Love And Dating

How To Become A Fun Guy That Women Love To Be Around

How do you get guys and teach them to just 
feel it out? Just follow their instincts and   Just be normal be a person? Yep. Well, 
it takes putting yourself out there   To, it has to be shed. That's 
the type of transformation it is.   It's not like you're morphing into it. It's like 
you're shedding. You're shedding all the layers   That are covering up who you are. And the best 
way to do that is by putting yourself out there,   And having more conversations and talking to 
more people, specifically, in this case, women.   And also, and you said this way earlier on this 
interview talk that you are going out there and   Having fun. Yeah. And so there's an element of 
yes, you have to go and practice and talk to   People to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. 
But you also have to have an angle of trying to   Make it fun like that one story I told where I 
went and talked to the group of people. I was   Trying to have fun. And you were telling corny 
jokes. And you're like, I think these jokes   Are funny. Yeah, I laughed at them so did they 
thankfully, in that moment, it was a nice positive   Reinforcement. But you know, I was just trying to 
have fun. And so try to find that way. I find that   Guys like games. Yeah. So gamifying it can be fun. 
Absolutely. So I gamified it, I had a little black   Notebook, I still have it to this day. In the 
little notebook, I would go out and, well first   I'd go out and approach a certain amount of women. 
And in the notebook, I'd write down the date,   The location of where I went, how much money 
I spent that night, how many approaches I did,   How many numbers I got, how many makeouts I 
got, and then any little notes of something   I learned. But it wasn't a big journal. It's 
a really small, black book that you can only   Just write a couple of things. But only you would 
know. Yes, it was just for me, it was just for,   I mean now that I look back at it, it that was 
fun for me. It was fun to track it. You know,   It's funny too, because I can imagine a 
woman hearing that and going, oh my God,   Like, can we objectify women anymore that they're 
just numbers in a black book? And you know what,   You got to do what you got to do to get better 
at the things you want to get better at. You were   Training. Yes. You were, those were your stats. 
You were an athlete and those were your stats.   To the point where the entries, if you go 
through it, it stops at a point because   Just for that there was nothing else left to 
track. I wasn't really tracking like, I need   To approach more women, it was more just like 
having quality over quantity. And so I stopped   The tracking eventually. But point is gamifying 
it can make it fun. So if you can try that great   Try that. Or find what can be fun. Yes. You know, 
being silly. Bringing out that silly person that   You might be if you happen to be that person. 
You don't have to be that person. But but if you   Are that person bring it out. Everyone has a fun 
side, you might not be as funny as someone else.   But everyone has a fun side where it's just like, 
okay, you're enjoyable to be around. Yeah. Be that   Person. And think about in your life when are you 
that person? Absolutely. What are you doing? And  

If you come to an answer of well, thanks Mario, 
thanks Tripp. I'm not that person. Then it's time   To come back to building who you are anc back 
to, full circle here now, finding interesting   Things to do, finding hobbies, doing things that 
you enjoy and start to build up the persona of   Jack Wilson or whoever you are. It's like, build 
that person up, become someone. And don't do it   For women, do it for you. Yes, if you do it for 
you it's gonna be more fulfilling, but it's real.   Like if you do it for women, what if you don't get 
women? All of that progress and all those things   You're working on, there's no point of holding 
on to them because it's like the thing that,   The reason. Even with weight loss, I talk to talk 
to guys about that all the time. And it's like,   Well, why? They're like I just want to get girls. 
Well it's like we can't work because you're not   Gonna get girls but you gonna get more guy friends 
when you get buff, but you might not get girls.   Like girls and I would be interested in you just 
not, obviously, a lot of women are interested   Just based on of your looks. But if that's all you 
have, when you have that conversation, and you're   Still awkward, you're just gonna be a very buff 
awkward guy. And that's even more unattractive.   And it's not gonna take you anywhere. And it's 
just interesting that you when you talk about   Practicing and just, you know the numbers 
and breaking them down, and it's just like,   You just have to get better at it. And it takes 
time. And it's hard. It's meant to be difficult.   Anything that we want is never that easy. It's 
also not that hard I feel. It's always hard right   Away. It's the hardest right away. And I think 
people have to know that. And I've learned that   Over my life of doing many challenging things. 
The hardest part is the beginning, because then   You end up doing it enough where it does start to 
become easy. And we adapt pretty fast as humans   To challenging situations. It's like any, it's 
like, you don't play guitar do you? No. Okay,   Well, I'm trying to think of a piano 
analogy. But, you know, okay, we can do this.   Playing a chord on the piano. That's generally 
you're using three fingers. Yes. When you're   A kid, and you're first starting off, 
you're not really playing chords, per se,   Right away from what I remember. You're just kind 
of going boop. Just trying figure it out. You're   Just hitting some notes there and there. But 
eventually you have to make a chord. Usually,   It's with your thumb, your middle 
finger, pinky, the one chord, right?   That's a really weird position to be in with your 
fingers. It's like awkward. If you play a guitar,   Which I know you don't. But for those who do 
more people play the D chord, well the calluses   Too, the D chord hurts a lot. When you first play 
guitar you're like, fuck, ow, that hurts after a   While pressing on those hard strings. But also, 
like, the D chord is the most awkward chord. I'm   Doing it right now. It's like the rock on. It's 
like this weird, and it's so strange. But then   Over time it's like, oh, you just do it. You're 
conditioning the tolerance. Right, so it's like,   It's nice to know that. This is what I'm saying 
here's it's like a mindset. It's like, knowing  

