

We took a Hermes Did you get that yeah I can't believe what just happened So those of you that saw the 100 million Dollar Diamond video that we did with Peter this one is even more special is That good English this one is even more Special no this one is more special more Spatula there we go I'll tell you more Especially where we invent words Peter Marco hey guys watches very very special Watchers that we have never seen before That you guys probably haven't seen Before the one and only Peter Marco's Going to smile and light them up thank You thank you what do we got here so we Like to set ourselves apart and so what We do is we customize a lot of watches So this is a 57-11 paddock these are all Natural yellow diamonds we put them on The sides the whole watch I will tell You Mike I've done one with green Diamonds Blue Diamonds pink diamonds we Sold recently that's what sets us apart We do them with all these exotic colors This is insane this reminds me of Jacob Just released his new billionaire watch In all yellow diamonds and it looks just Like this wow 20 million dollars yeah Wow 20 million dollars how much is this Guy sell it for 195 000. what do you Think I mean it's wild it's Pizza marker It's a pizza Marco special It's spectacular so I'm personally now

No longer really wearing aftermarket but If I was this would be a watch I would Definitely wear it's it's absolutely Exciting because I have clients that Have purchased the pink the the green Diamond the blue diamond and they go Into the finest stores in the world and The employees and the managers are like What is that we've never seen anything Like it then they take their finger they Run it across and they're like this Setting is so smooth it is it's Magnificent so smooth set perfectly and They drop my name all over the world how Long does one of these take to make if You took the raw diamond well not raw But you know if you took the diamonds And you have the watch how long from Start to finish so I think the biggest Issue is matching the diamonds I'm Coming around here so that we can it's Easier for camera work right because you Went on camera for a second then This guy is Called camera So move over so I'm on camera the Biggest Time consuming in this watch is probably Matching the yellows so when we have to Match the pinks and the blues and Yellows and the greens they come in so Many shades so that takes a long time And this is all natural all natural then Once I have the yellow diamonds it takes

At least 30 days because we drill the Holes and set the stones Amazing so each one of those little tiny Sparkles has a hole behind it and the Diamond is glued in no sets it yeah so The center that grills a hole and sets The stuff let me show you in the atom Yeah feel this and you'll see how soft It is wow right yeah so oftentimes when You see aftermarket watches where They've been set with diamonds you do This and it's like rough you can cut Your fingers I know even yeah this is Really really nice really nice work wow And um here's one we did with the Baguettes Um and we did it with green sapphire That's insane look how beautiful So who was it I saw with one of these Um was it Drake Drake Drake It's a million dollars right yes yeah And how much is this guy Um I would sell that for about a hundred Ten percent yeah yeah because we set Them I like that that's a pretty looking Watch that's a great evening watch to go For a special dinner right but I can't Imagine you wearing it you can yeah I Can Then maybe I would wear it if you can Imagine it with your green outfit no do You know what I really like it's Saint Patrick's Day yeah

Right no seriously you have that Green Jacket that's exactly the same company I Think as this one but it's green you Know what I mean no you have what you do Okay and you can you could wear this What I love is how the links in between Yes exactly contrast yes white gold pbd Black oh yeah interesting it's beautiful I mean it's a stunning stunning is it Heavies relatively you can certainly Feel it's got wow yeah Yeah that's beautiful I can't take my Eyes off these Peter What what are these I've never seen Anything quite like it ever have been Such an incredible item for us so we Take a Rolex with all diamonds And when you see all diamonds white Diamonds white diamonds right rounds and Baguettes in this case baguette bezel Meh yeah and what we do is the way you Have black PVD coating we've created the Coding in blue In red in yellow in green And in this bronze color and it takes Seven coats each coat to do it properly So when you coat them It Coats the Diamond too yeah so that's why the Diamonds look like that this color yes Yeah each coat is about a thousand Dollars A thousand dollars how unique is that That's gorgeous yeah now this I would Wear in a heartbeat I mean look I might

Wear this one too yeah and I'll tell you The yellow the red the green they're all Beautiful and how much are these sell These for about 50 000. no one has it It'll set you apart and you're the only Person making this Um I can't speak on the rest of the Country or the world but to my knowledge I've never seen it before do you see how He's holding on to that one yeah I know Yeah I'm going to try it on I hate it when this happens the last Time do you like that one he fell in Love with something but his Black American Express was declined so He wasn't able to leave with this yeah Yeah hopefully if he falls in love with This one it's not declined this time I don't think a black American Express Card can get declined can it you were The first [Laughter] Award was the first one to get declined Please tell me you're kidding me I like it I like it too it's very very Very unique I'm gonna have to talk about This and this guy here is a fortune Right that's I know that was like a Million bucks yeah the olive is really Really special I mean it's amazing Because it's only stainless steel I know But it's really it's the height that did That to it right yeah really how do you

Get these pieces Peter By being in the business for 47 years And you just we have connections all Over the world look at that How pretty is that Okay let's move on and then we did This Paddock is platinum Oh it is platinum yeah and this is a Green emerald bezel feel the weight of That it's fine now yeah That's pretty isn't it gorgeous with That white face and the green and the Green markers this is aftermarket yes Feel the way to this one so it's really Wow yeah yeah that is very substantial Very substantial and then this I did for Fun and we sold it I did it again and we Sold it I did it again and it's very Difficult to keep in stock but look how Beautiful this face is Mike You made this yes look at that so this Is an equinox yes and I customized the Whole entire face that's very very good Look at that is the Aquino the one that Has a face like a grenade yes that's the One yeah very plain number yeah and this One costs how much We'll sell that for 90 90 000. that's Crazy because by itself is about 90 000. Yeah yeah is that crazy crazy absolutely Crazy And then we're coming to my my favorite I'm coming back around there you don't Want to be next to them

