is working that you only Could open it with the key You know you have to stick the key in Here on the side and then that's nice Amazing so you've got to hope that key Never falls off yeah no that's right and You just push it and you just push it Oh Beautiful piece I mean so stunning yeah Stunning everyone who sees it buys it All the time the key has diamonds on it And it comes in a ladies size of course But I've seen couples buy them as a Wedding gifts like wedding bands instead Of waiting instead of wedding bands they Give each other a hang up I like that That's a great idea serious question Though do you sell them with another key Or is that the only key that fits uh no It's the only key that fits and another

Question has anybody put one on and not Been able to get out because they lost a Key that's what I mean no but the key is Always hanging on us that's true Attached If you get stuck you come here We have a special you have a skeleton Key the master key yeah okay what is This crazy thing this crazy thing is a Rainbow of beautiful color stones again Ruby sapphires emeralds this is called Mystery mystery has double tourbillon in The center do you see the big diamond Here this yes this is our hand and the Big diamond here is a minute hand so you Need but the way it shows your time the Whole circle is moving with stones So he's carrying this whole circle of Diamonds or stones or color stones to Show you the time so it's very very Complicated watch that is absolutely Gorgeous look at the back of it and how Much is this piece Uh this one is 1.6 million So there's a theme going on here 1.4 1.6 Million you chose this one roller of Over a million dollar watch except this One was only one million Only a million The next very very special watch it's a White dragon with gold It is very very special because it's Basically you could see through the Whole movement from the back

Side and the front so what is the dragon Made of it's gold made out of gold but Then enameled with white enamel and you Can see parts of gold as his skin let me Turn that around wow that detail is yes Very big detail the big ball here the Yellow ball is like three carat yellow Diamond Jacob cut that was the most Difficult to do So that in itself is a couple of hundred Thousand dollars maybe more even really Yeah very deep yellow uh this watch is 1.3 million dollars 1.3 million yeah this one of a kind it's Peace unique never will be made again Because I probably won't ever be able to Find another Diamond like that so Incredible Arch you need to cut three Carat ball like this jacob cut ball you Need at least 10 karat diamond So you're wasting yeah Seven carrots to make a perfect round Bowl That's like a disco ball I don't know if You've seen me advertising this probably Did if you look at the pictures all the Way around the watch How did you do that this is very new Technology that never been done before You see that yeah Laser engraving is called but never been Done in a curved case So what we did we took all the special Moments of the movie and engraved it on

The side of the case you remember Godfather one of course so since this Was a 50-year anniversary of Godfather We designed the watch and made 50 Limited edition pieces this is really Stunning And how much is this guy this is uh 380 000 oh sorry 380 is the gold one the Regular one this is five hundred Thousand five hundred thousand yeah and The violin on the side it's a violin on The side when you open it you can still Continue seeing the pictures oh wow Behind it that's amazing isn't it the Detail Incredible and when you'll uh play the Music here on the barrels we have all The famous uh sentences from the movie Can you see that like like leave the gun And take the cannoli really Isn't that something the next watch I Like to show you I don't know if you Ever seen my roulette watch this is the Casino we call it casino because it has An actual roulette table inside the Watch it's an astronomia with a roulette Table inside the watch and does it move Of course Michael but not only that it Moves when you press the button you Choose the number you tell me what's Your number eight eight Adam 21. mine is Eleven let's see who's gonna win sure if It's eight you give me the watch right I Think so

18. But as you can see you have a turbine 2x turbine you have astronomia movement On top and every time you're pressing The button for the roulette table it Rewinds by itself you never have to wind It really yes how's that possible well It's the system will work we developed That's crazy each time otherwise it Would be just winding the watch every Time so each time you're doing this it's Now also winding The Watch Insane Oh my God it's on eight right there okay I won the watch but that was first bet Where is it where's the ball right there And it's oh in the top show it you one Second yeah Hey in the comments did I win the watch Unbelievable well You gotta go together that's crazy I Can't believe this you did say eight Right I did say eight I said 21. How much is this 47. this is six hundred Twenty thousand dollars I love this this Is I think this is my favorite watch Reviews Jacob this is yeah it's Drake's Most favorite watch because he loves Playing a lot yeah you know and when he Saw this is Jacob I must have this Because this is my favorite game this is Amazing Amazing and you never have to wind it no We never have to wind it only for the

