
How to Cut a Cigar | Different Cigar Cutting Methods | Kirby Allison

Hi I'm Kirby Allison and in today's Video I'm going to demonstrate how to Use several different cigar Cutters that We sell here online at Kirby [Music] Now whenever it comes to cutting your Cigar there's several different ways to Achieve the perfect cut all of the cigar Cutters that we sell here at Kirby Allison I've tried and tested myself and Can personally vouch for as being Exceptionally effective now a cigar Cutter is one of those accessories That's someone that enjoys a fine cigar Really should spend the extra money to Invest in it's not rocket science to cut Your cigar but there is a way to do it Well and to do it properly and there is No faster way to screw all of that up Than with a cheap cigar cutter so a Buyer beware if you will so we've got Several different cigar Cutters that we Have online here at Kirby Allison that I'm going to demonstrate for you I've Got one of my favorite cigars right here This is a 38 ring gauge a nothing Special and actually might be 40 38 to 40 ring gauge and nothing massive right All of these cigar Cutters will work on A larger ring gauge cigars now there is A functional limit to some of them we'll Talk about that here in a moment So let's first start with the El Casco Cigar cutter now this is without

Question one of my favorites because of Just the ease of use and the Simplicity Of it it's one of the cigars Cutters That I think I have gifted to more Friends than anything else and what I Love about this is it solves one of the Most important shortfalls design Shortfalls of most cigar Cutters and That there's no leverage right so the Force that you have to exert in order to Produce that cut is really a one-to-one Now what I like about this is actually I Think it is I don't know what came first Either the cigar cutter or the stapler But El Casco has a modified version of This that's a stapler here it's a cigar Cutter but it has this lever action Which again provides that mechanical Leverage it has a very sharp kind of Blade right here You can see that the way this is Designed is inside there is a slant Right and then there's a small little Cutout right there so that if you're Cutting say a torpedo or something you Can get a little bit of extra depth in There now when I say that this is Foolproof one of the things that I like Is that You know it really kind of helps Um you know limit over cutting a cigar Which is one of the problems so when Cutting a cigar you really want to cut It uh on top of this cap right so you

Can see the cigars rolled and then here At the cap there's another piece of Tobacco that's applied that kind of Holds all this together what that does Is it prevents the wrapper from Unraveling and so if you cut this too Far like on the back side of that cap And then you can end up with that Wrapper not being controlled and Unraveling so I'm cutting a cigar you Want to look at that cap and then just Cut it you know so that you're not Completely chopping that cap off so here The ideal cut would be somewhere kind of Right along there so we'll try to let You see that here so what you would want To do just to use this SD Dupont is Stick it in too far and then cut Past that cap right so with the cigar Cutter like this a traditional double Guillotine you do have to be a little Bit more careful going back to the South Casco what I like about it is this stops You from over cutting that cigar now Something Like a Torpedo you can always Cut it twice if you enjoy a little bit More of a cut but with this it's really Easy and as I said earlier foolproof Take the cigar in one hand you've got Your cigar cutter on the other you Stickly simply stick this in to The Cutting hole and then in just one kind Of quick movement Provides that perfect cut right so here

We are perfect cut and as you can see You know couldn't have been done better So that's what I love about the Casco Cigar cutter this works all the way up To about a 52 ring gauge without it Becoming too long again there is a Functional limit to how large of a cigar You can cut or fit through that that Hole now one of the questions that we Get often is how large of a cigar can a Cigar cutter like this accommodate which Is a great question and so I thought It'd be fun to pull out my measurement Device here so this is a millimeter Measurer or highly accurate now the way That ring gauges are calculated is in Basically 64 of an inch So a 64 ring gauge cigar would be one Inch in diameter so we look at this Right here And let's see how big this is so this is 0.6 of an inch so if I pulled out my Trusty little calculator And I did Basically 60 4 times 0.6 Right we get to the fact that this is Like a 38.4 ring case it's a 38 ring Gauge right So then the question is is how large of A cigar can that accommodate Right so let's put this in So this is 0.798 So let's take the calculator out and do

64 times .798 so as I said this can accommodate About a 50 or 52 ring gauge cigar so I Think it'll be fine to kind of go Through that with all these cigar Cutters because it is a question that we Get often So I'm going to put this right here on My nice little Kirby Allison cigar stand So let's move on to another one of my Favorite cigar Cutters this is the SD Dupont cigar cutting stand this was Actually a gift to me from Edward Sahakyan and I liked it so much I said You know what this is really something That we should be carrying online at Kirby what I like about this Is that after you're done cutting your Scar it's a double Guillotine it's a Perfect cutter then you can simply Convert it into a stand and there you go If you came with your own place to lie Down your cigar for a nice little rest In between Puffs so this is something That I find that I religiously keep in My briefcase so that I've always got a Cigar cutter with me if I'm outside the Office I might not be smoking with an Ashtray and so I'm going to want a cigar Cutting or a stand for my cigars now This is a double Guillotine what that Means is that you have two different Blades you know the one that you force Down and then on the other side this is

