
Pairing Whisky With Cigars With Davidoff Of London | Kirby Allison

Foreign And it wouldn't be a trip to London Without a visit to Davidoff of London And an opportunity to see my good Friends the sahakians of course Edward Sahakian and Eddie sahakian you know Commensurate gentlemen Legends in the Cigar industry and two of the I think Most popular people on my entire YouTube Channel So um anyway it's great to be back in This beautiful shop and to get to enjoy A little bit of your company thank you So much Kirby what an honor for Dad and I to welcome you I have to say we have Seen how busy you are each time you Visit London more and more of your fans Are excited that you're coming we're so Conscious that you have Limited time you're doing a lot of Things so it's incredibly special for us That you take the time to visit us we Can sit down together and talk shop the Time is precious and it's no better Spent than in company of good friends And you guys are two of my close dear Friends and we get to enjoy things that We enjoy or that we love together cigars London and just the seven Sevan fair Right it's always a pleasure and a Privilege to have you here here Kirby Especially sitting here next to us in These two famous yes these two famous Chairs as I as I say the two most

Exclusive smoking chairs in all of London yeah yeah they've become a This sort of a Vocal Point a focal point For people to come point out he said oh That's where it all happened thank you So much for your time And I hope you have a successful visit In London on this trip as well yeah Thank you Um well one of the things I thought it'd Be fun to talk about is that you know What I love about Davidoff of London of Course isn't that you're just purveyors Of some of the world's finest cigars of Course that's how you're best known but Your purveyors of fine accessories I Mean there's a tremendous amount of Accoutrement here in the shop but also In this cabinet right back here behind My left shoulder some incredibly rare Whiskeys and so I thought it'd be fun to See if you might speak a little bit About some of your favorites maybe over A cigar if I couldn't impose And just kind of hear about you know Kind of how you think those items Accessorize and complement a cigar With great pleasure Kirby before I start Boring you about my whiskeys dad may I Invite you perhaps to start preparing Kirby's cigar as only you know how to do Whilst I tell Kirby a little bit about These amazing ones it will be a pleasure Kirby for your enjoyment for a short

Enjoyment I've chosen the David of grand Crew number three okay we've tried Many other davidoffs together but this One I'm not sure I can't remember if we Smoked it yeah but certainly not Together so I hope you will enjoy it and If you don't do let me I couldn't Imagine not enjoying anything uh of your Selection The blend of this is slightly Fuller Flavor than the Davidoff number two or The Thousand series And as it's part of the grand Cruise Series It is a special book yeah how does this Rank in terms of kind of one's Journey Through the Davidoff brand I mean the Signature number two is one of the kind Of quintessential starter cigars and It's a great first cigar it's not it's Not going to overwhelm you it's not Going to overpower you it's very Approachable where does this rank kind Of in that Continuum I think this fits Into sort of Medium to slightly stronger blend okay a Lot of flavor to it Again it's a cigar you can enjoy daytime Preferably after a meal or in the Evening such as this In Good Company And that's principally a Dominican Blending as well so you will get the Lighter creamier notes that are

Prevalent in the Davidoff Dominican most Of the David of Dominican Blends unlike Some of the discovery lines where you Challenge your palate and of course Strength as well and that's the Ecuadorian tobacco absolute Ecuadorian And the Nicaragua and some lovely Mexican as well so I've lit this cigar May I present it to you thank you Yeah you know after the last video we Filmed where you were showing us both of You how to properly light a cigar I've Never lit my cigar the same way I was Previously after watching that when I Have the opportunity I have the Opportunity I try to do with the match Of course I can't I don't have the Expert skill of your father to be able To do it in one match it normally it Takes me two or three at least and then If I haven't the time for the match then You know I'll use a nice yellow flame as I learned from you Eddie Um so thank you thank you for this it is A pleasure if I may I shall join you as Well once Eddie gives us a talk about His that version of whiskeys oh Yeah I've never wasted it yeah it's like It's like now a safer Savor that uh First pup as opposed to you know kind of Blowing through it uh magically without Any thoughtfulness yes yes well there is A parallel as I learned Um on a recent trip to Scotland in the