No I wanna I wanna have this view right Here look at that olfactory That's gorgeous too an old girl not Golden titanium And how much is that Can I guess This is gonna be Pull Factory For 25. 550 is it yeah a long way out Can't keep up with the RMS though yeah Do you like that no no Weren't we going to give it to him now He's not getting it he well I appreciate It watch this for a second I can't help But notice you've got a bunch of Sunglasses out here what your add is What we were on the last watch now my OCD is going to kick in if we move over To this tray can we please finish no can We please finish This one see everything I want to see Everything you're like a magpie Real quick just to satisfy Adam done Nicely Seriously he's like ding ding ding What do you want to see first Mike this Or this let's talk about sunglasses no Let's not let's talk about those let's Just annoy Adam because he's OCD okay is This incredible what is it we took a Hermes Oh no That's real

Did you get that yeah oh watch Watch yeah Yeah oh my God the wall I can't believe I did that oh Peter that's okay oh my God but see the gold stayed in place So you just need a glass yeah we're Going to walk over to Hermes anyway Remember we're going to do that I can't believe what so it just happened I wanted to start off by saying it's a Hermes de Canter set wait wait are you Okay I'm not too happy mistakes happen Um I'm gonna try to go and get another Glass from Hermes and then we will Remove all the white diamonds and yellow Diamonds yeah We'll try to remove this and we built it Once we'll build it again around the new Shot glass but yeah it was unfortunate That was uh that was a mistake and it Happens it's absolutely but let me let's Move on to a positive it's a decanter Set all signed pieces from Hermes we did The whole top in diamonds and it's look At this around the whole thing it's just Really special I've never seen anything Like it yeah so how much is this set it Was 150 000. uh now it should be more Now it's discounted but no no now it has A store story now it has a real story That's Shocking right it's like when you view One of your houses and you're doing the Video on the house and all of a sudden

It catches on fire it's like I've pulled Light so it's not the same as this but I Put lights off walls uh caused disasters Things happen accidentally yeah right And yeah that was just remember the time You went to the laboratory and you Flushed the toilet and it blew up I'll Never forget that I'm glad see what a great guy this is I Mean come on You should be crying you really should Be crying but like you say things happen And yeah it can be fixed fortunately and No one will ever know so yeah apart from All the people that are watching this YouTube video that too but but how many Times can you buy something that's got a History to it that's world famous I Think it you should double the price now Just sell it broken yeah even that you Could do that you you could throw in the Broken glass Stay there don't move I won't touch you So what I do here Mike is I take um Maybach brand Cartier brand Chrome Hearts brand Louis Vuitton and I Customize them with diamonds What do you think They're wild do you cut the lenses like That no that's done by Maybach or Cartier okay called diamond cut lenses So you get the the authentic sunglass And then customers or serial number

Everything and we customize them wow we Got some really look at this one this is A chrome hearts these are actually very Very cool that looks like something Elvis would wear beautiful look at this Though seriously that's a nice sunglass Right they're gorgeous they're gorgeous Absolutely beautiful look we also do Them Did you notice this is baguettes so We're going with round diamonds or Baguettes Wow look at this beautiful how much are These are they all different 12 to 15 000 depending on the brand and what they Sell for but look how beautiful that is And it's it's natural looking it doesn't Look like we tried too hard no it wasn't Nice they look like this it looks good Right I like a darker lens but yeah I mean the The they're amazing yeah Adam did they Look better on me or Mike what do you Think Thank you Don't tell nothing I actually want to see you wearing the Uh the brick top no pizza okay oh brick Chop a little breakfast one of my Favorite characters here we go you ain't Nothing but a hound dog Why all the time I love it we miss coming here right it's The glasses as soon as you put them on

It's like when you put a Cuban on you Can start rapping it just happens it Happens if you put those and a Cuban on That'll be an interesting song right Yeah yeah so the last time I put a Cuban On Michael he became a ballerina it was Unbelievable he put the Taj Mahal on me He was in the Great Wall of China yeah It weighed like three kilos Peter this Stuff is amazing I think it really is I Can't get over these I mean I really do Like this it's so unique so unique Yes sir yeah Do I actually have clients that have a Collection I had to build a box and There was like five watches all five Different colors really yeah it was like Quarter of a million dollars yeah Amazing amazing beautiful beautiful Pieces Peter thank you thank you so so Much brother don't forget Peter now has His own YouTube channel go check him out Peter Marco 90210 yes thank you how About that my own YouTube channel My brother got me started on this thank You love you man I love you too Mike Thank you and one more thing yes you Promised me that before we close out the Video that your guy would arm wrestle my Guy Oh let me hold the camera for that one So I'm not so sure about this cup no I Was talking about Dom let's talk about Adriana all right I'm down for that this

Is the Peter Marco Team guys Thank you you know what to do hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell we're in It to Win It Come see Peter As a follow-up to that incident guys Pete and I wanted to show you that we Did fully rectify the issue by getting Two brand new Hermes shot glasses Directly from the Ahmed store right down The street they are exact matches To the ones that you see here and the Set is completed once again

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