Love And Dating

Step-By-Step What Happens When You Ignore A Girl

I don't know about you but for my entire 
life I was always taught that men and women,   Besides their body parts of course, are pretty 
much the exact same. Only to find out many years   Later that men and women are completely different. 
They think different, they want different things,   They become attracted to each other in different 
ways. We are basically different species. And   I get that you might be frustrated by the 
fact that you've been trying to do it all   The right ways this entire time only to find 
that you've been doing it all wrong. Because   Attraction and getting a woman attracted to you 
is actually counter-intuitive. Let me explain.   Women are emotional and men are more logical. 
Think about when you're attracted to a woman,   Think about when a woman likes you. What are you 
thinking? Great, she likes me. I want to see her.   I want to spend time with her. I want to sleep 
with her. Very straightforward, very much logical,   A to B to C to D. But for a woman it's not the 
same thing. She becomes attracted by her emotions   So you need to be a guy who's spiking those 
emotions in order to get her to stick around   And want to see you again. It's not going to be by 
trying to contact her all the time. It's not going   To be by sending her flowers, giving her gifts. 
Not yet. That stuff might work and is good when   You're deep deep into a relationship of many 
years. But in the very beginning at least that   Stuff doesn't really work. Instead, you want to 
ignore a girl. Because when you're first dating   You're intuitively thinking that you want to pay 
attention to her – again, text her all the time,   See her all the time. But that doesn't work. 
How do you actually get to the point where you   Can get her attracted by ignoring her and step 
by step what's happening through that entire   Process? Because most guys are her fans and 
guys are giving her lots of attention. Right   Now they are on TikTok and Onlyfans and they're 
on Instagram and Facebook and everywhere on social   Media getting lots of attention. But once there's 
a guy in her life that she's starting to like,   That's not giving her all that attention, she 
starts to wonder why. When you're a guy who's not   Liking all of her posts, responding to her DMs, 
being very quick to respond to her texts, texting   Her all day, trying to see her multiple times per 
week. When you're not that guy she starts to feel   Ignored – she starts to wonder "Why isn't this guy 
being like all the rest of the guys?" And this is   An emotional reaction that starts to really suck 
her in to you and your world. Because the guy who   Stands out the most is the guy who's not giving 
her as much attention as all the other men. That's   The big secret. Let's picture this for a second 
– you start to date a girl, maybe you've had one   Or two dates and she only gets a couple of text 
messages from you during the week to really just   Set up a date. And when you're with her you give 
her all the attention in the world but when you're   Not with her you're giving her zero attention. So 
she starts to wonder, she starts to wonder is this   Guy dating other women? Well he must be because 
most guys give me a lot of attention so he must   Be with another woman. Good. If she's thinking 
that that's great. She's starting to think that  

You're a catch, that other women like you. And 
women like this data. The data of knowing other   Women like you tell her that there's something 
to be liked and that sucks her in even more. She   Might even be outwardly complaining to you. She 
might say you're a really bad texter or you're   Just not texting me enough. Or why aren't you 
texting me more? I will make a video on this soon,   But let's just say that that is in the top 10 
best things you could ever hear from a woman.   Now I have a friend who's actually really good 
with women and he started to date this woman for   A little bit and he broke the rule because he just 
got caught up in how attracted that he was to her.   What did he do? Well she said you know you're not 
really good at texting and then he thought well   I should probably text her more. Even though he 
knew deep down inside it's probably not something   He should do he did it anyways. And he started 
to text her more and give her more attention   In between dates and what do you know – magically 
her interest started to wane. Now you might think   But Tripp I'd love to text her more, I want to 
be connecting with her all the time throughout   The week and I don't like these games. This is 
so gamey. This is not gamey. This is just the   Reality. And also you should be busy on your path 
and your purpose. You should be on your mission,   Doing your work, hanging with friends, doing 
your hobbies. You should be dating other women,   Especially in the very beginning of you dating 
someone that you're interested in. That way you   Don't get into the scarce mentality and start 
to text a lot and then you end up pushing her   Away. These are the rules of attraction. There are 
things that women do that make you attracted and   If they say oh I wish it wasn't like this, I wish 
I didn't have to dress like this, or be this fit   Or be this feminine. I wish I didn't have to do 
that ah well then they won't get the man that they   Want. This is the rules of how men and women come 
together. And just hope and pray that one day you   Get a girl to say to you man you're a bad texter 
because at that point you know that you have her.   And not once in the history of me being a coach 
for men in the past 12 to 15 years of experience   In this, I've never heard one woman break it off 
with a guy who they've already seen a couple times   On dates because he was a bad texter, because 
they didn't chit chat and hang out and talk a lot   In between dates. Not once have I ever heard that 
story. And if that story ever exists and you have   That story it's not because of that. It's because 
she just wasn't really that interested in you.   The next step at this point is now you have her 
hooked on you, you have her completely into you,   And if you have trouble getting to the point where 
you are getting a lot of dates and where it just   Seems impossible to even have the opportunity to 
ignore a woman, you want to check out my Hooked   Program. It's an eight to ten hour video course 
that teaches you my signature TED method tension   Entertainment and dominance which is going to 
help you attract the women that you really want   And really desire and get more first dates so you 
can start playing the ignore game, as they say,   And be able to get her even more attracted 
to you. There's a link in the description  

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helped you and I'll see you on the next video.

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