Whiskey World okay and I've been told When tasting whiskeys The first we dram that goes on your Palate should really be a very small Measure okay and it's I love it it said It's to introduce your palette to the Whiskey nothing more so you let it just Tingle the palette and then disappear And then the second taste is really Where the really important olfactory and Aromatic experience begins yeah so Warming the palette yeah yeah very much Well that first path I must say I mean After you you know revealed that to me As something I've enjoyed uh so many Times afterwards so it just again goes To show I think how much the ritual can Elevate The Experience right I mean you Could light up a cigar quickly and you Know toast it with a you know butane Lighter blowing it you know overheating It maybe and then just take a quick puff And otherwise Miss what is such a Magical part of smoking a scar yes Beautifully put Kirby and I always think It's a it's an opportunity to silently Thank The countless experts that have crafted That cigar You know beautifully done yeah of course It's not every day we have my father Delighted for us yes thank you Yeah it's not all that difficult Practice a few years of practice will do

Nice yes there we go Well it's funny every every cigar led by Your father is a cigar to cherish so you Know I'm uh trying to get as many of Those as I can well you need to practice Because eventually Your Children Are Gonna that's right we have the right age To have their first cigar Ette it was 16 with you it was 16 and I Would like to say legally yeah Yeah Nathaniel he's you know kind of Peaked it it raised his eyebrows Whenever I smoke a cigar and I think Back to that that story and say nothing To you you're gonna have to wait a few More years before you're allowed to even Get a a second hand of this Um So going back to the whiskey Um I mean one of the rituals I feel like Of a good cigar Is the company right the ritual of how One you know selects it cuts it and Lights it but So often that ritual also includes an Alcohol or a drink or a spirit So what are some of your favorites yes Well Really good question Kirby it's it is Circumstantial of course Um sometimes it's a rum other times it Can be a dessert wine and the cigar You're smoking can sometimes dictate the Typical of choice

Um in recent years uh principally Because I'm exposed to far more whiskey Than I Used to Be I'm beginning to Develop a real appreciation yeah and uh Fascination with the whiskey World okay Nothing new probably for most of your Viewers but in my case I was very lucky To to visit space side a few weeks ago Really as a guest of uh what is now Called the house of Hazelwood but it's Part of the William Grant family and Okay some of the viewers may know Glenn Fittich or Balvenie Um it's an Incredible family Story one That resonates in my own life being a Second generation If I'm not mistaken I think they are Sixth fifth or sixth generation Certainly it's a vast family now and What they've achieved in the whiskey World in space side is is extraordinary Financially but also in terms of the Quality and and what they produce yeah And what I didn't know is that in that Family tree there is of course the Hoarder which is something very familiar Yeah Everyone has one of those and sure Enough uh over the years you know with The distilleries in Scotland would would Be very Um companionable and would be apt to Share barrels of their produce with Neighbors and an exchange and so on well

Of course the William Grant family over The years have developed an Extraordinary stock of what they call The private family reserves which they Now marked House of Hazelwood okay and Within that selection of these Extraordinary barrels some with many Decades of age many of them with unique Stories about how they were developed Originally and Blended or in some cases Single barreled They have put individual little Demarcations And and I think quite rightly the family Wants to share some of these barrels When I asked the question why now they Said just because they're ready now Really okay what a wonderful reason to Release a 50 year old or a 40 year old Or Uh and of course they've done that and Um the house of Hazelwood project was Introduced to us a few months ago it's They've done their first release into The market very successfully eight Individual bottlings of very unusual Whiskeys and we're fortunate to be one Of a very few a very small handful of Retailers that are permitted to stock it As well yeah the majority is director Consumer from House of Hazelwood and so Really handpicked well it's hand-picked And and I'm so chuffed to have these in My collection I confess the stock I've

Bought isn't really for sale I've only Permitted yes It really just permitted one of each one Of each I'm gonna allow to sell okay I Don't have much more than that but the Little more I do have I'm keeping Because I think it's wonderful stories And and I've pulled them out uh Mainly because I'm excited to show you Well it's an interesting parallel to Some of the humidors that your father Has collected yes I mean it's really you Know exceptionally limited edition you Know rare opportunities to acquire Something like this well it's also a Very uncommercial approach I mean it Seems counter counter business to to buy Something with no intention of selling It for decades yeah and possibly never Never I mean I'm sure nor consuming it Nor consuming it Um and this is what really impressed me On the visit you know there's so much Thing so much stock that yeah is Delightful and delights the family and There call it custodianship of the Barrels yeah this is important to them As uh selling it yeah I feel the same Way about of course my father's Collection of cigars and humidors Um so the parallels are there yeah That's interesting so so tell me about This ah this is three of the age you Said eight individuals that's right um