Time right of course yeah but for the Animation no not for the roulette you Don't have to whine ever brilliant Absolutely brilliant which saves you a Lot of time the next very special watch Is this here you also never seen a thing This is again very difficult to make Today because all all orange sapphires Automatic you show the back if you want Uh it's automatic and diamonds on the Rotor exactly Well have to show respect look at this Okay how much is it uh this one is I Believe 700 000. 600 600 600 000 it's reasonable for the Price of spending right for the price of Color Stones today is very reasonable so The quality is so fine as you can see They look like orange diamonds so There's really orange so what has Started this You know colored stones to be so Expensive oh it's not because of me no I Know that I know because I know every Brand today is using Color Stones if you Could see Patek and and Rolex and and Audemars most of the a lot of brands are Using Cobblestone so one there's big Demand in the market right and they're Probably using a lot of it there's less Available and more expensive It's not available standing piece now to Get so many perfectly much yeah because

Most of these Brands they use only maybe One roll of color Stones right they use A lot of it but it's easier to get one Roll in color stones but to get full Case and a dial all the same matching Colors very difficult That's what makes this valuable Stunning so this next watch I know you Know from before but different different Totally different dial this has a green Dial it's called sf24 also Champion so Yes it's turbian by pressing this button It shows you world time It's a world famous 24 time zone Basically It's a 24 time zone it's when it says Let's say 18 it's 18 hours and the Minutes are used from the main dial Right So let's say if it says Paris 21 it's 2125 in Paris right now oh that's clever That is so clearly four times though Yeah and it's easy to use most of the Um World Time watches uh gmts are hard To use right I mean Impossible almost to read I made it easy Yeah very easy simple I struggle with a GMT right because you Want to look at the dial don't you but It's not it's the the bezel and the Price of this guy I call them guys Not as expensive 360 000 it's actually affordable And this is how it looks on the wrist

Still an awful lot of money It's not affordable for me Jacob I will Say that well I'm sorry I Uh come another time I'll show you maybe Some uh I do have I do have other Watches that's you have you want to stay Affordable or reasonable let's say you Have watches they're all reasonable it's Just some are much more difficult to Make and that's why they're more Expensive right of course and some are Just but we should we should actually do A video of the less lesser expensive Everyday ones yeah we will come back Tomorrow in fact and we'll um we'll Shoot another video and uh everyone can See Those watches yes no problem this box is Getting full so I'll pop that one there So there's one left yeah one left uh Least expensive out of the tray it's Also a new watch we made but uh very Very special it has Um Baguette bezel it's an epic x with a red Ruby in a ring There's a silver watch to yours very Similar right yeah except with a ruby in A ring very very nice it's uh priced 190 000 this expensive out of the whole tray That is so nice I love the inner ring It's it's beautiful yeah So I enjoy I enjoy making and designing This kind of watches you know I well the

Innovation is is amazing I mean I I Don't know how you create Half of these any of them but this one Is crazy I mean I can't believe how fast It moves and I can't believe that it has A two-day power Reserve when it's Burning that much energy to exactly but It took time long long it took three Years to develop this after we developed Astronomia so it's astronomy Revolution With one minute one minute Revolution Uh stunning and and the next one we we Now developing there will be a one Minute solos Which also will rotate the same sport Towards yeah more towards the end of the Year but it's taking time it's all these Things take time and they have to work You could spend all the time you want All these Engineers are working and Watchmakers to develop and in the end it Could may not work so no you don't Naturally try right [Music] Thank you [Music] So I was just chatting with Jacob and Craig is on his way he's going to bring Us the uh the billionaire and you guys Are gonna be blown away why are you Hiding it uh well I forgot that I had it Here so uh I I wish I had yes that we Forget yeah thank you hey Chris Michael How are you good to see you great to see