That you just gotta get over that hump. That 
first thing where you're like, oh God I gotta   Go out and talk to women. Or, you know, like, 
I gotta take pictures for my dating profile.   This is just strange and weird. And then you just 
kind of get over it. It's like, you get over shit   Quick. Give yourself credibility. Once you keep 
doing it and get used to it, it becomes so much   Easier to do it. And one of those things you said 
as far as like being interesting, and, you know,   Maybe not being that guy. Dude, I was part of, to 
really tell you how nerdy I was part of a video   Game club in college, I was part of an anime 
club in college, you know, very nerdy things.   And let me tell you something. I mean, these kids 
had sex. Okay, they just did. They were all nerdy.   Nerds have sex with each other. Exactly. They do. 
But most of the time, we're attracted to people   That are very similar to us. So I'm saying that 
it doesn't matter if you're not that interesting,   Funny person. You could be that awkward person. 
But guess what, you're likely attracted to   Somebody that is a lot like you. And guess what? 
They're awkward, too. They're probably waiting   On you to talk to them. I can't tell you how many 
countless times I will watch these kids play video   Games. And I'm like, they like each other. But 
they're just afraid to say anything. But as soon   As they both get the courage to say something. I 
mean, they're eating together. They're, you know,   Dating, you see them out they're just, you 
know, you can't separate them. But it's because   They both finally had the courage to do something 
about it. Regardless of your walk of life. Like   You don't have to be the epitome of man to get 
women to be interested. She could be literally   Right in front of you waiting on you to 
say something. But you have to be again,   As we talked about earlier, the initiator you have 
to actually spark that conversation spark that   Interest. And then from there, you realize like, 
damn, we actually are a lot alike. And maybe,   Maybe just maybe we're attracted to each other. 
It's so simple. To me it's very simple when you   Are around, you know, men that are around women 
a lot, but because of the activities they do,   Instead of like how you would do, how you tested 
things out, going out to a bar and meeting random   People. Sometimes you don't have to meet random 
people just meet the people that are around you   In your vicinity in your proximity in a sense. 
Yeah, I did a reel the other day I was giving   Advice. I said great place to meet women. I don't 
have any experience in this personally, but I know   Other people who've done it and it's worked is 
intramural sports, coed sport. And it's like even   If you don't meet a girl there and you hook up 
with her or get a date from it. You're creating   Some type of social circle. Exactly, and you're 
getting experience around women. You're spending   More time around women so it becomes a little less 
intimidating over time. I was also gonna say is…   All this stuff we're saying, like no one has 
to do any of this shit. Like they don't have   To do anything. But I will say that the reality 
is you'll just keep being where you're at. Yeah,   That's the whole thing about pushing 
yourself and doing the hard thing. It's like,  

Yeah, we're preaching this right now, but you 
don't have to do it. You have full freedom to do   Whatever you want. We all do. But are you willing 
to settle for that? That's what I've been telling   Guys. It's your call, bro. You do whatever 
you want. It's your life. It's not my life.   But are you willing to settle for that 
life? And I bet you don't. I just bet,   Because you wouldn't be listening to these words, 
watching this video, listening to this podcast.   If you didn't care, you wouldn't hear these words 
that we're speaking right now. Not even close.

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