So I'll start with a really unusual one This is called sunshine on Space side And it's a blend there's 398 bottles of This made and this was described to me On the tasting as Entirely unusual entirely eccentric Flavor profile really yeah for a space Side okay it knocked everyone backwards And it was and the reason it's called Sun Channel's Bayside is because it Reminded everyone of pineapples and Mangoes and citrus and yeah flavors that You don't normally associate coming from That particular region interesting and They said we need to bottle this yeah It's it's uniqueness and Rarity went Into here and has been incredibly well Received for exactly that reason people Have never tasted anything quite like it This comes under What's called the Legacy Collection so there's a few more Bottles available of this and it's a Blend okay a beautiful blend of that Um the one that I really really got Excited about See if I find it Oh yes here it is So this one comes under what's called The Charles Gordon collection so that's The the Pinnacle of the House of Hazelwood release it's called The first drop Vintage Cask 1964. okay

What is extraordinary about this Is it is the very first liquid That came out of the Gervin single grain Distillery that was built By Charles Gordon in the 1960s amazing Completed in 1964 from scratch and the Story of how it was built was remarkable This man was a Visionary a real driving Force of the success the company later Had And this is from the very very first Barrel so it is incredibly rare there Are 71 bottles of this in the world it Is a single grain meaning it is a very Sweet Nobody there a very sweet uh Dare I say high quality rum type drink One that really appeals to me so this is The first drip to have come out of that New distillery brand new single grain Distillery which has gone on to become a Very famous and a very wonderful one Yeah so yeah we have history in our Hands and only a family of course like William Grant could have this in their Collection and decide after oh my God How many years is it 1964 to 2022 that's All 15. almost 60 years that's Incredible eight years it's now ready to Enjoy and by the way it's really good Yeah And the last one I just mentioned Briefly because I loved it as well and It was explained to me like that color

It's called the tops yeah it's Blended It's 33 year which means the youngest Whiskey in there is 33 years old the Actual composition I.E which Distilleries these barrels come from That go into the blend Have not been disclosed it's a secret no One knows what I can tell you is the Tops Is a term used in The Distillery it's The best of the best the creme de La Creme the casks that the blenders Themselves think are the very best in The Distillery so the tops is a Collection of those they've taken the Very best most delicious casks of that Moment mix them together to create this What's the alcohol percentage on that so On something like this it is it's a cask Strength so it's going to be I reckon in The 50 yeah it's 51.6 ABV yeah which is Reasonably strong Um 523 bottles of this made It is a beautiful complex Rich for me Quite a space-side style Um Really good what is this yes sorry I Just wanted to see the strength of the Uh which one is 58 but the year bottle Yeah sorry in 1964. oh the 1964. that's 41.5 kbv so very approachable Um you know there's no burning there's

Nothing nothing all of these will Benefit from a drop of water yeah just Open up the aromatic profile really nice And you know how lucky I am you know Again so what's the story I mean how did You get connected with the family and How how was it that you came by this Opportunity well we first at least in my Case I first met uh the family and and Are they so whiskeys screws cigars Um one of the family members is called Kirsten Grant and we were very lucky to Do a Balvenie and Daniel Marshall event In our Bulgari Lounge okay back in I Think it was 2013 maybe 14 uh and it was An astounding success and that was my First introduction to Balvenie okay and Of course Glenn fittich is part of that As well and Kirsten who's a tour de Force unbelievably gracious host knows Everything about whiskey represents the Family beautifully and of course that Relationship estate And when I think the house of Hazelwood Project came along They had the idea that they wanted very Few unusual interesting shops to stock Their whiskey they didn't want it to be Just another whiskey shop and I think we Were very fortunate to fall into that Short list And as soon as they asked me and Explained the project I was all in yeah Please I'll be honored and delighted

There we have it I can only imagine you Know one of the younger family members You know walking through you know the um You know the caves or wherever they keep All of these barrels and kind of Insisting to maybe his father or Grandfather that it might be time to Push some of these out and I can't help But think that you might have that same Experience walking through your yes I could feel the riptide Because I mean you know at the Edward Sahakian Lounge where we had the Privilege of filming the last time we Were in London I mean it was much the Same of uh you know of you being able to Pull some cigars from your father's Private reserve to offer in the lounge And I'm just curious how one approaches That delicate balance or that delicate You know touchy sub Well all I can say is you need to catch Him on a good day My mother is normally the best she gives Me a hint in the mornings if Dad has Woken up in Armenian we have an Expression on the wrong side or the Right side of the bed and if it's on the Right side of the bed it suggests to me Perhaps after a couple of coffees on his First cigar that it would be a good Moment to ask You know You don't believe all these stories