You back to New York thank you thank you Missed you here I missed you too you're Looking very well can't complain all Right I see yeah you're looking at all Of our newest pieces here yeah amazing Aren't they they're great so I just Wanted to tell you that uh working with You for how many years have we been Doing this gosh a long time three years More than that five years five years Almost five years already well we have a Lot of love every day that comes in for You all the fans out there I'm in a boutique every day and they Come in and your name is daily mentioned Around here oh wow well respected and we We give everybody a phenomenal Jacob and Michael experience that's so nice to Hear this yeah so everyone out there Really should appreciates what we do They appreciate what you do and I mean How much he loves you yeah it's well It's a pleasure though because it breaks The ice when people come in we're like Family when they leave that's so nice That's so nice this is a huge team Effort that's greatly appreciated by so Many things so we truly appreciate it Thank you thank you thank you thank you You've got it thank you all right see You guys bye so now we're going to show This piece for first time let's see it This is made come on come on um special Ashoka cut diamonds

A very famous uh cut oh it's very Difficult to find because each stone is Extra long I don't have my gloves on I Took my gloves off oh sorry sorry Please please as you can see I'm wearing Both of them I'm wearing both of my gloves because This is very delicate and very special It took a lot of effort and time and Money and Investment this is very very special so Michael as you can see every stone Especially cut for the watch it's it's Very tough to find all this long special Every 70 is certified as well yes every Stone is GA certified and it's a shocker Cut stone tell me about Ashoka I am not Familiar with it it's kind of emerald Cut family but it's a patented uh Ashoka Is the name uh for the stone because it Has a special cut that gives extra Brilliance uh on the stone so that's the Clear back uh transparent bag Skeleton as you can see the finishes of So how many carrots are in this uh this One holds I believe a little bit under 200 carats like 180 85 carats but that Is only after it's cut and set before You cut it it's like 500 carats Incredible you have a huge loss here to Cut them perfectly the same Cut every stone what you can buy here These Stones you cannot find them ready Made they'll never match you need to

Have the same with the same thickness The same length and this watch is how Much money this one is seven million Dollars seven million dollars [Music] Well fits your hand good it fits it Lovely Wow and the name is billionaire Ashoka Incredible I mean Seeing a picture is one thing holding it And experiencing it in person as you can See You'd only see the gold that's Holding you see nothing you just see Diamonds Around the case Very large stones So if if you compare this to the yellow Billionaire the yellow billionaire even Bigger stones and that took us three and A half years to do it and that was 20 Million I think that was 20 million but That's going to be one of a kind there's No we have to show that yellow diamonds They're just as yellow as your earring You like that it's beautiful can we tell People where it came from yeah of course Okay come and go Beautiful absolutely stunning well thank You so so much my pleasure for showing Us this suspective Spectacular piece I even you know you're Gonna put it on yeah because in the Gloves when I go out I wear something Like that so

How many bodyguards do you take with you Well depends where I am [Laughter] Spectacular but this is gorgeous well Thank you so much for showing us these Magnificent pieces I mean they're truly Magnificent it's a pleasure to have you Here and then I'm gonna come back Tomorrow please and we will film The More affordable watches that you have And you have some new ones there as well We do have more yeah new new ones in That uh sector yeah well this is being Brilliant so guys I hope you enjoyed This you know what to do hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell we're in It to win it and check out Jacob's site As well we'll link it in the description Yes this has been amazing so good to be Back let me take my glove off here Thank you very much Michael and thank You Adam thank you thank you as always Thank you bye

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