Stationary but that's the other blade so You're cutting the cigar from both sides It's a straight cut again very easy to Use now again going back to what I said Earlier you do have to be careful with a Guillotine like this to not over cut Your cigar So what I like to do is I'll place the Cigar on that bottom blade and push it Down so that I'm controlling where it's Being cut right I'll get it I'll make Sure it's perfect and then once it's all Lined up One swift cut as you can see and that Exploded everywhere but I still have a Very clean cut a little bit you can see That wrapper kind of wanting to kind of Unraveled so you can easily To mining that you rotate that the Proper way and then after you're done And you've lit your cigar voila You've got as I said a nice place to put That cigar down so I really actually Generally speaking I'm a purist and I'm Not a big fan of things that seem Gimmicky this at first glance sounded a Little gimmicky but I have to say after Having used it I've fallen in love it's Really an elegant marriage of two things Together to really create something that Together is better than any of the two Items in and of themselves so there we Go available in chrome and gold Now we were going to ask what is the

Largest size ring gauge you can cut with This lighter this cigar cutter So next let's see what the largest ring Gauge cigar is that you can cut with This So let's simply Open this up so this is 0.91 We'll round it down 0.9 so this is going to be a 48 ring Gauge now 58 so 64 times 0.958 so again if you're smoking larger Than a 58 ring gauge cigar God bless you Um next to Guard Cutter SD Dupont this Is another double Guillotine as you can See kind of coming in from both sides Same thing you've got your cigar You have to kind of bring this in Until you get it just exactly where you Want to cut it now at this point you Know again you want to be deliberate so I'm not applying too much force if I Needed to readjust it I could and then Once you've got it kind of firmly Positioned one Quick Swift action and you've Cut your cigar so kind of throw off Those ashes as you can see another great Cut And let's measure this one's slightly Smaller In size Zero that out Go from there Okay so this is 20 now that's

Millimeters take it to inches 0.81 Inches So let's see 64 times 0.81 51.8 so 50 52 ring gauge so same size as I believe that one was okay another Double Guillotine cutter great accessory Last accessory we have here now this Isn't a perfect survey because we're Missing the v-cut but this is a punch Cut right now what's nice about the Punch cut is that it's a small cut so if You have a really large cigar like Something that let's say is a larger Than one of these cigar Cutters could Accommodate If you have two large of a cut then you Can have too much straw so two it can be Too open of a draw and cause the cigar To overheat because again you've got too Much airflow going through the binder And so you might want to restrict and Reduce the airflow with a punch cut so Here we go we have it right here [Music] We've got this beautiful particus as you Can see this isn't exactly the scar that You'd maybe necessarily use a punch cut For but Center it in the cap And then simply just kind of push that In Right twist And then pull out so there we go

Nice cut Definitely a tighter draw And then the other cuts And the way that this works is whenever It retracts it perfectly pushes out any Of the tobacco that you grabbed Another great accessory Again How you like to cut your cigar is a very Personal preference The last cigar cutter we have is our LES Fiends La mes this is the cigar cutting Knife or cigar cutter knife this is Effectively a pocket knife That we have with our Cannon right with This nice little cutout here for you to Cut your cigar again it's nice Multi-purpose you know if you're out Hunting or if you enjoy having a pocket Knife on you this is another great Cutter now uh this also was a gift from A friend and we decided to carry it what I like about this is because the blade Is so sharp it actually you know Actually produces a very nice Cut Position this where you want it cut And then when you're ready Just apply that pressure And there you go nice Swift cut again it Requires a little bit more pressure just Because it's a little bit of an awkward Shape but to be completely honest I Haven't gotten anything but clean cuts With this cigar cutting knife so it's a

Great accessory so there we go a few Different cigar cutting accessories that We have here on Kirby let me Know what your favorite is in the Comments section below and of course we Have these accessories and so much more Available online at Kirby Where you'll find the largest collection Of luxury Garment Care accessories and Luxury shoe care accessories anywhere in The world as well as other great Clothing accessories for the Well-dressed like this beautiful Sovereign grade necktie pocket square Braces socks belts and really so much Much more so if you want to support this Channel and the content that we're Filming please take a moment to visit Kirby Of course I'm Kirby Allison and I love To help the well-dressed acquire and Care for their wardrobes while exploring The world of quality craftsmanship and Tradition thanks for watching [Applause] [Music]

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