How does it really happen it probably Really happens where he goes in he sees His uh you know I remember that day you Know I think in the morning I'll slide Out of the bed from that end of it Rather than getting out from left or Right side of it if Eddie has prepared Coffee for you uh in the morning as the Waiting in your your dining room you Know I will turn around and walk back to his Bedroom You know cubby you you probably get a Similar experience when you when you fit It for a new suit or you've ordered a New suit a bespoke suit or a bespoke Pair of shoes that waiting period you Just can't rush it right you know it has To take its time what an amazing feeling That must be I think it's part of my Greatest enjoyment of the bespoke Process and often Underappreciated or at least not spoken About as often as it should be which is One the opportunity to savor the Relationship with whom you're working to Make the Garment yes and second The Experience across multiple fittings And then of course just the um You know eagerly awaiting uh the Delivery and it can't be rushed I mean It can't be made in a week it must kind Of take its time And I imagine with with certainly some

Of the the incredible Brands you work With you know they can pick and choose Who they make a suit for I think they're In a very privileged position Like some other like some Brands like Patek Philippe and other amazing Purveyors of luxury so they need to like You and there has to be a chemistry Right yes Yeah absolutely I mean I think that um You know whenever one commissions a sued From an expert from a bespoke tailor I've been someone that has spent their Entire career [Music] You know and in a craft That there should be a degree of Deference and respect To that artist and that craftsperson And allowing them to guide you On where to go and if you go into it With too specific of an idea it's not to Go in with no idea right go on knowing Kind of what it is you want But then you know speaking in you know Maybe broad brush strokes and then Allowing the tailor to then make a Recommendation and that is whenever I Think you really have what is the best Outcome which is a real marriage right Between you know what it is that you Were looking for and your personality And your style But with the expertise and the intuition

And the wisdom of someone who has Dedicated their life to that craft Well may I ask you favor Kirby I have Never ordered A pure bespoke salvaro suit in my life One day I have an ambition to do that But I would only do that if you would do Me the great honor of holding my hand Yes I would love to accompany you we'd Have to interview a few first you know Well I I would be entirely Guided by you On that but it would be such a special Moment yeah what would be my great honor And uh you know that would be a fun Video one day You know seeing you know what we can do Together so let me ask another question You know kind of on the back of these Incredible whiskeys right I mean these Are three extraordinary whiskeys Completely singular kind of in their Creation if you were to pair a cigar With each one of those What would you choose I think Eddie's Opinion would be better because I'm not Much of a whiskey Drinker myself So I I would be when he was the one that Had the privilege of tasting these yeah What did you smoke when you were doing This good question what do you bring to An event like what I did that truthfully Uh because the opportunity these I these I tasted in London a few months back What we tasted in my last visit in

Scotland was the next eight that are Going to come out oh wow and for that Occasion I took many cigars with me But I didn't smoke them during the Tasting I felt it was a disservice To what the whiskeys could do to my Palate and I was right you know there's A time in a place where you just have to Say yeah I am in the in the hands of Masters and and you know if they don't Think a cigar is the right thing to Smoke right now But if of course having tasted it Um The single grain I think works with the stronger blends Because of the the sweetness and Um the very tropical profiles uh it'll Be things like vanillas and custard Creams and and creme brulees that comes Through and and a good single grain has Texture as well yeah so that A Bolivar Um A David of Dominicana An age I know you're a fan of the Lusitania a wonderful candidate for that For the sunshine on Space side uh much Lighter more citrusy notes for me that Would lend itself to lighter blend Davidoff number two of course Number one perhaps different to the Number two You could sneak a Lorena in there yeah

And the tops was an all-encompassing Every part of the palette was stimulated I think for that one you can pretty much Pick any cigar you like I don't think You'd be disappointed You have to be careful that one doesn't Over balance the other one If I was going to drink any of these It would have been the 1964 one uh dad you have a good eye it's Also the most expensive one well I said if I was going to drink that And what would I drink that with what Would you smoke out of your private Reserve collection that you think would Pair well with such a well I'm not sure If it will pair well or not until I Actually do the tasting okay I get the Hint I would probably pull out a hoyo double Corona From a cabinet selection and and the Cabs much in the same way as something Like this that's had time to age Right I mean the cigars in the cabinet Age differently than a cigars and boxes I would have picked one of my own aged Ones so I will know the problems of it Yeah the holy double Corona should be a Good match having said that The proof of it will be in tasting yeah And tasting but you know whenever Eddie Opens that bottle one day well Kirby Here's a promise to you another promise

It won't be foolish I promise Is either we need to go to space site Again maybe we should do that together I Mean I kid you not it's a sight to Behold especially the William Grant Families of states there but if not here In London I will open all three if you Like we will enjoy them life is too Short well you know the last man on one Of the previous videos we had the Opportunity to test the 40th anniversary Uh you know whiskey authors yes that you Put together and it was an incredible Incredible spirit that that reminds me Of the top so that's perhaps why I love The top so much as well it's interesting You mentioned that when I tasted it It took me to that I can only begin to Imagine how one would approach selecting A cigar not just for a very special Occasion but for one's son Well the As you mentioned it was Eddie's Birthday This year a special birthday No secret 25 right that's right 25 times Two it was his 50th birthday and I Thought a lot I wanted to choose a cigar that was Special And I recall that I still have a few Cigars from my very early days of Visiting London I used to buy in the Early 70s 72 73 I used to go to Dunhill shop which is just down the road

From us in those days And by A lovely cigar which was called the Dunhill Duncan Dido Series 500 they were basically a church Of size guard For birthday gift land was not mild but Not too strong it's or medium strength Beautifully made and they also had them In boxes of 100. But a dream it was lovely And I used to buy it And they would the basketball they're There yes oh yes but being a big boxer I Wouldn't travel with it they would keep It there they were still living in Iran At that time that's right yes And whenever I was in London I would go There Take a few And I think in total I must have bought About two or three boxes Good course of years it's the beginning Of what what a shame I wish you would Bought 100 books oh God I wish I did but There was one box which Halfway through I left there and I Bought the second one and somehow I Don't know why I didn't touch any more From there And on the box it was dated 1972 When Dunhill received it And in those days it used to take at

Least a couple of years for the cigar to Reach the UK from the day it was Actually made and shipped yeah because They were still being made in Cuba oh Absolutely yes yes yes so they were Made in seven they were actually shipped In 72 so made in 1970 Eddie was made in 1970 as well no I'm 72 no no they were They were boxed in 72. And I think you must have got them what 74 maybe 73. you're right There was a two-year gap between the Data on the box yeah Yeah it was 74. I bought it though that Was the box of the 74 that I had kept Somehow somehow I don't know how one Holds onto cigars for that long it's Really quite Incredible without Eddie Noticing it I've located the Box Took one out Hit it in a nice tube and had it with me For a week or so until his birthday came Up and we were celebrating his birthday In Greece and a lovely day the whole Set was wonderful we had the sunset There we had to see in front of us And me and Eddie and the rest of the Family as well but I said Eddie This is your birthday present from me This girl is exactly the same age as you Are And I gave it to him he looked and in Much better condition than me I said dad I have to smoke this in your

Presence I said well if you're going to Smoke that I'll pick up something as Well I think I had a David of number one With me okay so I lit up my David of Number one Eddie lit up his 50 year old Cigar Cuban David number one yes of Course yes it had to be nice and old Uh and we celebrated at his 50th Birthday with a lovely cigar Same age as he was and a nice long cigar To really Savor the moment it was and And Kirby I have to say I wish I could Have shared that with with everyone it Was Profoundly flavorful delicious you know Delivering at every level it was in no Means a compromised cigar when it came To flavor which some 50 year old cigars Are long past the smoking date it was Spectacular I like to think it's because My father looked after it so well yeah I'm sure that is the reason I thoroughly Enjoyed it Well I have to dig up that box there Might be one or two still left there On some other occasion we would smoke That together how about my 51st birthday That's right Um well that's something I'd never Really pondered until uh you mentioned It uh is the idea that you know a lot of People that are into wine will you know Go buy you know a Magnum or something You know Jero bomb something something

Large large format bottle and the birth Year of their children and save it for Our special occasion I was thinking I need to go back and Find in my humidor whether or not I have Any boxes marked 2012 the year Nathaniel Was born and if I you know could be as Skilled enough to look after them Because looking after cigars For that long of time Is you know a skill in and of itself and Kind of set that away one day for Nathaniel Have you found any 2012s well I I Haven't looked yeah but would you like Us to look yeah you might not Um I would I don't think I would have any 2012s I Mean that was you know that would have Been just at the beginning of when I Started to collect and to be completely Honest Um you know I I was not educated enough And how to properly store cigars and I Had several Tobacco beetle outbreaks you Know that ravaged multiple boxes that's Why I'm you know so paranoid about the Storage of my cigars now Um don't worry so I don't think I would Large fraternity a fellow suffering yes We've all had it at some point well it's Surprisingly difficult I think it I Think storing cigars might be even more Challenging than Wine

And of course you know people that Collect wine you know spend a Considerable amount of effort Um you know and making sure that they're Properly looking after it yes it will be Worthwhile investing in a wine storage Fridge because in the same fridge you Will be able to store your cigars yeah Well I might be working on a walk-in Humidor at the moment yes Which is essentially built like a Um like a like a wine cellar yeah and The same principles yes cooled and Um consistent yeah a little bit of extra Humidity perhaps although some of the Wine cellars can be almost too humid for For us well interestingly enough I mean You don't want too much humidity and a Wine cellar uh just like you don't want Too much humidity in a humidor but you Know apparently the ideal humidity for a Wine cellar is in the mid to high 50s Whereas you want A little bit more than that in the mid 60s yes for cigars low to mid 60s I Think I mean not quite I mean you Wouldn't want 70 70 would be too much If I'm not mistaken on your advice Because I know I've called and spoken to You about this subject on numerous Occasions often in panic [Laughter] Well you always what you can do is when You could take the cigars out of your

Wine cellar which is around 50 55 Usually And transfer it into your humidor Knowing that you will be smoking that Garden within a few weeks or a few Months so every few months you could Take a number of cigars from your one Seller into your door which the humidity Is a bit higher as well and prepare it And when you do that just before smoking Always take it out of your humidor leave It out couple of hours before you're Ready to smoke and say if you're going To have a dinner in the same way you Will decanter wine you discount cigar as Well take it out of the humidor leave it Out there let's get some air to it we'll Speak a little bit more about that Because I know that you've mentioned it Previously and we hadn't discussed it Much but Um you know kind of the way that you Approach The humidity of Cigars you're aging versus cigars you Might be smoking I know didn't Nick Falks kind of have two humidors one That's slightly higher humidity you know For smoking than the one that he keeps For aging is that correct yes well it Depends the facilities one has So if you have Two humidors that is one of the best Ways of doing it keep it once like a

Higher humidity and the other ones Slightly lower the lower humidity one it Will be for the longer periods to stay There but before smoking it you would Transfer it into the other humidoria if You have a working humidor Or if you have a wine calf then the same Principle applies You would keep it there Take it out if you can a couple of Months before a few months If it's a few weeks at least Transferred into Your other humidor or In emergencies you could take it out of There leave it in a room for a couple of Hours in a room which is not too dry and Let it just open up light it up and Smoke it yeah I mean this humidity is Important but it's not that yeah If you were to err on any side Slightly dry or slightly wet Where would you air I I would do it slightly on the drier Side I like slightly drier cigars out because The moment you light it up and start Smoking it it does get soft yeah and if It's already too humid and you light it Up it gets firm it gets too soft yeah I'm a wet smoker to start with so I Really don't want it to get very wet Yeah interesting I I would add as well In in over the years when we've seen

Private collections appear people who's Perhaps father or grandfather had them Kept them at home and they no longer Need them bring them to the shop the Ones which have been stored in a Slightly dry environment it could have Been an airing cupboard you know very Things we would normally say no to yeah Are in a better smoking condition than The ones that have been kept in slightly Humid conditions you know ostensibly the Correct way but for 30 40 50 years they Tend to be the ones that have suffered More in taste and loss of taste and Perhaps condition as well interesting Yeah so you'd maybe even recommend low 60s For for a long long aging yes Um because if you're self-consciously Retarding and slowing the aging process It's a Wonderful way to do it you just Prolong and extend the enjoyable Lifespan of that cigar yeah Interesting what an enjoyable evening Together And I think you know what a privilege to Kind of have you talk about these rare Bottles that uh you know aren't meant to Be sold just like I feel like so many of The cigars that come through this shop You know you know very rarely you know Even make it out to the shelves you know They're held back for those special Moments or special moment in time

Um And thank you gentlemen Such an owner thank you thank you Kirby Thank you so much it's always such a joy And a pleasure sitting here smoking a Cigar together I'm talking about well The pleasure is mine uh you know I'm not Not London as often as I would like but Whenever I am here I'm so thankful for You guys setting aside some time for us To be able to spend together and to be Able to share it of course with the People watching on this YouTube channel Thank you very much Kirby If I have an opportunity once your Walk-in humidor is built I would like to Come and ensure it's correct yes put Together thank you yes help me Inaugurate it Proper inspection well gentlemen thank You [Music] [Applause]

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